How will this change the video game industry?

How will this change the video game industry?

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>USA is the only country in the world that has mass shootings almost on a daily basis
>videogames are the problem
You guys are fucking retarded.

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It should be a requirement when purchasing a firearm to bring in a written legal testimony from at least one (1) sexual partner.

Not only that but nothing about the last 2 shootings relate to Vidya and infinity chan pol isn't particularly into Vidya if at all. I know some people on there think it's just another degenerate form of escapism to keep people docile and distracted. This is the sort of stupid response school shootings get but a 22 year old white supremacist shooting up a Walmart is because of video games? it's less coherent than the usual attacks on the industry.

>those stats
Why aren't these fucking gun hoarders around when shit pops off?

So you want Chads and girls to own guns? Divorce rates are increasing, user.

>more guns than people

Jesus christ

>day 30,920 videogames get scapegoated
And life goes on

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Nothing is gonna happen. Everyone is just out trying to get their max clout and money out of the incident before everyone forgets this in a week or two.

Nobody even remembers New Zealand anymore, it's like ancient history.

literally last week everyone was bitching about gamers all being alt right incel white supremacist mass shooters


probably a whole lot of nothing since all that really ever came out of this was the esrb.

Let it die. Just let all this shit fucking die already.

I thought the whole there is more gun than people in the US was just a meme

more creativity less samey first person shooters hopefully

>right-wing, white supremacist, mass shooters, incels

Sounds about right.

>talking about how dangerous America is without taking population size into account
Why do retards keep doing this?

>almost on a daily basis
the US actually averages more than one mass shooting per 24 hours

Based trump. Do anime next.

based lie down and give up doomer

Fudds don't leave their rural backwood huts. Most of these shootings take place in large urban centers where less people own gun or carrying isn't typically legal.



Why dont they just ban mass shootings?

Because "mass shooting" can refer to stuff like Walmart and stuff like three niggas bein' shot because they think they thug lyfe.

i hope more people are shot.
actually as i post this they are being shot in chicago, illinois and baltimore, maryland.

nothing, trump needed an out that wouldnt cost him the gun voters and NRA

Just ban guns already.

>B-b-but what if we need to stop the evil government :(

Trump is President, so guns have failed at stopping a corrupt government. They’re pretty good at stopping children, though.

meanwhile on the other side of the coin
>Of course videogames don't turn people into serial killers
>but fanservice and sexy women in media turns people into misogynist rapist.

just destroy it all, there is no way to win with this morons

come on doomer, don't give up yet

mass shooting is a shooting event with at least 4 people shot. the definition has remained consistent for years.

This isn't 1993. Nobody case about blood in video games any more. We want big titty waifus to masturbate too, and it's the Democrats who are trying to take that away from us.

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Well CoD and GTA would die along with console sales.

and this is why you morons lose in 2016
you can't in to debate.
you only know name calling others

>US: 5.30 murders per 100,000 people
>Sudan: 5.16 murders
>Somalia: 4.31 murders

Even if you adjust for population, you’re safer living with literal African warlords than in Burgerland.

That's exactly my point. The vast majority of our mass shootings are gang violence in cities like Chicago, Detroit, and Baltimore.

Why do narratives like"videogames cause violence", "the earth is flat", and "vaccines cause autism" become popular, then vanish for years then suddenly come back? All three of those things were considered settled until a few years ago, now people are seriously debating them again as if we haven't already proven them to be false. Same goes for "global warming is actually a hoax".

>city subhumans whine about needing more gun laws
>get shot
>podunk cletus hicks live outside of the concrete jungle with their array of firearms
>don't get shot
maybe people should stop being so addicted to consumer trash and not corral themselves into their own demise

I agree, those beta bluepilled basedboy tranny commie NPC cucks will never win people over with name-calling.

Not if you have a gun

Come and take it.

I'd honestly rather be shot by some deranged white kid than burned alive or beheaded.

There's a difference between media making you more violent and more misogynist. One is more active and changes your behavior in extreme ways and the other changes your perception of something. Anime garbage is especially bad for how it portrays women and is likely responsible for why 99% of you just want a cute, shy, submissive moeblob girl IRL and see women that are even the slightest bit more assertive or confident as undesirable.

What if they have bigger guns?

Did he mention anything about more gun control?

That page also seems to debunk the whole "UK is more dangerous than the US because of knives" nonsense.

They need to blame something cause racism and keeping minorities down is all they have going for them

>Even if you adjust for population, you’re safer living with literal African warlords than in Burgerland.
Only if you're black or Hispanic. The odds of getting murdered in America if you're white are pretty low.

Source on Somalia?
>WHO Estimate
Oh. So no data.