We done time traveled to the 90s, niggers.
Other urls found in this thread:
>TV in the oval office
>Barron playing Fortnite
I really hate americans desu.
hopefully he bans all jap games so all weeb pedophiles start to sperg out
I hate you too user
Then how is this site exist, then?
Hopefully he bans edgy gorefest games like Mortal Kombat
How does banning video games stop or prevent shooters like the one in Las Vegas who was an old bastard that most likely didn't play video games?
I'd love to see him force game companies to release their sales and online records so that all gamers can be traced and arrested.
They still make plasma tvs?
chill out. it's meaningless political deflection instead of giving in to people who are going to shred our remaining constitutional rights
>instead of giving in to people who are going to shred our remaining constitutional rights
They're the ones controlling the government.
>Trump bans all systems except the XBone
>crime nosedives since there aren't any games to play
>Video games don't cause people to become mad or viol-
>check the list
>shit like Wolfenstein: TNO, fallout 4(?), CoD, the evil within (??)
>no GTA, no Hitman, no postal
i like how 3 of them come from zenimax/bethesda
yes that is the gist of the 2016 elections
where have you been?
Gotta keep lining the NRAs pocket books, yep.
Too bad porn hasn't also gone back to the 90s
>big hair
>big tits
the 2020 elections
>people do not have anger issues unless they play video games
Post list
How about fix the problem and ban asocial retards from buying guns without a psych evaluation. Then only the good people own guns.
more 90s if trump wins, if not then we get a full bleeding assfuck into the 2010's, skipping over 2000-2009.