What is the best core/difficulty to play this on? I lost all my shit falling into lava in an online server waiting room...

what is the best core/difficulty to play this on? I lost all my shit falling into lava in an online server waiting room, not realising I would lose all my stuff. I'm annoyed and considering going softcore.

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literally who gives a shit, just play how you want to

Mediumcore. It adds more depth to gameplay and is not as quick and easy as softcore. Play Normal first, then Expert.

Softcore Expert mode. Everything else sucks dick. Losing your shit ain't fun. Also get your own opinion, this one is mine.

>just play how you want to
Shit excuse, because "How you want to" is subjective, which means you can change it and adapt it, and learn to want better things.
Doing things "because you want to" is not a sufficient justification.

This is pretty good tho.

Normal softcore is fine unless you're a dope who looks up bosses and makes exploitative boss arenas. If you don't cheese the game, it's challenging enough on normal soft. Else, look forward to losing everything the first time you attempt a post-golem boss or event.

>"How you want to" is subjective
Yes. Exactly. So play how you want to.

well, I got it at the recommendation of so many anons praising it, so I want to experience what they did, I guess.

I'm currently on mediumcore normal. I don't like to cheat but I'm going to use inventory editor to get my stuff back, because I just wanted to see what multiplayer was like before going to bed and didn't expect to lose all my stuff

Nice opinion, mind if I just port that to my brain? thanks

Read the rest of the post, thanks.

of course its subjective and anyone can "change and adapt it" as they wish
>"because you want to" is not a sufficient justification
justification for what?
if you dont like the difficulty, lower it, if its too easy raise it

I bet you didn't lose anything important. Also, try to stockpile things.

easy - you keep all your items, lose half your money
medium - lose all your items but you can retrieve them if you can get to your point of death
hardcore - you die for good
thats it, choose whatever sounds appealing to you

As a first time player, all the gold, iron and tin I mined was very important. sure, not in late game, but still, I am annoyed

do you have the option to pick the other half of your money up?

yes you can as long as you dont log out, then all the coins on the ground will be deleted

Play whatever you're comfortable with at first. Experiment with more difficult shit later.
My most enjoyable run thus far has been a sort of "lich" run. I played on hardcore, but used the same world between characters. Whenever I died, I would lose whatever items I had on that character, but I also had all of my old items and shit in my house so that starting over wasn't such a pain in the ass. This added some new gameplay which I hadn't experienced in Terraria before. It made basebuilding and npc/world management somewhat more meaningful. I had more incentive to groom the world beyond my house. It made stockpiling extra gear, money, items, much more important. It made the use of piggybanks extremely dangerous - you'd get more inventory space, but you'd lose twice as much shit whenever you died.
I also played as a mage to really get into the lich rp.

That's actually pretty cool. I've always loved liches in games but not many games offer me this. ToME4 was the closest I got.

What is the mage shit about? You can get spells? And I think I heard someone say it's possible to get guns too. Is that right?

Yes to both. There are a ton of magic items and weapons that consume mana when used. There are also tons of ranged weaponry, to include bows and guns with a wide variety of arrows/ammo

Autism - The Post

Softcore is the default mode for most players. I find it the most enjoyable as Terraria has many items that are extremely rare and thus frustrating to lose. In comparison, in Minecraft the best gear, diamonds, are very easily obtained. Money is also still important so losing half of it is still a good penalty. As for the difficulty of the world, I recommend normal for first time or alone, expert for more experienced players. Mediumcore and Hardcore characters should be reserved for special runs like

there are 4 "classes":
melee (close combat)
ranger (the one with the guns)
your character is not linked with a class, the items you use is what defines what class are you. You can change at in any moment, even in combat.
And there are a lot of items

Just play the game you absolute fucking darling. Stop spoiling yourself on such a wonderful experience.

Gotta admit this is pretty based, wish there were more games with permadeath that let you keep playing in the same world

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watch your mouth or I'll play this damn game right fucking now! (actually setting up a new world and about to jump in)

Softcore normal for your first playthrough, then softcore expert, mediumcore is retarded and unfun, hardcore is interesting but only do it once you're good at the game, expert mode is really fun and worth playing but also extremely difficult

For your second run I'd recommend looking into mods.
Thorium is the best one, adds like a whole game of content (heaps of bosses, two classes, heaps of items).

i think i'm playing either soft or mediumcore, one world is in expert, one is not. Played on both worlds with same char, currently doing the weird ass towers iirc, 2 down, 2 to go.
am i far from the last boss?

softcore is best
minecraft mode isnt good for terraria where you cant get fucked in 0.001 seconds
