Why is this a thing?

why is this a thing?

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yeah its so hilariously cringy lmao

me, an intelectual, on the midde

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it's not gay if they look like women, seethe more

they dont look like a women though

>mfw i literally only play mr bones

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He doesn't look like a woman, not even remotely.

>if they look like women,

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it is gay if you know they are men.

some do
no shit it's not even a real tranny

Bruh it is 100 percent gay to want to have sex with a biological male just admit it. It's 2019 nothing wrong with being honest with yourself.

Just looks like the average Jewish girl from New York

So having sex with Buck Angel is 100% straight?

Please, please leave your mom's basement once in a while

jesus christ what the fuck is that


An ugly, fat nerd trying to appeal to other ugly, fat nerds.

U mad Ben?

>that beard shadow on the chin
youre not fooling anyone nigger


Why would I be about you being a beta who can't get any girls?

why is the fgc full of rapists?

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looks like not only projecting, but also reaching. If you want to suck dick so bad im not going to stop you, but that thing is clearly male.

I'm confused, is assfaggots a type of game?

Golem get ye gone.


When will James Kelly finally hang himself?

You cope with being a beta who can't get any girls.

>u-u can't get girls haha
lmao is that the best you got? fucking retard
>clearly male
no it isn't, only a copelet would say that

Is having sex with Buck Angel 100% straight though?

I hope he does it soon. Getting sick of his beta orbiters shilling his shit on Yea Forums constantly

can't spell faps without fps

Nice mental gymnastics there pal.

>MMO Players

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If you could get girls then you wouldn't like trannies in the first place. You never see Chad's dating trannies, it's just betas who can't get a girl.

Lol, hots, etc

it's a term from before your time Yea Forums used for mobas

god thats disgusting

I am convinced he has no orbiters here and its the freak himself.

I have never even seen a tranny irl, I just have the correct opinion


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nudes available, google "taftaj"


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The feats the guy is doing on the bottom is more incredible and thus makes him more professional and experienced, making his argument the correct one.

No, that's also gay. Fucking or fapping to any trans person is gay.

Where are my based Dawngate chads?

coping over what again? Youre the one that wants to suck a dick, not me, so please go suck a dick, but dont try to hide it behind the fact that they look female to you, which they dont

cope assfaggot tranny.

Aeon of Strife Styled Fortress Assault Game Going On Two Sides

he still looks pretty cute

fps need fast reaction and fast thinking, cant do that when you're fat




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FPS Chads unite

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Only North American mobafags are trannies. Europeans are chads.

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>People actually play MOBAs

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I just want a tranny to use me like this water bottle

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damn, at last I see it
gamers are truly ugly...

sneaky doesnt look bad
I still would.

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why is he crying?


Starcraft scene has the cutest trannies

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Nice photoshop and 2kg of makeup bro

Picture is spot on. Starcraft is so painful to play, you need to be dead inside for it.

>Not wanting to get dressed up by your cute Cosplay GF

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is that a tranny?

dont spoonfeed newfags

"A fight ensued"

Also known as "my white knight lost but actual security showed up anyway"

So... it is straight then?

>Only North Americans are trannies. Europeans are chads.


Jesus Christ. This is the cutest thing traps have going for them and it's hideious. Pinkpillers and cucks settling for traps on sucidie watch, as per usual.

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NGL, I would fucking rail Sneaky.
t. bi master race

xd bazinga

shes kinda cute

>bi master race
lol this mutant thinks hes normal

>I would fuck a chubby balding manlet
Yep sure sounds ''bi''. Aka prison gay.

So how exactly did 'assfaggots' come about? Did someone just string some words together to make a goofy ass insult and then make a backronym of it?

You're gay. Full stop.

El Abominacion...

Quake is the chaddest esports prove me wrong


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I think there's a difference, but I'm not afraid of catching the gay.

No, there is no difference. You're just gay or bi.


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Yes. It was during a period that Valve was pushing the equally meaningless "Action RTS" as the name of the genre. So you'd have MOBA vs. ARTS shitflinging and then other people said "shut up you're all ASSFAGGOTS." Aeon of Strife is the SC mod partial progenitor of Dota.

spotted the am*rican

Crossdressing is just LoL. You should make a dota one with fear showing his 10 inch python

you forgot about masturbawoman in the moba pics


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i can't really didn't really
didn't one quake winner get carmac's Ferrari 328?

ultra chad 90000

Oh wow i completely forgot about masturbawoman lol. Still post fear's footlong schlong

Sorry Lads but I'm a dirty leafcuck
We're all fucked

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Doesn't dota have a good amount of jacked dudes in the pro scene?

>i can't really didn't really

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hey leafs are still whiter than usa

Why would I call myself gay or bi if I'm not attracted to regular men? That's what people would assume if I told them that. Language is supposed to be useful.

clean my up spell mistake

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My bi and I find sneaky, cosplaying or not, fuckable as fuck.

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You are attracted to regular men. Sneaky is a chubby balding male. You're not straight.

Nice try trapfaggots you guys are complete faggots billy said so

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Why would you call yourself straight if you want to fuck a man?

No way the cook was a quake player
Provide me sauce