Just got back from EVO, gonna share some of the wildlife I encountered

Just got back from EVO, gonna share some of the wildlife I encountered.

Exhibit A: the rare makotofag in public

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I was expecting a different Makoto.

I had not fully realized the extent of this man's illness

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nice photo faggot, how about resizing it a little bit

>rocking a Zone pin when he hasn't produced anything good in years

don't blow your bandwidth making awful posts now, grandpa

Egregious samefagging, I can tell by the number of posters being 3. Nice try.

Is that it? Come on you must have more than just a retard with waifu pins

OP this is gay as fuck so far redeem yourself right now

>taking a pic of strangers to show your imaginary friends on Yea Forums
>they aren't even that shocking or jarring, just some semi-cringy pins at the worst

This is the worst you could find at Evo, really?

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OP here, I've got way more. Just give me a sec.

A better Makoto

It takes a special kind of loser to go to an event like EVO and try to make yourself feel cool by insulting others. At least the guys in your pic have the balls to be out like that in public while you hide behind a screen. KYS faggot, nobody here or anywhere else likes you.

>grown adult
>carrying a backpack

>Can't handle 2MB

wtf I hate Qanba now

>pinning shit to your bag
Fucking homo cunts


Exhibit B:

Attached: Faggot OP.png (767x360, 162K)

OP absolutely destroyed

I bet you're the kind of guy who takes photos of kids playing at Gamestop and complain about how they're casuals.

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>hanging out with my brother’s friends
>looking at a thread on my phone and makoto just happens to be on the screen
>bros friend gets closer to me and looks at my phone

Not into this, OP.

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relax, it's hist first (or only) picture... why are you getting defensive so quickly

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odd as it is, those shoes with the rest of his apparel are even more egregious than virginpins
was he trying to be "like the joker" but forgot to pay attention to colors?

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>the most efficient container for traveling

What is wrong with modern men holy shit. Please grow the fuck up and stop carrying backpacks. You're 30 and balding, not a school kid anymore

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what does the woman who posted this look like? kinda curious

Don't forget that was a landwhale the one taking the pic, one who was desperate for attention.
Are you another landwhale desperate for attention too?

Shut the fuck up faggot, some of us have jobs and have to carry more than a fucking macbook.

Stupid negro

>was he trying to be "like the joker"
he's wearing jeans and a t-shirt what is this fucking schizophrenia

fuckin based

is that you in the picture? I have a feeling this isn't yoru first post in the thread and you are so insecure at how everyone is reacting to cringe people irl
it's ok dude, I have a feeling you stay more time indoors, don't you? breath deep and relax. try going out at night next time you want to buy food

Not him but those shoes are terrible. Not seeing the problem with jeans and a tshirt though.

Can you guys post some examples of a /fa/ bag that will make me look like an adult?

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If you had a worthwhile job, you'd need a briefcase, not a backpack. Stay sub six

Doesn't mean Zone isn't still good.

A more Kino Makoto?

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just get a jansport and dab on the retards who dont use backpacks

dressing like /fa/ is even more cringe. better to just embrace the incel look

those backpacks are meant to hold your stick idiots lol

Cmon man he's not even showing your face, you'll be fine.

You sure read a lot into what some anime kid's cloths standing in line for fast food at a video game event.

Just use a backpack. In any city where you're able to get places without a car fucking everyone has one.

>using sticks
As if anyone needed further confirmation these two beta male specimens in the OP image were virgins


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No, the one who took that pic was a blond Stacey. you misremember.

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Probably fat and has colored hair.

>there are people who unironically unsarcastically seriously for real think there is literarily anything wrong with wearing a backpack

Wear what you like. But remember: whatever you do wear, wear it with confidence.

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yes, I just saw the pattern on his shows and matched it with joker's alternate outfit, since the guy is clearly very into persona. find somebody else to get angry, maybe look in a mirror or something

Just use a backpack bro, you're falling for the /fa/ equivalent of the water and celery meme.

Only women dislike backpacks.

Ah yes, the "minorities are actually kind and wont rape and behead me" starter pack

no, her name is christine sydelko, look her up, she is anything but a blond stacy

No you don't understand, they are supposed to carry their shit with them at all times. Gotta look /fa/ at a fucking fighting game tournament after all.

>he doesnt know
Oh you poor fool.


Boston Bomber ruined backpacks. Now you can only bring clear plastic bags to events.

lad they are at a shitty game event, it ain't fashion week in Paris. nothing horrific, you are bein hysterical.

Has Yea Forums never heard of an itabag before?

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people going to a videogame event being elitist? why not nerds unite anymore? op is a normal fag that pretends to be a gamer. whats the matter op? too useless to get into sports or dumb to get a high income job?

only an outsider attacks gamers. real gamers talk about games they like ignore.. not hate on those they dont, and play videogames. if you dont care to observe these practies then fuck off to a nerdhate board. gamers only here please.

also video game porn and loli/furry/waifu shit isnt videogame so fuck off with that too.

keep the childlike appearance chums, more gamer puss for me

You have serious mental problems. Backpacks are infinitely more efficient than suitcases.

is this the limit of the american otaku

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>why yes i take photos of random people and post them on Yea Forums in an attempt to seek validation from my fellow redd- anons, how did you know?

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I'm leaving Evo right now. I got to meet the Under night developer and get a picture with him.

who even cares about this shit lmao

Faggot you arent going to be taking a hiking backpack to work, no wonder you dont have a job if you're bumming around the city with something that carries your tent

Reddit is that way, faggot.

op, are you that guy who took a picture of that kid playing on an xbox?

The one in OP is a pudgy indian girl who looks like she has to shave her beard off daily, iirc.

How much of a loser do you have to be to even manage to see "joker's alternate outfit" in some random guys cloths?
He looks like the "Im dark xD :3" kids from the 90's, get out more and stop reading comic books

I'm back guys, sorry about the weight

Exhibit B: the Brapdemon

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That bitch is just fat.

you often take creepshots of strangers?

Stop looking cringe in public if you dont want to be shamed for it, faggot

you have redeemed yourself godspeed

why do americans cosplay when they're this fucking fat
do they realize they look like shit?

Keep it up, user. having a good laugh. People hating on it are just insecure betas who can't go out during the day without some car full of teens pulling up next to them to point and laugh

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Is this guy /fa/ approved?

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Then get going there normalfag

you clearly don't since you're le depressed and don't leave the house, but some of us have no problem with looking good

>Going to any kind of con or video game event in your entire life

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>do they realize they look like shit?
Fatties have no self awareness.

yeah, unlike this faggot I support the good Makoto

Attached: Normal_Makoto_Kikuchi_Mobage_Transparent.png (640x832, 58K)

I want that Mika to sit on me.

holy mother of samefaggotry

>Conversation about dressing cool and looking good on 4channelel
>Beta recessed chin men instantly think of /fa/ for reference
Okay, this is cringe

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>>rocking a Zone pin when he hasn't produced anything good in years
Well yeah, he hasn't produced anything at all in years.

Why am I not surprised to see he’s a manlet with a child haircut.

Colonel Jamal Sanders

far right and 2 left look good

but OP hasn't take a selfie yet

I have to carry three laptops for work. A backpack is easier for that.

This but unironically, the amount of fatties triggered itt is already worth it.


>going around taking photos of people to talk about them on Yea Forums
Very sad.

This is actually the worst thread Yea Forums had in a while.

>dat neck

Someone make one of those edits with funny names and backstory/superpowers, pls.

Go back to your basedjack shitpost thread, nigger.

also where's roof?

reminds me of those fat guys who always get roasted on Yea Forums for doing the same.

yeah the fatties and virginboys seething in this thread is frankly pathetic

unironically just copy Kojima if you want to fix your shitty fashion sense

Attached: kojima-1--1168912-1280x0.jpg (1280x718, 57K)

You sound /pol/.

Sorry if this thread made some of you angry, that want the intention, I just wanted to share the variety of my experience at EVO.

Exhibit C: I realize its not obvious from the back, but these two men were black muslim disciples that had come to play Tekken. I got a pic while they were at 1-UP. I thought this was an interesting contrast from the saturation of trannies and hambeasts I had seen earlier.

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I can't even tell what reality is anymore. I know the one with dylan is photoshopped but is the guy's neck also photoshopped here.

>guilty gear
sounds okay
what a pleb

please shave and fix your hair before you go to your next gaming convention, lazy neet

Attached: 8879.png (500x240, 41K)

>Sorry if this thread made some of you angry, that want the intention,
are you brain damaged user? be glad we're giving you attention this is the only time you're going to get it

Why do videogame enthusiasts never have a clue when it comes to fashion?

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Naw, it's real. It's the angle though.

>leaving the exo in the the image files
You realise taking unauthorised photos of people in public is a fine of up to $1000 in Las Vegas right?

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>lanky man in his 50s larping as a biker

Is that really her (him)?

Are you ESL?

i wish i had a shemale gf

Let me guess, you were the kid whose parents bought them New Balance instead of Air Jordans?

post the real one, yes you know wich one lol.

>his grown ass adult self carries around an musty old Jansport

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damn you're upset
how long since you last left your room? (not counting EVO or another expo/anime/video game con)

rinked and roinked scoob

Kojima is fucking cringe with his fashion, always reminds me of that old facebook image with the emo guy clearly in his 40s. You only think he looks good because you like his games. There's a reason why everyone laughs at you wearing the Drive scorpion jacket, but not Kojima

>this is what the smug anime girl poster looks like on Yea Forums

Just keep posting more. The downtime lets people argue about the dumbest shit.

>german empire flag
yo das raycis

>He doesn't carry a messenger bag
Lmaoing at you testlets

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There's no point to wearing Air Jordans if you aren't playing basketball, people generally try to wear them only when playing Basketball to keep them in better condition.

I had to.

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So OP was samefagging all this time? lol

>not a fanny pack
not very /fa/ of you

>using the generic anime protagonist bag
yikes, you can smell the virginity form here


nice purse sissy

I don't even watch anime, is that a real thing?

>furry isn't videogames

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What a boring jokes dude.

please stop posting pictures of me...