What is your opinion on the new Wolfenstein's character designs? :^)

What is your opinion on the new Wolfenstein's character designs? :^)

Attached: how women look like in western games.png (925x392, 536K)

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They made the black one the most attractive lmao, still a 6/10 over the 4/10 dykes behind her.

damn right looks good as fug without her armor

I'd smash

Who exactly were they trying to appeal to with this game?

Wasn't the last game set in alternate-universe 1960's? Why do they look so contemporary? Was there another timejump?

Attached: 1531153311126.jpg (600x600, 129K)

Totally the same as sjw marvel comics. These are new stereotypes/token characters. Black female scientist/engeneer is a prime example of that.

It's unironically embarrassing.

sjw devs showing black wocs of strong power down our throat that are always 100% ugly as fuck is ironically the most white supremacist thing I can think of

We ain' done with these nazis!


Pic related

Attached: brainlet feminist.png (214x236, 9K)

Neo Nu Wolfenstein is 80s

I sorta stopped playing when you realized the Nazis we're the good guys.

I've loved the black haired one since the game was shown, though there was one piece of art where she looked hideous.
Blonde one looks fine but her hairstyle is atrocious (and I fucking love sidecuts so it's real bad)


Attached: 1552780896307.png (398x397, 152K)

I don't know if it's art imitating life or life imitating art, but it's not hard to find cunts like this in cafés and humanities campuses.

was it ever confirmed if TNO had any last minute changes to the story?
the Cabbalistic arc seemed entirely self-contained and i had this feeling they had to add it because they made the Nazis look too cool
i mean what's a few dead undesirables if you have personal computers, Moon bases and continent-spanning rapid public transportation in the '60s?

They look like they complain on Twatter about games they don't play.

desu the black haired one looks cute

those "women" look hideous

>chartacter designs

I swear to god those look like you picked three random women from the street and made their models. I cannot believe someone got paid to "design" those characters.

Attached: wolfensteinyoungblood1.jpg (1000x588, 94K)

I’d fug the cutie on the right. You wouldn’t even have to pay me

>game bad if no make pp hard

Kill the Nigger (obvious), Fuck the black haired, Marry the blonde