Where were you when violent videogames were banned?

where were you when violent videogames were banned?

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Wtf I love Hillary now?!

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why did you post this again after the last one was moved

oh no I was so excited for Call of Duty 27. I guess I'd better download the other seven thousand shooters before they are banned.

Trump can take my violent video games when he pries them from my cold dead hands.

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She's right, you know.

They surely can't be both wrong, right?

>mass shootings before video games were popular
>mass shootings after video games became popular

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neocons bet on the wrong horse


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The real problem is your joke of a healthcare system, burgers

Fuck this. I’m moving to Canada or Australia where they have real freedom. This country is done.

>get less american propaganda military shooters paid for by the Pentagon
based. no more war in the middle east and yes white phosphorous is an internationally recognized chemical weapon.

Today she's right.

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Deplatforming works.

I was laughing.

I will support violent video game banning if only because it will kill the AAA cancer in the industry


Why the fuck wasn't this done years ago?


infinitychan was just deleted and nobody cares or even mentions it anymore.

Considering all the knife attacks in the UK and fucking grenade attacks in Sweden? Nah.

More like your fat, greasy hands. Am I right, incel?

/pol/ doesn't want to see their mistake in action.

actually USA has more knife murders per capita than the UK, just nobody talks about it because your gun problem is so wildly out of control
UK's biggest problem is not even worth mentioning when it applies to the USA, that's how fucked your country is

it'll back up soon

Far left: violent video games need to be banned, come on its [current year]
Trump: video games need to be banned
Far left: oh my god how could he say such a thing!

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>>>/LGBT/ go back tranny

>Fem Freq
>literally who website that is borderline bankrupt and down to 2 staffers
>The fucking president of the United States
Damn, they're literally the same!

Oh, so the problem isn't guns? Gee I wonder what it could be then, maybe demographics might have something to do with it? Nah couldn't be, not like Mexico and Africa are both horrible crime-ridden shitholes and make up half of the US population, right?

trump is literally taking a page out of hillarys book

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>it was a jewish false flag!
The actual state of /pol/

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it's not like he can actually do anything, he'll whinge about it on twitter for a little bit and then just promptly forget about the shootings
even though I would enjoy violencefags getting btfo by their daddy trump

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>Mexico and Africa are both horrible crime-ridden shitholes and make up half of the US population
This is what happens when your household only reads the bible.

Good luck. First Amendment still applies to video games, so the government can't touch them.

But user you dont understand she is a woman and she was married to BILL CLINTON (a man)

Surely healthcare didn’t cause this violent shooting? Are you really saying that, you dumb ass european?

Why are most US mass shootings committed by whites?

Since when has this government given a shit about laws?

Meh kind of. America has absolutely atrocious mental health help compared to most other first world countries