Monster Hunter Thread

Monster Hunter Thread

Giggichads where you at? It's /ourtime/

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Other urls found in this thread: Window

give me qurupeco or give me death

giv chammy

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Steve's Seve and Feve

Is there a site that crosses the monsters from MH in the way that the pokemon version does?


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A moment of silence for those who are having a generational nap.

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Wheres the fucking trailer?


top or bottom

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Lagi, was shit.
His gimmick was shit.
His fight was shit.
His weapons were shit.
He has a nice design, but that doesn't help the fact that he's just not good.

Are you asking about my sexual preference, or...

>didn't like CB in MHGen
>pick it up again in XX
>try it with Brave/Valor
>slow as fuck and half the movesets gone
>charge it up
>infinite shield
>literal gundam evasion with guard points up the ass
>sheathing is literally just iframe galore
>can SAED up the ass
>that new phial combo
>hunts ending faster than usual
This is beyond unbalanced but holy fuck I'll take it

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Eyeless monsters are so cute

Sorry stevefags but gore is in

Plesioth made me drop Freedom Unite and I'm not even sorry.
Fuck whoever designed that shit.


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I just started World its my first MH game. Seems pretty childish and boring so far. I have to hunt some turkey looking thing now

Is heavy pistol worth using?

I will continue believing that Gore, Seregios and Valstrax are in.

Heavy Pistol is pretty good.




This fucker is too cool to die with Frontier

>3d audio

>scroll around innexus mod manager
>see this
What am i supposed to get from this

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Frontier has better designs than 4th Gen nintengarbage. Laviente is better than any 4th Gen monster.

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Man, Tri’s OST is so good.

Why didn’t they bring this event back for World?

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I never did training quests in GU. What do I miss?


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Just don't respond
Great taste though

>the girros army.

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God i miss Tetsucabra
Berserk Tetsu especially

ik hes baiting but tetsushilling is my gimmick and i gotta plug him somehow

Don't play with my fucking heart did giggnox seriously get confirmed

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Monster Hunter 6 got leaked. Here's Gunner gameplay

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Geckos are so fucking creepy, they should make a monster out of them

>Velkhana is an unironic alatreon reskin

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What did you expect really
Still hopeful about the fight tho

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It was a trick. We deceived you.

>those ioprey literally fucking evaporated

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I just started playing World again for the first time since release. What do?

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No. They just didn't answer when asked whether Khezu is in or not but instead confirmed there will be one monster that hangs from the ceiling. People assume it's Gigginox.

I hope Alatreon actually gets in and they didn’t just scrap him for Velkhana.

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Event quests, get all the good shit.

I'm 100% certain that the original Alatreon leak was supposed to be Alatreon but it got scrapped, reskinned, and changed to Velkhana for Iceborne.

That is what I’m afraid of.

Nerscylla's probably hoping for too much.

guy from last thread who asked a bunch of people who their favorite game was
glad to see a bunch of 4U lads here, I'd 100% set up a room if I had the time

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They would never do that, they know how much people like Alatreon and they aren't pushing Velkhana nearly as hard as Nergigante

What do I have to do in order to get 4U to run at 100% speed and 60 FPS on Citra?

I think I've got all the event quests I need done, what challenge quests in the arena award worthwhile stuff? Is that where the beetle layered armor is?

Not him but what are the best ones to tackle
Aside from Greatest Jagras, I'm already kind of bored of that.

The Vespoid, Pink Rath, and Nergi challenges give tickets for armored and layered sets. The latter ones that have Street Fighter themed titles not the generic ones.

Is Nerg really going to job to a pansy ice dragon bitch with a beak?

But CB is shit in both of those games.

Only so he can have a training montage and come back as Ruiner Nergigante to ruin her.

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Look at those eyes and tell me it’s not a girl.

did CAPCOM confirm that khezu is not in?

We failed to protect him

I'm gonna start playing MHW, which weapon should I choose? light bowgun or long sword?

Killed Valstrax 9* village in GU.
Should I do the Hub quests (didn't do any of them) or continue 10 star village?

>They would never do that
How naive.
>they know how much people like Alatreon
The devs also know how popular Lagiacrus is, but they specifically deconfirmed him within the last few days.

look closer,they get split in two

But for now LS

Ideally you would have done hub and village concurrently, but it's a bit late for that so just start hub as soon as possible.

If they went to the trouble of making an Alatreon clone you can be sure they'll put Alatreon in the game sooner or later, probably post-release.

This. For fucks sakes there's a Glav subspecies in there AND hellblade

Seriously, just try them all and see what you like. They give you one of everything at the start for a reason.

Then later confirmed they were talking about viper tobi after it was revealed.

Yeah but that’s because they were incompetent. There’s already half a dozen Kush skeletons in the game, there is no excuse.

Pretty much
They made 2 Lavasioth clones AND put in Lavasioth

oh, I thought you had to choose one in the character selection

Fatalis needs to be in before Alatreon, bingnegros.

Capcom will find a way to fuck it up.

Why'd they have to nerf Glaive's extract buffs in World?
Would have been nice to get Earplugs 5 by using orange+white in conjunction with a few earplugs decorations.
Plus where's my aerial style vault attack?

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Monster Hunter only started being good on Nintendo consoles

I mean, it and oroshi were in the original leak. There were dummied out filed for their armor in the game files. And Alatreon's ID is even in the monster folder. (oddly Oroshi Kirin's is not). Having said that, it doesn't mean they weren't canceled. Oroshi Kirin's so obvious with iceborne and so easy for them to do comparatively that I can't imagine it though. If Alatreon's in though, I imagine it'll still be post game dlc. Same with Fatalis if it gets in. Capcom's shifted them over to post game superboss status for lore reasons.

There's even a handy training area where you can practice all the moves out of combat.

Bold of you to assume Capcom would make the skeleton rather than simply repurpose the one they already have.

>charge blade in gu
man you're going to be disappointed

>caved in and bought world for pc
>can only play at 720p lowest 30 fps with drops
>no steam controller support
A-At least it's fun

Speaking of Glaive did I hear right they're buffing the base duration of extracts? I fucking hated playing IG without max rank power prolonger.

I just want to see the full list of monsters already, sick of waiting to see what is going to be there and what isn’t.


AT elders for nice gear or ATKT for RNG and bore


>I started the series on Nintendo consoles.

Why is Astalos such an asshole?

They just aren't sure how to balance a weapon that's fast moving, fast hitting, has unique defensive options, and isn't nearly as hard to upkeep as its contemporaries. So they just make it relatively weak instead.

They also don't seem to know what to do with the bug anymore.

But its great with Valor. If its bad, then what's good then? LS?

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Does ATKT drop bushi tickets? I killed her for the first time last night but didn't get one.
Though I did get a Mutagen for a failed Ancient Leshen attempt, that was sweet.

Literally no reason, he's just an absolute dick
By the way Astaloses also eat their own children

Fucking BASED that's my guy

She can but it isn’t guaranteed. You’ll get them from the post siege rewards.

She does, but more rarely than the old base version. It's probably takes way longer to make the bushi sets now.

How can you tell when Ancient Leshen is capturable? Are there points on the map somewhere I can increase my scoutfly level for it?


Valor style is good with Element CBs since those back-to-back EDs can output monstrous amount of elemental damage. The Blue Shield charge is not infinite and will expire when your Valor gauge is empty.

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You cannot capture the Leshen

As long as you're having fun.

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Lame, sucks that ATKT is the only option. I'm just trying to get all the layered armor I can.
Except drachen, I did extreme behemoth on PC and I don't wanna deal with that bullshit again.

I'm here my guy. All those hours burned in Tri and 3U are gonna pay off again.

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Oh, I must have misinterpreted that bounty for the nekker tickets.

the shield is infinite, but not the valor gauge so you can technically do SAEDs all day till that gauge is empty

Brainlet here, how do guard points work?

For that you need to go into a HR quest at night with Great Jagras, let him eat something then go back to his nest and puke it up for the kids. And the Nekker will run out for chow. Capture it with your net.

I never understood why people don't use the bug more, I've made tons of different ones with all sorts of elements. I take my poison/fire blunt bug to Lavasioth fights so I can simultaneously soften the head while applying poison and ko. And I don't even have to do anything, I just stick pheromones onto its head and the bug does the work for me.

Like this.

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I still gotta figure out everything I need to do for the regular leshen quest. I did the gajalaka side mission but apparently I missed something else. Don't wanna just read a spoiler, though.

>output monstrous amount of elemental damage
most retarded thing i've read all day
>inb4 no u
everyone knows cb in GU is total dogshit garbage that doesn't work properly and hits like a wet noodle but you're the only one who can't seem to accept that. It's fine to use since it's a flashy and fun to use weapon, but why pretend it's good?

You didn't save your bro.

Is Iceborne going to have a pause button? I'm not buying it if it doesn't.

No one fucking does SAED in XX you dirtbag.

The bug just isn't that effective compared to simply grabbing your essences and swinging away. At best it's got niche applications like heating lavasioth or poisoning AT xeno.

It doesn't, don't let the door hit you on the ass on your way out, wouldn't want you to be any more asshurt than you already are

The beak looks like a nose
The neck scales looks like a mouth

Didn't they say they're adding a pause feature for when you're in single player? Or was that another game with drop-in multiplayer?

No, why?
Extremely good question, probably out of sheer spite

I don't see it

Is CB really bad in GU? I thought it was alright in Valor

Should I just pick up Valor LS then? not too late for me to switch since its LR. I don't want to gimp myself like last time with GL in 3U

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Not really, it's still pretty good despite the nerf but one guy just hates it for some reason.

The only way it's usable is in Valor really, but compared to how it was in 4U and World, it's still absolute dog shit

Based retard defending an objectively poor version of the weapon because he enjoys it, and thus ignores the facts.

It's not that bad. It just requires you to use more of the Axe moveset, like the ED2 for example.


I don't know. I haven't been keeping up with any news at all which is why I asked.
So it's not getting a pause option?

if you're in LR it's fine to use whatever you want, but you should learn other weapons as you progress through the game.
LS and GS are great weapons to use with valor and probably the best melee weapons in GU.
I just find CB incredibly weak compared to it's other iterations and awful to use, especially when you start hitting GRank and fighting hypers.

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When is the next dev diary?

I’m getting impatient bros..

Off the top of my head I have never enjoyed the following;

Any Apex monster

But the monster that probably made me seethe most was 3U, my second game in the series after playing 30 hours of Tri (servers died).

Gigginox before I got Wroggi gear was some insurmountable wall at the time. Fuck he made me so mad.


the unholy trinity of shitter fights
they aren't hard. they're just really fucking onbnoxious/boring to fight

>tfw just remembered Steel Uragaan

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What LR LS weapon should I get to start with and invest? I just unlocked 4 stars

Sounds like you need to start using a gun.

Damn you ice witch

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Ancient Leshen
Still haven't beaten him in a pug despite going full support, in the later portions of the fight I run out of healing items and they all die before I can get back with more despite telling them they're on their own.

That's the thing though, you don't have to do one or the other. For a second or two of investment mid-battle to apply pheromones, my bug gets at least fifty points of damage, dust all over the place (that does damage too) and flinches for me to take advantage of. It means the bug can rack up significant damage and utility over the course of battle if one simply puts work into raising the kinsect army, matches element to weakness and actually makes use of the bug AI.

It's always a good idea to make weapons from monsters that you fight early on so that you can upgrade them right at the start of a rank, so I imagine the ore/great maccao line would be a good one to pick. Nargacuga is also very good throughout the entire game.

All of that was during 3U and 4U, literally 500 hours of monster hunter playing ago. Everything's fine now.

My new most hated monster is Behemoth and Ancient Leshen. The fuck were they thinking?

The power of randoms. Just bite the bullet and ask /mhg/ or find a discord to get a party together who are on the level, I'm considering it myself because I've been let down numerous times on Behemoth. I will try going full support though tonight and seeing if I can keep the random goons alive.

Kek here's your (you), spend it wisely brainlet-kun

Will the AT elders scale to single player or are they multiplayer scaled only? I'm sick of always failing because everyone else dies thinking they can faceroll them like the normal/tempered versions.

Based, only people mad about this are World/4Ubabs who go UNGA BUNGA ME SAED and don't realize Valor AED headsnipes add more depth to Charge Blade.

Only Behemoth, Kulve, and Ancient Leschen always have multiplayer HP

Man fuck behemoth with randos. No amount of babying on your part will get their asses behind a rock.

Thank god.

I dont doubt that XX charge blade is more fun to use rather than Unga Bunga Grug SAED, but its objectively inferior as far as times and damage dealing go.

Iktf, I had two hunts out of 8 last night where we failed on the final meteor because someone didnt get behind a comet. I'm never going to escape that fucking Final Fantasy music in Astera for fucks sake.

So it's essentially 4U CB but inferior since the moveset is gutted

I'm actually surprised listfag didn't start shitposting since half the catalog is blatant porn/off-topic cause mods are asleep

>It's a rando doesn't know about ecliptic meteor on the optional quest and carts multiple times episode
>It's a rando rushes in like a madman and gets comboed by behemoth episode
>It's a rando gets one-shotted out of the blue because of low defense episode
>It's a rando runs fucking everywhere and you get tiger knee'd by behemoth's jump for 10 minutes straight episode
I'm a sadistic bastard that enjoys SOS super hunts with randos except extremoth, fuck that guy

You mean Gravios, right?

Yeah, it was nerfed and required more skill to use. People can have fun playing with it all they want buy pretending it wasn't inferior to 4U or World are dumb.

Male tigrex armor for those who care
What CB is he wearing in this?

Extremot :-DDD

I can't believe these shitters don't put the time in to research how to actually beat something. I swear there's more normie YouTube channels that spoon feed people than ever but there is always a whole squadron of retards online with shit gear, shit skills and disregard monster gimmicks entirely.

Baffles the fucking mind


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>completely basic slinger on the left arm

Kind of disappointing

I just started using LS but I don't know how to get iframes on fade slash and foresight slash. Any tips?

yeah the bottom obviously but when you're actually in game not having the volumetric fog makes it feel emptier. Same with foliage sway.

They literally could have made it a miniature tigrex skull, with or without skin.

Dont bother with trying to dodge with fade slash when you have foresight slash to use. It's incredibly generous with the timing, I dunno what to tell you.

>giggifags still don't realize that Viper Tobi was the poison monster

fade slash is for repositioning only, there are no iframes on it
for foresight slash you just practice, but the window is pretty generous

>shield is charged
>switch from axe to sword or other way round
>learn timing
>B I G S L A M
that's about it, Guard points inflict impact damage when done correctly, create charge and you can do a SAED with shorter windup

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Where the fuck is the Brachy trailer?

>introducing G rank gear for monsters that won't be in LR and HR
>when they can introduce LR/HR armors and then slide them down to LR/HR for the next game when all those monsters get pushed down

August 8th, 2AM EDT

>August 8th, 2AM EDT
Why do people keep saying this date

Every single arch-tempered monster. They take all the shittiest parts of the monster and crank it up to 11. God, I've fought every single one and they all suck ass.

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Because it comes out on August 8th, 2AM EDT

He's an ugly sack of shit with a retarded gimmick and his fight in general is unfun
also AT Kush. Stop flying you nigger

Sorry I'm late but

People say that because the first Dev Diary was on July 11th, a Thursday. Since August 11th is a Sunday, and if they are keeping it on Thursdays, it will be the 8th.

Apparently the alternate version will be the X version

I want to ____ a monster!

Gravios isn't great either but Uragaan aggravates me way more for some reason

Vaal looks fucking radical

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How many Z100s do you have, user? I just need to know if you suffer from Snakeholm syndrome.

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Gorebros whats are our chances?

pretty fucking high since he'll represent MH4U


Seregios is the flagship of 4U

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I'm a DPS, I hate every single one of you """"""""Support"""""" Builds. All of you are fat, 0% affinity, triple-carters who spend every second of their day corner horning. You are everything bad in the game. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten Damage Dealer?? I mean, I guess it's fun """healing""" people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than whatever the fuck the Handler does all quest. Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best Greatsword Ledge-hopper build and maybe we'll talk. I'm pretty much perfect. I was Damage Dealer during ATKT, and didn't even bother with a sniff run.. What builds do you play, other than "jack off 10 bottles of mega potions in a corner"?? I also get straight True Charges 100% of the time, and have a banging hot SnS DPS Build (which won me first place at the Official Capcom MHW tournament). You are all faggots who should just leave the lobby. Thanks for listening.
Pic Related: It's me and my DPS Build

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What are the most /fa/ weapon types?

>No Master's Touch

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Waiting for the roster to get thicc as fuck before I try world

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I'm Distraction Man. I use an exploding hammer and have the greatest defenses. I am Distraction Man.

I wish I was good at dodging roars. Getting sick of having Bazel helm and coil for elders

>Health Boost

>Health Boost
>Evade Extender
>No Master Touch

Why? you can easily dodge almost every roar in World

>Health boost 3
What a cuck. Try dodging
>Earplugs 5
>Evade DISTANCE 3??
Literal cuck build. With evade window 5 you can solo tank behemoth as a bow and dodge everything too.

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The sad part is that some retards in this thread will fall for this bait. It's probably the same idiots who always fall for the Garuga's feign death.

I see so many people on Yea Forums give Earplugs shit, but whenever I hunt online I'm the only motherfucker not constantly reeling from roars

Randoms are bad, more news at 7

You mean gypceros. Retard

I seriously get an "INSTALL GENTOO" vibe from the whole "lmao earplugs what a scrub" thing. Is it *not* a joke? Sure, you can evade out of most attacks, but it isn't always immediate, and you would need to evade immediately to escape most roars that monsters love to shit out after a half-second animation

*out of most attack animations

Half of the monsters are those fucking bird things by now, who the hell can keep track of them?

Pukei-Pukei would like to have a word with you.

Also, gameinformer mentioned a hanging monster in a cave I think so gigga or Khez might be in.

There isn't anyone who dodges every roar all the time.
That said, I'd much rather take evade window instead of earplugs since it costs less and makes dodging everything easy

>mfw realizing Gypcerous is a reference to gypsies

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>constantly failing Behemoth with randos dying to random shit
>just say fuck it and go support SnS
>impulse heal whenever somebody gets hit
>finally beat the fucker
>results screen
>174 heals and buffs applied
probably the only time I felt okay about corner hornering.

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It's just down to practice, once you start to get it reliably they'll never stun you again

Earplugs would fine if it was just 3 levels, but 5 levels is just too much for the relatively small effect.

Pukei's a chameleon
A really stupid looking chameleon

Next guest monster should be Gaping Dragon from Dark Souls.

>monstrously ugly
I can see it

Why do so many people dislike Gigginox? He's pretty cool and a fresh breath of air from all the samey brute wyverns and flying wyverns

Five level three slots is way too steep for preventing a stun you can dodge through with practice. Perhaps some shitters would be better off relying on the skill, but the implicit mindset of those who don't use it, and other skills like it, is that they intend to overcome it via their own ability, even if they can't quite do it yet.

He's an item sink

They already said the monster they couldn't talk about before it was officially revealed was viper tobi. Also Khezu was effectively deconfirmed in an interview anyway.

Didin't they say it was white and batlike?
Also Viper Tobi doesn't cling to ceilings

>Constantly fail Behemoth
>Switch to corner healing
>Immediate success
>Think that it was because of your healing and not the fact that you were standing in a corner instead of fucking up in melee.
Whatever makes you feel better about it.

Because of Antidotes?
Better than Chainflashing Rathalos if you ask me.
Tbh i have no idea how people can tolerate Rathalos anymore since he's so badly designed.
And Master Rank MHW Rathalos seems to be Dreadking Tier obnoxious

Evading roars is easy with Evade skills but anyone claiming they can do it 100% of the time with a full unga bunga offensive only set is huffing their own farts. Most monsters don't have guaranteed hit followups in World currently though so dodging every roar or having Earplugs is hardly necessary.
If you've got a weapon that can counter you don't really benefit from earplugs though.

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G-rank Rathalos is just old Rathalos who was immune to flashing when enraged

CB is Blos

Not my fault if you're garbage at the game and need useless evading skills

Cera Sigil is gonna show up on bone tree or what? There is no discuss diablos GS tree in mhw for some reason.

Dumb auto correct. I can see why phoneposters are hated.

What is a good monster to practice a new weapon on GU? preferably LR cause I haven't unlocked HR yet.

Learning Valor LS. How the fuck do people use it?

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Thanks bros, I feel enlightened. I might actually play again today for the first time in over a year.

Who cares? Diablos' weapons will be pretty much unusable anyways after the wex and max might nerfs.

>never carted once
>other players getting hit is my fault
very cringe reading comprehension

I like using Malfestio as my punching bag. He's not particularly difficult but he keeps you on your toes.

I always like practicing on Tigrex

your 100% roar dodge AT Nerg run kind sir?

Based, I always used to test shit on him in 4U but then I realised Zinogre was the real punching bag.

It's still going to be the highest raw after fatalis/alatreon GS maybe. Wyvern impact already has 100% crit on my set and i rarely tackle to charge TCS so Max might nerfs don't affect it or my Gunner sets. Wex is just a sidegrade. You're going to be using clutch claw debuff anyways so you will still get 50% affinity on weakparts

No. All they said was that some monster dropped in on them from an alcove while they were fighting barioth attacked a bit and left and that they weren't allowed to reveal it. The MHstories discussion wasn't part of it.

The only time you need to care about nerg's roars are when he superdives. You have more than enough time to sheath your weapon and dive yourself after the roar. The other roars you can tackle, block and guardpoint»punish

t. LS user

You realize some weapons don't have counters, tackles, or blocks?

What's the gayest monster?
Hard mode: No Mizutsune.

>That arena quest with two Diablos

Most of the people who play MH do solo runs. They have no idea that on a 4 man AT hunt a surprise roar stun hit will cart you. Especially without lvl 3 health boost

It's easy to talk big on a message board but I bet you can't post a video of you doing half of that stuff.

Your fault for playing inferior weapons then. If they don't have those options then that means they are super mobile and are not affected by roars to such extent as GS, where you have to commit to the moves. DBshitters can just dash around forever and not get hit. Bow can stunlock and dash dance. Lbg is piss easy, use thunder rapidfire and never fucking get within roar range. Hbg has shield and spread shots.

Based retard

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I've been calling Nargacuga "Narcagua" for years and I still do it because the actual name is hard to pronounce

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I just say Narga-Cougar

>Your fault for playing inferior weapons then

Not everyone wants an overpowered 55iframe counter. LSfags like you are casual scum.

Lads I'm about to try behemoth as full on support to try and carry a team of 3 retards to success.

Wish me luck.

wow you posted a picture that has been going around for months. Thanks for proving that you are full of shit.

What is XX Brave stance' infinite frame invulnerability?

For longest time I called Odogaron Ododragon.

I posted it 2 weeks ago. Good job retard. Maybe try clearing it yourself

>Evading roars is easy
>But I only use weapons that don't have to evade

Complete casual shit, which is normal for the Nintendo games

Attached: 1452140084306.jpg (979x1002, 360K)

What's the name of that chest piece being used as layered in this picture?
I've seen it before but no names come to mind.

>playing on PC
>someone's working on a Monster Hunter Stories style mod that lets you bring a Monstie on hunts with you which fights on its own, can be mounted to be used as transportation as it chases down/fights monsters
>Monsties even follow you around in Astera, where physically able

There's something about this that just fucking gets me, and it's just different enough to spark my interest in the game beyond just grinding while waiting for Iceborne.

Attached: unknown.png (1599x900, 2.12M)


>look up Valor LS to see how good it is
>its literally pure fucking anime with 90% counters
>have shit reaction rate
>will never know that feel

Attached: 1477172575763.png>.png (505x470, 89K)

Sure you did.

but it's pronounced "Nicaragua"

Sns mains are a fucking joke.

looks like girros to me

Retards like you don't deserve (You)s

Attached: BLEED.png (894x510, 587K)

I've been calling Uragaan "You-are-gay"

>health bar mods
Pansy faggot.

>Want Luna investigations
>Pick up her tracks
>Break her shit
>Investigation added!
>Cap Pukei lol kill Barroth lol fight Vaal bro

Attached: image.jpg (1337x1289, 635K)

>health mods
>moveset guide enabled

Attached: 1555271747792.jpg (641x546, 64K)

>health bar mods
>only uses OP weapons

So this is the true power of people who actually played the shitty 3DS games...

Yeah looks like it's about full girros layered, thanks.

>reduced HP monsters
>health bar mods
>still fainting

>This is the people that have to wait until 2020 for iceborne

>You've fainted
Good job getting BTFO by yourself.


So the power....of MH "Vets"

Attached: GU is a true MH for true fans.png (1000x1000, 359K)

Daily reminder that this guy's hunter name is Lunefer. So if you ever see this guy online, instantly add him to your blacklist.

Yeah because what is fortify in 5 Arch tempered monster hunt

Did the general die or something? Feels like there's an influx of shitposting today.

>user shows he plays World (albeit poorly)
Autism truly is a disease

Holy shit he got obliterated

>I died on purpose to proc fortify
Did your mom also drop you on your head to "fortify" your skull?

>Luna roars
>Nerg roars
>Luna roars
>Nerg roars
>Jho roars
>Bazel roars
>Rathalos roars
I'll gladly use earplugs if it means I get to shut those screaming autists up.
There's only so much rolling dodges can do before I snap and want to rape those fucks for screaming at me mid-attack and changing zones.

Between fortify, the nerfed monster HP in this mod, and your cheating overlays, it's fucking baby mode.


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The kind of person who posted that screenshot, is the exact kind of person who started with the Nintendo games and played 4th extensively.

Holy fuck

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>Black diablos the hunter is coming. Oh my god he has earplugs on she is roaring he can't hear her. Oh my god.

I would love nothing more than for that shitbag Khezu to get his obligatory inclusions cucked from him by Gigginox.

Finally decided to fight tempered and AT elders. What are some essential skills and gear I should have? Should I farm Kulve at all beforehand?

The only essential skill is Heat Guard for Xeno, if you’re melee. Hell maybe even if you’re ranged.

umm dude that's a normalfag meme don't use that

Attached: 1513714576432.jpg (720x535, 35K)

Heat Guard also makes Lunastra much less pain in the ass.

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Should I bother trying to farm a deviljho gem to forge the last upgrade of the jho LS or should I focus on getting divine slasher?


Just do your limited bounties and buy the gem from the melder.



congrats user! How bad was it?

Fucking great, only one cart and it was an accidental one on someone else's part. The one guy kept enmity the whole time and I ended up applying 84 buffs/heals, and 6 ailments. First run of the night too, so I'm pumped about that.

>glav and narga iframes

Attached: super nut.jpg (712x706, 70K)

1/1/2 is damn rare to happen in SOS, glad to see a proper group against a behemoth. Good luck on the next runs user!

ded thred

Attached: 52903571_p18.jpg (1059x694, 227K)

Now do Extremoth with randoms

Will keep that in mind, thanks.

He's lying. Heat guard wont help you against her nuke either. Cool drink would nullify her weaker heat aura but you shouldnt be hitting anything besides her head, tail or wings. You sacrifice too much to put on heat guard, might as well run earplugs or wind resist

Heat Guard + Cool Drink helps that the purple flames and pools that she spreads everywhere don't hurt you.

>over 30 monster "lore" videos on YT
Why and how
I clicked on a Xeno one out of curiosity and it was Fanon Wiki tier

Gore Magala is best monster.
Prove me wrong.

Attached: 1446246583082.jpg (720x1280, 286K)

Heat Guard can make a huge difference especially if you play a weapon with poor mobility. You can just ignore her flames.

Hes from a shit game with terrible graphics and controls, that introduced horrible mechanics like mounting.

What does that have to do with Gore being a good monster?

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Nice attempt but i started with MH3. Got filtered by gobul bc 11yro me didn't understand that i had to upgrade armor.
Did play 900 hours in 4U and soloed everything, though i had to clear my save to let my cousin play it.
I am playing GU after 600 hours in mhw, both are casual as shit don't kid yourself. I can eat mega dash jews and stay invincible in valor style and use absolute evasion every 10 seconds. You know, the original temporal mantle...

What has evade window other than butterfly and king beetle helm?

Learn to use the wiki. Window

N-no the internet outside is too scary for this babby!


he reproduces by penetrating other dudes


Attached: 1456807866777.png (648x783, 384K)

The nerfs are enough for most sets to drop Crit boost. You still need good damage to get a monster exhausted enough for a clutch claw debuff.

I've been calling him Naracuga

Game hasn't released. You probably haven't seen the demo and how fucking easy it is to refresh weakspots. You have rocksteady and temporal too.

No they won't. They will just switch weapons and skills so they can reach 100% affinity without max might and with nerfed WEX. The Crit Boost is way too high DPS boost to drop.

Critical eye is getting boosted to 40%. It will still be very easy to reach 100% critical. Critical boost is going nowhere. It's a 15% boost to damage for three skulls which is unbeatable.

I meant the negative affinity weapon sets, normal affinity still keep Crit Boost.

Youll still be able to hit 100% crit. You mat just need to take the 10% affinity augment.

There won't be any negative affinity meta sets. It's much lower DPS drop to switch to a higher affinity weapon than it is to drop the Crit Boost.

Some sets need to switch the weapons, for example the hammer meta set needs to switch from Diablos hammer to the KT Sleep hammer to get to 100% affinity without max might.

shhhhh... Nargacuga is sleeping...

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Also purple sharpness gives the highest raw weapons another advantage


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We have no idea what master ranks weapons will look like. But critical eye got a 10% buff, and most builds weren't running 3 max might anyway. The WE nerf is negligible because clutch claw uptime is quite high.

Is it confirmed that the weapons can reach the purple sharpness in IB?

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Wait, Hellblade is in? Source?


It actually happened again right after, tonight is a great night. Built the Drachen armor set and I will never fight that fuck again

No, but they show purple sharpness in the iceborne beta color blindness accessibility screen. And every g-rank game other than gen 1 has purple anyway. Mind you, they keep nerfing purple more and more. If they're going to keep doing that they should just add another level on top.

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What a fatass.

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We don't know what the purple multipliers will be this time yet

his gaping anus

ded thread

AT Nerg and Xeno are some of the best fights in the series you shitter

Must be a pretty big gape to fit a Brute Wyvern up there.

>AT Xeno
>one of the best fights in the series

Attached: 1557278686824.jpg (564x806, 174K)

He practices

Well he's not wrong that it's one of the best giant monster fights, low bar but yeah

>He thinks his opinion is worth anything after pretty much telling everyone he sucks at monster hunter

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Kissu ~

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Imagine putting a Dalamadur up your butt haha then pooping him out haha just as a joke.

After the Max Might nerf, even if you fit in all the affinity skills into your set it's simply not enough to reach permanent 100% affinity with a weapon that has something like -30% base affinity.

>>Rathalos roars
Literally the easiest roar to roll user, come on

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Taking big ol shits feel great so i dont see why that wouldnt.

Literally all of those roars can be easily I-framed through with base I-frames, what are you having issues with?

You are dumb. Wyvern impact reaches 100% despite having negative affinity. Plus max might still works for weapons that don't use stamina in their rotation. Besides, Nobody is going to be sticking with HR gear, nobody knows yet how the other sets and weapons will be balanced so your thoughts about the matter are useless.

>He thinks his opinion is worth anything after stating that AT Xeno is among the best fights in the series when it isnt even among the best fights in it's own game

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A Dalamadur Deuce is one thing, but what about a Laviente Log?

At least I can beat him lmao, stay mad


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>It’s okay I don’t use stamina to deal damage

Attached: lol just roll from the roars u plebs.webm (1280x720, 2.47M)

>Letting three of them get to the same area in the first place
That was your first mistake the second one was not having the foresight to stuff your pockets full of monster shit at all times

For some reason except in MH4, Diablos has been back in every single game, even in MH3 where all but the two Raths got scrapped. I feel like someone in the team who's high up there always demands Diablos to be back.

I fucking hate hunting Diablos

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Fuck off scat fetishit I'm going to trip those yelling faggots mid scream and show them that not even the little shit bazelgeuse is safe from losing a few teeth for screaming at me.

This wiki is full of incomplete information, it's totally useless.
You can filter armour by skills at the smith.

Maximum permanent affinity boost you can get is:
5% from Attack Boost 4+
40% from 7/7 Crit Eye (after the buff)
30% from WEX (50% if you tender the monster part)
10% from weapon augment, or 5% more if you waste another augment slot for it

This means that in order to reach permanent 100% affinity your weapon needs to have at least 15% base affinity, or you can go low as -5% if you manage to keep up a permanent tender on the monster and only hit that part.

As for the Max Might, Even with the weapons that don't normally use stamina max might still goes offline for X seconds after you dodge. If this really is 7 seconds as rumored then it will make Max Might totally useless for any weapon.

New MR armor and weapons don't really affect this math because unless they add new skills or set bonuses that give you permanent affinity, which I highly doubt they do, it doesn't matter how many slots or what skills the MR armor or weapons will have.

Chameleon + Potoo bird hybrid

Which one would you pick?

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Anyone know of other artbooks for the monster hunter series outside of the ones on ex?

>it will make Max Might totally useless for any weapon.

It'll be an LBG exclusive skill. You hardly ever need to dodge due to the fact that you have full walking move speed AND are ranged so you're often only inches inside the danger zone of an attack and can just step right out.

Giggi > lel goofy penis
Straight up fact


Cute Ku!!

Go fuck yourself

I hope they dont take the lazy route and reuse animations for Fulgur Anjanath invading the Forest. He should be able to destroy Rathalos this time in a turf war

Khezu was goofier and also more phallic
He's the superior dick chicken

Always and forever.

Attached: kut ku.jpg (600x401, 78K)

It'll still be useable on GS because of the new slinger combo into TCS.

Monster Hunter wouldn't be what it is without Bulldrome. Nothing from Gen 2 even comes close to its design. How do you take one of the most hideously boring creatures in existence and make it badass? That which strikes fear into the hearts of whomever may cross its path? Bulldrome is the answer. Its sleek, simplistic design and winter color coordination gives it a tasteful and distinguished air of importance unrivaled in the series. No over-designed dumpster-fires like Tigrex or Rathalos. No prancing gay parades featuring aids-ridden glowsticks like Brachydios. Pure aesthetics. Not to mention the move set. I’ve never seen a better example of design by reduction. Bulldrome's charge is so terrifyingly specific, it's easy to learn,
but hard to master the timing for a counter attack. Frontier made Bulldrome a new terror though. I can already praise Frontier for the amount of innovations and additions that continue to spawn inspiration for later entries in the series, but what they did to Bulldrome is stroke of genius. Giving him the ability to perform attacks other than the charge was unexpected and riveting, including clever mixups like a bodyslam and a new unexpected use for his tusks, digging them into the ground itself like a bulldozer to launch scraps of Earth at an unsuspecting hunter, not privy to the danger they face. If Capcom is really so stupid as to not include one of the most recognizable monsters in the series than I've lost all faith in World, and this casualized trainwreck of a series.

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It'll probably just be "nice to have" on a lot of weapons for the use you could get out of it on downed/paralyzed monsters

What's a decent set for LS after killing Xeno for the first time?

get Divine Slasher ASAP

divine slasher with kush chest


Attached: seltas queen.png (1000x1000, 1001K)

That looks really annoying to get

Nerg Alpha is THE starter set for endgame. Geralt's is slightly better, and since he comes with pre-selected gear you can immediately fight Leshen competently, but it loses serious points for acting as a glamour armor that turns your character into Geralt. Or, you can just have people carry you through Behemoth and go straight to Drachen armor if you can to be a metashitter.

>he doesn't like arena

Just post room either here or, if you're desperate, /mhg/. Those autists will solo arena missions with A rank times for you. I'd help you if I wasn't ass tired

It is but its the best LS without counting Kulve shit

I've never actually done them

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Either doggo or catbird.

Attached: BCEC6450-73AA-4910-95A7-9806E9E2A95C.jpg (4032x3024, 2.18M)

I mean, it is!
But you alternative is doing kulve so pick your poison

Barusaburosu will be in Iceborne, but as a Rare Species of Diablos. You heard it here first, folks.

Attached: C16A9082-1CAE-463D-B26D-04F221E8E4B7.png (1598x981, 1.52M)

Nice, I was waiting for someone to make this.

Nice merch user

Attached: 51217624_p37.jpg (1464x942, 419K)

the fuck?

Attached: 1522693696347.gif (477x348, 627K)

It's a bait you retard.

God, frontier names are so fucking stupid when just typed like that. Why dont anyone try to convert them into a more English name? Because "not official"? I remember back then some ass was being anal about Diorex being called as such, and insisted it's DIOREKUSU because they never had an official English translation

If I want to get some MonHun plushies, how do I know which is good?

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how 2 rathilos?

Attached: mob.png (249x302, 113K)

i would cry if this was added. this monster is hell, it and it's spawn

Didn't that joke Mosswine quest already have its moveset? Well all 2 attacks at least.

Finally started playing MHW just defeated legiana, where the fuck are the crabs and the monkeys?

Wyvern Hunter World

In MH6, please understand.

All JP monster names are like that tbqh. Diablos in moonspeak is ‘Diaburosu’ so Barusaburosu would be called ‘Balsablos’ or ‘Valsablos’ in English. Something out over calling Diorekkusu ‘Diorex’ is pretty fucking dumb though I agree, it’s like this example in that there’s a direct correlation between the Englishand JP names.

They had to redo the skeletons from scratch so no crabs or monkeys this time around.

flahs him and then hith im

*sperging out over

Hey there!
That's just an edgy Cham.
No thanks

Besides the tongue and poison how are they anything alike?

>If I want to get some MonHun plushies, how do I know which is good?
The ship for the ones that were out in the 3DS era has largely sailed unless if you get lucky or else are willing to drop some coin. World-series plushes are the ones in production right now, but they’re not as cutesy and a lot of them have really screwy eyes that I don’t really like.

Bootlegs are starting to become more common, though they’re a bit touch and go. The Gore in the pic is a bootleg, but it’s very well-done to the point of having a tag in the same style as the legit Lagi and Brachy here. On the other hand, the less said about the abomination that is my bootleg Rathian, the better.

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It's not in any way. It's chameleos X gigginox

Fug, thanks for the info

Please post rathian, I want to see how bad it is

>Thinking about all of the monsters who are left behind for good or who eventually will be

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What are the best types of weapon to compliment the Drachen armor?

Ruiz’s has said that one of his long term goals for the series is getting every old monster remade in the new format, but of course that will likely take a very long time.


Ceadeus isn't coming back until the day they bring underwater back.

>Please post rathian, I want to see how bad it is
To be fair, someone with seamstressing skills and the patience to replace the obviously wrong tag might be able to salvage it, but I’m not that person and recently found a legit Rathian plush online that didn’t cost much more than this boot.

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I wonder why so many of the outlets have been talking about the story and how it's "interesting" this time. What's weird is that no one really goes into detail about what that means but it's something I've been reading across a lot of the previews. Seems strange, why is Capcom pushing this angle so much?

He’s in.

Attached: image.jpg (1323x932, 380K)

Any melee weapon that isn't CB or Gunlance.

rathian's my favourite pokemon

And an upright view

Attached: 446237E8-2C52-4928-9694-870BA58334CD.jpg (4032x3024, 1.84M)

we await your TRIumphant return Jaggi

I think they should, and probably will give underwater honts a go again. With smoother movement, better controls and features like clutch claw they could really make something out of it. Plus it would be a damn shame if we didn’t get more sea monsters.

I guess that means underwater is back, baby! I still want that stuff from the thread yesterday people talked about, like a deep sea trench or subterranean sea map where there’s Ceadeus v Nakarkos turf war.

As long as they don’t change weapon move sets underwater I’ll be happy.

they both have the same settings

Zorah boiled the water around him when he died, right? We finally have the tech to have water be affected by shit. Ice monsters going underwater could freeze the surface or require hot drinks, vice versa for fire monsters, muddy water could obscure vision or you could have an ink-shooting monster that creates naturally-dispersing clouds that are actually rendered by pixel. There could be currents of faster water to use as shortcuts or caves that lead to hidden areas. Now's the perfect time to reattempt underwater combat.

If they literally just kept movement the same as on land but added a easy way to move vertically then fine
Or fuck it, underwater zones could even be a 2D plane too with a canned dive animation like that one underwater hallway in the forest, and only affect monster movesets instead

its just an edgy chameleos of a completely different family with a completely different gimmick and a completely different design

but they both have tongues. exactly the same monster honestly

Reminder that PC Iceborne releases 4 months after the console version.

But at least you don't have to play with cheaters like

Attached: 48d86dfb9259dbade51c6575a38ec9be-videomp4.webm (378x588, 2.66M)

Yeah that would work too of course. However they decide to do it, I want it back.

>google Nargacuga for some info
>first page has a fucking anime girl wearing Narga set, not Narga itself
This is like Nero all over again

Attached: 1519139429424.jpg (394x450, 33K)

Thats fucking amazing

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Narga armor > narga monster

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Jesus Christ, now those are some titties. You could make all sorts of new equipment with those carves.

This quest broke my spirit.

Attached: (almost) LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE.png (1080x1920, 186K)

Soloing silver/gold in FU was the most painful MH experience I've had.


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I did it a few times in 4U, and it was fucking horrid. In fact, a lot of times I had to solo bullshit quests because I couldnt rely on randomers back then thanks to the invasion of the French on their bug sticks

mein nergro

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You have one token, you can use it to either get a monster into World or block a monster. What do you use it for?

>Blocking Gigginox
>Not because he's a bad hunt or anything just he's the fat ugly bastard of monster hunter porn and I don't want another resurgence of it

What's the earliest way to get Heavy Humble Scrap? want to craft that 200 defense palico gear so that I can just forget making anymore for Palicos for a good while

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I use it to resurrect the most based monster of all time.

Attached: Gobul.png (400x299, 153K)

I wouldn't ever want to block content, keep it coming. Ideally I want them to bring back Chameleos but with a redesigned moveset from the ground up. Khezu would be a good choice to redesign too. If that's too much to ask, bring back Mizutsune.

I’ll block whatever your favourite is just because you blocked someone else’s (I don’t know who even likes Gigginox but he’s gotta be someone’s favourite).

Guaranteed reward from pic related.

Attached: Screenshot_20190805-233030.png (1080x1920, 144K)

Actually, scratch that.
Do this one. Quicker.

Attached: Screenshot_20190805-233155.png (1080x1920, 184K)

oh. How naive of me to think I'd be easy to get a 200 defense armor set while in LR set

Jokes on you, I don't have a favorite monster. At most I have favorite themes and armors

>Ziggy and Wroggi blocked
>Acting like either one had a chance anyway

id let fucking cephadrome come back if it meant I could get Tetsucabra or Malfestio back

Earplugs is quite expensive in MHW compared to past games when rolls can also be roared much more easily. It works well in some cases for consistency but it's not as useful as it was in the past.

Am I a bitch for using evasion+2
playing 3U and lance btw

>wouldnt block gravios, lao, shen gaoren etc
whats wrong with you

Looks I’ll still have the last laugh, because I’ll just block EVERY monster!

No, evade lance is legit. It's almost a different weapon type altogether.

Is there a mod for MHW that removes the mandatory items from the item bar? Like the fishing rod.


Then we would have a roster filled with totally new monsters. I'm okay with this

use the wheel like everyone

No but you can change the order of stuff in your item bar so that all the stuff you actually need is up first and you never have to scroll over the other stuff again.

Not really hard to fit in relative to the amount of skills you can fit into a set total now. The only issue is if it's not on your armor you probably need to use the charm to max it out.
And since Iceborne will have Lv4 charms and gems with multiple skills it will probably be even easier to get.

E+1 Lance is pretty common, and arguably a lot more consistent than with guarding.

What you didn’t realise is that I’m counterfeiting tokens at such an alarming rate that I’ll be able to block the entire roster of new monsters as soon as they’re announced. All future MH titles will be nothing but gathering quests now.

this, the wheel is 10x better than the item bar

That could be comfy. I'm very adaptable to almost everything. It's honestly a bad habit because it means I'm just reacting to everything and it's hard for me to be proactive

I’ll use my final token to block your passivity. With no Monster Hunter to distract you and your new inability to be passive, you can finally achieve your dreams and be happy. No need to thank me.

Why, this isn't pokemon
Though new animations would be nice

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Him being electric has no bearing on him being able to take out a massive flying monster attacking him from a spot he cant defend

Guanzorumu is in, baby!

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Should I change my hunter to a girl or stay a guy?

>unga bunga me smash
>bunga so hard HBG tryhard kicks me out of his P3 ATKT
Dont farm KT too hard anons or you might become a tryhard

Bug is quite nice for KO. On the AT Teostra TA Zebraquake uses the bug constantly in the early fight in order to inflict KO.

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What’s to try hard for, ATKT is a snooze fest.

I'd go insane too aftering running about 6 KTs

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>he's the fat ugly bastard of monster hunter porn and I don't want another resurgence of it
The title rightfully belongs to Congalala and you know it

He's a big dragon.

Attached: Logo-MH4U.png (250x178, 63K)

Have there been any other major non-ship groupings from fanart circles aside from the PSP flagships? It feels like a cute dynamic.

If I kill his wyvern slaves will he die?

Now that you mention it i don't think i've seen grouping with other flagships

Attached: 67098839_p16.jpg (1814x1362, 489K)

It would extremely painful.

It would be extremely expendable.

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A pack leader Elder Dragon is unironically cool. I hope they salvage Guanzorumu from Frontier.

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Congalala looks like a fat ugly bastard, Gigginox fucks like one

Honestly the game has a lot of neat concepts for monster fights past the over-the-top exterior. I implore more anons to try out the game before it's gone for good, even if some things are shitty about it.


In my experience Gigginox is either the vore monster or a cute little girl

Vore Giggi is the best.

Attached: 1560672596552.png (960x1355, 544K)

I want Guildmarm’s pussy to vore my dick if you catch my drift.