Oh no! The evil puritan is going to burn witch-cat princess at the stake!

Oh no! The evil puritan is going to burn witch-cat princess at the stake!
Use your video game knowledge to defeat the puritan and rescue the princess!

Attached: save witch cat princess.png (1300x700, 11K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>muh build up
Just post the porn already, nobody in these threads even cares about video games

Can i fuck the hill?

I fucking love video games

Not on my watch.
If you want to be an animal you get hunted like one.
now to remember what server had that

Attached: 1477077973840.png (350x350, 60K)

who cares witches should burn

Tell the puritan he's a dirty heretic

Attached: 1555322855698.jpg (298x298, 68K)


Just buy a new one later.

Attached: 1565031709566.png (1300x700, 1.02M)

>ANOTHER princess thread
These used to be good when they were few and far between. Now its everyday with this shit. Just post the porn or lewd edit already

Attached: tumblr_paaggfZAbV1tkb2p0o1_400.gif (400x300, 814K)

Which characters have dicks, this is important.

Attached: only oldfags will get this.png (1300x700, 52K)

do it yourself


He shall burn in the fires of his heresy.
His children will live in the shadow of his heresy for nine generations and they will be Untouchable.

I agree they need to be more spaced out, next one should be made around the weekend or something, give at least 3 days between them.
But the porn has to be earned with shitposts and way-too-much-effort edits.

Attached: w0FufB2uJwZJTDxpTogEhUvEBWqgfjmrCoyRqTr33eaFe6FNWqgre6awXsieh-6HIDkK6BN74gwqPY0o4Qx8flGsWPn5ZGJY6Yw4 (884x912, 621K)

Attached: notporn.jpg (842x1191, 269K)

I thought the cat was supposed to look smug, not nervous.

I help him burn the witch

no user the bad guy is supposed to be the monster and the damsel in distress the humie so i can subvert expectations and get fucked by the big fuzzy beast and leave the princess to rot

there's no fun in playing it straight or fucking the good guy

Attached: 1519722074516.jpg (640x480, 69K)

Already have a better witch

Attached: PicsArt_08-05-10.26.42.jpg (2006x1080, 129K)

Those tiddies aren't nearly big enough.

Don't even waste your time, mods are dicks and are gonna delete the thread again anyways...

Thank you, conveniently placed color-coded explosive barrel that explodes on contact with any fire source. You saved the day again.

Attached: you can use the environment to your advantage.png (1300x2100, 47K)

Their lot shall be that of the earth and corpse.
Let the headsman’s touch, heavy with Death and Sin, be their kinds only contact with their fellow man.
To earn their bread they shall move Defiled corpses unfit for the godly peoples to touch.
To earn their water they shall dig trenches and move soiled earth.

Use a special fire that only burns clothes, you dumbass.

Attached: small10.png (68x89, 582)


Attached: spy.png (1300x700, 21K)

Probably because you guys keep making new ones, day by day. Space them out a little.

Why is your witch reclining?

Alright, before anyone decides to makes porn of it, remember to check Princess Booru and upload it there:
Don't let your art get lost in the thread, make sure it lives forever for eternal faps.

Attached: 1563198685882.png (1500x600, 75K)

Wait a sec...
Is princess cat witch the secret daughter between that witch and that cat princess?


That's impossible. Neither of them have a dick.

Attached: Done.png (1300x1388, 46K)

The grace of God shall not touch their blackened souls and they will suffer eternal damnation in hell till the Seals are broken and Judgement Day is upon us.

But the witch is a witch, it can put a dick between her legs with magic.
She became futa to impregnate the cat princess, and now their daughter is in danger.

Attached: My 5cm Dick is extremely erect.png (1300x700, 19K)

Another shitty waifu thread. Sage

Through the power of magic all things are possible.

why do it myself when I can get someone else to kill him for me?

Attached: jgfhjfghj.png (865x464, 74K)


Shes nervous because its a server rule.

Attached: succ.png (1300x700, 21K)

Attached: p.jpg (536x913, 72K)

Why the fuck are you wasting your amazing talent here

I am afraid I just can't understand the image you posted OP. I am sure many of my fellow channers feel the same, as such I've chosen to remake it with Pepes and Wojaks

Attached: WOJAKED.png (1296x746, 53K)

just for you

Attached: StopAnon.png (1076x572, 18K)

Because no else ever does it anymore

Attached: bridge of penor.png (2006x1080, 188K)


Holy based drawfriend

Attached: Untitled.png (1300x700, 26K)


I'd rather make him a witch.

Attached: Image11.png (1300x700, 13K)

Attached: 15.png (1300x700, 25K)

Uhm, what's in the pit?

Based and speedrunpilled.

an oversized face of margaret thatcher

Attached: JUSTBUYIT.png (536x913, 522K)

"who the fuck gave me tits"

Attached: Image11A.png (1300x700, 18K)

kill jestah

Princess threads are the only good thing on Yea Forums right now, but the amount of them that's coming through is a lot.
I support ocs and by fucking god I do, the porn is nice, the ideas people have are nice, but there's like at least 1-2 princess threads every 3 days.
not that I'm arguing about not having them, if anything I want more, especially the size content

What next

This. How am I suppose to partake in this thread if there's nothing fuckable in OP's picture.

Attached: 4356788976545.jpg (1200x1046, 93K)

I like them too but there should be a bigger wait time between them.
>he doesn't find his stand-in fuckable
sounds like you need to learn to love yourself, buddy

ill try posting this again since last thread died with it

Attached: EOD.png (678x380, 10K)

Probably a leftover side effect from the humanifier.

now we're talking. show me more of this water beast

Just be yourself

Is not a water beast, is a lizardman from the slugcat princess thread.

Attached: 1541888919049.png (415x415, 169K)

Why bother trying to rescue her, she will just leave me for the nearest chad

whatever, get his cock out

You can simply kill the puritan, rape the witch-cat princess, and then leave her there.

Seeing all the different ways people go about this situation and the edits they make are part of the fun, user. I don't usually say this but you are an unironic gamer zoomer get out now

where the fuck is the kero blaster post

Is the green flame safer?

aku, you fuck, still alive i see

Only burns clothes, no skin or hair.

its demonic flame

You have skill
Leave this place, you're wasting your time here

I don't know, it's getting kind of hard to tell who's the witch and who's the puritan, isn't it?

Attached: file.png (1300x700, 15K)

Water beast should take the Puritan as her new husband, solving the issue.

Does that makes the guy a purritan?

Attached: file.png (700x514, 641K)

He doesn't side with cats.. so no.


Attached: Belmont.png (1544x2988, 180K)


extremely baste

good shit
poor princess tho

More weight

Attached: 1565031709566.png (1300x700, 15K)

thats not what he meant by "squish that cat"

Do not burn the cat

I taped a big egg to the end of her tail. Is that enough weight?

Attached: Untitled.png (1300x700, 15K)

No. She has to eat all the eggs.

Was just going to post that I'd never save a furry witch but then I saw this based as fuck reply.

Attached: 1397606739750.jpg (600x565, 88K)

Was going to post one tomorrow, maybe i shouldn't?

Probably not, it'd be pretty disappointing if these got banished to /qst/.

>Not helping him burn furfag filth
What is wrong with you OP.

Is this some sort of fetish thing?

Attached: Untitled.png (1300x700, 16K)

It would be for the best to give these threads some time to breathe.

Leave it cooking for a few days.

YES, now set her ablaze.

This bunch of heretics itt

Is she Mexican?

>spends so much time on Yea Forums that he sees every princess rescue thread

Attached: 1564306583301.jpg (500x461, 109K)

What if I... agree with the Puritan? Can I assist him in burning the reprobate pagan witch demon?


>doesnt use a cork hat
Where do you live that there are no mosquitoes?

Ok, but if there's another thread tomorrow, it was not me.

Okay, she's Blaze the Cat now.

Attached: Untitled.png (1300x700, 17K)

Ending 1

Attached: catwitchprincessvictory.gif (560x560, 1.35M)

Holy fuck.

neat drawing

damn son, fucking nice

Good job user

Attached: gpTdtZse_400x400.jpg (391x391, 19K)

No fucking way


There going to be more End Cards?

Can’t wait for a turbo fag to turn her into a generic anime girl

Hard mode

Attached: 5EB1F570-2FFA-48ED-BA8C-60124C715CAF.jpg (894x480, 168K)

That's the plan! Takin' longer than I thought, though...

Take your time, man. I love the first one, no sense rushing.

Get on with the times grandpa. Change the cross for a hammer and a sickle and give him(?) pink hair instead of a silly hat.

if these threads had no cute people you had to save, nobody would post in them

The Puritans hanged witches, not burned them

finally, was fucking waiting for this

You sly devil

Attached: 1565031709566.png (1300x700, 30K)

fucking based

problem almost solved

Attached: ww.png (754x621, 23K)

A duck! A duck! Here's a duck!

Attached: 5954.jpg (1280x720, 95K)

Join him

Attached: yiff in hell.jpg (254x247, 25K)



____ ___

They rape and burn her

Rape, of course.

They suck her feminine penis.

Join the purge

Attached: Burnthewitch.png (974x700, 115K)

Did Puritans ever go on Crusades?

Attached: heycheckthisout.png (1300x2800, 230K)

Call upon God to smite the heretic

Attached: 1526572567968.jpg (1000x1000, 130K)

Bread and holypilled

Christchan is a graven image and therefore idolatry

Attached: sans-titre.png (500x440, 331K)

Attached: laughingbabycheetahs.jpg (564x846, 111K)

>Still no porn


A clever subversion.

lmao get cucked

>lmii git cickid
frick off

>Alright, the truth, then.
>I'm kidnapping princesses so I can END princess kidnapping as an institution!

Attached: STANDING HERE.png (1300x700, 18K)

>villains that did nothing wrong

>200% Devout

Attached: 41E5E3CF-85B0-4DFB-875E-031DAAA80CFE.gif (680x366, 1.67M)


Attached: thirty seven years ago.png (1300x700, 18K)


We should just change this board to /v porn/ or something

typical zealot, big promises - but all talk

Attached: 1449045193680.png (871x512, 23K)


I'll simply do what Jacinto taught me

Attached: sketch-1565047622779.png (1024x551, 104K)

What is that funny flower in his hand user? why is the puritan turning SSJ

Jewish vampires need special treatment

more like /fur/

Attached: 1562355281268.png (498x1233, 28K)

sorry but the world needs to be terraformed

Attached: 76874487687.png (1300x700, 17K)


Attached: 1531717281063.webm (480x240, 1.21M)

user from here.
Absolutely wonderful.

Fair cop.

>Making the mother of all kidnappings here, Jack! Can't fret over every princess!

Attached: puritan.png (871x512, 16K)

>Not Deus Vult

what the fuck user

Heya, Big Bro!
If you're having trouble with a course, use some assist parts!

Attached: anonassist.png (1300x700, 195K)


Attached: C82A01A0-8ACA-4598-A96D-690BF9D6F25B.png (497x732, 150K)

Attached: sdsd.png (1300x700, 23K)

>he doesn’t know

Good shit, m8. One of the few reasons why I tolerate these threads.
That /m/an from the previous theads also made a damn fine gif as well.


Dats one hella cute cat.

No. By the time the Puritans appeared in England, the time of the crusades were over and were the old and busted thing of the past. The new hotness of that time was finding better trade routes to the East and colonizing lands for their spoils.

Kys communist shit

Puritans were based, Catholicucks are idolaters and their 'church' is obsessed with vanity.
Think of all the money spent on superfluous fancy bullshit by the papists that could be used to help the poor.

Man, I'm never gonna be able to finish all the ones I want, but this thread has been really cool so far

Attached: catwitchprincessvictory2.gif (560x536, 1.04M)

The cat's eyes seem a bit out of place, but pretty nice otherwise.

Attached: file.png (249x221, 28K)

user, I love you.

Top tier stuff

This put a smile on my face.

This took it away.

It's still well done.

very nice

Dyn-a-mite. Must be Italian.

I need more End Cards.

>villain does nothing wrong

Attached: nightly dance.gif (400x400, 18K)


Attached: Heresy1.png (1293x700, 400K)

based and vaticanpilled

this is the canon ending.


Attached: 1522961254424.gif (300x300, 209K)

I will join the Puritan in his witch slaying, for the good of the Commonwealth.

catholics are the worst branch of christianity
>don't do idolatry
lol ok *builds a bunch of saints to worship*
>don't covet wealth
lol ok *takes in massive amounts of money, covers everything in gold and jewels*
>no one speaks directly to the lord, priests speak through the book
lol ok *makes a pope*
>you can't repent without self reflection and personal atonement
lol give me your wallet and do some hail marys and your good bro

Attached: In-the-mouth-of-madness.jpg (600x399, 27K)

user that did the Belmont image. Thank you so much user, i love it. Wanted to repay you in someway for the amazing drawing, so decided to do a image of your witch cat design.

Attached: Anon's Design.png (760x700, 26K)


You lost me on worshiping saints.
You sound like an angry protestant.

Attached: file.png (1300x2800, 50K)

t. autistic little prothy



>a decade of the Rosary contains ten Hail Marys
>only one Our Father
You can argue to your blue in the face that worship and veneration are "like totally different guys honest" until you're blue in the face, but the fixation the Catholic religion has towards saints over the trinity is blatant fact.

yahoo! yahoo! yahoo!

This is one of my favorites

Took you long enough


You sound like a fucking heretic. Martin Luther should have been nailed to the door with his thesis. All protestants deserve the rope.

Witches should be burned at the stake, the puritan did nothing wrong

based and protestant-pilled, pedofags cucklics btfo

Yea Forums? More like furchan.


Attached: 1562607649471.jpg (480x456, 27K)

What if the Puritan is corrupted and is trying to make a sacrifice to the Dark Gods using the Felinid while tricking us into thinking he is doing a good thing? Maybe he is playing us like a fiddle

Attached: 1530156622733.jpg (1250x1080, 99K)


Where's the witch cat peepee art

right? the slug princess had porn in like 5 minutes and some actual good pics too

but what if this is being orchestrated or one of them is a member of the alpha legion they might be banking on you trying to intervine

kill them both for the greater good

Fucking based

A moment, please

Cute cat

>Cat panties

You done good kid

Attached: D-yc6srU0AI9Rxj.jpg (888x768, 63K)

Based, seething papists responding to this have had no genuine refutations of what you've typed

Slugcat Princess has a simpler design than Cat Witch Princess.
Slugcat Princess was also a pear shaped shortstack.

Also I feel like people are put off by the "lets just have these threads every day" thing.
More time between threads does wonders for stuff like this.


Attached: 1546188773026.png (1300x700, 498K)



Oh man that brought me back

Is there anything more pathetic than anons that LARP as Christians


Attached: whats your offer.jpg (1280x720, 84K)

She has magic, how come she can't save herself? Hell, she should be the PC.

Whoops. Fucked up.

Attached: file.png (2896x2832, 261K)

You could say that he was prepared

Attached: burn to cinders chaotic flame.png (391x257, 30K)

Thank you I love it

Attached: cwp3.gif (560x420, 1.06M)


Attached: 1537972850337.png (1300x700, 497K)

based false equivalency cathtard (not actually based)



What do you have to say for yourself?

Attached: file.png (1522x2411, 115K)

There's actually someone under the hat.

It's actually one in three, you just played yourself fuckboy

>be talented
>waste time on 4channel

fuck you dude

Based Giles Corey poster

The culprit is in the pit, dicksucker

rape the puritan to please my corruption fetish



soul vs soulless

Attached: file.png (1525x2977, 163K)

I beat he is into incest

>Frog turns into a bear

>she still has the crown in the final panel
7.8/10, needs work.

Got a hearty chuckle out of me there, m8.

Hats have been scrambled!

Attached: 1565031709566.png (1300x700, 27K)

he's the gay prince charming in a world where cat princesses are a thing

Get out of here user, stop wasting talent here

Attached: space breeki.png (480x561, 98K)

I really hope you hated it!

Attached: 1501353879977.png (555x630, 378K)

hhahahahaha dude what the fuck


this is the best

Attached: 1557453138155.gif (250x188, 1.63M)

Wow, I actually hate it.

Attached: file.png (1300x1400, 33K)

Attached: 1534910392674.gif (500x283, 177K)

The fun part is the person that drew the remake made that exact same joke at their own expense.

the best

Attached: 73f1868f-1e1d-42cf-8d31-fea47ba51d64.jpg (720x960, 183K)


why is her dick on her ankles


Being an actual Christfag posting on Yea Forums

Oh catwitch princess yoshio i c u r wearing ur doremi jeggings

>copy/paste cat girl is thicker than original cat

Original catgirl is more sideways, so it's hard to gauge.

>upside down cross = devil
Hello retard zoomer

Fucking brainlet

>he doesnt know
Cope, enjoy purgatory

literally who fucking cares shit dick

Nice fanfic, you catholic shitter

Ok mr reddit protestant


Attached: neural overload.gif (1200x646, 605K)

Sing it brother, sing!


the best pic ITT

Attached: 1564963149459.png (480x480, 333K)


Unexpected reference

Well, since the thread is close to the 300 replies.

Threads in Yea Forums last 500
Also based

yeah porn is cool and all but why wont someone just make her fat?

Convince him to feed her cake first until she's nice and plump

But user. Bump limit is 500.
Also, nice.


Attached: V3V3kPO.png (975x810, 179K)

Would hug


Oh no, shes a nazi.

>nazi futadom witch
I've seen this exact content before.

Attached: 71.png (1300x700, 15K)

A lot of good art in this thread.

Should have made it more clear, it was more a celebration that the thread is close to the 300 replies, considering that this kind of threads have been getting archived quickly or deleted these past few days.
I really like this image.

Best pic of the thread desu

>Those cute feet

Can you impregnate the cat?

I am actually honored that you made a gif based on my shitty 5min MS Paint thing, btw this thread has been alive for almost an entire day, the fuck

That puritan drawing is actually quite amazing despite being so simple. I can't stop admiring it for some reason.


Music theme to this


Something like this?
Sorry if is not what you asked, i am really sleepy...

Attached: Take responsibility anon.png (1288x1220, 85K)

More than perfect, it was also a question not a request

Oh, then i will go to sleep more tranquil now. See ya user.

Attached: 1558976006482.jpg (177x278, 33K)

nice, thanks user

reminder that protestants are the actuall pedos

> press down b
> select twack
> win

Do you believe in...

Attached: I_only_know_what_i've_seen.png (332x416, 199K)

The real endgame is that the "evil" puritan is trying to save you from fucking your life over with this STD ridden thot, and you have been betrayed all along.

I appreciate this reference.

Can you even comprehend such a thing?
Nice one user.

Heh, Mystics of /trash/ and Yea Forumsiolence.
glad to see someone else gets the reference.

I guess the real princess was the villains we fucked along the way.


copy paste again on us. we will be the thiccest cat girl and we WILL dominate the others in a lesbian orgy pile.

Attached: PRAISE.png (1300x4200, 89K)


Attached: why you should patrol the thot.png (1230x699, 58K)

I'm still optimistic, I'm sure she will like us if we flirt enough, like, who knows, she may be into frogs.

Those babies were probably dicks, anyhow.

Two left feet

Attached: 1563208412239m.jpg (1024x576, 37K)

Where can i find more of your shit

This should continue.. .... ......

Attached: clone.png (424x343, 9K)

Fucking amazing

>But I'm not virg-
She can't continue to talk because she have pussy in her mouth.

Clearly because she's a witch.

Attached: 1509579404753.jpg (631x591, 36K)

Pure gold user.

Attached: 1550985728069.gif (607x609, 821K)

hoooooooly shit this is perfection

based user

awesome job user, you're a beast

the cat or a vagina?

catholic cope


>cat princess
Fucking furfag enablers

go back to ctt

Attached: vqGeMsr.gif (350x255, 1.78M)

>defeat the puritan and rescue the princess!
umm.. I think you meant help him burn the witch?

But he's an EEEEEEEEVIL puritan, user.

The guy's a witch-trial puritan, just because the girl happens to be hella hirsute and a brewer doesn't mean he should be allowed to burn her.

I activate my final solution

Attached: unknown.png (992x967, 1.39M)

great linework please waste more of your time here

Now why would I do such a thing? This servant of God has come to deliver us from the vile evil that is furry witchcraft! In fact, you should help him by gathering wood! SUFFER NOT A WITCH TO LIVE.

Not so fast papist

Attached: 1551406785279.jpg (220x220, 18K)

thanks for reminding me it's tuesday. I hope there is more ps4 art

She's a witch, we may save her, but she's still evil.

Attached: Witch1.png (946x2496, 88K)

Stupid rangeban.


Attached: jao4w8bg.png (946x594, 13K)

And she ends up being the one that rapes them all.

The End.

futa is only good when its futa on female

prove me wrong

Not bad, user

Attached: mnTRkBN_d.jpg (640x2265, 102K)

What about futa on futa?

what if its futa vs you, where you engage into harsh sexfight, whoever couldn't longer maintain boner will lose and needs to start leaving as slave for the winner untill next match(weekly event)?

>2007 Yea Forums

I want to go back

not as good in my opinion. the second dick is too distracting

That's... oddly specific.

I remember last threads died so I guess I better post what left of that threads

Attached: 1564951068571.png (896x348, 12K)

Still not buying your game for the 3rd time Todd

Attached: 1564960513006.png (896x348, 34K)

How will his children have children if they are untouchable.

Attached: 1564952331724.png (896x348, 19K)

Who would want to save a princess that is a granny?
Super Smash Princess Ultimate, every princess is here!

Attached: 1564952878319.png (896x700, 28K)

Attached: 1564954116046.png (896x348, 12K)

Attached: 1564954939043.png (896x348, 47K)

Attached: 1564956204860.png (904x690, 55K)

Attached: 1564956889526.png (896x348, 27K)

This is art

Attached: 1564957772750.png (896x348, 17K)

Attached: 1564959869868.png (887x449, 32K)



Attached: 1564960528394.png (896x1044, 89K)


Attached: 1564961247113.png (896x1044, 88K)

Attached: 1564961763159.png (896x696, 27K)

Attached: 1564962746947.png (1578x473, 170K)

Bing bing wahoo

Attached: 1564962910166.png (896x1670, 43K)

Are you serious posting a whole thread in another thread

Yeah I don't really think it's necessary to repost all the other posts, just the OP one for anyone that was making or didn't get the chance to make a response before the thread disappeared.

Welp of course I mean why not? last thread got delete, so I though it would be better off If i post it

Attached: 1564964642587.png (896x348, 11K)

That's not how it works, you can post all this stuff in Princess Booru, not in another thread.

Welp then I suppose this is my last bump then guess I be get going now

Attached: 1564965919945.jpg (720x893, 95K)

Well link?

There is this user that posted a link at the beginning of the thread, in Princess Booru you can post all kind of shit, including porn.

You could literally have just searched "princess booru" and it would have been the first result, you know.

Just fucking link the thread

This, fuck attention seeking "witches".

Attached: naranja2.jpg (800x800, 105K)

Better yet kill the puritan, rape the witch-cat princess, repent and become the puritan and wait for a hero to come and repeat the process.

sorry todd

I make bethesda.net account

Attached: face-towelguy.jpg (426x341, 35K)

Right behind you

Fake news. A cat would never do that.




Puritan burns, problem solved



Since that user was a faggot and didn't link the thread

begin a lengthy and passionate discussion with him in which i try to convince the misguided man of his faith`s lower standing when compared to glorious orthodoxy and try to convince him of his heretical and murderous ways

Attached: glorious orthodoxy.png (1113x832, 91K)

Attached: Untitled.png (659x911, 345K)

I want to lick her teeth.

I love you man, no homo.

Hoooooooooooly fuck, my dick

Just what I needed, mate. Keep up the good work.


S... she's fast

Attached: evil cat witch.png (317x280, 23K)

Imagine the hairballs.

wait a second this isn't video games... this is furry porn.

Attached: 1554687230114.jpg (480x544, 26K)

True ending

And the obligatory resident artfag being asked by anons to cater to their fetishes

God bless you user.

>cat princess peed herself
Nice touch.

Please let me support some of you niggas, content like this cannot go unrewarded/unappreciated. Twitter/Patreon, anything.

Attached: reaction.jpg (800x560, 201K)

So many great artists wasting their talent in this shitty thread. I love it!


what do you think it tastes like haha






No thanks, I like my catgirls to be cute.

Attached: catgirl kills.png (871x804, 544K)

Attached: 1565031709566.png (1296x700, 30K)

Cosplaying anime trash isn't cute.




You're fucking subhuman.

Attached: FUCK THE CROMAGS.png (1300x2800, 128K)

t. Jesus

based dragon

Fran is great, but don't bring her into this shit

Attached: ayylmao.png (1300x700, 24K)

Yes it is very cute, furries aren't cute though.

Jesus christ she's going super nayan

My video game knowledge tells me the puritan is probably right.

Attached: 589d8c82cdef073ad3d4c0ee2baf0719.jpg (564x823, 68K)

Attached: 1558937050384.png (1300x700, 269K)

Aren't real witches supposed to be able to survive being burned?

Attached: 1523164669809.jpg (1657x1657, 138K)


This. Even once a week was too much at times, now it is just a matter of time until they don't exist anymore.

Far as drawing shit I wish we could just get a good Doodle or Die thing going again, just if it wasn't so susceptible to trolls. Used to be top notch memery in there


Attached: Capture.png (483x332, 14K)

Burn the witch furry!


Attached: 1553021550337.jpg (600x400, 46K)

Holy based


Anyone got a link or the little res riding wolf princess thread ?

Attached: 1454362577733.png (645x597, 286K)

Let the witch cat die
the puritan is arguably the good guy in this situation. All furries must die and he is just doing his job.


ow the edge

i feel an aura

Attached: chrome_8so7P9OnuU.png (472x334, 143K)

purge the furry

Attached: furries must die.jpg (393x375, 35K)

You are small-minded

Attached: 1556834726040.png (1920x1080, 2.57M)

Man why is drawing so hard?

Attached: box.png (1300x935, 35K)

Praise Slaanesh
Fuck you marine

Attached: 1534048875231.gif (228x228, 50K)

Fucking great

Attached: 1554880766992.gif (500x522, 1.78M)

Attached: hairball.png (464x600, 10K)

What the other user said, and the ones most Americans think of with the big hats were basically thrown the fuck out of England an Europe. High point for them was basically Lord Protector Cromwell.

man you have such a way with expressions and clean as fuck lineart

fucking L E G E N D


>worshiping the objectively worst chaos god
i mean,i know you`re a heretic,but at least have some class

Attached: thats some heresy.png (680x386, 266K)

Now we don't know what each party did to get to this moment. But furrys are always degererate since they want to be and is getting purged because of that.

We are all their slaves in the end

Attached: 1558342766703.png (464x319, 451K)

Also, most Puritans were disgusting millenials.
As in they believed there was a coming 1,000 years of God's golden kingdom if only they could get everyone to bureformrn

Now draw

>purging Felinids

>not one artist has linked their twitter/instagram/anything
Please fucking shill your social media accounts.
I don't want your art to be so hard to find.

Poor thing




The last panel really ties it together. Gold star.

Attached: kinoreeves.png (453x493, 155K)


Attached: honesty.png (1300x700, 31K)

got an artist name for that crop?


bangs+furry is too good
Shounen Henai-san by Rikose, hope you like /ss/

Attached: cute.jpg (390x758, 139K)


Best one

blessed thread

Saltzpyre would ally with Witch-Cat, because she probably know thing or two about killing ratmen.

Everything is ready for the next burning sir!

Attached: I hope this is over soon so I can go back to defiling corpses.png (1300x700, 56K)

Are there other kemono artists like Rikose with the same wholesome feel? Everyone else I've found is not vanilla.

Attached: ae.webm (1300x700, 559K)


Attached: 20 meter ES.png (1300x700, 28K)


holy shit dude

I know a bunch of /hmofa/ wholesome stuff,Yumiharizuki no Michiru Yoru for example

Attached: 020.jpg (1280x1801, 386K)

*dustep fart*

Attached: 1490778568218.jpg (1600x1143, 202K)

Attached: 1563524774922.jpg (1024x512, 62K)

Holy based

>puritan's face




Well, we got to +500 replies, this thread cannot be bumped anymore.
If anyone is drawing stuff, you have 3 options:
1. Be fast
2. Upload to princess booru directly
3. Wait for a new thread

Good luck to all drawanons.

What is the cat's stando?

Nicely done user

Attached: 1563528722884.gif (219x186, 1.76M)

Has anyone uploaded all the red riding wolf images on the booru?
Last time I checked they werent there,or atleast werent tagged that i couldnt find them

Attached: 1563755737787.png (545x543, 36K)

Attached: myformofheaven.png (1300x696, 667K)

And make sure to wait at least a few days before making a new thread. I recommend until friday or saturday.

No, just 4 of them:


mashed potatos

you got a link for that thread?

I hate it

Attached: 1564551488880.jpg (473x473, 20K)


There also was a new one with new art

I think I'll upload some, no idea who the artists are though

Thank you user, I was afraid you wouldn't be able to find them before the thread got killed.

There, all the times the base image was used.


Attached: fuck.png (1407x753, 57K)

based donut

Just tag the character correctly, doesn't matters who the author is because almost all of them are just anons.

I'm surprised more didn't happen with this.

Attached: 1563941687928.png (1400x2700, 94K)


I wonder what powers「Cromwell」has.


I was this moron, thankfully I was wrong, before the thread is gone I want to apologize for being retard.


Attached: 1539383589236.png (1400x1914, 151K)

Damn, no last hurrah of porn...

Sad, but expected, there is no more time, farewell my degenerated brothers!


Attached: 1564117800850.png (888x1200, 312K)


Cute Panda

Attached: 358a8212ca9df26af9223f2eb6cbad70.gif (500x500, 2.89M)

Attached: 0bf4740cb170a4203040bc9458b663a3.gif (352x497, 807K)