(Supposedly). Why do we have this same conversation every 3 years or so?
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(Supposedly). Why do we have this same conversation every 3 years or so?
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Nope, fucking spam filter won't allow any iteration of the fucking URL even with the dots etc. removed. It's on The Independent website.
Article begins:
"Video games are partly to blame for mass shootings, Donald Trump has said.
Games that "celebrate violence" should be discouraged and made harder to buy, the president suggested.
"We must stop the glorification of violence in our society," he said during a speech in the wake of a spate of shootings. "This includes the gruesome and grisly video games that are now commonplace.
"It is too easy today for troubled youth to surround themselves with a culture that celebrates violence. We must stop or substantially reduce this, and it has to begin immediately."
The president did not give any details on what form that crackdown might take or how it would be launched."
It's a scapegoat to make everyone cool their heads, and nothing will change.
Israel just needs an excuse to censor us again...
good. eliminate gambling and military shooting from video games and we will return to the golden era.
He doesnt have the power too, video games are protected under freedom of expression
Dumb mutt with no sense of self responsibility and full of racism that thinks it deserves sympathy
trump is a racist who encourages this kind of violence. video games is just a piss poor scapegoat from a desperate old man, this should be obvious to literally anyone with at least two brain cells to rub together
user, nothing is going to come of it. Vidya is just a convenient scapegoat to deflect to.
He's not gonna do shit. I remember everyone freaking out about this a year or two ago and nothing actually happened then either.
>Games will now have to rely on being good now that sex and violence will be drastically cut
Based and redpilled.
Kumbrain's need to get a life.
it will only target those shitty "realistic" first person shooters so who gives a fuck? if we are lucky they will go after fagnite
What did he do this time?
Can you dumb nigger incels stop posting non-video game threads on my board? I don't care if your political hugbox is in danger, fuck off.
oh boy hopefully that'll stop the shootings that happen literally everyday in Chicago/Gary/Detroit etc
Thanks /pol/ for ruining more video games than SJW
So i guess laser tag, water guns, and paint ball are even worse.
Shit, lets blame shooting ranges while we're at it....
You wish. Ever heard of the Hayes Code? Clown world etc. etc., in no realistic scenario would this kind of censorship lead to better quality video games in the way you're imagining, as nice as that would be.
This is about access to our games. I don't want my vidya to get grabbed.
can we launch a crackdown on cripplechan posters instead?
Nothing will literally happen with this
>government is going after shooters again
This is fine. I don't fucking care. If it ever came to a vote. I'd gladly vote to have them banned.
well looks like im going independent. Fuck Both Parties.
handing assault riffles to mentally ill kids? better blame cod
its gonna be like that pre 86 automatic firearm law. we will have pre 19 violent video games in display cases.
Mass shootings happened. Gun controlfags start making noise again, so Trump's got to deflect to vidya to calm them down until the next shooting
>supported trump to keep video games safe from SJWs
>all he does is fuck shit up and ruin video games
I miss Obama so much.
Scapegoat whenever people go on about muh guns because of a shooting, now something trump did.
>Videogames are now the ultimate scapegoat once again.
Alright pollocks tell me how your faggot ass president is based and cool again ?
Dumb nigger
>Why do we have this same conversation every 3 years or so?
Don't you mean every 3 weeks
The shooter also posted a picture of his support for Trump and the wall before he killed those 20 people
OP here, I know this, most of us know this, my question is why does the media keep pulling this same schtick in this day and age when the conversation's already been done to death so many times with the same non-result?
Please make it mandatory that you are 18+ for all M-Rated games so all these little fucking idiots are not playing online. Would love to see all the conniption fits from little retards not being able to play GTA 6.
Video game devs don't pay off Senators.
Think this is the first time I've heard this on chan. Glad to see that people are actually finally starting to miss the lad
>this surely won't fuck him up at all
Fucking hell schools are run by such morons.
Sex and violence are woven together. We'll be seeing the death of both and return to good traditional families like God fucking intended.
president jack thompson lol
>society quickly stacking against anyone who has a different opinion
>violence is commonplace on every form of media. You can even turn on the television without extremely gruisome shit
>Everyone has completely fallen into apathy thanks to social media. We actively wish death on people (and their families) just because they have a different opinion about completely irrelevant things while simultaneously crying over a animal mistreated in any way.
This is just the tip of the iceberg but we honestly need another world war. At least then we can grow a awareness for the frailty of life and gain even small sense of empathy.
>This should be obvious to literally anyone with at least two brain cells to rub together
/pol/ would like to contest you on that
>supported a president who openly opposed vidya publicly
>he contunues to
Hes not gonna do shit brainlet, he'll go on about violent vidya for a bit until people stop talking about the shooting and only bring it up again when the next big shooting occurs.
>Sell guns at walmart
Oh well, at least now there's some coherency given the censoring of titties and ass, but still, fucking burgerland keeps avoiding the real issues as usual.
>Why do we have this same conversation every 3 years or so?
Voters have a short memory making it an easy way to garner support
lol a bit fucking late to be trying to get that going christfag
>Fucking retard says something retarded
Reminder, Trump is just scapegoating video games because he knows the real cause for the shooting was his racist rhetoric.
Look up stochastic terrorism.
banning violent video games would cause a sharp upturn in mass shootings
This is actually valid for Yea Forums since it is about the access of ones video games if you are american, which I think like half of Yea Forums is, although it would be valid if this was for Malta as well.
It is politics, but it is also video games.
It can go on either board.
This isn't one of the cases where it's /pol/ spilling over for no good reason.
a message for all the sony shills
I will not speak up for you because you said nothing when animu waifus got censored, now that violence will get censored too I will now sit back and laugh while seeing your games get censored too
it’s just violence, why would you want that in games anyway you sicko? obviously if you play a game that has content in it I don’t like it means you do that stuff in real life too, violent sickos BFTO
>JIDF kikes already running damage control in this thread
Oy vey!
I really wish they'd stop deleting this thread so another one pops up 1 second after
Seems to be a trend with right wingers.
admittedly the gun pop tart was a bit much
You dont sound american.
Most of the east coast's walmarts dont have guns for sale. Just the sout and midwest, where the most racism is concentrated
Domestic Terrorist shot up a bunch of Mexicans and Americans after Trump doubled down on his anti-immigrant, anti-mexican rhetoric.
It's not so much connecting the dots that the guy was influenced by Trump, as it is just one giant dot.
Who was the first US president that was ever compared to Hitler? Surely it must have been a thing before Bush Jr.
You have no idea how much I wish that were true.
I've never wanted to kill a person in my life and I have crippling depression
He's right. Americans continually glorify the violence within their media. It is quite disgusting.
Abraham Lincoln
Niggerman got you into this mess. Without 8 years of obama, there's no way the quality of elections would sink so low.
What IS the solution to mass shootings Yea Forums?
Depression isn't real. Just clean your room and you will be happier.