What’s your reaction to best boy coming back in Persona 5 Royal?

What’s your reaction to best boy coming back in Persona 5 Royal?

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Cant wait for him to die again

i have no reaction because i have no face

His death made me respect Ryuji and shake my head at everyone else

he was obviously going to be in royal so I have no reaction

Is that really the design they're going with?

He turned into a dragoon?


wait a minute he totally does

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I really hope you have the option to send him to jail instead of going yourself.

I don't actually have a problem with Akechi per se, he's an alright if insanely predictable character. What I have a problem with is the disconnect between his actions and him that has occurred on the part of fujos and shitters. He's a fucking scumbag that murdered a dozen people at the bare minimum, including two of the parents of your party members, and he shows no remorse for it before trying to murder you and only acts "redeemed" after you kick his shit in, yet "GOOD BOY JUST A KID DINDU NUFFIN" and "SHIDO MADE HIM BE AN ASSHOLE" are the arguments to the contrary I hear most often.

If Akechi looked like Mitsuo from P4 nobody would have any problem throwing him under the bus. It's appalling how willing people are to forgive this fag just for being pretty. Or maybe it's just the whole Jap forgiveness culture thing, I dunno. Either way he deserves what he has coming to him.

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It's really stupid

Why did they add Kain, why not Cecil

Attractive people can get away with more shit than uggos, this is a fact

Kain is more popular.

A dragoon walked into a bar, everyone else dodges it.

>Implied to kill Futaba's mom
>Kill's Haru's dad
>Tries to kill Joker
>Killed numerous more
>Still befriend him, even after he admits he was using the team just to get his father's respect

oh I get it lawl

>I killed Haru's dad
>I killed Futuba's mom
>I laughed and got giddy when I thought I killed Joker
>I was going to kill Makoto's sister
>I killed dozens of innocent people because of daddy issues

If there's not at least the option to tell him to fuck off and call your party retarded for even considering it it's really, really, really stupid.

To be fair Fujo's are usually pretty sick in the head and the damaged psycho pretty boy is a pretty popular trope to them.

At least a slot for the light and dark attacks in your party can be filled, so I don’t have to have joker always cover that. Also I hope we get a lot more from his VA, he did a great job

why pretend this is exclusive to fujos when Yea Forums goes "mommy" whenever there's a female version? You're all crazy, don't deny it


He's a terrible character and getting benched.

I'm sure he'll be optional like that dumb poetry girl from 4 golden.

I mean, you're not wrong but nobody really wants to admit it


waifushitters don't pretend that their crazy anime girlfriends are good people

He gets debilitate which makes him the best party member

Person 5 was a terrible game!!

*shouldn't you go to sleep*
Erm all ate was a burger fuck off you stupid cat

Joker will just have to work harder.

Wonder what will be Atlus approach with him?
>Having him die for real this time, maybe sacrificing himself for Haru or Futaba
>Willingly goes to jail to pay for the crimes he committed
>Sasuke route: he pulls a half assed apology and fucks off to do his own thing

I can finally use Loki after being blueballed for 3 years


really? tatsuya is finally coming back from the other side in p5r?

Super fucking ready for it, soft boy best boy

>I was going to kill Makoto's sister
He was never going to do that. He likes Sae.
>I killed dozens of innocent people because of daddy issues
He never killed anyone innocent besides maybe Futaba’s mom. Even then there’s theories that she did some fucked up experiments.

Why do Jap devs like spoiling things like this, I'm not one to care for spoilers but feel like it'd be a cool surprise.

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It would be neat if Akechi could use Robin Hood AND Loki since he is a wildcard himself. But they'll probably just have him use Loki

To be fair this was expected. It would be a surprise if he wasn’t back.

He'll stick around for the cinderella fantasy world where haru and futaba's parents are alive, and then go back to being dead when you break the illusion.

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So let me get this straight
The new scenario is them trapped in a world where all desires is granted? One of trailers show everyone telling joker to stop. I'm guessing everyone don't want to go back. The real question is that the pancake fucker in thr trailer is the real one or a being created in the desire world? I'm so confused

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>wanting a mommy gf is just as repulsive as wanting a psycho serial killer bf
Just goes to show how much females despise weak males

Goro knows that he’s in a dream world and wants to get out. So he’s likely real.

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God I want to punch Makoto until her face is as black and blue as her costume.

His Loki+Robin Hood 3rd persona is going to look funky

read the whole post, it's talking specifically about female equivalents

Attractive people tend to have it easier

>The real question is that the pancake fucker in thr trailer is the real one or a being created in the desire world?
I think they're going to keep that ambiguous until release. Maybe he doesn't get killed on the boat or maybe he vanishes and only conveniently reappears in the desire world as Joker's own tulpa telling him to go apeshit and break everything.

Kasumi uses light attacks.

>Akechi's death is off screen in Shido's palace, meaning we dont know what happened
>Akechi "dies" taking out his doppelganger
>Later Futaba finds out that he is still alive in the MetaVerse
>Everyone agrees to save him and bring him to justice
>upon reaching this "deep" level of the Metaverse everyone is separated
>Everyone is trapped in their ideal world
>Joker stays sane because Akechi comes for him
>Together they break into your teams dream world and have revamped boss battles
>At the end Akechi is brought back out repentant and willing to do 1 final heist with you
>Goes to jail at the end

He crashed a train

nobody died

He can't go to jail, he's a minor

he’s 18

Yea Forums is not one person and yanderefags are just as bad, yes.

This means Kasumi is the villain right and Akechi is the true 8th party stand-in once you face her?

Not necessarily because they’re in the party at the same time.

>no combination of his Robin hood and loki outfit.
The onesie looks lame

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>Akechi's getting off the boat

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Juice man is the villain

The crow outfit represents his fake self. Mixing it with the black mask outfit would be dumb

that mask is so poorly put on


He has a bigger ass than all the waifus.

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I didnt know akihiko was coming back.

With no survivors?

Isn't he a wild card? It would be better if he could switch up between the 2


Goro did nothing wrong! It was japanese Armstrong's fault!

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He really is a crow

He can't be, he looks so trustworthy

while a redemption arc for akechi could be interesting, a part of me doubts that atlus under wada can pull it off without it feeling hamfisted, or just being blatant fujo stuff
oh well, at least kasumi is cute

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I'm happy to put him in the party.
I'm not expecting Atlus to fix Persona 5's trainwreck of a story though.

I need pictures.
Pictures of Kasumi eating.

What did you lads think about Q2?

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She's a hungry girl

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So Rise likes /ss/?

I wish but she's talking about the best boy

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>Playable Loki
Pretty hype

She likes dogs.

P5R is entering perfect territory

I just wanted him to be legitimate. Possibly selling you out still, but because he earnestly believed in the justice system rather than just 'lol I was a psycho all along'.

Kasumi is FAT!

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fucking this, out of all traitors of the franchise he's the one that you're supposed to hate because he fucked you over directly
beside all this shido part is dumb even by j-rpg standards.
they better rewrite the other arcs, otherwise it would be retarded from the perspective of the game, each character is supposed to be innocent but guilt tripped, what would be the excuse to put an ACTUAL criminal in the roster ?

His SL is getting re-written at least

I wonder how is going to work since it's no longer automatic. Same goes for Kasumi since her Confidant is only five ranks, but I'm assuming it will change to something else later on, just like Adachi's SLink in Golden.

You just know

I sure hope so, I know you won't get SL points every few story cutscenes, but you'll need more than just a few games of bowling with not-kira to excuse him shitting on the rest of the group

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>I wonder how is going to work since it's no longer automatic
Probably the same as any other confidant. Goro will probably use Leblanc as his meeting spot and will be open to do stuff on certain days while the old scenes that used to be his rank up sequences will just be cutscenes.
Kasumi is an interesting case because if her confidant was just plot locked then it would still be 10 ranks like Sojiro so I imagine she might swap to a different arcana for her last 5 ranks.

looks awful

>and he shows no remorse for it before trying to murder you and only acts "redeemed" after you kick his shit in, yet "GOOD BOY JUST A KID DINDU NUFFIN" and "SHIDO MADE HIM BE AN ASSHOLE" are the arguments to the contrary I hear most often
I mean, if I have to take his seriously for a moment, I'd say that a lot of people probably empathized with Akechi just a bit. To elaborate, I do think that while Akechi isn't exactly a "good boy who did nuffin' wrong" I do think that he was kinda fucked over in a tragic way. I actually think that Haru sums it up nicely when she says "I don't forgive you, but I do sympathize with you." Basically, Akechi is kinda like Joker, except without any friends or surrogate family. His mom died when he was still a kid, leaving him to just fume about his father for most of his young life. Personally I think it makes a lot of sense that he'd throw almost everything away just for a shot at revenge.
Now like I said, I'm honestly not a giant Goro fan. I do like the character, but he's probably my least favorite out of the Thieves. However I can see where the sympathy of the character comes from and I don't think it's all because of fujos
Just to be clear, at least part of it IS from fujos though, no doubt

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yo that’s bullying

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Is he gonna scream PERSONAAAAUGHHH in every battle?


I hope so
