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Other urls found in this thread:


His smile and optimism: gone.

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The WoL didnt deserve this bros

>Smash thread


>Wow thread

We are home boys

>Blatant hentai thread

Now This is vee culture

>Gacha thread

Astolsfo is my waifu

>XIV thread

Vydia IN MY Yea Forums ????? TAKE IT TO /VG/

Why tranny janny such a faggot ?

To be frank WoL seemed pretty cheerful in Stormblood

Why hasn't WoD been added?

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how can i get my item level to 90? will it just become 90 with the MSQ armor i get in 2.1?

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How are those e1s clears going lads

I spent 6 hours pugging yesterday and hit enrage once

Just fucking kill me

Yes the MSQ throws free gear at you

go to revenant's toll and buy ilevel 120 gear

then if you want buy carbontwine and carboncoat in the same place to upgrade it further to ilevel 130 at north shroud

1) repair that shit
2) buy ilvl 120 armor and weapons with poetics from mor dhona, you get them from doing roulettes, and they can be upgraded to 130

>he doesn't know about E2S pugs

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Just had a kid ree at me because I didn't bring the boss back to mid during delayed flares when I had a dark fire mark on me. It's like he wanted me to hit everyone with it. Also he died to fucking pushy hand.

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>was able to log in last night without a queue for the first time since the expansion launched

Dead game

how does GNB play on a controller?

i think im just gonna find a damn static

Post more chris to ease the pain of trying to do savage raiding with pugs


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Shut the fuck up. XIV posters are so whiny.

fuck you Vauthry


Shut the fuck up.

>just let them do it

>everyone thinks the midlander hyur is a placeholder
>it's really ardbert
headcanon = best canon.

Literally only FFXIV threads provoke this kind of autism from both the janitors and from Yea Forums posters. I'm genuinely curious why this game makes people on Yea Forums so goddamn upset.

Imagine doing it for free for someone who does it for free.

Imagine being this much of a cuck

Attached: janny 2.jpg (210x240, 13K)

I'm surprised people bitched about Ixali Beast Quests. They need just enough points to be finished that they serve as a great boost for pretty much every crafter in the 30-50 range, the point where you may as well overlevel for each class quest because the requirements get stupid.

Must have been a ton of people who already maxed.

It's because all the WoW trannies can't cope

Attached: DestroyerOfAzeroth.jpg (1079x762, 212K)

my reaction from finishing the msq a few weeks ago and now playing through the endgame cycle again

Shitting on FF/Square is popular, and with good reason.
These threads basically are a general and pretty much need to end once 5.1 drops, but they won't.
Yea Forums has paid ad threads.

It really doesn't make much sense, but I think they're supposed to be "canonically" similar looking. The CG WoL looking less like Ardbert in the expansion trailer after Ardbert's first appearance is probably not a coincidence.

>CG Hyur is meant to be a generic placeholder but somehow has more soul than any actual character you can make in the game

Attached: WarriorofLysebtfo.jpg (1417x772, 433K)

>mfw panto horizon as niggermage
i'm sure glad i can prep 30 seconds worth of instantcasts

>that feel when you notice after you complete the first ShB dungeon the WoL just gives a solemn nod compared to older dungs where they were smiling and overall joyous for making it through

Attached: 7f8.jpg (800x600, 161K)


>in 6.0 the WoL will be FUCKING PISSED at the end of every dungeon for wasting his goddamn time

With Switch I thought it was just because we killed Tesleen, but then it happened in every other dungeon. It's a nice touch, but sometimes I feel like it doesn't match the tone at all, especially in the frog dungeon where you kill literally nothing.

Nah you're just insufferable autists who keeps screaming at a fucking brick wall. It makes every other xiv poster look bad, you dumb shits.

And people still talk about how BLMs need extra catering and take forever to learn fights and can't deal with movement
No fucking way
See mechanic once
Save instant cast for it
Perform mechanic effortlessly

How do you play Red Mage without falling asleep?

Funny enough, Yea Forums threads are horrible for new people because everyone just rags on everyone. /vg/ is nicer but it's more gay than faerie and balmung combined.

Nah, he's Ardbert as a placeholder for you given what Ardbert is. They don't consider any single WoL canon or even "canon."
A femroe WoL makes the most sense given the cast dynamics, the WoL's personality and disposition, and the aesthetic, but good fucking luck convincing people that the MC should be a butch woman.

Switch to SMN

so what are your guys plans after you clear eden 4 savage?

From narcolepsy to tendonitis, nice.

>camp all night for a house placard
>end up passing out at the keyboard for 40 minutes
>lose it

Man, this shit's riveting, thanks Yoshi.

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>Potd and HoH are fucking full of WHM and SCH. Probably AST mains who are in the process of dumping the job.

Fucking kek. I had 4 healers in one of my potd runs yesterday. All SCH's.

And I can't see the WoL as anything but my femtato. I don't think a sound argument can really be made for any sort of "canon" WoL.

Your headcanon doesn't make any fucking sense because the First didn't have fucking Bahamut or Ishgard or Ala Mhigo.

He only looks similar to Ardbert. Ardbert has lighter colored hair and no scar. His "official" name in internal documents is Meteor.

Should i spare a lunarian named Tsukuyomi?
After all the shit that humanity were thourgh

Reclear because there's not a chance in hell I'll be lucky enough to get any worthwhile loot

i got a 4 dancer HoH earlier, everyone having double step buffs was kind of silly

WoL doesn't even look like Ardbert starting with Stormblood and honestly I don't think they were too similar looking to begin with.

>femroe being canon according to cast dynamics
this is literally your head canon

Sign up for suicide protection.

>His "official" name in internal documents is Meteor.
isn't it Meteor Survivor?

My group were doing stuff with their FC yesterday so hopefully we can get in some practice tonight. Was farming my Immaculate accs in the meantime and gearing up my BLM off-chance we need to switch.

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everyone uses a auto clicker for that. no way you're getting it if you're doing it manually.

>Video games? On MY Yea Forums!?

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What the fuck, really? Where the hell do I even get such a thing? I thought most people did was use the numpad trick.

>he hasn't seen 2S and 3S pugs
Hahahahahaha I hope you enjoy working a second job

Is there a way to adjust the size of the HUD elements so that they can be smaller AND fit the dimensions of a larger screen? I'm using a controller and choosing each element as I go without being able to move anything is getting a little tedious

>A femroe makes more sense

Fucking lmao, w/e you say fucking tranny

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>play MCH
>DNC makes me their partner
I feel uncomfortable

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just search for AutoHotKey

what do you mean?

guys? should i even bother leveling other classes?

t. playing MSQs with GBR and dungeons with SAM

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What I mean is the HUD layout is a bit of a cluttered mess and I just want to shrink it all down so that I can see the game a little better

Welp, guess I'm going full scumbag.

Thanks bro.

Globally resize them in the options??

You can either hit R3 when a UI element is selected to make it smaller, or alternatively there's a HUD layout section in the options that let's you rearrange everything to a pretty big degree. There's lots of good options (although I wish there were more)

If I played dancer I would dance someone at the start then switch to someone else mid dungeon or fight so the first person would start feeling bad about himself.

>this is literally your head canon
Yeah no shit. What do you think "makes the most sense" means? Sorry I didn't post "to me," I assumed anyone who bothered to read and give a shit wouldn't be retarded.
I play a Male Highlander, jackass, I'm just talking about what makes sense given the setup. I even pointed out nobody would want that shit.

I've all but fucking given up on a clear before reset.

Every party always dies to the first orbs or somehow scraps by only to die to Untold Dust because DPS sucks.

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>be BLM
>DNC makes me their partner
>they somehow feel like I should be grateful, even though they're pushing all the work onto me

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Oh okay cool thanks

>drg and dnc on my cock
>almost hit 30k in e1s adds
you could say they turned unto dust

user. Apply yourself a little.
Great. Another bot to compete with my autoclicker. Fuck you user.

But how the fuck do the dynamics not make the most sense with something like male hyur or maybe elezen

No you didn't

>why yes i do indeed play Au Ra WAR

Attached: MEGAGIGUBERCHAD.jpg (1920x1080, 563K)

Who else scumbag cleared Savage so far?

>join a bunch of E1S spinny orb/post delta 2 progress groups, never actually get to see the spinny orb phase
>fuck it, join an Enrage group without ever having seen the spinny orb phase properly, scroll through a clear video real quick to see what the rest of the fight is
>Clear it on the 2nd pull

>Same thing happens with E2S, Join Quietas or whatever the fuck the triple mechanics at the end are called progress groups, but never actually get to see it once
>fuck it and join an Enrage group
>look at a clear video real fast to make sure I know how to do the triple mechanic
>clear it in a few pulls, none of the wipes were my fault

>Keep joining Tsunami 2 progress groups, but never actually get to see the phase with the group alive/done right
>Fuck it, join an Enrage group again
>Look at some pictures to see what to do for Tsunami 2/The rest of the fight
>Takes awhile to clear because of the DPS check on the fight, but didn't fuck up the group at all

Don't think I'll be able to clear Titan for awhile though, that DPS check seems to high to bother wasting my time in party finder for a few weeks.

>did Dun Scaith yesterday playing as DRG where 2 DNC made me their dance partner
>both never took it off and placed on another melee

Felt like a war god for about 20 minutes or so

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>he didn't triple foul the stacked adds
Get better tanks

>when killing Eden!Titan is the first time in ShB that the WoL cheers

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The dps check for E4S is something like 72K rDPS which seems ok given that it's a 450 ilvl requirement.

Why do the devs hate SAM all of a sudden?

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I don't think it's about killing, I think the WoL is just tired, and how the First is in such dire straights its hard to get super excited.

Pretty sure its way higher than that considering 2 and 3 are both 72K, with 3 having some downtime.

Except it doesnt make a single drop of sense dumb fuck, only way that makes sense to you is trough olimpic level of mental gimnastics, the same one trannies like you use to think they are sane and healty humans.

What do you mean bu "apply yourself".

I've been camping houses for the past 2 weeks, always thought an auto clicker would get my ass banned.

My nigga

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Maybe just don't be a lucklet
t. 4 houses

I refuse no one would be ecastic about beating up that frog

What the hell does that even mean, most of my game time has been camping placards the past few weeks. The whole thing is about luck.

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>DRK is the worst tank two expansions in a row
The balance is pretty close now so we're perfectly viable but still feels bad.

Looks like it's 75K judging by Xenos first kill(which was a first kill on a pussy hair).

>xiv moderation
>banning anyone

Hell the WoL is never happy after getting done with trials or dungeons anymore. Just a pained look.


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You mean the dungeon that is eating up precious time you don't have before the Eulmore military arrives to stop you from beating Titania?

It's not everyone else's fault you datacenter is full of faggot tranny degenerates. Either jump ship or deal with getting meme'd on faggot.

>The WoL now only finds joy in bastardizing the image of his enemies and giving them shit like an ATV
I worry for what he’s going to create in the next Eden tiers

I think the WoL has fought so much dumb shit over tbe years they just don't care anymore.

You don't normally look sad when there's a lot of pressure, you look anxious or worried. He looks down and essentially goes, "wtf bros.... frogs....".

we do what we always did
we erp and have fun while raidfags enjoy their second job

Crystalshitters seething

You are retarded and likely just inserting your waifu submissive male fetish shit.
Logically speaking, the WoL (and by extension EVERY SINGLE VIDEO GAME HERO EVER) should only be male. The only exception to this rule is if the protagonist is a magic user of some kind and isn't reliant on physical strength/speed. But that isn't the case in xiv because canonically speaking, the main jobs of the WoL were warrior (ARR), dragoon (heavensward), samurai (stormblood), and dark knight (shadowbringer)

If people like this actually started clear PFs instead of whining on Twitter, the Crystal memeing would end, but it's more comfortable being a miserable shitter I guess.

What a pussy

I think it's less that and more the whole 'I'm finally making a difference and giving this world back to itself.'
Do you learn before or after the dungeon that Fuath are drowned children? It may play a part into that.


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>yoshi makes containment datacenter
>it contains
a farewell to trash

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Just leaving this here.

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the clear rates are fucking pathetic regardless of data center

it has more to do with SE refusing to design a game that molds shitters into decent players

It's either the WoL gets hype over super hard fights, or they enjoy beating their old enemies like punching bags.
Also it might be because beating them js actually helping rebuild the world, so the violence is helping fix something instead of just destroying


After, and it's not just kids its anyone drowned. That's why they try to drown you.

just transfer bro

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I could write a damn thesis over this tackling race lore, city lore, and the tiny bits of personality we get of of WoL, and all kinds of shit, but I'll spare you and talk more generally.

Male Hyur is like #2 in terms of being appropriate, and the gap is pretty small. I'd say Male Au Ra's a good fit too but it's a little weird in HW when there's no trepidation about this dragon looking motherfucker. Viera and Hrothgar fit pretty well too but they're supposed to be rare enough that it's surprising pre-Shad, so eh. The only thing that really doesn't fit is Male miqote, ranged DPS and healers, but you could still kinda handwave it. The rest is varying degrees of fitting.

>dancer partner with me then changes to some other person with a higher ilvl
>they end up dying the most with me being the top dps

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I knew I was mixing up the fae backgrounds.

The fact that the game stops you from making characters on certain DC/worlds is absolutely fucking retarded. I was FORCED on crystal because malboro was the ONLY server open to character creation when I bought the game.


They should offer free transfers.

Im gonna miss that wave.

We will shine one day. Just like MNK.

but ardbert was in the source.

>Except it doesnt make a single drop of sense dumb fuck
How does any race choice not make sense in this game?

they already offer free transfers to less populated servers along with additional benefits

>Tfw finally cleared E3S with pugs as RDM
Whoever told me this is easier than E2S is a liar, the DPS check is fucking nuts with pugs for this week...

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I play on crystal and don't give a fuck about savage. I'm not even subbed anymore.

I miss him so fucking much bros

I can't believe hes fucking gone, out truest bro, out best bud. Second only to our son and daughter Alphinaud and Alisae. How Could the twelve fucking do this to US. US. THE WARRIOR OF LIGHT. Mark my fucking words you scum, you'll get whats coming to you.

A smile best suits a hero.

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>Ivalice raid
>DNC asks who wants to be partner with
>Play GNB
>Oh me! Me!
>"Sorry DPS only :("
>Gives it to the BLM
>Both of them die to every fucking mechanic under the sun.
Fucking whore.

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Aura in ARR
Hroth and Viera pre-SB
Lalafell outside of heavy magic users

>6.0 WoL will just look at the ground and sigh.

>Logically speaking, the WoL (and by extension EVERY SINGLE VIDEO GAME HERO EVER) should only be male.
Does Lyse make you upset?

Didn't emet die in the same way?

Attached: Emet 02.jpg (1920x1080, 432K)

That would be hilarious.

Let me reiterate
They should offer free transfers to wherever the fuck you want.
No one wants to go to deadpop servers for very good reason. Plus most deadpop servers are on crystal THE VERY PLACE ID LIKE TO LEAVE

>monk can now ignore positionals for half of a 11 minute fight
>they do more personal damage than samurai while also bringing mantra and brotherhood

did anyone playtest this shit

I hope you meant ShB or late SB, those bitches ain't in China.
Also Lala in-lore are okay for physical jobs because aether = DBZ power levels.

Yes, but not enough to raise a fuss over it because she isn't the main character. And she gets pretty handily blown the fuck out by MY ENEMY MY FRIEND (and other people too)

No, deal with it bitch.

>They should offer free transfers to wherever the fuck you want.
they did for 2 weeks when the reshuffled the servers. sorry you missed out on that sprout.

You forget

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Sorry user, Haurchefant has been dethroned as WoL’s biggest fan by the Crystal Exarch. Now G’raha Tia is new best friend.

>all those posters cheering it on
>look into their profiles
>g-posers, homos, nsfw edits, porn posting, HRT comments
they shit on the meme, but then do this
it's fucking hilarious

>they do more personal damage than samurai

Not by a lot of the SAM is good. But yes MNK is a better raid job atm.

Why even play SAM?

>Actually getting upset about women being physically strong in a fantasy game.

pre server split
>everyone wants to be on balmung
>everyone will transfer to crystal because it's the cool datacenter
>aether will be dead after raid day because of raidloggers
>primal will be dead because spics and it's irrelevant



If I really enjoy playing WAR, which other tank would I probably also enjoy?

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>everyone wants to be on balmung
fuck off tranny

>Aether and Crystal constantly shitflinging while Primal just chills in the corner

It actually has ogcds, for starters.

main dev is a MNK main which is why MNK isnt allowed to be anything less than OP

Good, less shitters.

Nice reading comprehension.

Haurchefaunt got me at the time but at least he died sacrificing himself for other people in a heroic fashion where he'll probably be remembered as a war hero. Some of the later deaths are WAAY more fucked up.

>dish out damage close to if not over a blm
>while having aoe minne on the same cooldown
>while having a 30 second parry that gives you a 30 second true north
clearly no one did.


Nothing else is worth you time, PLD fags WILL tell you you can carry ALL parties but this is false as it is a single rotation borefest

Please play GNB

And still does less damage.

Yeah because it's extremely jarring and ruins muh immulsions.
Not to mention that in xiv in particular, 99 times out of 100, a female character is just made for fapbait for some thirsty virgin weeb. You want a female hero character? Make her a magic user. Seeing a 4'7" with spaghetti noodle arms swinging a sword longer than she is is fucking retarded and you SHOULD be mocked if you like that.

>ignore positionals for half of a 11 minute fight
how do you guys manage true north + RoE by the way? I just spam them whenever they're up if I notice they're up but I don't think that's the most optimal way to do it

I hear PLD is really good tho. Is it?

its just bantz aether tranny

Who /leviathan/ here?
How's it going fellas.

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If you're a shitter and want your raid to suffer. There is a reason every Titan kill is DRG+MNK

Yes but christ its boring, I fell for PLD posting

The quests are fun, I'll give them that. But the job isnt

They don't hate SAM. It was in a good spot in SB so they didn't want to mess with it much for ShB. They just didn't numbers right.

god i wanna rail this elf boy so hard

PLD quests suck absolute cock what are you talking about?

>They just didn't numbers right.
>Creates Shoha

It sucks that new players were pretty much forced to go to Crystal because every other server was locked.

he doesn't actually play PLD

Time to see how well these new player are and if they can lift crystal.

Meditate still relies on server ticks which are unpredictable as fuck. SAM got cucked hard.

>picking jobs based on how they're performing at any one point in time
>picking jobs because you think they're meta
>not picking jobs based on aesthetics and playstyle
I thought you were better than this Yea Forums.

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My PLD is lvl 60
All the quests thus far have been very, very bad compared to other jobs

Is there a eureka discord that does pagos content?

I've just finished my first 30 days in XIV and I have to say its the biggest waste of money I have ever spent on a video game.
I will not be subbing again. I would get a refund if I could.
If you like dress up and ERP its great(you are a faggot), but if you want an actual game you are going to be sorely disappointed.

The animations are complete and total dog shit. We are talking PS1 level animations.
All the bosses are just "dont stand in shit".
The classes all have too many buttons that do the same thing(my class Dragoon has almost 20 buttons in its basic rotation).
The abilities aren't even interesting either, they are designed to be strictly used one after another in a VERY specific order. So specific that your next abilitiy will light up with an outline on the HUD/Action bar.
Everyone is ERPing and pretending to be girls CONSTANTLY. They erp in the general channels, they erp in your FC channel(I joined 7 different FCs and they were all ERPing non-stop).
Most people actively talk about being trans and taking pills.
One person was discussing how they will cut their leg, collect the blood, and inject it into their anus to simulate a menstrual cycle.
I haven't wasted any time on professions, but if the rest of the game is any indicator its probably not good.
The leveling is absolutely the worst experience I have ever had in a video game.
There are like 5 different types of quests you do, then they just repeat with different flavor text, you do these same 5 quests 1000 times each(I am not joking).
The story is total garbage
Everything takes place in tiny instances.
Every dungeon is a very narrow hallway with bosses living in circular arenas.
None of the male characters look masculine, but instead are faggy little cunts.

>Seeing a 4'7" with spaghetti noodle arms swinging a sword longer than she is is fucking retarded and you SHOULD be mocked if you like that.
>Also gets upset at the literal amazons who don't have noodle arms and could logically wield swords.
>No comment on how almost every Male option is a noodle arm fuckboy.
You sure it's just about it being unrealistic?

cool lazypeon copypasta

This is a copypasta.

>playing on Crystal

Attached: 124125875251.jpg (1200x900, 98K)

>healer keeps forgetting to go to Flare spot
haha yay

Bitch, 14s cast is majorly female characters that do all sorts of shit. Did you shit your diaper in baby rage when Fordola didn't fall after one hit and complain about her menstrual cramps?

I'm super bummed that he got killed off so early into Shadowbringers. I knew he wouldn't be around forever but I was at least expecting another patch or two of shenanigans. He was a fun character to have around.

I wonder if we'll get a wind-up Emet since he seems to be pretty popular among the player base.

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7/10, you got some replies.

>holy shit did you see that fucking car
>that was awesome

I was the person with higher ilvl last night who was doing less damage and dying. Until I learned the mechanics.

Its why I picked Dragoon. Lances and spears are super cool and Dragoon looks cool and jumping is super cool.

stop that he's pure

Everytime I pick a job because I like the aesthetic and playstyle Yoshi p fucks up it's gameplay and playstyle.

>Liked DRG in ARR, simple but rewarding rotation, love the lance design and class fantasy
>HW comes
>Hate blood of the dragon and how autistic the rotation got drop it.
>Pick up DRK because never tanked before, kind of clunky but love great sword and dark magic aesthetic.
>SB comes.
>Drops DRK.
>try out SAM since I was a huge Auronfag when X came out, gameplay isn't what I wanted aesthetically, but still awesome, feels fun fast and like i ca switch up my rotation on the fly.
>SHB comes.
>Literally take away everything I liked about the job, no level 80 skill and now it's just all MUH MIDARE.

I'm just gonna take a break until 5.1 and hope they buff SAM, might play GNB but not really feeling it's rotation from looks alone.

We'll probably get to see echo visions of him after we consume the WoLs Elidibus sends after us

He's a little shit. If anyone deserves to get assfucked it's him.

>Urianger can you make me that car

I know you're just trolling but let's just go through the list.
>animations are dog shit
Objectively false. They DO however have retarded amounts of special effects.
>all the bosses are just 'dont stand in shit'
Confirmed for never touching savage or extreme trials, or even getting to max level
>classes have too many buttons
I actually agree with this one. I use 26 keybinds in MMOs and I had to add another 10 to play well.
>abilities aren't interesting
You picked a boring smoothbrain class then like Samurai. Play Ninja or Summoner if you want an intricate class.
>everyone is ERPing and pretending to be girls constantly
Yes. This is a well known problem, particularly on the Crystal datacenter. I wish this shit would be purged.
>most people talk about trans shit
See above; this is indeed an issue.
>one person talking about blood up ass
That's just gross but ties in with above
>i havent wasted time on crafting jobs
Congratulations, you missed about 40% of the game. FFXIV has the best crafting system of any MMO I've ever seen. My only complaint is that you need to level them all at the same time because they are interconnected.
>the leveling is bad
Objectively false. Main story quests will take one job from 1 - 80 reliably. You want more jobs? Do roulette/leves/dungeons and put work in.
>there are like 5 different types of quest you
Confirmed for being a cutscene/text skipper. This is just not true. Also go do Hildibrand quests.
>the story is total garbage
Subjective opinion
>everything takes place in tiny instances
Blame console limitations. Later expansions lack this problem.
>every dungeon is a narrow hallway
Again, blame consoles. Also only half true, some dungeons are, some aren't
>none of the male characters look masculine
You have an extremely skewed view of what is masculine then. Male hrothgar/highlander/roe are the hyper-masculine characters.

In short, you're just wrong on most levels (except complaining about ERPers/trannies, fuck those people)

>crystalbros actually believe this

I only started playing XIV because I heard BLM had lots of big pointy hats. Then it turned out they're a powerful and fun job too.

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>Pray do not worry my friend, I swear I shall keep no more secrets from thee!

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>play male raen
>have literally NEVER EVER seen someone else playing the same
being a gigacontrarian is lonely

>I wonder if we'll get a wind-up Emet since he seems to be pretty popular among the player base.
Of course.
For $7.99 on the MogStation.

do you have the edit where he's holding 3 spire cards

There's rarer combos.

>implying not the next encyclopaedia

It'll go along with my Wind Up Gaius, Ultima Weapon, Thordan and Zenos

I'd be playing FFXIV, but currently CenturyLink is fucking dead for me. Fuck CenturyLink.

When all your friends keep dying or becoming horribly mutated around you and you discover that you have essentially worked so far for one of the beings you're constantly trying to repel from entering your plane of existance, you tend to become the equivalent of punished Snake.

I just hit lvl 18 as marauder. Is it worth it to start picking up crafting/gathering jobs? I don't even know where to go to get the gathering jobs yet.

>pick monk because punching shit is awesome
>pick monk because fastest gcd
>pick monk because it was the least popular job
>it's now first or second most popular job

I have mixed feelings. Now monk is best job which is great but I miss being a hipster.

>Play DRG
>They make the BRD their dance partner
Nothing makes me seethe more.

Remember when casuals were lambasted?

You should focus on the MSQ and leveling tbqh or you'll never reach max level this year.

save it for max level. trust me it will be much easier once you got gil to spend, faster mounts, and teleports.

That's because you're griefing your parties with rdm damage.

I just can not get over how you can't use the jump skills to jump over holes
>Use jump skill to get to target effectively
>Hole in the way
>Fall in hole instead and get stuck there

The fuck is the point of jumping if it can't get you over of a hole?

>BLM gets hit and gains stacks of vulnerability
>will die on the AoE
>mfw he survives after I put TBN on him
>He thanks me after the fight
Last part didnt happen

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What lvl do you get mounts at? I got one in the mail that I can't use yet.

So the Ascians' plan involves rejoining the 13 reflections to free Zodiark. Yet even Emet-Selch even acknowledges they fucked up and ruined the 13th world by turning it into the world of darkness.

So how the fuck does their plan even work anymore

I wonder how all the "Go back to /vg/!" autists feel when they see a XIV thread reach 400+ replies and doesn't get pruned/deleted. Imagine hating a game so much that ONE thread turns you into a wannabe hall monitor.

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level 20, go get your chocobo license from your grand company.

apparently they don't need to rejoin every world, just half of them.

Where would I go to find an AHK script for camping placards? I'm assuming I'll have to make one myself.

So you can't bypass mechanics with it.
If it makes you feel better, I ALSO cannot get past holes with my ninja vanish ability shukuchi.
I can however, ninja vanish way more often than you can since it has two charges and recharges one every 60 seconds.
And I get a free charge every 20 seconds when I use raiton
pls buff my dps squeenix

>implying they thought that far ahead
Just like the WoL doesn't seem to plan shit, they probably figured they'll just keep going and hope a solution presents itself at some point

no, they're not worth doing yet. However if you don't want to be sitting on 100 leves since that would be a waste you could do some gathering to break up the monotony while you level your main job. Crafters are best done when you have a lot more gil so you can power through shitty level tiers and get mats that are annoying to grind out. Botany in Gridania, Fishing in Limsa, Mining in Uldah. Once you get a little higher level and join your grand company try increasing your rank so you can use excess GC seals for items that boost crafting and gathering XP, but that's a while down the road.

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To be fair, by the time the truth is dropped, the WoL knows not all Primals are aether hungry monsters bent on enslaving everyone they see. Ramuh, Shiva, Alexander, Susano, even Tsukuyomi were examples of Primals that weren't just monsters. It's still shocking sure, but I doubt finding out Hydaelyn is a Primal is world shattering for the WoL.

friends have been putting off savage so i haven't even started. looks pretty simple though. wish i had a static but friends want to meet people as we go.

Will getting a class to 80 give a "road to 80" bonus?

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Likely by the time the 12 Shards are rejoined, Zodiark would have enough strength to just break the seal without being whole.

Plus there's implications, if Elidibus I telling the truth, that the 13th can be fixed.

Yea, but remember what Enet tells you in the Ocular. Each shard divides the essence of the Source. An incomplete source means an incomplete Zodiark. Incomplete Zodiark means Ascians dont get what they set out to do


>Not paying attention
>Dash to boss in E3N when the middle is gone
>Fall off
Dashes in this game are fucking awful.

Not that it really matters for DRG
The jumps are just jumping-flavoured damage buttons so they're pretty much always on cooldown
Wouldn't get to jump past any mechanics even if I wanted to because muh dps

During combat only X and Y coordinate values are taken into account, stuff that takes Z values (like jumps) aren't. It's a leftover from ARR that they still haven't changed since ARR didn't have flying mounts.

is e3s puggable in EU?

Damage doesn't matter in this tier unless you're NIN. DRG/SAM is a perfectly valid option for people who want to avoid the braindeadness that's nuMNK.

they were going to use the flood of light on the first to burn out the darkness on the thirteenth, it's in the final role quest, not to mention they only need like more than half the shards to be rejoined to initiate that part of their plan

>get MNK to 80 first
>not really feeling it
>main MCH instead
>yes this is fun
>they fix all of MNK problems in 5.05
>get a little envious and miss it
>stick with MCH
>have trouble with Voidwalker enrage
>fuck maybe having DNC/MCH was a mistake lmao
>desperately want to go back to MNK but i cant afford the crafted gear
god i hate how fickle class design is. why would you just suddenly add like 10 QoL to a job? why couldn't that shit be in 5.0? did it take the entire monk playerbase bitching for shit to happen?

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>implying they can wait that long
They'll blow their load in the 5.x series.

if we can have constant smash threads day in, day out since fucking march of 2018, we can have threads for a game that came out one (1) month ago. by september the threads will most likely drop off, and they'll spike again in 5.1. Chill out my dude.

Its comfy but has the most abilities out of the tanks so you really need to plan your bars

Difference is people liked him fast.

I mean, I would think that if nothing else they could have a shard go full light, then open some fuckhuge portal between it and the 13th, and they'd annihilate each other to release all that energy.

I just can't get used to the new way they did DK.
Any MNKs wanna give me advice? Should I just keep hitting the striking dummy until it's second nature?

What are my PB options as opener or using it after my opener? Does it just vary depending on what buffs are up? If so, what are my priorities?

static right now

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To each there own I guess, am I alone in thinking they were fun? I haven't finished many to be fair.

Is it possible for a ilvl415 MCH to solo HW dungeons? I want to farm some glamours from Baelsar's Wall but the queues are terrible

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Stop thinking that muh crafting gear is the only thing that's viable.

Here you go f.am

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>Thancred can shukuchi over the hole
>You can't
Fuck off.


wtf? Why not? Hasn't that always been a thing?

I keep forgetting I can put TBN on others. I should try doing that more. Does it work across alliances? 24-mans as a tank are boring if you're not MT.

You retard, you fool, you fucking ignoramus. You feel for it, you fuckhead, dumbass small gamer little cockhead thinking fucklord.

You fool, imbecile and absolute ingrate, you wrote all that? For what? A copypasta? Fool of a lalafell, I should cut your idiocy where it stand, you fungus of stupidity, leave before your autistic spores infect me aswell with the blackhole that is your IQ. You fucking mongoloid.

Does it though? Do I need to overmeld it? I want to go DPS this tier but it's going to take me a while to tome it up. I can probably farm titania and innocence for the weapons and accessories though.

So how do i optimize on this? it's my first DPS i've ever done in high level content. I think i have the recommended opener down, but does it really just come down to 'use the ogcds the nanosecond they come off cooldown and mind for invuln phases'? I'm not shooting for a top 90%+ parse or anything, i just want something i won't feel ashamed of.

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How the fuck are they going to make this guy intimidating after the katana fiasco?
Are we supposed to be worried about this dude knowing the guy we repeatedly kicked the shit out of, in a body that wasn't even his no less, beat the shit out of the supposed "big bad"

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So is Emet killing millions (probably a understatement) of people to merge the realms and bring back peace and property just? Hell according to the Ascians the aether or sould of the people who die are not even lost during a rejoining so they'd still have the potential to be reborn.

road to X buff only applies to preferred servers.

you must be thinking of the armoury bonus. that applies to all classes lower level than your highest. how much % you get is based on the level of your lower level class.

>Play MNK
>DNC doesn't make me their partner
>Even in dungeons
What's wrong with them?

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>when you get a mentor banned

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In his eyes yes because he doesn't consider any of the people he has killed to be people. They are literally the equivalent of when you go and spray an entire can of RAID on an ant nest or something to him.

No that's never been a thing
You get 100% bonus exp on jobs lower than your highest and you get Road to 60/70 for making a new character on a preferred world

Alright, I just got three lines in wondrous tails, which of these ornate facet chests will sell the highest?

make a macro to target your off tank.

That's not how you greentext you reddit shitstain.

You should just fuck Khloe in the ass if you get 3 lines

>play ninja
>AST keeps throwing me their cards and DNC keeps partnering me

fucking why???

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Ha, no. I'd kill myself before I played pedobait race.

You can beat DPS enrages in savage content with 450 edengate gear that isn't overmelded. The game is balanced assuming that you don't have omnicrafters at 80

all the fights are puggable for sure but it's a massive pain in the ass
t. like 100 pulls in e3s and still no clear

come on user. you can literally check the mb

His alternative is to wait literal weeks gearing from normal mode

Because he probably didn't actually try. Emet was just killed and likely realized their plans were ruined, no point in sticking around and wasting time knowing both Emet and the plan to rejoin the First were gone.

>be BLM chad
>dancer partners me
>she sucks my dick after
feels good man

>be MCH
>get DRG eye

Attached: aimi.png (225x197, 66K)

what about crafted gear?

Find a Titan clear without crafted gear

offer to sell it on PF and get an offer

That's not something that can be solidly said. The whole final confrontation is just that, two sides with equal reason for fighting, battling to protect their loved ones.

100 pulls in clear parties?

To keep you out of the grey parse zone.
As a ninja myself, I enjoy seeing them waste their buffs.

Alternatively, maybe they have ACT installed and everyone else is total fucking dogshit and you really are the highest dps.

The Ascians fear the Samurai, user.

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have you thanked your dancer yet?

NIN is worst at optimal play, but good NIN style all over mediocre everything else.

>applying real world physical attributes to a video game
Okay retard incel.
At least one dude npc gets uncomfortably faggy with the WoL per expac. Japs aren't into the whole faggotry thing it's just this game was made for women in mind. The WoL is a fuckin chick.

Crafted is slightly better sure, but not worth the fucking headache unless you yourself are an omnicrafter.
Or if you're bullshit rich and tossing 50 million on the market boards doesn't faze you.

We all wanna fuck Aymeric, don't deny it.

let's not pretend bullshit rich people aren't also omnicrafters

>still no Thordan, Sephirot, Sophia, and Zurvan minions
>still no Zurvan crafted weapons
What gives

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>I've never had a male friend (or even a friend period) so I cannot understand non-sexual affection from someone who is close to me: The Post.
GUARANTEED you're that retard who was complaining about the Crystal Exarch explaining his motivations to the WoL a few days ago.

You could unironically make more than enough money, even as a dumb nocraft nogather, to buy it in the time it takes you to farm the gear from normal modes

Rdps have great fuckin uptime for esprit. It's hard, almost impossible, to be bad at rdps. Partnering them in pf or DF is a safe choice.

a full set of crafted gear with just the 3 melds is like 9 million on primal lol

Something like that. Haven't actually counted. Could also be that it just feels like 100 since the boss is a big fucking damage sponge and really boring for like 80% of the fight.

Fun fact: Derplander was originally white-haired, not brown.

Makes more fucking sense than
>duhh dewds r stronger than wimmen IRL female characters can't be Sam's, Drgs, or mnks, because I'm a fucking retard

What dps do you wish you saw more of?

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Good ones

It breaks muh immulsions. Period. If you disagree, then chances are you're just one of those thirsty virgin weebs who wants their retarded mary sue fapbait character.

more melee dps lalas

Is it because there's a lot more hatred towards anything remotely deemed as 'weeb' these days? There was always a bit of that before but within maybe the past few to 5 years at most it seems to have gotten a lot worse. Is this true or am I wrong?

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This one?

Attached: Urianger.png (1414x752, 2.52M)

What the other user said, but also SMN. I haven't seen them around much for whatever reason.

So MCH is worse than BRD and DNC when it comes to progression AND speedruns? What's the point then? Even shit like RDM gets used in top tier parties.

>it breaks my immulsions

Because you're a fucking incel retard. Glad we could agree. Go shoot up a garlic festival or something.

Omega M is based on the original WoL basic design.

It's almost like the demographic on Yea Forums changed to normalfags and underaged retards after a certain event, really makes you think.

mch is better than dnc at 99th percentile

Incel retards are the ones who make fapbait unrealistic characters. I've already given you a free out: if you want a female character, use fucking magic of some sort. Make a BLM, SMN, AST, SOMETHING with magic.

How to fix Shoha easily:

Shoha does 500 base potency but can only be used if you have at least one sen, potency is increased by 200 for each sen consumed.

40 second cooldown.

It can still clear but NA are metaslave retards so that doesn't matter.

>It breaks muh immulsions

Kill yourself, tranny


Ranged really can't complain, their jobs are almost perfectly balanced right now and you see them evenly distributed when you look at the top parties.

>that weird feeling when Eureka is profitable again because no one is doing it.

not every job is fun though faggot. SAM is literally terrible to play now.

>on week 2

slow your roll, user, did the balance get to you too?

As a NIN main, I heartily disagree with you.
NIN and DNC do not do enough DPS to be viable. No, Trick Attack and whatever it is DNC does is not enough to make up for the fact that we are literally 3k DPS behind everyone else.

>SAM is literally terrible to play now.

B-but "post thicc brown vidya milkers" is video games

They just made us DRG with less damage instead of the free form adaptable rotation we used to have.

How does that work?
Do the enemies scale the more players are in it, or what?

I agree on NIN, but DNC is present in a lot of the worlds best statics right now.

Good ones

I got a bullshit one.
Shoha is a 3 day CD. 10,000 pot. 30s cast time. Meditates works outside combat. Needs to meditate for a day to unlock Shoha for use.

>join savage party
>confusion about positions for a few pulls
>party disbands

I mean they were shit anyways but at least realize why people are wiping

Well like I said I'm a NIN main so fuck those DNC faggots then.

Shhhh, you can't acknowledge them or they'll kill the thread while screeching about how they're a boogeyman

THIS. I almost wish I had that pasta ith the normie guy listing all the places he could go to but instead choosing Yea Forums. Fucking election tourist.

that doesn't make any sense though

dnc has almost the same rdps as brd and mch. nin , well, yeah, has to fight mnk/drg for the slot. not really viable for week1, but week2 and onwards, will be fine.

>Start FFXIV with WHM during HW, because my friends had already taken tank/dps classes
>No way I wanted to heal with books, classic staff healer all the way
>First MMORPG I have ever tried, but tried because I loved Final Fantasy games
>3 years later still WHM main, and started to main healers in other games. 120h as Mercy in OW
>Started because I was "forced" to heal, ended as healslut
>Have no regrets

PLD will be the posterboy of the last expac.

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free from is gay, I'd rather just unga one rotation, but just up the damage on everything so SAM is above mnk and drg

>for whatever reason
Because while the job is still powerful and useful it's just a crock of shit to actually play. RDM performs just a tiny bit worse but is much more comfortable and fun. At the end most people will choose enjoyment over 1-2% dps increase.

Because you have to actually use your sen now rather than spamming shinten.

Technically possible, but you put your party thought fucking hell during week 1's DPS checks. If you wipe to a 1% enrage as a ninja or dancer, congrats, you wasted 7 other people's time because you want to be a lazy useless shit. Your selfishness is why you deserve to be locked out of groups.

remember when pepe was only posted exclusively on here and somethingawful but now every twitch streamer and youtube video spams him?

New world expansion when
MCH, GNB, and uncucked BLU as poster classes

yes thank you

Sounds about right. Will it ever go back to the way things once were?

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doesn't help most guides can give different or even conflicting strategies for the same mechs, pugging early on can be such a pain.

MTQ best guides desu

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I started on CNJ/WHM cuz I was sick of que times.
Its level 30 now.
I fucking HATE it. Its absolutely god damn boring, has zero aoe, ONE fucking attack spell and healing is for cucks. Fuck that shit.

I'm a WHM main since 2.0 and my most played OW heroes were rein d.va and mei before I completely dropped that garbage of a game.

You were only a healslut because you wanted to be one, don't blame the role for your degeneracy.

It's going to be MCH.

i keep having a strong urge to make hundreds of ingots and lumber and stockpile them. what's wrong with me?

if you have friends, sure
those don't exist on most NA servers

Stop being a shitter. Xenos NIN did 10K+ dps on E4S first kill, and all the time they were wiping the entire chat said it was "Physically impossible to clear with a NIN in the party".

FFlog-mongoloids just need to stop talking.

is RDM fun?

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>you're a lazy useless piece of shit because you picked ROG to level instead of LNC or PLG
Fuck you, you conceited faggot. No one should be obligated to grind another job up to 80 because the one they picked at the start of the game turned out to be non-viable. That's the fault of the devs not the player.

Recommend me a helmet for the armor of light set. Can't get the helmet of light because that costs real money, and the circlet is dumb. Currently using adamantite helm of fending with the visor up dyed woad blue, but the dye doesn't properly match the armor.

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Of course not. All good things must come to a end eventually. Just be lucky that Yea Forums hasn't shut down already like ochochan

That's nice but means nothing when everyone else is doing 13-14k. And having a VASTLY easier time doing it since NIN is exponentially harder to play and play well than any other class outside SMN.

What did they change in the housing system that makes people so angry about it?

Are you the same femroe player who flipped here when I called your character "mike ciera" kek

No one has fucking patience for typing and sorting out mechanics on American PFs I've noticed. If a group mandates Discord that seems to keep things running a little longer since bothered to 'commit' to getting on voice.

are there dreads like this in xiv?

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>Normal Raids roulette
>See another MNK
>'Wait a second i remember this guy'
>Hes always dangerously close to me in DPS

Attached: Untitled11.png (893x502, 846K)

wow, 10k. drg does 13.

Buy the helmet.

buying an empty plot is rng because it's held hostage by a random timer. people abuse botting programs to click on the placard 24/7 or someone with a house already can troll others by moving their house there which bypasses the timer.

it is. canonically your characters look the same

Only one person in Xenos raid was doing 13K on first kill and that was a Monk.

>zero AOE
you're the purest "heal" class so you don't have a lot of damage options but off the top of my head Stone/glare, Aero/dia, assize, afflatus misery, and holy. The beauty of WHM is that you have a lot of "oh shit" buttons and unless your party members are dying to 1shot mechanics or they're a DPS standing in aoe with 4 vuln stacks you're the best at keeping them from dying

trim the mustache first

10K is more than enough to clear all current content sperglord.

this glam combo makes me want to keep leveling drk

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I don't play femroe.

Sorry baby gurl, but WoL will never be BLM, WHM, PLD or BRD

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>DRK is the lowest tank dps but all the racers killed E4S with DRK
What gives?

You look like the type of person that would eventually have a call-out post on tumblr or twitter get made about them for being a creep or predator.

TBN is busted which allows healers to DPS more and make up for DRK's loss.

>15 eurodoodles
it's a google image search result.
But also no.

While anything's viable, this user has a point. A perfect NIN should be 6th place in DPS at worst since they have one of the highest skill ceilings. Normal players should be below average but able to make up for it with utility and TA.

Would it be difficult to heal with a controller?

>don't overheal, only heal enough so regens can cover the rest
>cohealer proceeds to spam medica to keep everyone topped, they run out of mp halfway through the fight whole I'm still 80%+

The game literally punishes me for playing properly, what the fuck am I supposed to do?

Because the DPS difference is so small that skilled people can play what they want

Huh, I just noticed it's the same idle stance as Zenos

Is it true that with the trainer program you can see what the Shadowbringers AF armors look like when dyed?

Can anyone show the Paladin set in Pure White / Jet Black?

Not terribly. Takes some getting used to, but mostly fine.

stop healing and be a full time green dps

when u have a 100% percentile monk, healers and god tier tanks, yeah 10k might be enough. for pugs? no way.

kick em if they're preventing a wipe
if there's no wipe then who cares

To my understanding girl cats/lizards have the highest % of PROBLEMATIC players.

Skill ceilings shouldn't translate 1:1 to DPS. That would be ridiculous.

While I agree that NIN is on the lowest end of the dps, this is contextual as hell. Relative to what? If a NIN is capable of clear E4S then technically it's good enough, even though you can compare it to a BLM's logs and conclude that it's bad.

its fine. harder to max your dps uptime than a proper kb/m but its definitely manageable.

i think its the default, but make dpad up/down scroll through the party and dpad left right scroll through enemies


>try to aetherial manipulation to him after he does it
>fall right through
Great game.

The rest of the party needs to contrivutre 65k, because boomer bro titan needs 75k group dps to clear.
You can reasonable expect 5.5k from each healer, fflogs.com/zone/statistics/29#boss=68&class=Healers&dataset=50, and 7.2k from each tank fflogs.com/zone/statistics/29#boss=68&class=Tanks&dataset=50
65k-25.5k is 39.5k from the rest of your dps and trick attack gainz. The rangedcuck does 12k at peak performance fflogs.com/zone/statistics/29#boss=68&class=Global&dataset=50&spec=Bard so now you gotta make up the last 27.5k raid dps through the other two dps and best of the best tanks/healers.

Or you could switch to a real job and stop making other people suffer.

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It's normal enemies stay the same strength, but the FATEs get stronger based on the amount of people are killing it last time. Same mechanics as regular FATEs outside Eureka. So if it's been dead a while, 2 full parties of 8 can easily take down most FATEs, just 1 Full Party with some effort. You don't even have to fight the Main Boss FATEs of each zone anymore, and just turn in crystals.
Legitimately, the only issue is Pagos' Light Step still taking forever, especially trying to get a group of max levels to do Dragon Chains.

>60%hp is enough for that blm right
>why did he die to that party wide
>why is that other guy healing lol look at his mana

I want to worship his sisters feet


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>Or you could switch to a real job and stop making other people suffer.

Or you can play with an actual static and clear everything regardless of job because people don't suck like in PFs.

>even number patch
>savage raid tier comes out
>everyone busts their balls and burns themselves out trying to pug and shit static their way to a clear
>odd number patch comes out
>catch up gear gets handed out like candy and echo comes out
>everyone clears with ease
>rinse and repeat

who else waiting for the comfy 5.1 patch instead of playing the masochist game

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>24-man as a tank
>one of the other tanks charges in
>guess he's MT
>dies to a mechanic
>fuck it I'm taking over
>my healers are watching netflix

Attached: 1471978918556.jpg (344x326, 20K)

>24 man as tank
>Nobody use their stances
>Guess I'll MT
>Fuckos come in and provoke
>Still without their stances

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>the masochist game
I tapped out of raiding long ago. Being a casualfag feels real good.

my nigga

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>expac called shadowbringers
>you're known as the Warrior of Darkness
>put together a really ominous appearance
>somehow that translates into being a creep

and who cares about what anyone on tumblr says, anyways

>Skill ceilings shouldn't translate 1:1 to DPS.
Yeah, which is why I said #6, and only at perfect play. High skill ceiling + low results = nobody wants to play. It doesn't need to be the best, there just needs to be some form of payoff for actually playing at a high level. Surely you don't think that someone playing perfectly as NIN getting slightly less DPS than a DRG playing optimally is unreasonable? I even said I think most NIN player should output substandard damage so as to make them viable, keep people who want to cheese but aren't good out, discourage bad players from using it so they can learn a more friendly class, and keep them from dominating party preference. NIN should, based on its design, reward fantastic play and encourage improvement without stealing the show.

this was happening to me a few days ago. i just used superboilde on cd to force them to heal me

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I'd try my hand at the masochist game if the average player didn't have single digit IQ.
By the end of the day it always boil down to "dance in this particular retarded way to evade that backward ass logic mechanic", it's kinda like souls game, it isn't actually difficult, it's simply retarded shits and memorization.

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yup, focusing on crafting/gathering to jew parsetrannies out of their shekels, then i'll casually netflix heal through savage when it's "irrellevant"

comfy game

Best guide for each of the eden savage fights?

Mister Happy! He cleared Titan savage week 1!!

Eh. It's hard to target enemies at the same time but you can definitely do it.

>force them to heal me
There's a point where I wouldn't even trust my healers enough to notice. I'd rather shirk them to wake them up.

Any laptop bros with tips on how do I make my HUD not cluttered as fuck? I play on a laptop with 1366 x 768.

trial and error

>the other tanks keep using provoke to cleave the group
>the other tanks don't grab the adds
>the other tanks don't MT when my healers fail me

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50% scale each element

you can resize the hud in the hud settings and graphics options

What would it take for to do Eureka RIGHT NOW? Anything at all, what would it take?

>so as to make them viable

But they are viable, they are just not as retardedly good as MNK or BLM. Which is how MMOs always are. Some class is at the bottom and some classes are at the top, and very often the gulf between them are exaggerated.

Like, I get that a PF will bring a DRG over a NIN, but so what? In 3 patches DRG will suck and they'll bring NINs instead, and every single person who plays DRG will raid the forums and whine, ad infinitum.

You should play something else while the class you like sucks, I guess.

it pays me money

Zurvan definitely soon, possibly even at the same time as Susano? Thinking back on it, did Ravana and Bismarck crafted weapons drop at the same time?

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Exactly. Male Roe is the canon WoL as Allisae has the perfect height to compliment them.

I wouldn't mind savage if the mechanics got progressively harder if people fuck up instead of "half your party dies its a wipe". same way with enrages, the boss should get progressively stronger until he starts killing people one by one instead of "everyone dies instantly"

You're a fucking retard.
If you want NIN to have piss poor dps, make it brainlet easy to play.

There is absolutely NO EXCUSE for me having to triple fucking weave (which excludes anyone with over 100 ping automatically), manage three self buffs, time TA and bunshin both of which have different CDs, play Invoker from Dota 2 and do all normal dps shit like dodging aoes and doing mechanics AT THE SAME FUCKING TIME, THEN AT THE END OF THAT EFFORT OF GITTING GUD, WHAT IS MY REWARD? T H I R T Y F I V E P E R C E N T LESS DPS THAN THE MOST BRAINDEAD SAMURAI/BLM/MNK.

FUCK that shit. NIN can and SHOULD have the highest DPS in the game because it has the highest skill floor and ceiling in the game. Fuck you and your memeing about TA, it's not a valid excuse. TA lasts for 10 fucking seconds on a 60 second cd, which is an uptime of 16.66%. You can fucking remove TA for all I care.

I won a coffer in savage but after checking, it wont give me BiS for my main job. Should I still use it for the bump in ilvl, or hold it for another job I may want to gear later?

Seeker of the Sun miqo'tes have their first letter of the name take after their clan's first letter. So Y'shtola's real name is Shtola.

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there's a new gear slot that can only be filled with content from eureka

>make DRG rotation something that isn't clunky, braindead garbage
>wtf yoshi ruined it >:(

Seekers of the Sun are all incest babies

Awww, the NINbabby is mad because they cant AFK until TA is up and they dont get guaranteed spots on raid teams. Should've played DRG, kiddo.

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>Played since ARR, never did any Savage
>Joined my new FC's raid group to try Savage
>Nice people, most do it for fun though some of them are rather parse focused and take the fights too serious rather then just have fun together
>Cleared E1S together and got E2S to 40%
>Had fun learning and doing Savage
>Looked forward to the weekend Raid nights
>Healer got asked if he could assist the other healer more in healing rather then mostly just focus on DPS
>Throws a bitch fit about his purple damage parse and leaves the group
Is drama like this normal in raid groups?

Why are you measuring the fun of playing a class in such an autistic way? Play whatever you want, however you want unless you're actively ruining the experience for other players by playing bad on purpose. The game was designed so you could clear content with 200 ping and a ps4 controller.

>suncats are inbred rednecks
>mooncats are fatherless niggers


finding a decent group is harder than the fights

Congratulations on finally getting around to reading the basic lore for Seekers of the Sun.

Honestly it does feel kind of true, as there I never a major male Roe character besides Biggs, who barely plays an actual role. Up to ShB it's the only spot that doesn't have a major character

please respond

what is this character?

r8 my DRK

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But he's right.
>Nunh breeds a generation of his tribe
>Therefore all children born are related
>Therefore the next Nunh will be from that group of children
>Therefore the next Nunh will be breeding his relatives
>Repeat forever
Any idea of some fucking exchange program between tribes that are canonically wary of any outsiders is cope headcanon by tumblr trannies that don't want to believe their cool ethnic cats have any creepy cultural aspects.

They're parsefags and you're doing the most damage.

Now you're just shitting out ad hominems. NIN has NEVER been able to afk too.

At least in earlier expansions, the bonus damage from TA was enough to cover the lack of personal DPS and boost NIN's contribution to be equal to other DPS. Not anymore. In ShB its not fucking enough to make up for the gigantic gulf between NIN and other DPS.

SE has three options:
A. Remove TA, buff NIN DPS to be competitive without it. I want this. Fuck TA, promotes cancerous gameplay and shit mentality.
B. Buff TA (probably its duration) to lessen the gap between rDPS between NIN and other DPS.
C. Go fuck yourself.

The problem is that SE chooses go fuck yourself so regularly that I have no faith they will do the right thing anymore.

>the boss should get progressively stronger until he starts killing people one by one
That's how enrages worked back in TBC WoW. In the last boss of Kara when he enrages his damage spikes up to 500% and he begins one shotting each party member until no one is left. Instead of RAHHH I ENRAGE EVERYONE DIES IN ONE AOE


As a DRG they probably just macro'd the buff to go to slot 8, 7 etc. to 4 to find a DPS in range automatically

That's actually nice, will give Eureka another try since there are some Minions/Mounts that I still want.

>AST at 500 dps on the first 30s of the fight barely bare minimum heal
>tell AST to deal with the top hell wind
>he keeps healing the bottom one
>2nd hell wind comes up
>benediction the bottom hell wind
>heal top too or else dude is dead
>the guy I just used benediction on dies to gaze
>this was a 2 flare prog party

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Because I stop having fun when I'm excluded from content because my class is garbage.

I picked WAR because I love axes and HUGE AXES. ARR really cucks that experience from you.

SB NIN was literally the easiest melee to play, now you have to put in effort so stop bitching.


Sounds like an attitude problem to me.

Your class isn't garbage, the player base is garbage.

merlwyb and goesetsu?

drg has always been the easiest melee to optimize because most optimization is "i press every button on cooldown because the opener lines everything up"

Tbh I font know how ast has time to DPS during E2S at all outside of reapplying combust. Fuck that fight

>best boy Regula Van Hydrus will be forgotten forever

Its not fair bros...He was a true and honest hero.

Merlwyb, Moenbryda, Gosetsu

the """official" main character that only appears in the CG trailers they release once every two years.


gb2/vg/ out of 10

We don't even have enough lore on Mooncats to refute or support that assumption. What a neglected race.

i might have to switch to controller because my whole arm goes painfully numb when i use a mouse now

It's much easier now than it was in SB, but that doesnt mean NIN wasnt easy as well.

Imagine taking job balance this personally holy shit

We have exactly enough to support that lore, because it's mentioned in multiple sidequests. Keepers of the Moon exile their males when they come of age, and they then spend their lives as drifters moving between Keeper settlements for a night, breeding any women who want them there and then moving on in the morning. They're not allowed to live among their families.

Not him: Gosetsu isn't a really big Highlander?

Health first user, just do it. It's not bad, I had to do the same thing.

mystery niggers

No one loves you.

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Reminder according to jannies this is video games but not XIV threads

>having a main when you can freely switch to anything at any time

No, he's a Far Eastern Roegadyn.

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e1s was easy but holy fucking shit these e2s groups. I'm gonna be stuck on this fucking boss until everyone is in tomestone gear because I've been doing this fight every day since day 1 and I still can't get a group that can hit the dps requirement

>hit 70 on GNB
>can't use continuation
>wtf is wrong with my game
>remember that job quests are a thing

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Spot the tk nigger.
>I'm doing the same thing every 90s it's so hard!

Gosetsu is a special type of Roe native to the Far East, it's mentioned somewhere but I forget where exactly.

blah blah "video game culture"

That's video games too, cheesecake is not inherently bad.

no they confirmed he's roe. they just gave him a more human face because japs hate uggos or something

>mfw Griffin rapes Yda

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Lightspeed and weave plays between malefics.

>Hear about how all these people in the future inspired by your story came together despite living in a horrible mad max world for two centuries to bring you back
>you failed them and let them all down by being too weak to contain the wardens light
They did such a great job giving your character real emotion despite being a silent protagonist. I really hope they keep the focus properly on the warrior of light from now on, fuck side characters and FUCK MHIGGERS.

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did it take you long to adjust to controller?

More dialogue options please, they were so good with 5.0

Completely forgot about Gosetsu, my bad. I retract my statement

There is no video games being discussed, blogging about how x waifu makes your dick hard is posting about your dick, not video games
I did that with MCH for a while

I've started raiding with a group for the first time. They're fun people and we just got our e2s clear today after a break from a few days of struggling. One guy was especially with going through with each of us issues with our rotations and ways to improve and on top of getting better gear we went straight into it with a 0.1% wipe and then a clean clear.

why people arent using the food for prog?

Like a week, but I got used to it. Expanded Crossbars are a God send. Scholar is the only one I have problems with.

I can't even imagine how excruciating E2S must be with pugs

They think they need the HQ stuff when NPC vendor food works fine.

especially good*

You didn't fail anyone, the original plan was never to make you contain the light, remember? Graha started out with the intention of dying to save you from the light.

Its hell, I got my clear yesterday but right now I'm contemplating learning E3S today or just taking a break until reset

it’s comfier than M&KB once you get used to it. It’ll take you a little while to adjust though. Especially if you’re used to mouse overing some shit.

They know.

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>Get ambushed by mystery niggas who wants to kill us

That doesn't stop WoL from being angry at themselves. They wanted to save them all.

How the FUCK do these apes clear e1s in the first place?
Shitter fc bard got his e1s kill yesterday he died 4x in his clear run.

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Memes aside it isn't trannies, it's mostly underage faggots playing slutglam characters
I always try to votekick them for arbitrary reasons

I fantasia'd away from a lalafell because it severely limited my glamour choices. For example, GNB and SAM AF gear looks awful on them.

But I will miss their size since it made mounts appear to move faster than normal.

You can actually bypass certain mechanics with DRG jumps though.

Either get carry or ERP for 2 patches until you can stomp it with welfare gear.

If I had a static and knew some competent people, I'd be clearing it now. But I haven't made a friend in this game in years, so I'll just wait until 5.1, get a clear and say fuck it.

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same way as people getting their clears in ex primals. they get carried by others. I still remember getting people their Sephirot EX clear in HW even though they fell off the platform 8 minutes ago.

Only monks and redditors that never played it in savage say sb nin was easy
Learning fights on it was easy, but it was still a pain to play

I've traded ERP for savage kills before. He took a liking to my lala.

Was a really nice guy and surprisingly competent in many things. He didn't come back for ShB for some reason. I hope he's alright

Are there any cases of rape in side quests outside of the Amal'jaa niggers in ARR?

I know there's prostitution, can't think of any other rape shit.

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I'm the same way.

>slutglam retard in party
>they're just that, a mouth breathing retard

Wish there was a way to turn off peoples glams.

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Second dungeon in the whole game had a literal rape room.

Using well timed jumps to negate movement mechanics used to be the gigabrain method of maintining good uptime but now that they have arms length i dont see drgs try this anymore

Seeing who could negate the most Sophia stage tilts with elusive jump with drg friends was good risky fun

>Wish there was a way to turn off peoples glams.
you can with that one sstool program but you have to do it manually, it's not a automatic process.

>who else waiting for the comfy 5.1 patch instead of playing the masochist game
I still have 22 days of sub so might as well ram myself into savage until I beat most of it.


Take the same pill like I did, it's so much easier, fuck everyone else and fuck mhiggers

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