Looks like we are going to have restrictions on video games before guns.
Looks like we are going to have restrictions on video games before guns
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oh no bros do your last flosses I think there gonna ban fortnite
Nah, this happens after every shooting. They try and scapegoat, no one buys their bullshit, they bend on one or two gun laws and nothing really changes.
wtf I hate trump now
why do most gun related murders happen in states with the strictest gun control?
Have they ever bent on a gun law while republicans were in power?
>why do most gun related murders happen in states
yeah I sometimes forget how anti-gun Texas is
Third game sucked, do we really need a fourth one?
>Gets threads deleted all day
>Still keeps posting them instead of going to /pol/
Go back tourist
Texas and Ohio have some of the looses gun laws...
Only solution is gun licenses
Trump may've shot himself in the foot here.
I'd imagine a significant portion of his younger voters are avid video-game players.
>thread about video game banning doesn’t belong in Yea Forums
its video game related though. how fucking retarded you cant talk about government video game crackdown in a video game board. no, you have to go to the nazi board. fuck off.
I smell some reddit in here
Why is it that every other country has "mental illness" issues, and video games, and violent media, but it is exclusively the US that has this many mass shootings.
What is unique about the US? Is it the literal hundreds of millions of guns and the easy access to them? Is it the lack of a strong and easily-accessible public healthcare option? No, it's clearly the video games
>strictest gun control
Snoy btfo
Crackdown 4 confirmed
>better public healthcare would get rid of black people
Most guns are purchased out of state like the Cali shooter's
Retard. The only ones that play video games are leftards.
>It's videogames
>Just like the twitter screencaps which are totally videogames too
Go back thedonald rejects
Meanwhile /pol/ continues to believe the shooter is a jewish false flag
This thread will get deleted because jannies are assblasted.
This. Texans hate guns with a passion.
get ready for 2020, faggots
if american schools and parents actually educated children none of this would be an issue
>can't target the gun lobby
>can always beat the proverbial kids
Flawless conservatism
He's been ranting about videogames since 2012 at least. His dumbass fans kept ignoring it because "b-but he's just trolling!".
Maybe it wasn't the best idea to back Trump.
Every country has gamers
Only first world country with regular mass shootings is the USA
Fuck logic, lets blame gamers
They always do this
Did you know Charlottesville was actually a Bernie bro?
Education = Socialism
Educated them on what?
Wait I'm sorry, do mods want MORE /pol/ traffic and for us to have this discussion there?
Reminder that you got memed into voting for trump by stormfags, shitting up the whole website for years.
Lie down in the bed you created
Screw the rules
>Texas and Ohio
>strict gun control
Banning guns is hard
Banning literally everything else though is super easy
Dude Charlottesville was actually Antifa, that chick had a heart attack and framed the innocent white guy.
Also remember when Trump already blamed video games for shootings?
Yeah, and everyone jumped on a fucking walmart shooting because it happened in texas. A motherfucking walmart shooting.
Good. Less shooter shit, more rts gold.
Wtf I hate borders now let the rapists in
Why do they keep doing that? The guy did what /pol/ has been preaching for years.
>all these people attempting to derail the "most" part with "b-b-b-but this one was in Texas"
NV and CA have strict gun laws and that didn't stop Mr. New Vegas or the San Bernardino sandies.
He said most gun murders. Technically most gun crime happens in the inner city, which is almost always ran by democrats who push tight gun restrictions.
Gamers. Our time is running out. We NEED to rise up.
I hate sounding like a /pol/tard but both options were absolute shit just like they will be next year
He said violent video games nigger not shooters. Most RTSs could be classified as violent
They are pushing hard on this board, the fact that cripplechan might get taken down has sent the shills into a fervor
>I hate borders now
>he thinks this means vidya game ban
>he thinks banning guns is possible
Holy fuck
Bump stocks were banned after vegas.
Vegas fag here. We do not have stict gun laws. You can open carry here, no problem.
/pol/tards are actually quite spineless.
Rather keep guns than games desu
I'm still amazed that stormfags were so ready to believe the "evil jewish media" that Trump was one of them
>its another "its everything but guns" episode
Seriously how many times are they gonna rehash this one?
Maybe you need not to rely on only two political parties that just take turns as good pals sharing a cake
Nevada does not have strict gun laws, lmao. Nevada has some of the loosest gun laws in the US. Literally the only permit you need is for concealed carry
Guns are fucking gay
This just in, mods are retards and don't understand trying to stomp a hot topic out forcefully makes it 10x worse.
Thankfully there's nothing they can really do about it, except temporarily interrupt discussion. It's gonna be talked about, hot pockets, no matter how many times you try to delete it, might as well suck it up and let it run its course.
Not a jew plot (not directly anyways) but it was definitely a false flag.
>antifa-tier numale suddenly writes a extreme right manifesto that reads like it was written by a caricature of what extreme leftists think the 'alt-right' think and act like
Yeah no, not buying it. They've openly said this would be a good tactic too.
Stop lying, leftynigger
Not sure offhand. I assume they will as a show of goodwill but it'll be something small like redefining what is an "assault weapon" which is irrelevant in states like Nevada where assault weapons can be legally purchased (which is how the Garlic Fest shooting took place.)
There are restrictions on both already.
how about restrictions on neither, you bunch of faggots? More people die to fucking alcohol overdoses than to gun violence, and the meme that violent media causes violence has been debunked for ages now. Boo hoo, some people died, that happens every day. No one cares unless the person that died was close to them, and anyone who says otherwise is a virtue signalling liar. You'll all forget this shit happened in less than a month.
Shit got nothing to do with mental health. KKK lynchings weren't mental health, and this isn't either. It's domestic terrorism perpetuated by loosely organized racist fascists.
>strict gun control
>hmmm % of sexless virgins is increasing at an insane rate, bullying and ostracization in schools is at an all time high, the country is divided into two camps that keep getting egged by the media into hating each other, male suicide rates are skyrocketing and racial tensions are insane
>I know! it's all because of video games!
>it was definitely a falseflag
uh huh, no right wing spergs exist.
>strict gun laws
Imagine being this big of a brainlet. Also imagine not being able to recognize that its super easy to just go a state over, purchase a gun legally, and bring it back to a state with stricter gun laws (making said laws basically invalid).
/pol/ will have increased traffic for a week and then it'll fall back to being the #2 board behind Yea Forums, but until then were going to have to deal with this influx of retarded tourist /pol/acks
>the gun told him to do it
What black magic is this? I don't understand. He did it just because it was there?
bigotry has no place in america, said so by your lawful president.
just bend over goy
What could the problem be Yea Forumsros...? Do we just need to give people more free shit?
>retard chan goes down
>influx of retard tier threads and posts on every board
wow, woah
>every other country plays the same games we do
>we have exponentially more mass shootings
Explain this
Fascists are mentally ill
I need my gun to fight the government when the libs take over and force me to have sex with someone who isn't white and probably male
boomer conservatives are literally evil
He didn't even mean people dying in games. It's about blood splashing all over the screen, people screaming in pain and guts flowing out of them. Where the sole objective is to kill.
Trump also said vaccines cause autism.
The multiple threads with the same posts and images really make it obvious
All they need is to ban niggers and everything will go back to normal but nope gotta keep pretending they're people.
That's some intense "whataboutism" my dude.
And I absolutely care about those deaths and, moreover, fear for me and my loved ones being cause in something like that. Empathy is a thing.
No shit. Because surprise surprise. Inner city shitholes have some of the worst poverty. That shit would still be happening if the cities were run by republicans and had loose gun regulation.
So the Dayton shooter was a leftist?
So conservatives? Because that's what they've been doing for years at this point, whining about everything.
>doesn't want to unironically kill people