All in all, this generation wasn't so bad, was it?

All in all, this generation wasn't so bad, was it?

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Every single one of those games is a sequel to an already existing franchise.

The industry is stagnant as hell.

bloodborne isn't

The fact that you have to include movies speaks for itself.

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sequels aren't inherently bad

>Every single one of those games is a sequel to an already existing franchise.
If it works, why change?

p5 and y0 are last gen

who woke ACfag from his slumber

They were launched on current gen consoles, so it counts.

> Dragon Quest ELEVEN
> Resident Evil FOURTEEN
> Persona FIVE

Yeah, THIS GENERATION makes a lot of sequels, huh


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correct, you can leave now, grug


They're lazier than creating something new
Because it's boring
Compared to last generation where we got tons of new IP's, I'd say that's a step down.

The generation started in 2012 with the release of the wii u or 2013 with the release of the ps4 and xbone. Considering how long it took for the games to come out , I dont see how you can say the generation was anything but disappointing

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even if all of those were console-exclusive it'd still be an abysmal generation
400 bucks for 9 games?

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even the average american understands

god-damn 2017 was one of the best years in gaming.

technically yakuza is from 2015 and persona from 2016

>not a single good game.jpg
yeah this generation suck

this generation is only bad if you only play western games or only have a Xbox

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Meh, this gen has been pretty shit.
Nogaems for the first 3 or 4 years, then a handful of decent games for a few years with just about everything else being shit.

it still doesnt really improve the early years of the generation


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sorry they aren't all boring open world far cry-clone shit starring a nigger, westacuck.

Rent free

yes making that image is pure cope
what else is new?

You forgot the best game this generation, Sekiro

Xbone has literally zero exclusives now, it's essentially a PC peripheral

not at all
last gen was worse in comparison

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>they aren't all open world
they are though

>super luckys tale

Came to post this.

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Why is Yea Forums afraid to admit that RDR 2 is also a good game? It's unrelated to the OP pic but whenever someone mentions RDR 2 a lot of the posters fall into unexplaineable shitposting rage with no solid arguments.

it was quite good


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Yea Forums:
>fuck sequels! the industry is so stagnant!
also Yea Forums:
>mario rehash #3000 is the goty!
>why hasn't sony made ape escape 4 and gravity rush 3 yet?
>half-life 3 when?

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Hahahhhhaaha you should email this picture to Microsoft and ask for a job

t. someone who just started playing games
You can't honestly say this gen was better than last gen

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DMC5, MHW, RE2, and P5 aren't. And Bloodborne and Y0 aren't really open world.

Demon's Souls sequel

Not my cup of tea, generation won't be good for me until I get games that scratch my itches from late 90s early 2000s
Deus Ex, Gothic, Unreal Tournament, NFS Porsche Unleashed, Warcraft 3, Diablo 2. Those are the games I look back to, wish we would go back to that era

snoylings, everyone

Replace that garbage with Sekiro, Hollow Knight, and Prey.

Sequels are fine.
>an entire console generation in which the only games worth playing are sequels to games from the previous generation
Not fine.
Not fine at all.
Very bad in fact.

>You can't honestly say this gen was better than last gen
why not?

They aren't. And the one's that are don't do it in the boring far cry shit way, except for zelda, which is probably the least good game on there anyway.

they show that folks that own the industry don't have what it takes to make something new or original anymore.

most western titles are bland. that's undeniable.

wasting resources to rehash the same title in a different coat of paint isn't really a new game: fe, smt, assassin's creed, cod, borderlands, tales of are all run to the ground.

how is Nier not a game

Many types of cancer were born in the last gen

It's boring, slow, open-world western garbage.

my nigga
Path Of Exile, Prey, Quake Champions, FH3, DOOM 2016, Warhammer, etc are good substitute but a pale comparison to what we had during the golden age of PC gaming.

Because you'd be a faggot.

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>How is a game with shit gameplay and hours of cutscenes not a game

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nah nier automata monster hunter world and BoTW are trash

Don’t agree. As long as the gameplay is something we haven’t played before or the story is something we haven’t seen before, it doesn’t matter if it is a sequel or not. Sequel or new game is skin-deep most of the time and there is little difference between the new game and the sequel that the new game could have been.

>literally all Japanese games

What the fuck is wrong with the Western game industry?

exactly, seethe harder wojak posting newfaggot

Cancers which carried over into this gen and contributed to the stagnation.

>MCC bomb
>Halo 5 mismanaged
>like a year later MCC still buggy but more alive than Halo 5

>cleaning up one day
>wipe years worth of dust off surface
>scratches shitty gloss panel
I hope that piece of shit can run Linux

Can you elaborate as a person that played it. Which mechanics do you mean? Please explain, as a person that clearly has played it, what you did not like about it?
I personally find that a lot of it's mechanics almost remind me of Morrowind era exploration where you are forced to go from point A to point B or use in universe fast travel if need be. Side activities are slow, but they are usually enjoyable and not as shallow as you would expect them to usually be in openworld games, in addition to that there is a large variety of random shit to be found in the overworld so your exploration is actually rewarded sometimes with whole mini-stories.
But I would like to hear your opinion about it.

>Xbox side is 100% PC games

you don't want new ip's. otherwise, sony would be praised for making new series instead of constantly rehashing their old ones, while nintendo would be criticized for doing the opposite.
instead, sony gets shit on for not making ape escape 4 or sly cooper 5 yet, and nu-nintendo gets circlejerked for only focusing on mario/zelda/pokemon while neglecting everything else.

Current Gen had more quality games than last gen overall, due to things like the rise of quality indies and Nintendo's Wii U & Switch offerings being better than their Wii offerings in terms of first parties.

Current gen has a worse state of the industry, which dampens the number of good games. However, like 80% of what's wrong with the industry now can be traced to norms started in 7th gen.

Fucking conservatives.

>thats it
OP pls

I didn't want to put more than one game of each franchise. But yeah, both bb and sekiro are great.

The "simulation" aspects destroyed the game for me. Everything felt slow and sluggish. I think Rockstar dropped the ball with GTA 5 and RDR2 compared to last gen. Respect your opinion tho.

Pale comparison does not even describe it, it's like they are at 40% power of what used to be.
The other day I booted up Warcraft 3 to see if it's just the's not, that game was literally made to be as fun as a fantasy RTS can be, with everything from it's gameplay to art direction and music melding together into a perfect game. Yes it was unbalanced and not meant for pro play properly, but constant need for e-sports is also a shitty zoomer trend.
We had Half Life MP, Quake and Tribes for that shit.

7th gens games were better.

the game is like 40 hours long
>shit gameplay
nice opinion but if that was all it took a lot of games wouldn't be games

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literally all 90% of them only know how to be generic first person open world far cry shit these days.

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Who says I don't want new IPs? (You)?

I'll stick with Bloodborne, rather than your movie games.

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Maybe OP is a weeb and just ignored all the great western games, did you think about that?

Witcher 3
God of War
Divinity 2
AC Odyssey

i spent more time browsing Yea Forums and doing other shit while my horse did the cinematic travel than i did actually playing the game. atrocious.

what the FUCK happened?

>AC Odyssey

I completely disagree and I actually don't quite understand this opinion. The first thing people usually do in open world games that have some modicum of modability is try and add in survival elements.
RDR 2 actually has them built in with nice animations and small gameplay loops so it's not just "press E to get resource" source of thing.
Maybe I'm just that kind of a gamer, but I enjoy that more and more games adopt simulator aspects, even BOTW to some extent. I think that most people are just not used to those systems and therefor get annoyed by it instead of appreciating the risk/reward systems in place.
Of course this is essentially an argument of Simulation Vs. Arcade feel...and I ultimately believe that simulation is clearly what we all secretly want, because almost universal description of a future perfect game is some hyper VR where you can enter any animu world or whatever world you like and it will feel almost real. Of course I mean simulation, not 100% realism.

Every single one of those games is reddit shit, and you have no balls if you enjoyed them.

The only good games there are Doom, Divinity 2, and Hitman.
AC Odyssey is fucking shit and even putting it anywhere near even RDR2, let alone something like Divinity 2 shows that you have dogshit taste.
Might as well put fucking Destiny 2 there.

that nightjar slash is amazingly timed. almost looks like tas-levels of choreography

rdr2 is a spectacle baby shooter and movie on rails. if it didn't have Rockstar's budget and copious amounts of beautification, it'd be a poor game otherwise. it's enjoyable to play once but doesn't even define game for what it is.

nier has braindead gameplay but the story was quite enjoyable.

the proof is in Yea Forums's attitude. companies that rehash the same old franchises are praised, while companies that give their old series a rest so they can try new things are hated for not being frozen in 1998.
look at all the switch owners who beg for ports of old games 24/7 and don't even want new games. the industry is giving consumers what they want, and what they want is sequels, ports and rehashes.

>can only talk shit about 3 out of 11
good enough for me.

This gen’s been okay. Most of the really really really good games came out in 2017 and at this point it’s basically over. We really got only one great year, otherwise it’s been ports and remakes, generic meh western games, and generally a smaller volume of games than previous generations. Not the worst, not the absolute greatest either. Glad this generation seems to be coming to a close at a reasonable time so technology doesn’t stagnate for an extra 3 years like it did last time.

What exactly is atrocious? The fact that you had to physically travel?
What about Morrowind, if it was released today with a larger terrain size, would you also complain that you have to walk everywhere?
It seems to me that the core of your argument is
>This game takes too much time

>Yea Forums is one person

>rdr2 is a spectacle baby shooter and movie on rails. if it didn't have Rockstar's budget and copious amounts of beautification, it'd be a poor game otherwise. it's enjoyable to play once but doesn't even define game for what it is.
I don't understand your reasoning here. How exactly is it a movie on rails? You could argue that most of the missions are scripted but that has been a thing since GTA SA, if anything there are usually more approaches now than before.
Outside of main missions it is very sandboxy. I can not argue about what you enjoyed or not enjoyed, of course, but you aren't even saying anything of value.
I can understand complaints about relatively weak gunplay for example, that becomes almost trivial at the point where you have high level dead eye and other actually constructive complaints, but shit like
>rdr2 is a spectacle baby shooter and movie on rails.
honestly sounds like you watched a playthrough of it

>movie on rails.
You're thinking of Persona 5.

Alright, majority of Yea Forums or vocal majority, that is irrelevant. There is a big voice supporting this shit. I don't give a fuck about individuals in this case you fucking dumb nigger and cut it with your reddit memes. Does it make you feel better to know that Yea Forums is not one person, just a lot of different people with often times similar opinions? That doesn't change the opinion from being shit, you did not discover some magical secret, fucko.

You didn’t even play these games, did you?

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The first half was abysmal, with 2014 widely regarded as one of, if not the worst years in gaming, but the later half brought some great games. I was really hoping VR would go much farther than it did this gen.

Survival elements imply making the game harder. RDR 2 doesn't do that. Cleaning your gun or buying food isn't difficult at all, and money isn't a problem, so it's just a waste of time really.

again, the proof is in the pudding.
the Yea Forums catalog has been overwhelmingly dominated by the fifth installment of the super smash bros. series for the past year.
the best-selling game on switch is a full-price port of the eighth mario kart game.
the best-selling game on ps4 and xbone is the fifth main game in the grand theft auto series.
the highest-grossing game on pc is a mod of the third warcraft game.
as long as consumers continue to overwhelmingly reward sequels, ports and rehashes, the industry will continue to be dominated by sequels, ports and rehashes.

In terms of this gen it's:
2017 > 2019 > 2015 > 2018 > 2013 >>> 2016 >>>>>>> Shit > 2014

Whoooh someone's mad. Take a sippy on some penis and settle down.
>Yea Forums is the consumer market
fuck. off. reddit.

That is a solid argument, so what you are implying is that the survival mechanics are not as impactful because they mainly serve to ENCHANCE your effectiveness instead of preventing your effectiveness from falling and potentially resulting in death.
I have never heard that one before and it is a solid argument, I will need to think about it but I think the key reason why it works for me despite this potential flaw is that the gameplay loops of stuff like hunting is actually fun for me and not just tedium and that there is an added bonus of unique gear and stuff you can grind out.

>mediocre remake

Can you speak only in epic maymays? Are you actually a bot? Most of Yea Forums are retarded zoomers with shit taste, that follow gaming trends and know nothing outside of hyped up games that are released for their shitty console of choice.

>Are you actually a bot?
If the post looks like it was written by an incoherent meth addict or uses at least 3 different buzzwords then it's almost certainly a bot.

all of those games are multiplat except Bloodborne, user

>persona 5
kys nigger

>Persona 5
Played every Persona game this year, get that piece of garbage out of there

Nope. Persona 5, Zelda, Nier, Bloodborne, Kingdom Hearts 3, DMC5 and DQ11 have all been pretty amazing so far

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But those are all shit games

You know the game takes over 100 hours to complete?

Why do you shits obsess over scalebound so much as if it were some ultimate sving grace? The game looked like a janky mediocre mess and nothing was really lost.

>Doesn't even I
nclude The Last Guardian, the best and most ludo PS4 exclusive

With about 20 hours of gameplay.


Yikes, the sheer levels of cope

>Doesn't even Include The Last Guardian, the best and most ludo PS4 exclusive

Don't think I missed

This but unironically.
Burgers need to learn how to make games that aren't FPS or lame cinematic TPS.

Yeah, it was pretty great. Some of my favorites from recent years
>Titanfall 2
>Hollow Knight
>Dishonored 2

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It was fucking horrible, are you kidding?

I'm not a console shitter so I don't give a fuck

This has been the worst console generation in video game history.

>western games

Right, I see the error of my ways. Apologies for being so wrong.
Good to know that Slav and Japanese games are Western now too.

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>Yea Forums is zoomers
Found the newfag

It was good but AAA and unique IPs were weak

>honestly sounds like you watched a playthrough of it
I played it but i would've saved myself some cash if actually did just do that. I found myself watching more cutscenes, padded dialogue, and walking around than any other game I've played. If by sandboxy, you mean wander on the road for 12 minutes and activate a 3-5 minute event that's already been played several times then yes, it's very sandboxy.
>if anything there are usually more approaches now than before
Not true. Running and taking cover to other vantage points and to get your reticle to magnet better or stalling an event doesn't count as different approaches.
If the gunplay can't even be defended, what else can you even say that can convince me that this is a good game?

I don't disagree.

Obsessed weebcel

You do realize that Rockstar is Western Company right?

Last gen was better and had far more new IPs but Bloodborne is one of the greatest things mankind has achieved so can't complain.

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>leading with RDR2
Do you want to be taken seriously or not?

Decent, respectable opinion. Bloodborne wasn't my thing, so I felt this gen harder than Bloodborne fans, but I recognize it's a good game for people who like that kind of thing. Doesn't change the fact that this gen sucks, but I'm glad at least some people are happy.

Grug, you're supposed to say stupid shit, not the truth.

>Yakuza 0