Please god just let this game be at least better than V. Do the right thing kojima

Please god just let this game be at least better than V. Do the right thing kojima.

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lol we're already in the bargaining phase are we?


You can bargain this dick lmao


Lol another movie larping as a videogame.

I hope so

I honestly think it's gonna share a lot of problems with MGSV.
Some fanboys will make excuses but this game is gonna destroy Kojima's reputation for a lot of people.

i can't believe kojima will make ape escape 4 staring kat from gravity rush

Neat gameplay with a fucking stupid story. Just like every other kojima game.

>Good game
He's the Tarantino of vidya.

Attached: 47.jpg (1322x1080, 79K)

What alternate universe did you come from?

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I'm this close to buying this shit console just for DS. It will probably be as disappointing as MGSV but i still want it.

V was unironically some of the best most satisfying gameplay to date. Shame about the rest of the game though.

>neat gameplay
Not this time

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>Please god just let this be a game at the very least


>couldnt get Idris Elba
>puts a mask on a cheaper black actor
>pretend its Elba now
Kojima is legit genius

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If you didn't like MGSV I don't know why you'd even be interested in this game. They seem quite similar in some major ways.

I'm honestly tempted to get Death Stranding just so I can discuss it later. If I don't play it day 1 then it's gonna be spoiled everywhere.

I don't know if that's stupid or not. Probably.

It looks like the game will suffer from the same problem as MGSV. The gameplay won't reach it's fullest potential thanks to the open and empty world design. That's why GZ was more fun in the end, it's all in the environment.

Because kojima had an out for V because of the whole konami thing, but this time he has nothing to fall back on if it feels as gimped as v.

Nice, so his new game should be very entertaining then!

That would be Suda51.

When this game finally comes out, you will ALL be ashamed of your words and deeds in this thread.

it wont, but you will worship it anyway

who else /collectors edition/ here

Yes, and Swery65 is the superior Lynch.

Is Lindsay Wagner related to Richard Wagner?

>Knows damn well he didn't invent the stealth genre but accepts an award for it anyways

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Attached: ruh roh.png (204x155, 10K)

>5 years
>$80 million (a bigger budget than a lot of hollywood movies)
>still fucked up MGS V

at what point do you accept responsibility for your incompetence and not blame everything on "muh konami"

no, it had awful gameplay. Gameplay is not just mechanics. While the actual mechanics were incredible, the level and enemy design was dogshit awful so the mechanics were essentially wasted.

No sure about being ashamed, but Yea Forums will definitely seethe and cope for months with no end

>not played by Bruce Willis

He's said MGSV was still the game he wanted it to be, the Konami shit only resulted in some stuff getting cut. Most of this board had problems with the fundamental design and structure of that game. Death Stranding looks like it's going to be similarly structured and even less appealing to the people who didn't like TPP's open world and wanted a more linear story heavy game.

many things in the world where invented by someone but patented by somebody else
his loss (the original inventor's) for not making sure to set his name in stone for it lmao

>and not blame everything on "muh konami"
Where did Kojima ever blamed konami? And for what lmao, mgsv sold extremely well and got 90+ metacritic score


I still don't know anything about this "game"

Except in most cases one person invented it and it wasn't particularly popular. Whereas multiple stealth games were popular almost a decade before Metal Gear, to the point where one of them helped birth the FPS genre.

Kojima's a shameless nigger. He recently had some comment go viral about how he "doesn't just want to be a cash grab dev and if he was he would just make a BR game" insinuating all recent games are just hacks copying each other. But here this guy is about to release a second open world game and pretending its revolutionary. If you go back only 5-10 years ago, open world was the meme genre. It still kind of is.

Buh buh buh it's about connection and the breakdown of society, no doubt due to acceleration of technology and atomization of different groups, just like MGS2s story it's something nobody ever wrote about. Definitely not someone named Ted.

Attached: Ted.png (554x575, 515K)

It's pretty obvious to anyone that a BR game has the potential to make far more money than an open world deliveryman game so I don't really see what the problem is.

Based and Industrialsocietypilled

Days Gone and Horizon: Multiple Yawns disproves that since they are glorified deliveryman games.

He literally did. Every "stealth" game that came before it was absolute garbage. Fuck you for even daring to compare them.

>Tenchu was shit
>Buh buh buh that was only before Solid
And Metal Gears stealth was absolute Pacman tier shit, but unlike Pacman it wasn't fun

Except you're not a literal delivery man in those games. Your main concern in this game is how you're going to carry your cases of stuff around and up and down mountains and shit. It doesn't have the same appeal as the typical open world action games and I'm pretty sure a lot of people are going to hate it.

Nigger they haven't even explained the gameplay mechanics yet. Also walking to and fro delivering shit in a post apocalypse isn't exactly a new concept and it didn't work out well last time.

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>at least better than V
You're not very demanding, user

>as long as they dress it up well enough so you don't think you're a delivery man people will think its good and different
You're right though. How sad.


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>Nigger they haven't even explained the gameplay mechanics yet
Yes they have. Why is this board so wilfully ignorant when it comes to this game? Read a fucking interview or two. Even the official site summed up the gameplay.
>Also walking to and fro delivering shit in a post apocalypse isn't exactly a new concept and it didn't work out well last time.
Yeah, that's basically my point.

>Read an interview
Yes, very informative of the base mechanics.

Not him but you're retarded.
What the fuck are you still expecting them to show? There's an open world where you go out and deliver packages, you use tools (like ladders) to traverse the terrain. There's some stealth, some combat, boss fights, and an alternate dimension you go to when you die. There's some kind of online component where you can help other players. We know all of this from trailers and interviews.

>make meaningless online shit for game
>"I have created a new genre"
What did he mean by this

>its not fun to me so it doesnt count

Nigger they've not said that they main loop is about delivering packages. They haven't given jack shit in concrete details about what the main gameplay loop of the game is. You're like if they only showed cutscenes of the new Guilty Gear game, only nobody knows what the fuck Guilty Gear actually is and they haven't said what kind of game it is and you're saying "dude just read the interviews and watch the trailers it's about a biker going across the a fantasy land to deliver justice to elphetuuuu~~~". Kojimas even pulling the bullshit of calling it a new kind of game but not saying what kind of game this new "invention" is.

tomorrow is in your hands means the controller ffffffuuuuuck

$20 is the best I can do.

>death stranding thread
>1st post is ">game"
>100+ post argument about whether or not it's a game ensues
>thread always ends with muh "moviegame" retards eternally btfo'd
>a few hours to a day later
>another thread
>same thing
>everyone goes on as if previous thread never existed

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time is a flat circle

Why do nintendies seethe so hard about not being able to get this game? And why do PC users seethe about that too, when a PC release is basically confirmed?

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Looks good. You too embarrassed to keep posting the sped-up and zoomed in edits?

>gameplay loop
This mindset towards games is a fucking shame.