What's the purpose of this console? Most people who own it (including Yea Forums themselves) only use it to play multiplats that run miles better on PC. Compared to the PS1/PS2 and even PS3, the exclusives are very lackluster. I understand normalfags buying it for GTA and FIFA and Madden machines, but its strange to see Yea Forums defend this console so viciously when it's literally no different than the xbox one besides 1 exclusive. Is there something I'm missing here? I'm genuinely puzzled.
What's the purpose of this console...
Other urls found in this thread:
>the exclusives are very lackluster
This is wrong.
People without friends will never understand the appeal of the PS4 so don't even bother trying.
>72% of PS4 players identify as LGBTQ
>90% of Yea Forums users don't have a PC capable of running modern games
do the math
>What's the purpose of this console?
To make you seethe. And it is working.
Because it's cheaper upfront than a gaming pc? What's so hard to understand?
It's a more comfy gaming experience then anything PC has to offer
I think the only 7th or 8th gen home console with a decent library was the 360. Consoles have been dead for like ten years now.
not everyone has a pc? i use a laptop and phone for things i would need a pc for. consoles are just more convenient for me. and ps4 just had more of the games i wanted to play
It's what my normie friends use so it's where I do multiplayer stuff. Singleplayer and older games are what I use pc for.
xbox one x is way more powefull than ps4 pro and is still the same price, if not cheaper, that's not an excuse
I have a great PC and i still play most multiplats on my PS4 because i like collecting the games and i don’t really care much about resolution or FPS.
Besides i’m still working on my PS1 & Wii backlog, you think i give a shit about 60 fps and 4k?
The real question is why do PCfags spend all day on Yea Forums making these kind of shit threads, it almost seems like despite having an infinite number of games to play, PC as a whole is so soulless you’d rather cry about consoles instead.
I dunno. I'm still playing on PS3. But, the 360 has absolutely a good selection and some games that never made it to the PS3.
exclusives though
waiting for ape escape 4
>T-they don't actually play exclusives!
>1 exclusive
Nice mental gymnastics retard, you must be absolutely seething that pc has no worthwhile games
But it’s still an... Xbox... ew.
>72% of PS4 players identify as LGBTQ
[citation needed]
what's the 1 exclusive you keep bringing up
Fucking cope OP, this isn't even close to all of the exclusives and a lot of these are some of the PS4s best selling games so you have no point. Cope.
> hahahaha yes funny meme game
> dunkey
> I have an iq lower than my age
It was a better deal a few years ago when it had more exclusives. I don't regret it, though. The portability is nice, and while the online is more expensive than Nintendo's, I also find myself encountering way fewer problems with the service. PCs become a better deal with each passing generation though and this upcoming one will likely be the gen that converts me.
I buy consoles for exclusives and, in some cases, to not have to wait a year or more to play them because despite all reason developers still insist on treating PC as a second thought. PS4 eventually became my main platform the further we went into this generation as more games fell into one of the above categories and I felt less inclined to upgrade my PC. Since I mostly play indie shit and MMOs on PC anyway, my dated hardware has not really held me back. And when it becomes a question of upgrading my PC or just playing games on what I already own, let’s just say I’m pretty content with this console, even for multiplats. I have no delusions about the quality of my experience. I’m simply happy I can still play every game I want to without rushing to buy some new parts for a while.
Thanks for reading my blog.
bloodborne of course
Sorry, but over 70% of that list is multiplats and runs better on xbox, here is a real list and why buying an xbox is better
>What's the purpose of this console Most people who own it (including Yea Forums themselves) only use it to play multiplats that run miles better on PC
You just aswered your own question you faggot
>when it's literally no different than the xbox one
the xbox one x is much more powerful, but xboner can run XB360/XB games. ps4 can't.
> all of the xbox exlusives are available on pc
I love how you can instantly tell the Switch is for children.
>windows 10
Literally absoultely no reason to own Xbox, none of those games are exclusive, every single game comes to pc too, you'd have to be a retard to own a bone
I just own one because
>I'm a poorfag
>I want to play modern games
>I want to play Bloodborne
>I wanted to play Ratchet & Clank. That was a mistake.
I skipped this gen entirely and missed nothing. Hopefully next gen wont be as shit. But we all know it will.
Persona 5 is not an exclusive
Crash is not an exclusive
Berserk and the Band of the Hawk is not exclusive
Shenmue 3 is not an exclusive
Nioh is not an exclusive
Boundless is not an exclusive
Toukiden 2 is not an exclusive
Dragon Quest Heroes II is not an exclusive
Nex Machina is not an exclusive
Vane is not an exclusive
What Remains of Edith Finch is not an exclusive
Ace Combat 7 is not an exclusive
Ni no Kuni II is not an exclusive
3on3 Freestyle is not an exclusive
Hellblade is not an exclusive
Nier Automata is not an exclusive
Wattam is not an exclusive
Absolver is not an exclusive
Hob is not an exclusive
Summon Night 6 is not an exclusive
Danganronpa v3 is not an exclusive
Yonder the Cloud Chronicles is not an exclusive
Nice try padding out your exclusives list with multiplats like no one would notice
Those games on PSNow aren't all of them nor even most.
Because I grew up playing consoles and PC is shitty, I play on that too but much less
Bloodborne, that's it. Maybe i will geta PS5 if he has Bloodborne 2, but i doubt it, Sony will focus more on cinematic garbage.
>colour scheme of Nintendo games
I prefer actually owning my games
Physical > digital
jap games; now that's snoy are censoring themselves and japs are coming to pc it's worthless exclusives are AAA movie shit now; death stranding will be last thing worth it, maybe
I'm totally with you there. I've spent time scavenging the previous gens for worthwhile and interesting games instead. Next gen is not looking good.
>cant read the image
Console exclusive for some of them and the others you are just coping with your 'b-but theyre on ps3 too!'
>Persona 5 is not an exclusive
Do you mean the PS3 version? You do realize that still means that it's s PS exclusive, right
You can emulate it but why would you want to, it sucks balls
post that image from i.funny!!!
I don't care
Just here to say
I cannot play RDR2 and CTR on Pc
so, PS4 is the option
AHEM let me help you out here
PS4 exclusives:
Horizon Zero Dawn
Spider Man
Days Gone
The Last of Us Remastered
The Last of Us 2
Death Stranding
Gran Turismo Sport
The Last Guardian
Shadow of the Colossus Remake
Ratchet & Clank
Killzone Shadow Fall
Uncharted 4
Uncharted The Lost Legacy
Ghost of Tsushima
Final Fantasy VII Remake
Infamous First Light
Infamous Second Son
Yakuza 6
God of War
Gravity Rush 2
this lineup is pathetic really
how many of those games were made by a Sony owned Studio?
like 3?
Unless you're unemployed, it's perfectly fine. Also, I didn't list all of them.
In what world does that matter?
non sequitur? having a job doesn't make any of these games any less of a snooze
No, nothing runs miles better on PC. PS4 performs games with no issues and only certain games are badly optimized, which goes for PC as well. Consoles are more comfy and PS4 has access to every good game out there, including console exclusives/Playstation exclusives. Only reason to have a PC is for first person games like Oblivion, top down RPGs like Torchlight, and emulators.
> the exclusives are very lackluster
Low tier bait
It also means its a ps3 game
>PS4 performs games with no issues and only certain games are badly optimized
maybe if I had access to graphics sliders this wouldn't be a fucking problem
Not that user, but man that's one heck of a marketing spin to make its selection appear more notable.
in this world, were Sony doesn't give a fuck about their IPs and will make any studio go third party
the only notable exclusive on ps4 is bloodborne, everything else is junk
I bought my ps4 for that, ratchet & clank, and hzd. And the latter two were both garbage.
All PS4s run the same, so there is no reason to have graphics sliders.
that's not even half the switch exclusives lol, how convenient.
It's a cheap Bloodborne/Kat box that also gets pretty much whatever multiplat that comes out, I suppose.
A lot of people would disagree with you and OP is confused as to why people love the console, so he is being retarded on purpose to start shit.
>It has exclusives
Oh, ok, how peculiar.
nah everything just works on ps4, no need to fuck with settings to get a high quality experience
Being able to play a game without it running like garbage is enough reason to introduce graphic sliders. Some games (Nioh, HZD on Pro, SotC on Pro) already introduce limited graphics settings and it improved those games a lot.
Can confirm, I'm friendly bi. Post your handle, I'll add you and play exclusively with you.
All I see is Bloodborne. Final Fantasy 7 is going to be next gen anyway.
>All I see is Bloodborne.
Try being less of a fag then. You've probably never even played it, just told what to like on Yea Forums.
>lackluster exclusives
But what about:
Red Dead Redemption 2
The Last of Us Remastered
God of War
Uncharted 4
Shadow of the Colossus
Horizon: Zero Dawn
Marvel's Spider-Man
Kingdom Hearts Series
Uncharted: Lost Legacy
To name a few.
in b4 "Those don't count because critics liked them and all reviewers are paid shills"
I mean, a couple don't count because they aren't exclusives.
I wonder who is behind this post
PS4 and Xbox only games are PS4 exclusives since nobody with triple digit IQ would ever buy a Microsoft console.
can Yea Forums go 1 (one) second without seething about Playstation?
I've literally platinumed it.
That image supports the PS4 though, being showing that Xbox exclusives are inarguably of lower quality than PS4 exclusives. Most of those Xbox games are 7/10s at best.
Can you go one day witout being on the defensive on the Gaystation 4? ;)
>>It has exclusives
This is why Yea Forums sucks and I stopped coming here years ago. I just stopped by because it's hilarious that the GOP betrayed them. The tears are glorious.
personally I like to clearly seperate my gaming device and my work device. Theres something relaxing about turning off my work machine and turning on something purely for fun and relaxation. yes i know its retarded, but thats why i have one, also bb, mhw, and ffxv.
sounds like you're doing the coping, sweety ;)
>Post a list of "exclusives"
>70% of the list is multiplats that are better on PC/XboneX
What did he mean by this?
>The last of us remastered
>Shadow of the colossus
>Kingdom Hearts Series
I can't believe we've arrived at such a low point where re-releases/remakes/remasters are suppose to be the highlights of a library. It was never this prominent before.
>Compared to the PS1/PS2/PS3 and even PS4, the PS5 exclusives are very lackluster
t. you in 5 years
Because it doesn't support my shitposts.
i'm also a pc gamer and think you're absolutely retarded.
OP was specifically comparing the PS4 to PC and none of those games came out for PC, so no, they all count.
That's pretty fucking weak for 6 years of games, especially considering 1 of them is a remaster of a last gen game, 2 are DLC, and 2 are remakes of games from 12 years ago.
It’s not retarded at all, in fact it makes perfect sense.
Also add the fact playing games on a PC feels soulless and it’s digital only.
At least it has highlights to its library worth mentioning, unlike PC.
I get home, sit on the sofa, grab the controller and start playing.
>implying you can't play PC games on the TV while sitting on the sofa
motherfucker, you know it's not as fast to set and I'm a lazy man who prioritizes convenience.
because it was cheaper for me to purchase a console than to upgrade my PC from 2009 to play newer games
Just say PCs are soulless, don’t be afraid, it’s ok.
In what world is RDR2 an exclusive?
Some people value their time. My time is valuable. Yours may not be. The PS4 is vastly more convenient than a PC because it is a specialized machine that does one thing very well, as opposed to doing a wider variety of tasks only somewhat reliably.
In a world where OP was comparing PS4 to PC. Try to keep up kiddo.
TL;DR: Modern white people are too stupid to know how to set up the most retard-proof PCs in history nowadays.
Surprising absolutely no one.
It's not weak at all considering the scale of games now. Nothing in the list is DLC. Shadow of the Colossus was remade from scratch.
Well yes, PlayStation exclusives peaked on the PS2 of course.
>What's the purpose of this console?
Hoovering up money from normalfags vulnerable to marketing.
Back to trading virtual hats cuckboy
some people don't want to spend thousands to beg/wait for old console ports, mmoshit, and gaia online
>Nothing in the list is DLC
Infamous First Light and Uncharted Lost Legacy are literally expansion packs, and I don't even think First Light is available physically.
But yes, this gen's exclusive output is pathetic, hence why I literally bought a PS4 for Bloodborne, beat it, then sold it.
>considering the scale of games now
the scale is exactly the problem
>nothing in the list is DLC
lost legacy and first light are
because PC is for hacker nerds
I'm sorry user, it seems I must have hit a nerve to make you lash out so aggressively. I don't think I've said anything inaccurate. Sony is a company aiming for a profit and for the largest possible audience to achieve that profit, they literally make and sell PS4s with the express goal of making the most money they can. I'm sorry if you though they were your best pals or something, but that literally is not true.
Some value the convenience of not having to set up anything at all. There is inherent value in plug and play. Some prefer to tinker and fiddle, and are willing to troubleshoot a variety of errors. The inability to recognize the difference in preferences amongst individuals other than oneself is, literally, a characteristic of a childlike worldview.
>Some value the convenience of not having to set up anything at all.
In other words, white people are exceptionally lazy, so much so that they rival niggers.
Again, surprising absolutely no one.
to the Switch
>all of the xbox games except for halo 5 are available on other platforms
>the list is further padded out with old games from the original xbox, many of which were also multiplats at the time
the absolute state of microsoft shills. face it, xbox has no games.
I honestly can't be bothered with either the PC or these current generation consoles. The current state of gaming makes 7th gen look begrudgingly better in comparison. The gaming industry is heading in a really weird direction.
>Shadow of the Colossus was remade from scratch.
To this day I still question who asked for this remake. It made no sense. It felt more like a guaranteed cash-in rather than a meaningful entry. It seemed like a waste of resources that could've been used to develop something new.
It is the only console choice. Literally not one good killer app on the Xbone. I was on Xbox and Xbox 360 but the xbone is a joke.
The real problem of the console generation is them imitating PC capabilities. A console game should play on disk. Simple as that. Oh boo hoo you can only innovate on the microchip? Go fuck yourself and stop making consoles then. Make a better disk or make games that run on DVD or BluRay without an install.
Lost Legacy is a standalone game, as in, it can be played on its own without requiring the purchase of a prior title (as with an expansion). Please make sure you have your facts straight before posting if you want to avoid coming off as ignorant (or worse, simply stupid).
Don't beat yourself up man. At least you tried.
I don't know what to say, neither of you seem to understand what DLC means, and have shit taste.
Crysis Warhead can be played without owning the original Crysis, it's still an expansion.
Do you not know what an expansion is?
nice cherry picking
Most of these threads are started by consolefags shitting on eachother's consoles from what I've seen, and then they all get pissed when PC comes along to make fun of them.
>Infamous First Light (stylized as inFAMOUS First Light) is a standalone downloadable content action-adventure video game developed by Sucker Punch Productions and published by Sony Computer Entertainment for PlayStation 4. The game was announced at the 2014 Electronic Entertainment Expo and was released in August 2014.[1]
It's okay, I understand that modern day white people are kind of trashy and lazy, I don't really expect much out of you guys.
At least with niggers they have an excuse, white people just make a conscious decision to be shit.
So wait, first they were DLC, now they're Expansions? I'm sorry I'm just trying to keep up because you keep moving the goalposts.
But it was directed at a PCfag, and "Console exclusive" just means also on PC. Which means not exclusive. Because you can play the game without owning a PS4.
DLC is just zoomer speak for expansions
White people made the computer you're posting on, nigger.
Uhh no, chinks made it.
They probably designed it too.
Just like chinks made and designed the consoles that white people fellate.
Well basically your entire post is a lie and people mainly own it for the exclusives. Just look at the sales numbers for God of War, Spider-Man and Horizon Zero Dawn. There is also stuff like Bloodborne and Persona 5 which have a very strong appeal to certain demographics. Maybe you would understand why people play on PS4 if you didn’t deliberately lie to yourself.
maybe 3% of PS4 owners have bloodborne
>people mainly own it for the exclusives.
No, they don't, they own it for FIFA, COD and GTA,
Exclusives sell peanuts compared to multiplats. The only notable exception is Uncharted 4, which was bundled for Black Friday at least once, meaning 7-8 million copies were sold to people who just wanted $200 PS4s and didn't actually go out of their way to buy the game itself.
Same for Spiderman, it was bundled for Black Friday the year it released, everyone who wanted a $200 PS4 got Spiderman regardless of whether they actually wanted it or not.
God of War and Horizon Zero Dawn both sold 10 million each.
It's for normalfags, same as the 360 was.
The reason Yea Forums defends it so much is because Yea Forums is populated mostly by children and poorfags who can't afford a PC or more than one console, so they have to do everything they can to convince themselves that they made the right choice
I honestly can't be bothered with either the PC or these current generation consoles. The current state of gaming makes 7th gen look begrudgingly better in comparison. The gaming industry is heading in a very questionable direction.
>Shadow of the Colossus was remade from scratch.
To this day I still question who asked for this remake. It made no sense. It felt more like a guaranteed cash-in rather than a meaningful entry. It seemed like a waste of resources that could've been used to develop something new.
Most of those aren't exclusives though
Why can't PC gamers stop talking about the PS4?
I've got a high end gaming PC (2080, 16 GB RAM, 3 x 1 TB SSD, 2x 5 TB HDD), a PS4 Pro, and a Switch.
The PS4 has Bloodborne, God of War, Persona 5 (PS4 version performs and looks better than PS3 version), Knack, Gravity Rush 2. It generally also gets Japanese games a fair bit earlier than Steam, and gets some that don't release on PC. I think the only game I've played on it that would've been better on Xbonex is RDR2, but every other Xbone exclusive I can play on PC.
The Switch is different enough that I don't think it's a direct competitor. I use it in the same way and purpose that I'd use earlier Nintendo handhelds, ie when on a train or bus, when visiting family, laying in bed, or on the the toilet.
My wife enjoys it.
>and gets some that don't release on PC.
I honestly can't think of any recent Jap games like that outside of that Utawareamoe or whatever game.
Pretty much everything else is available on PC and/or Switch.
I'm not sure, but 100 MILLION people seem to have figured it out!
I am not surprised that your wife has shit taste.
She must be white.
And GTA5 has sold more than double that
Every CoD has sold more
Every FIFA has sold more
None of those exclusives are still moving copies and have low attach rates
>100 million flies can't be wrong!
>popular games don't count because they don't sell as literally the most successful piece of entertainment ever
real shit?
Did some checking, and you're right. There is usually a delay before it releases on PC, though. It's also easier for my wife, daughter, and myself to play them on PS4, since I'm not getting my daughter her own PC until she's quite a bit older.
That's not true, just look at Yea Forums
>There is usually a delay before it releases on PC, though
Not really, nowadays most games have simultaneous releases since Sony made it their mission to shit on Jap games.
The exceptions are games that were previously PS4 exclusives, like the Yakuza games.
Sorry user, but in this day and age the PS4 isn't really useful for Jap games, and anyone who cares about delays would already speak Japanese since most of these games get released months after their original Jap versions here in the west.
I own all three consoles, here's my perspective:
game pass and best performance means I play this the most
just own it for exclusives, I've gotten decent value ourlt of this but I understand it's overall silly
never play it, buy one or two Nintendo exclusives a year and maybe a handful of Indies. if it wasn't so big I'd actually take it places but I'm not going to get a lite just for that
She's white, and almost exclusively plays platformers, old point and click adventure games, and JRPGs. Honestly, her taste in games is pretty garbage, but she's a good wife and mother.
This genuinely gave me my first buyers remorse experience. I had so much hope in it and just like the vita, snoy starved it of games.
>Hurr Durr hardware sales
Yay, people bought a $300 paperweight
Money doesn't fall out of my ass. If it did, I'd play PC... AND PS4 because I'm not an elitist neckbeard. Just a neckbeard.
the holy trifecta
Anyone who buys a console early enough that it feels like there are no games deserves to be disappointed. Fucking wait a while. Wait for the library to fill out so you know whether or not you want it.
PC has no games while PS4 does, simple as that.
But muh consumerism hype
What I always found funny is that PC players always called console players casuals because games like COD, FIFA, Madden, GTA are always on the best selling list, yet right now on steam 5 of the top 10 games being played are years old FPS like Rainbow Six, CSGO and Team Fortress.
So your telling me PC gamers spend hundreds of dollars on building a machine to play games like DOTA and Football Manager 2019?
>PS4 has a lower attach rate than the Wii
lol you can't make this shit up
>dude you need a 1000 dollar pc to get the power of a console!!!!
Why do consolefags believe this? Any cheap budget build will outperform even an xbone x.
This may or may not be true. I just know that if I go looking for advice on a budget build, the advice is inconsistent as fuck, and often just wrong because a single part usually runs the whole fucking budget. But if you start asking about pre-builds then OH HO HO, LOOK AT THIS RETARD!
I don't hate PC gaming. I would prefer it if I could catch up (I have a PC that runs some older games). But I do hate PC fanboys.
bullshit. you faggots say this but it HAS NEVER and WILL NEVER be true. sure, you could build a 400 dollar pc, and you could play shit from 2012 just fine, but you arent going to be playing any new games worth a fuck.
if you want to play games on pc, you have to be prepared to spend extra to get started, but you more than make up for it by not having to pay for online serveries, and getting games for lower prices.
And by the time you've saved enough money on Steam sales and not paying for an online service... Your rig is outdated and can't play anything new.
>I understand
Can you JoJo fags fuck off already?
I built a budget PC for $280 in early 2015, a good $100 less than what both the PS4 and Xbone cost at the time, I played GTA5 and Dark Souls 3 just fine on low settings, like I would on a console.
Fuck that's good bait you made me click on your post no. to reply so here's your (You)
You underestimate how poor, underaged, and non-white most of Yea Forums is.
This. IDK why PC players think that a 400-500 dollar cpu can play modern games at the same peformance as a Pro or X.
And any of the titles that do run better(mostly FPS or some game you already beat) would require you to spend around 200-400 dollars on a shitty TN high refresh rate monitor to even take advantage of the performance.
A $400-500 CPU is literally better than the CPU in the XboneX
What's your point? That's just one little part. You still need the rest of the setup and you've only got $100-200 left over.
You don't need a $500 CPU to outperform the CPU in any current console
Alright let me rephrase the question and hope you're feigning ignorance to get some imaginary point across.
Build a WHOLE rig, for less than or the same price of a console, that outperforms said console.
Can you do that?
>grasping at straws this hard
Friend, fella, dude, guy, homie, nigga, dawg. Shit is expensive. If I have a $600 budget, I consider that lucky to begin with, but a $600 PC will never outperform the console.
>Games where the Potato Masher beats or matches the PS4
>Games where the PS4 beats the Potato Masher
>Games where the Potato Masher beats or matches the PS4
>Games where the PS4 beats the Potato Masher
Generally speaking, even up to just this past year, the potato masher has more wins than the PS4 this gen.
Like, far more.
Even with the crappy Kepler GPU that's now dunked on by an HD 7870 from 2012.
And hell, even a budget $400-$500 PC outperforms a PS4 Pro/XboneX.
notice how pc mustards ignore this post because they can't refute it.
they also got exposed as casuals when they had to use cheat engines to beat sekiro, then bragged about it.
on top of that, their biggest selling points for pc are console ports and emulation, which only proves that pc gaming would be a vast wasteland of shovelware without consoles.
It's because Sony takes a huge loss on sales to get the online fee going. They sold the ps4 WITH A GAME FOR $200 last black Friday. Subtracting the price of the game they sold their console for $140 which is cheaper than a fucking DS. the cheapest you can buy a PC that can run at PS4 level is probably around 400-500. As long as Sony keeps taking that huge loss they will keep selling. It's just a question of how much of a loss they are gonna be willing to take on the ps5.
how DARE sony sell their products at pro-consumer prices! everyone should be like nvidia, charge over $1000 just for a graphics card and have the media tell people to shut up and buy it.
>pro consumer
>basing your business model around an exorbitant online fee
>trying to push your competition out of the market to establish a monopoly
I buy consoles for exclusives.
That's it.
I have no loyalty to any platform or company who owns any platform and I don't care about any fanbase because every fanbase for a fucking platform is dogshit.
If every game was on PC, I'd play them there, but unfortunately that's not the case.
That said, I don't touch console multiplayer because it's full of children, potheads, and blacks, all of whom are cancer.
>basing your business model around an exorbitant online fee
it's okay when blizzard does it.
>trying to push your competition out of the market to establish a monopoly
what does tencent have to do with sony?
For me, not having to deal with the hackers on PC and playing on a small monitor with keyboard and mouse is the reason why I personally prefer consoles to PC gaming.
You also can't play amazing games like Red Dead Redemption 2, God of War 2018 or Last of Us on PC, so again this is one of the reasons why I personally prefer console over PC.
My cousin swapped to a PS4 Pro after they got so sick of dealing with hackers and cheaters on PC.
>$60 per year
>2 free games every month as part of the plan
2 free bargin bin games you either already own or wouldn't otherwise want.
What's the purpose of a Switch when I have a controller add-on and emulators for my powerful smartphone?
>play multiplats
People prefer to play them on consoles because they are more comfy and portable. Not everyone has PC moved to TV and couch.
Some console games are also higher populated like fighting games or Fifa.
>that run miles better on PC
lol, no, most PCs are weaker than PS4 and many multiplats like sports games, fighting games or shooter runs at 60fps on consoles.
Most people who bought PS4 play both multiplats and exclusives, why limiting yourself to PC only when you can't play GoW, Uncharted, Persona 5R, Bloodborne, Horizon, RDR2, Spiderman etc.you are missing way too much.
>used parts
It has exclusive titles. This question would be better suited to the Xbox, considering most of its exclusively (of which it has very little) are also on the Microsoft store on PC.
Consoles exist to keep white trash away from the rest of us so I'm fine with it.
So long as I'm already avoiding niggers by playing on PC I may as well also avoid flyover retards.
>Rocket League
>Infamous: Second Son
>Ratchet & Clank
>Just Cause 3
>LittleBigPlanet 3
>Mafia 3
Just off the top of my head
>They sold the ps4 WITH A GAME FOR $200 last black Friday.
Fuck me why did I miss this
Oh well I'll wait for the PS5 to play all the PS4 games I missed.
all I see is playstation 4 owners are insanely jealous of pc bros
>Consoles exist to keep white trash away from the rest of us
Yet, PC cocks keeps begging for this trash. They even thought they will get RDR2 at E3, what a pathetic toddlers.
>Rocket League
>Fucking Mafia 3
In other words, bargain bin games.
I regret building PC
See, consoles exist to keep slavshits like this away from me, in addition to flyover retards and niggers.
Also spics, since Mexicans love Xbox.
Actually PC gaming is most popular in slavshits countries like Russia due to piracy. You seem pretty buttrustrated.
PC gaming is biggest in the US and Asia actually.
But not in flyoverland of course, all the white trash and niggers play on consoles, where they belong.
>Most people who own it (including Yea Forums themselves) only use it to play multiplats that run miles better on PC.
1. All the good exclusives sold like 10 million copies+ (horizon, spiderman, bloodborne, etc.) So clearly people aren't just playing the multiplats
2. A lot of games run better or look better on PS4 than Xbox One, meanwhile a PS4 is way easier to deal with and more affordable than the GTX1060 with 8GB of Ram you'd need to run anything on PC
>which was bundled for Black Friday
Every Fifa, CoD and GTA was bundled too you idiot. Over 10 milion copies are massive sales and none of your mental gymnastics will change that.
They sold more than basically any exclusives on every system not only PS4. What's your point?
>PC gaming is biggest in the US and Asia actually.
No, they have a strong console market there, especially in Japan who shits on PC.
>white trash
Bloodborne didn't even sell 5 million units, user.
It has easily the best exclusives out of the last 2 gens and is the cheapest way to play multiplats at 1080p and decent fidelity without going full master race.
Oh, eww, I'm talking to an ESL incel.
That's a waste of time, filtered.
>don't even have argument anymore
>u u incel
Go crawl back to your basement instead of makng laughing stock of yoursel again.
He asked you to build a comparable PC in the 400-500 dollar range that can play modern day multiplats with the same settings and performance that are found on the Pro and X.
A budget AMD build with a rx 570 would still end up costing you around 500-550 dollars, and you end up with a 1080p
So using your own logic and videos, can that same PC used in the videos with a 760 gpu
play RE2 Remake, DMC 5, Mk11 Spiderman at console like settings?
Nvidia and other parts manufactures (especially RAM companies) have been fucking over the pc market for the past 3-4 years by overcharging for shit while offering only marginal upgrades.
If the pc community didnt allow itself to get fucked over, for $600-900 you should have been able to build a 4k 60+fps machine, monitor included, that can play even modern games on high settings with high fps.
A fucking 4k capable card cost atleast $700, and that still might struggle pushing that resolution.
>A lot of games run better or look better on PS4 than Xbox One
I think every game looks better on PS4 than Xbox One despite the same hardware price.
Nope, Bloodborne, RE1 or Infamous are not bargain bin games.
I saw a video the other day pointing out current trophy stats for bloodborne. Apparently 600,000 people got one or the rare trophies which was around 5% of people.
Doing the math on that means 12 million people have been counted by it. Whether that's owners or people who've played it idk.
I speculate it is a psy-ops that (((they))) have launched to see just how big of a middle-finger they can present the general gaming community. Like they just wanted to see how shit they could possibly get away with being.
It's as if the entire machine is fueled by hatred and marketing.
It's people who've played it.
I've got trophies in Bloodborne and I don't even own a PS4 and never have.
I used to be one of these PC master race shitposters when I was 15 or 16 and only had a laptop. That was last gen when it might have been slightly true. Then years passed, I got a job and a PS4 and now I cringe at how salty and underage I used to be as a P.C.uck
I cant fucking around with a pc anymore.