Is he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?

Is he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?

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Other urls found in this thread:

He seems like an annoying cunt but he's right that I'm not interested in hearing about politics when I'm watching some kid play video games on the internet.

>STRICTLY because you care about money more than human lives
I'm giving you ten seconds to explain why that is bad, son

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Passive aggressive tweets are worse than nigger excrement

When the let's play craze was a thing I used to watch those, but I can't get into Twitch.
So much dead time.
Maybe I should be younger, care less about time to enjoy streaming.
After all I don't even watch let's plays anymore.

Money is supposed to go to me not someone who already has it AKA streamers

>brainwash kids, goy

kys fascist

>When the let's play craze was a thing
Surely it's still a thing

>who's channel
I'll let it slip, he's right.

not the same way
Twitch is somehow leagues more popular now

Is dmbrandon literally the most grating human being in existence? I can't think of a more detestable specimen.

Asmon is probably the most fake person i have ever seen but he doesnt really hide it.

yeah because I want to hear about politics from some early 20s sheltered suburbanite who's never done anything but play video games. half of these people have never paid a bill in their lives, why the fuck on earth would anyone listen to them drone on about politics as if their opinion matters? shut the fuck up and stick to playing video games you dumb faggots

Hey, we still got Phil here

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For once i will side with Asmongold.
I don't want streamers talking about political issues.

>everything is political
why do the lefties force this meme? what does it even mean?

They just want the money to go to them instead of you

How mad was this cuck when De Grasse Tyson made that tweet?

>Commies who say they don't care about money have actually killed MORE people

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That wasn't passive aggressive, that was normal aggressive and you're an idiot if you can't tell the difference.

At least he's not Anthony Burch.


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Despite being an annoying fag, Asmon is definitely right there.

basically their tactic is to present their positions not as political or philosophical stances but rather just as the alleged default, common sense position that should just be accepted without confrontation or debate.


It's their way of saying "You are either with us or against us", a mentality those hypocritical fucks gave Bush a lot of shit for back when he was president.

It's them projecting their obsession and they can't comprehend a lot of people want escapism and politics don't even gross their mind. Maybe they grew up with very politically active parents and that's what they know and expect from everyone.

Fucking sick of politics, all I want to do is play video games

Wow. Everyone who disagrees with you is just out to make money

What an intellectual you are for not engaging with these things.

Well we all know that kind of "politics" they mean
You know all the great arguments that have been thrown out for the last 3 fucking years.
This faggot is just mad that the people who believe this shit is shrinking at an alarming rate. Even this shooting has blown back on the left now he is an Antifa member.

Such a low iq post

>there are more school shootings now than before
>politics is also now more in your face than ever before

Literally the only reason Jerma and Vinny are held in high regard is BECAUSE they refuse to discuss political topics

I hope asmongold goes to some fast food place and get shot

this. they parade around as if they position is THE morally right position, so anyone thats not with them is a crazy evil person

nevermind the fact that they are the ones who have shifted so far to the left, while republicans are still the same party as regan was

I don't understand this, every single citizen should ideally be politically involved, you should want to hear a lot of perspectives and have yours challenged.

Oh my god! School shootings are such a statistical issue and news media would never misrepresent what's going on in the world!

It's always weird as fuck to see people who can't separate their political views from any other aspect of their live. Especially when "talk about politics" to them means "screech accusations at other people until they acquiesce to my viewpoint and adopt it as their own"

I don't really like Asmongolds streams probably due to his WoW personality he puts on at times, but I'll be damned if I don't agree with a lot of stuff he says. The dudes intelligent.



>Fucking sick of politics, all I want to do is play video games

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user at work I interact with hundreds of people who cannot even use an alphabetical list. Do you think they are critical thinkers or just someone who shapes to what the popular opinion is?

there was nothing passive about that tweet

Psychology is considered a respected science when people are popping more pills than ever and suicide rates have only gone up.

>everything is political
>their tactic is to act like they're not political

something something Asmonlayer

if i want to listen about politics, i have my job for that, videogames is my escapism to disconnect from reality for a few hours. also listening about politics from some 20 year old manchild who lives off streaming videogames is quite hilarious. is like listening to a child talk about life

>He thinks leftists would let you even have "a lot of perspectives".
Better wax that trannys balls or else user. The left hold you to dogma.

>m-muh twitter e-celeb politics circle jerk
fuck that gay shit let's actually talk about video games.

what was the last game you finished? did you enjoy it?

>but I'll be damned if I don't agree with a lot of stuff he says. The dudes intelligent.

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>we have a moral obligation to inform the proletariat
No thanks Mr. online entertainment man

That's Psychiatry.

basically this
he even worded it like a faggot. "help your viewerbase what the fuck is going on" aka "dump your dipshit opinion on these impressionable kids" rather than merely pushing the viewerbase to think critically and for themselves"

Ever think maybe minorities also want to just play video games without being reminded that they're living in a heteronormative white supremacist patriarchy?

whos the blue check mark? some jewish streamer? never heard of him

Because it gives them an excuse to poke their noses where they don’t belong.
If video games, for example, are only a hobby, then squealing about politics within them is retarded; not only do you look like a retard for trying to take them seriously, you may as well whine about how bikes are racist.
If it’s political, then you can designate yourself an enlightened individual and start educating the poor dumb masses, and get to act like the persecuted hero when they tell you to fuck off

If everything is political they are not acting "political". Jesus christ how dumb are you?

>what was the last game you finished?
it been so long i actually forgot
>did you enjoy it?
if i didn't i'd have dropped it like every other game

Its the people trying to force everything to be political that are the cause of these kinds of shooting.
>Non stop political focus of the internet age melts peoples brain
>both sides act like they're at war, care only about hating the other side
>dumb fucks go shoot people
someone change my mind

Irony is they see themselves as saviours. "one of us" as they would put it. But you know if the system they wanted was ever implemented, they would be the one in the jackboots and unearned milliary uniform and having people killed that they don't like.

they are free to make their own games, nobody's stopping them.

What an absolutely deranged democratic mind you have. No, plumbers shouldn't be changing the medical field and retards shouldn't be influencing politics.

Ironically and hilariously, if more people were more political then you would see so many more killings. You understand that it's apathy and hedonism that allows multicultural societies to thrive right? Just look at religion for an example of what happens when large populations become commited to an ideology.

There is always OP.

Both are failing; condemned by suicide rates.

So what you're talking about is how the right assigns a negative connotation to "being political" and the left wants to talk about politics while avoiding that connotation? The problem is that applies to everyone, not just them self. When they say "everything is political" that applies to right wing people too. The idea that this is just them trying to make only their side avoid that negative connotation is stupid. They're just denying that negative connotation altogether.

Isn't this the same guy who bitched for minutes at a suicidal streamer who donated to him then got canned for it?

if you need other people to know how and what to think, that includes asm, you need to reconsider your life

>You understand that it's apathy and hedonism that allows multicultural societies to burn right?
Fixed that for you.
>Just look at religion for an example of what happens when large populations become commited to an ideology.
Civilization flourishes.

Learn to read, retards, clearly he meant the original faggot.

Then why don't they just leave this terrible country then? No ones stopping them.

For people who think of themselves as the good guys, they're awfully angry and authoritarian.

Have you seen his dietary habbits? his health? his teeth? The guy is literally slowly destroying his own body day by day. ffs when was even the last time they mentioned getting a checkup at the doctor? If they continue the life they live now, he's got like at most 10 more years and that's a generous number. What this guy needs most right now is to stop playing WoW and video games for a good solid 2 years and focus more on his own health. Since clearly he's spent so much of his dedicated to video games that they've let there own body go to complete shit. Fuck, i won't even be surprised if the guy has some form of cancer right now. That's how unhealthy they are.

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he still owes some of my friends like 500 dollars for a For Honor tournament he hosted and then didn't pay up on

Yes. Protestants and catholics bombing each other is flourishing. Are you american?

this too, i dont wanna be "le ebin centrist" but the increasingly violent rhetoric on both sides is not helping at all

combine that with a sick society, its no wonder there are more frequent school shootings
there used to be training ranges at schools but not anymore

Assmongoloid is alright guy, he just makes shitty content for retards playing shitty retarded game 24/7, but it makes him some big bucks so I can't blame him for that.

one of the first lessons you get taught as a child is that you don't always get your way, clearly their parents just didn't care enough.

But what about those emails?

almost like their two sides of the same coin or something.

Why do people feel the need to use big words like platitude? They just try to make themselves look smart

People don't watch streams to be preached/lectured to politically -- for the VAST majority of the time.

If you preach under the guise of being, say, a "middle-man" or "unbiased," it's super easy to slip in politics that lean one way because of the perception of lacking bias.

damn who is that based asmongold guy, gonna follow his twitch right now

Protestants and Catholics imperializing, exploring, and establishing the largest empires on the planet was flourishing, you retarded faggot.

>Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience
It seems appropriate

>let's just indoctrinate everybody! why aren't you indoctrinating YOUR viewers?

just play different games

What emails?

>too stupid to even know the shit ideology they defend has by far the largest body count out of any regime type in History
Based retard.

it is just fucking incredible that the Left wing's response to all this is "shit, the Right wing must be brainwashing white people, we can only counteract this by demanding they subject themselves to OUR morally superior brainwashing because we know best"

Literally. Who.

Who. Fucking. Cares.

Stop posting this garbage you actual retard.

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>durr what word mean im not good smart books

No, that's not true. Psychiatry is relatively effective. It's basically just medicine. But psychiatry cannot do a fucking thing about cultural problems, social problems, etc., etc. which are a major cause of suicide. There's a reason suicide rates are higher in the wealthy nations. It's a "luxury". Psychology might be able to help with that except psychology is a crock of shit. It's such a crock of shit that homeopathic "medicine" was found to be cheaper and just as effective as seeing a psychologist.

His gf is a big baddie, why's she with him?

where this from?

>caring about wealth
Reminder that although it sucks for the working class, immigrants do boost the GDP and provide cheap local labour for the capitalist elite

It is because they fear the 2020 elections.
Gotta convert them early.

That's capitalism

Hate asmon but also hate politics

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They see everything through the false lens of power dynamics like papa Marx taught them. All interactions, supposedly, including video gaming interactions are consisting of power dynamics which are inherently influenced by politics and circularly influencing politics. So basically everything is about power and everything influences and is influenced by power in the form of authority (government). Thus, everything can be claimed as political simply by using this all-encompassing definition.

almost like they became the very thing that they hated in the first place, kinda self loathing in a way.

It is communism though but reasoning with a pile of excrements like you is futile so keep thinking whatever you want.

WTF I love Asmongold now!

I like how these retards keep forgetting (or want others to forget) that the Dayton shooter was a leftie, antifa supporting extremist.

But yeah, its all them evil right wingers.

Love pints

Neither of those tweets were passive aggressive.

Not even leftist, but you're delusional if you think its only them who do so.

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>it is every single streamer's responsibility, regardless of content or context, to provide political commentary

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How does "everything is political" translate to "I'm a middle-man" or "I'm unbiased"? I'm pretty sure most left wing people will admit they're left wing, unless you're definition of left wing is skewed to include everyone who isn't strongly right wing. Even if they do try to act like a middle-man I don't see how that is related to them saying that everything is political, that's something that they say in response to people complaining about them politicising things. Just seems like a completely different thing to me.
Honestly it feels like you're all so desperate to whine about the left that you're willing to just conflate a million different topics together so you can just bring up whatever random talking point pops into your head

Simple as

He's blocking anyone who disagrees with him lmao

It's a C. S. Lewis quote from God in the Dock: Essays on Theology

video games

>How does "everything is political" translate to "I'm a middle-man" or "I'm unbiased"?
I think he might mean the opposite. Progressives challenge the status quo, conservative try to preserve it. This makes it easy for conservatives to claim they're apolitical. So the progressives respond by pointing out that the conservatives are taking up a political stance too in their defence of the status quo as desirable.

worse is the fucking who somehow believe against all logic or math, that 300 mass shootings have happened this year

>Psychiatry is relatively effective. It's basically just medicine.

They can and have done so for years. It's only recently all you faggots kicked into over drive about "muh human rights"

Go figure this fucking crybaby dipshit has picked a "winning team" to hide among so he can continue to act like a prick under the protection of the herd.
Very typical for complete assholes like this to seek out moral high grounds from which they can bludgeon others with their virtue.

You don’t have to be a cunt about it

Capitalism could eliminate world hunger and first world (at the very least) deaths related to preventable/treatable illness, so whenever someone dies of these causes, it's on capitalism. This makes more sense than blaming communism for e.g. crop failures.

Maybe when you want to talk about it, being politically educated is not the same as bringing politics to every aspect of your fucking life, how sad would that be, imagine wanting to entertain yourself watching some games just for some faggot to show up and start shilling his bias (with no debate whatsoever mind you).

all streamers should kill themselves, humanity would only be better for it

Yea Forums loves to apply this quote to SJWs, but SJWs aren't really like the "moral busybodies" Lewis envisioned. SJWs aren't like missionaries who see it as their life's work to keep you from the maws of Hell. SJWs don't really care how you live your life, except when you are actually negatively affecting the lives of others. It's a practical concern.

>receiving help in understanding what the fuck is going on from people who can't boil water
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, what did he mean by this? It's like asking for a life advice from one of the filthy rich teenagers on instagram

>Hey FUCCBOIS how bout you TALK ABOUT REAL LIFE but only if you share the same opinions as me of course

>They can and have done so for years.
So then why can't a bunch of white bois do the same when there's a black woman in some video game?

Yo is this nigger serious?

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>against all logic or math
Mass shootings aren't defined by logic or math. They are defined as "3 or more people killed within close proximity by gun." That's it. Some random guy killing his wife and two children with a shotgun is a "mass shooting" the same as one nut with a machine gun killing 50 people in a shopping mall as far as the definition is concerned.

They sure as fuck are.
They are godless, so they rename Hell to something else. Everything they do is about their screwed up perception of morality that they call "Social justice"

To be fair, psychiatry has helped lead to greater understanding of neuroscience which in turn has lead to a good deal of improvements for things like MS or strokes. But psychology and psychiatry are well known for having a ton of profiteering pricks, much the same as the entire medical industry.

educate listen learn. Word of faggots who don't do anything in life but get sad and mad over shit that doesn't effect them.

they are including things that are not even definable as that. broken telephone lumps in bullshit like "a gun being discharged unlawfully" which can be someone accidentally shooting a hole in the floor or whatever

Nigger slavenigger go back to the cotton field

Nothing. But don't scream and punch your parent's wall when woman care more about physically superior men to manlets fee fees

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>somebody with no authority over you urging you to do something

user, if you'll read my post more carefully, you'll see that the distinction I was making did not actually depend on a belief in Hell. The difference is whether they think they are helping you by making you more moral, or whether they are trying to address actual physical issues in the world.

>Capitalism could eliminate world hunger
Why tho.

>but SJWs aren't really like the "moral busybodies"

but they are, if you dont agree with their positions that maybe HRT for children, no borders is not the right idea, you are called a nazi and any other name they can throw at you


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>SJWs aren't really like the "moral busybodies" Lewis envisioned. SJWs aren't like missionaries who see it as their life's work to keep you from the maws of Hell. SJWs don't really care how you live your life

t. has never talked to them

I've got a 30 minutes lecture about how it is my moral duty to support illegal aliens in the USA because I am too an immigrant and after illegals they will come for me next(???), and by not doing anything I am aiding "white supremacy".

someone who keeps popping into my fucking recommended videos feed with bullshit reaction videos can never be our guy.

I mean this sincerely and I'm not trying to be rude, but you are the type of person who thinks you are smarter than you actually are.

>cripplechan closes down
>you exiled fucks run back here
Well it's been a good run but they're going to get this site burned too.


Okay but that's not actually what he's talking about (and also not true)

>Very typical for complete assholes like this to seek out moral high grounds from which they can bludgeon others with their virtue.
Seems like a strong correlation at this point

If three or more people die it's a mass shooting. That's all there is to it. By that definition there's really has been just shy of 300 mass shooting so far. Nobody ever said those mass shooting are just a crazy person going an an indiscriminate killing spree. Yes, it includes shit like gang warfare, murder for profit, etc., etc. I don't understand why that sort of shit should not be a concern. Especially for people who are campaigning for gun control and the like.

What was I defending

Quote me would ya

they were right


>someone who's channel
>someone who's

>I have never spoke to a Chad in my life

Do you know what a narrassist is? Because that is what 99% of chads are. They don't give a fuck about anyone outside themselves

>This makes more sense than blaming communism
How about killing the birds? Communism is a shit system as it lets utter brainlets like Mao in. Unless you fix that problem Communism is shit and well behind capitalism.

They can go back to their heteronormative brown supremacist patriarchy then. The only difference is that people will bat less of an eye when you get beaten for going against the grain in those countries.

Its a matter of finding someone who actually interacts with chat and isn't a boring fuck, which is why people watch the lesser streamers, usually more audience focused and personal.

People are already being arrested and held at ICE camps for having a Mexican name and appearance.

Not going to argue about whether the actual statement is true, but that Brandon guy is just making a false equivalence when he says that.
>if you don't care about politics, you don't care about human lives!
Yeah, this is a false equivalence.

They don't have a good tactic so they scream obscenities and other useless shit.

The second you admit that you don't care about human lives, you already lost in the eyes of normies.

And I suppose you think yourself exactly as smart as you think you are, which you also think is smarter than you think I am?

RWDS is still a pipe dream that will never come true
Good, fuck spics

Its up right now you dumb faggot.

>This is the face of many communists
Top kek

>It's such a crock of shit that homeopathic "medicine" was found to be cheaper and just as effective as seeing a psychologist.
You better source this shit.

to be fair why should you care about human lives

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>There's a leak in the roof
>Well if you don't like it in here you can go stand outside in the rain
Maybe we can, I dunno, fix the roof

Being hetero IS the normal thing to be, deal with it cocksucker, make your own games if you want the protag to be a fag. Males dominated through centuries for a reason, is not that one day males just decided to subjugate women, vidya has been mainly aimed at males for a long time and the industry went well, try making the industry go mainly to chicks and fags and see how that goes.

Not him, but you do it first, commie.

I'm not a maoist but I'm a big fan of some of his policies.

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I made a mistake here. It's not three or more people have to die, it's three or more people just have to get shot. I understand that may result in inflated statistics but how often do three or more people accidentally get shot all at the same time? I doubt it's throwing out the statistic that much.

When politics are costing human lives, it's not false. So you are in fact arguing about whether or not it's true.

>By that definition there really has been just shy of 300 mass shooting so far
I find that really hard to believe, if they could make this claim so self-evidently with statistical proof you'd think they would be shouting it more. But despite these constant shootings everyone was focused on the border, now border is being paid for, they lost on that, so they shift back again to this inflated statistic about gun shootings

Because they're powermad cunts. They're not clever enough to care about abstractions like freedom or truth.

i guess we'll agree to disagree then

You're not making any sense.
It's a good thing that you specified that you're not him. I wouldn't want to make the mistake of addressing you thinking that you're him. Goodness gracious, you might have tarnished his good name.

>but how often do three or more people accidentally get shot all at the same time?
every day in baltimore and chicago. Ever heard of a drive by shooting? That happens multiple times a day in chicago.

Glow in the dark

Where are you getting your definition?

He's talking about the Troubles because highly politicised multi-culti societies fragment and then come to the realisation that car bombs are a legitimate form of protest. All of those Yuro colonial countries went through years of civil wars because of the reformation. The Reformation was needed, for the record, but people stopped being apathetic and would you look at that 50% of the German population died within a 30 year period.

What if I don't?

>for having a mexican name and appearance
And probable cause and lack of id

There have been actual efforts of media groups lately to dispel the idea of chiraq because their progressive policies have crippled the area in many ways.

It was some UK study a while ago. I couldn't be bothered finding it. Their public health care is covering homeopathic medicine and they did a study to determine if that was a good idea. Turns out it's worth keeping it covered because they were basically doing the same job as psychologists and pretty much just as well but for a lot less money. It's not surprising. Psychologists aren't real doctors or anything. They are just professional "touchy feely" people. If they ever come something serious they refer that person to a real doctor. Homeopaths do the same thing.

Most things that don't clock to you as having political implications probably do.

Are you implying the US government is paying me to shittalk ICE
"Probable cause" isn't even a thing that applies in this instance and legitimate IDs are just declared suspect.

A response like that means you took it personally and he probably hit the mark.

I'm not a leftie and it's true that everything is political. That doesn't mean everything is relevant to current political debates, but still: politics is arguing over the law; the law is enforced morality; morality is just your feelings; everything you do has an impression of your feelings in it because it tells people something you do or don't find acceptable.

When you agree with the status quo or don't care about your people (apathy is just tacit approval of the status quo), it's easy to just say, "Keep your politics in your pocket," because you only see politics when they go against your beliefs.

Yea it is
>are just declared suspect
They run them cockroach

>Ever heard of a drive by shooting?
You mean the act of murder? You think mass shooting involving targeted murder doesn't count? If you kill a hundred people but you only really cared about killing one of them that's not a mass shooting? Fuck off.

Reminder than Asmon plays based Alliance. Sorry hordeniggers.

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ANd then they get released if they are citizens. The people in the camp are illegals and NEED to be punted back over the border, but obviously leftist politicians and judge want those delicious free votes and obstruct

Yeah, exactly. If you unironically think the status quo isn't political, you're blinded by your, probably unexamined, ideology.

low effort brainlets will really pretend that any form of government is somehow less harmful

no, of course, sweetie YOUR hands are clear because you support the one that starved people to death for MONEY and not power

absolute fucking fascist cucks suckling on power as it trickles down from greater men

take your life back loser

based lad

A response like that means you're a pseud trying to drag out this inane conversation.

Not to be rude but you're a cunt.

cry more

"everything is political" is tautological.

It's one of the big new-left axioms that holds up their culture of fear and control.
>Everything is political
Every behavior can be scrutinized and punished; your social standing is always hanging in the balance.
>Impact is more important than intent
Even accidental transgressions are punishable; a transgressor should not be allowed to defend himself
>All transgressions are tantamount to violence
Nothing is forgivable; all crimes are punishable by the same sentence
>Lived experiences are more important than data
Reality is subjective; trust the eyes and ears of others but never your own

To the radlib, anything that isn't envision in their idealized utopia must be against their batshit insane agenda.
If a cop character isn't depicted as a power tripping asshole, then its copaganda. If a merchant character isn't depicted as a greedy snake, its pro capitalism. If the protagonist gets help from the army, its pro military imperialism. If the game allows the main character to buy property, its pro landlord.
But they don't succeed in getting the issues brought up in the public eye, only the ones that big businesses already prop up like LGBT rights have the most attention.

WTF i love asmongold now

Does that mean you can't ever spend an hour of your day to relax, and not think about whatever drama is going on in the news?
Even if everything was political, why in the fuck would you want to entertain politics at all times like these annoying cunts want everybody to do?

I'm a different person for the original. You won't believe that because you took it personal.

PS He's right. :/\)

Maybe you'd face less opposition if they wren't literal concentration camps woefully unequipped to handle the crowds of people being forced into them and staffed by sadists with no oversight. You think it's strange that when you say "we have to do this and the only way to do it is absolutely terribly with zero regard for human lives" then maybe people are going to argue that perhaps we shouldn't do it?

he helps and enables THOTS you fucking gamer

That's not acceptable for an industry based on "Dude, trust us, it's science, now take this pill that will either emotionally lobotomize you, or make you even more suicidal, 50% of Americans!" The proof is in the pudding: the "science" stinks.

That's every second since the dawn of the human race. Yet not every facet of humanity is dedicated to bitching about whatever faggot is in power. Case in point does your house have a giant trump poster hanging off the side? No? Then you don't give a shit about politics and therefore human lives.

>...according to the Investigative Assistance for Violent Crimes Act of 2012, signed into law in January 2013, a mass killing is defined as a killing with at least three deaths, excluding the perpetrator
This is the definition of a mass killing according to US law. Make the murder weapon a gun and it becomes a mass shooting.

>I'm a different person for the original.
You don't say. Now you think I'm too stupid to pick up on the difference between first person and third person pronouns? It doesn't matter.

You're a cunt.

I think you can make everything political but you shouldn't. You can deal with work place politics but their bullshit. Just assholes trying to use unethical means to further themselves. I don't even like that when we talk about governance we call it politics. I suppose more people would rather get theirs at the expense of others rather than producing, developing their knowledge so they could interact with the world more efficiently and less wastefully, and so on. We only have nice technology and art because some people sacrificed a lot of time and energy to figure things out and create things. Obviously many of them were very smart, and many of them enjoyed the process and did get some fairly good compensation, but certainly not the compensation that the problems they solved were worth to furthering human understanding. If anything, they're mainly paid in respect in their lifetime if they can actually convince people that they're right, and some of them like Copernicus didn't. If everyone just tried to get theirs and no one was actually productive, we wouldn't have shit. Not everyone needs to or can be Newton, but even a janitor can be good at what he does and help the system he's a part of, and he should be compensated in such a way that he can live a comfortable and healthy life in the society which he's a part of. I don't want to live in a low trust world full of assholes trying to back stab each other at every chance.

oh no think of the landlords and the amazing services they provide like squatting on already scarce land and charging you market value despite knowing minimum wage hasn't risen

without them who would lobby the local government constantly to relax ordinances that make him responsible for the living conditions on the same very land he's drawing value from

without landlords where would we live user, we surely couldn't live on all this land that's been sold to chinese investors and is now left to rot

obviously that's just capitalism bro get used to it people have money so everyone else just has to deal with it if they don't lmao come on bro i know you were born with nothing but pull up your bootstraps and work three jobs for corporations that don't care about you so you can have a house that you either rent, or get lucky enough to "own" but you never really own because you still have to constantly shovel money into the governments mouth to even keep what's yours

god i love landlords

I freaked out when I found out I'm older than Asmonbald. I thought the guy was in his mid 30's.

>Does that mean you can't ever spend an hour of your day to relax
>why in the fuck would you want to entertain politics at all times
engage in it at some times

what the hell are you talking about nut case. You asked I question I answered it. take your medication.

Maybe if they didn't come in illegally we would have to stuff them in camp who are not equipped enough since democrats are REALLY busy cutting any possible budget to make the camp less shitty.

It was a pleasure btfo you once again.

I do care about politics, dipshit. You can't just deflect criticism of your apathy by mindlessly assuming whoever you're talking to is a hypocrite.

"cry more" lmao read a book you loser

I was being unironic

what was the point of this post? are you this upset no one is defending landlords?

Unfortunately, yes.

I don't think that post was disagreeing with you, user.
Sarcasm isn't always used as an argument.

Look asmongold is kind of a huge faggot but goddamn that was kinda savage