Why is CJ the most iconic GTA protag?

Why is CJ the most iconic GTA protag?

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Interesting character also San Andreas was a Iconic game

Everyone else is a personality-lacking pasty white dude

memed into oblivion and also because he's black

Cause niggers tend to be memes unto themselves.


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His game was the most iconic, he just rode on its coattails.

he's not

He's not, you're just a nostalgiafag

SA is the best game but Vercetti is easily the most classic GTA protag, then Claud

Because he's the most relatable
Even if you are white
All the other protags are just violent psychopaths
Except maybe Claude but he has no personality

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CJ has done more canon psychopathic shit to actual innocent people than Tommy or Claude

he had good and memorable dialogue. a lot of people playing it were white guys and because of the fact that CJ's "language" is so different it sticks with you way more.

Shut up, IVtard

He was so fucking violent 100% of the times
One of his missions was to cause as much chaos as he can

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cj massacred an entire crew of construction workers and buried their boss alive, just because one of them whistled at his sister

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Cause he subverts expectation of being a dumb nigger

The gta5 redneck is way more memorable

Because you're a bunch of retarded nostalgiafags, you can't tell me anything about his personality


Niko is actually GTA's most iconic protag.

Niko is the deepest protag Rockstar has ever written. The rest are generic criminals or psychos, including CJ.

Because of the memes.

>protagonist of most iconic GTA
>was an entertaining character
>never got annoying
>interacted with characters the way most players would
>highly customisable

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it's funnier to see him in memes and crossovers than any of the others

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that's not Niko

He has the most iconic look.

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With shit like this, why does Rockstar expect us to actually like these “protagonists”?

shut the fuck up, nazi shitlord.

Franklin from GTA V has the least personality of all

he's the protagonist of the best game in the series. of course people are going to like him the most.

because gta exists in a fake hyper-violent world

But he's not vice city protag?

>Ato big smoke chill we finn' get some cluckin' bell nawimean shiiiet them balas be sheeeeit and some locos around heeya all be sheeeiit

name one thing vice city does better than san andreas in terms of game design

He isn't

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>chainsaw motherfucker for cash
>rampage missions
>literally who
CJ stands out cause half of his motivation, Family he needs help from brother and for that he needs to kill for gang shit, Does shit cause hes told to even last 4 missions where CJ says to his brother how many properties you have that retard still wants to do gang shit and because how retarded you're brother is you do it for him. Yes there were parts for his own greed money and buisness like robbing bank and doing other stuff.
Hes least psycho of all and most relatable.

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go shoot up another mall fatso

>Serbian war criminal who have probably raped a dozen of Bosnian women
Nah, Niko is the darkest one.

>All we had to do, was follow the damn train, CJ

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>implying he raped anyone
The worst thing he probably did was sell girls into prostitution, which he only did for money in the first place.

Because the 3d universe is the most iconic and san andreas is the most iconic game.

niko was better

Eww no he's slav
That's much worse than being a nigger

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correction, he is yugoslav, the niggers among slavs and unironically one of the most criminal peoples in europe.

No wonder the nazis didn't let the slavs enlist despite having a bunch of black soldiers

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He's a pretty ordinary black dude from the 90s, I think people like him because they just like the game he is in.

Who was in the wrong here?

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every character in GTA V was someone the world was better off without.

>>Ato big smoke chill we finn' get some cluckin' bell nawimean shiiiet them balas be sheeeeit and some locos around heeya all be sheeeiit
that's Sweet, not CJ


Claude betrayed everything and everyone just to kill that bitch and then kills that other one because she wont stop talking
he gave 0 fucks about everything
he got the entire state wanting him dead just so he could get that bitch back
he is the most badass of them all

I want a GTA game where you play as an upstanding fireman with a loving family and even though the option to do crime is there none of the required missions force you to. You drive a firetruck with a remote operated hose with your station's dalmation mascot.

he is not but he is a nigger and as such he has automatically charisma and relevance in today's world unline Tommy Vercetti which is italian and scarface and as such completely irrelevant in today's pop culture.

Not raped, but killed and tortured. Niko's motivation was dark hatred.

The dude refuses alcohol in basically every cutscene, I think his libido is in hard check.

CJ and Franklin are literally the blandest non-silent protags.

>everything after "kamisama arigatou"

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The inspiring story of a gangbanger rising above petty conflict to become a major international crime boss

>What you done for the Hood lately, CJ?
>Nigga what the Hood done for me!?

It's easy to mod him into shit for the sake of bizarre incongruity.

Also nobody cares about the GTAV protags, and cause Niko's actor has drama with Rockstar they'll never utilize him again in spite of Niko being the best GTA MC.

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But Franklin is also a nigger and is a piece of shit

I liked Niko's sarcasm, but aside from that he's not much better than the rest of the GTA protagonists

He's a better person than all of them. Doesn't that count for anything?

niko is like the other mcs except he's depressed.

He's a likeable black person so its easy to remember.

I have no memory of this mission. I must replay gta sa some day.

I like how niko is pretty much like a non cartoon version of trevor. a real killer with very little regard for human life until he gets a reality check in the final missions.

I wish this was a webm