What game has made you feel genuine terror?

What game has made you feel genuine terror?

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real life

Alien Isolation oh hard+dark room+headphones


I grew up loving the Alien movies and comics, they never scared me, always just thought the xenomorph was cool as hell, but Alien Isolation absolutely ruined me. That game is fucked up.


I wish alien isolation was more than just frustrating AI to me

>What game has made you feel genuine terror?
Succubus Prison: House of Lewd Demons.

No, I'm not fucking memeing or being a gamer. I came (literally and figuratively) for the porn but the game is legitimately tense and the monsters are legitimately horrific and inhumane. I'm diamonds, i'm angry, i'm disturbed - it's a complicated feeling

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silent hill 1 and 3, 2 was more melancholic
than scary

The hive level in Alien: Isolation

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>Open the radar
>fuckton of lights appear

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Clock Tower on the SNES and Silent Hill 3.


Basically everything. I don't play horror games, get too scared.

>Clock Tower on the SNES
>tfw this kicks in

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I want to get into stalker but I wish it didn't have all the monsters. Especially bloodstalkers.


No matter how many times I played through PT, the mere sight of Lisa always filled me with what I can only describe as a primordial terror. She wouldn't even have to be doing anything, just standing there, the absolute primal fear she made me fill had me as hard as a fucking rock.

For me it was Soma. Was so sucked into the game and was just walking around then music started picking up and flesh thingy with legs started running down the stairs towards me. Never felt so scared in any other game.

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Slender: The Arrival, one of the only games to actually terrify me. Fucking hate that game.

>autosaves just as a xenomorph is pelting straight towards me
>last manual save is about an hour before
I know this is technically my fault but fuck that, I haven't started the game in about 2 years as a result

The thumbnail is creepier. The dog looks like it's facing the viewer.

DS ''3D'' games

I've played PT twice, both with my friend on his PS4 at his house.
The first time it didn't bother me at all, I even got grabbed by the milf and we had a laugh about it.
The second time my friend and I smoked a spliff about half an hour before. It was my first time smoking and I almost shat myself out of fear while playing. Truly the most terrifying game experience I've ever had.

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I've had to drop it multiple times because of how blatant their LOLE SCARY IT REEL SMART ai is, You'll be as quiet as possible reading a log and suddenly hear angry stomping from across the map coming towards you only for the xeno to instantly stop infront of a locker you had to climb in to

I can't tell if either soma or alien iso has the worse AI which annoys me because I thought the Dark Descent had some pretty decent and believable AI

Silent Hill 3, Subnautica and ||Minecraft||

>Slender: The Arrival
You mean the Slender 8 pages remake? Yeah no, Slender is no longer that scary.

It's a shame the game has like 2 music tracks because not only it gets repetitive with each playthrough but it really would benefit a lot from having more cool sounds like the track you posted. The little music it has it's pretty good.

It's not a remake of 8 Pages, it's actually an entire campaign, if not a short one.
>no longer that scary
I disagree, every time I play that game it unnerves me. Argue the quality of the game all you want, but they did a masterful fucking job of building up tension and keeping a scary atmosphere going on. Outlast 2's the only other game to freak me out like that.

Almost sounds like something out of Ace Attorney.

Silent Hill 1
Project Zero/Fatal Frame 1-2

afraid of monsters
i can't get past the first level

>Detecting multiple leviathan class lifeforms in the region. Are you certain whatever you're doing is worth it?

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subnautica where I go in blind for the first time, not knowing about reaper class and their location. Later that combined with the fear of losing progress and the cyclops, I just watched a letsplay and never went to the lava zone

Fatal Frame 2.
Dead Space got me a few times, too. That game has some excellent sound design, man.

>Playing in early access
>Still in early game, don’t even have a scooter
>Drop something on top of my life pod
>Suddenly go flying off into the distance due to some collision bullshit
>Get this message
>Hear one beneath me
I immediately became a blubbering retard while slowly dog paddling toward the life pod marker over a kilometer away.

None. I don't get how people get scared from playing games or watching movies. I just sit there feeling bored. I'm not some tough guy either as I would get scared by real life things.

Stop mate, just stop, I've seen the reviews and the game myself. It's House, remake of 8 pages, mines to do fuel shit, then burning forest, then jumpscare.

>Outlast 2
That pile of garbage? Seriously are you like 15?

Why are you getting so angry that someone likes a videogame you don't, user? No one is seething but you.

>Almost never leaves a tiny area of the map
>Tiny aggro range
>Will make one pass at you and fuck off after you juke it once
Wasted potential: the monster

I was so fucking mad that I got away without getting raped once only for the MC to be implied to get caught again. FUCK

Video games don't scare me. I just see the gameplay mechanics. Do this to get that and so on. Alien Isolation just felt annoying and boring rather than scary as if Alien spot you then its essentially just game over so you just press start and reload immediately if you get spotted.

Sea monsters have to exist. THEY HAVE TO. It would be so easy to just chill down there with nobody knowing you exist. Eat a whale every so often.

when I was young a lot of games seemed to have scary atmosphere, morrowind's ashlands was a very weird place full of shit you've never met before that would fuck you sideways in a matter of moments
eternal darkness was as close to terror as i think i'll get though, especially walking through the house seeing what horrible thing would happen next, made me almost physically unable to go through with some actions
but, i was like 12 back then so I wasn't really hard to impress
nowadays i'd say nothing really gets me except for stuff that pantomimes my real life fears and that is of a body of water with an unseeable depth
like dark souls games, i always dread the water bits, it's easye nough to see where you're supposed to go but i cannot even look at the screen when it dwells on the endless abyss should i fall off the edge
resident evil 4 was thew worst with a whole boss fight with leon in a fucking shitty boat going across a murky deep ass lake, the boss was less scary than the sense of dread i got from just that setting, cannot stand games with lots of deep ocean exploration and such

Stalker isn't scary tho

Stalker when I went to the lab in red forest, everything was glowing and there was this crazy audio playing and there were these phantom mutants that were running at me while dealing with the monolith soldiers.
It was like a trance, it was really insane.

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I feel bad for people that say stuff like this.
Getting scared in a horror game is actually quite amazing, to me at least.
And you don't get to enjoy that, and there's nothing you can do about that since you can't change what does and doesn't scare you

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The only times I got really scared in a game were in stalker, first with the controller in agroprom and then with the poltergeist in lab x18

this dog looks too relaxed for the image to be creepy

Is Pathologic 2 scary? I need some spooky games to play in October.

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Scariest horror game I played was Silent Hill Downpour. The cop cars spooked me.

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Its more panic attack inducing rather than straight up scary.
It's a masterpiece either way that must be played by everyone

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>first high
>play horror game


name a better horror game than Amnesia

Amnesia the Dark Descent
Dead Space 1 and 2
HALO Combat Evolved when you first encounter the flood in the Library

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Pathologic 1
The Void

No other games made me feel quite as genuine dread at very specific moments.

Not usually. Neither is Pathologic 1, even though it frightened me more than any other game I've ever played.
Pathologic 1/2 are both very oppressive, dread-full, depressing and immersive. They can very easily make you feel stressed and uneasy. But they are by no means "Horror" games of your classic type. With perhaps one exception in the first game, the fear they invoke is more related to worrying about characters you'll grow attached to, or of what fucked-up event has the game prepared for you next time.
It's a bit more like Franz Kafka than Stephen King, if that makes any sense. Good for moody fall though.

My nigga

>the void
Fucking based
It's easily the best game I have ever played in my life.
God I wanna play pathologic 2 so fucking badly but my PC IS TOO FUCKING POTATO FUUUUUUUUUUUCK

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Thank you both for your descriptions, I'm very excited to play it now. Do you have any more traditional scary game recs?

Stalker's first encounters with different creatures.

I can only think of the classics: Penumbra Overture and Black Plague (just ingore Requiem completely), Amnesia, Alien Isolation, Soma (though that is barely a horror), SH games. I'm not big into horror games, though I do like my highly immersive games.
If you can get your hands on Cryostasis, that may be worth exploring. It sits somewhere between Stalker and Outlast in terms of scaryness for me: again not really a classic horror game, but it has some pretty creepy moments. It also has remarkably good story - like, second only to Icepick Lodge games level good. But it's incredibly poorly optimized and you'll have to pirate it, because it's virtually impossible to buy legally these days.

Never played a game that made me scared. I just can't take them seriously enough when knowing it's just some voice actor sitting in a booth in front of a microphone with a script and probably had to do a number of takes to get the right one, all while a group of people make models and scenery in 3D programs. It's like watching a fucking monster movie, how can I take it seriously when it's literally just some guy in a costume with makeup on... and people actually have nightmares over the shit LOL

>controller at agroprom

From recent memory, Dusk. So many moments like the beginning of The Infernal Machine, fighting my first Wendigo, the staircase in Blood and Bone, the Horrors in Crypt of the Flesh, hitting that teleporter in Escher Labs (the
one with "Don't" written next to it on the wall).

Also, in RE2 Remake when a licker jumped me after getting the last medallion. Literally made me scream and empty the shotgun into him. Moments later, my dog slowly walked into the room all worried trying to see if I was okay. Such a good boy c:

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Yeah, if you enjoyed The Void, Pathologic 2 will be right up your alley. It's like a mixture of the best of The Void and Pathologic 1. Time to consider upgrade.

does penumbra have shitty jump scares in it
I remember playing it a long time ago and might revisit it as the atmosphere was spot on

Sh series
God I wish i had more experience in horror. if you can only play one, go with darkwood, in terms of horror it's easily the scariest out of all of those

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I've played through it so many times and that part still gets me. For some reason the atmosphere reminds me of all the low-quality footage from Chechnya with people going crazy over the radio and gunfire in the distance, then the mutant 'ghosts' start pelting it at you.

Play it in VR

I don't remember any jumpscares in Penumbra, but it has been ages since I played it. But yeah, the atmosphere is great, and it has one of the best endings I've seen in a videogame.
Just keep in mind what I posted before:
Play Overture and Black Plague ONLY. That is where the story ends. Requiem is a bullshit pile of shit and you can safely ignore it all together. The story behind it is depressing on it's own merrit... But anyway, the "actual" Penumbra is really just Overture and Black Plague.

STALKER. The fucking bloodsuckers are the stuff of nightmares and the entire game has a pervasive, oppressive atmosphere that never really goes away no matter how geared up you get. Most effective horror game there is.

Sounds dumb but when I was younger me and a few guildmates in wow OoB'd into the karazhan crypts. Really did not like the one part that's just a random black pit. Something about it really didn't sit well with me, even more so than the big room full of water and floating corpses chained to the floor.
However, I was mostly "terrified" because I thought I was going to get banned for being there in the first place.

nothing in video games yet, only fear, and the only recent game i can think about was Bloodborne.

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None because horror is more about the IRL environment and mood than the game. Play most of those "omg so spooky vidya" on a sunny beautiful day with the window open and eating comfy food/having a nice drink with friends over

Then play it in the dark basement or some creepy room in your house. Alone. With the window open and a window to your side that anyone or anything can look at you through it.

Basically naturally you are a lot less spooked in the daytime in a comfy environment because MOST fear comes from the unknown and not being able to see.

If anyone with friends knows that if you tell creepy stories at night they always give you the creeps. Not so much during the day at the beach.

Want games to be scary? Move your PC to the most creepy room in your house. The one room that you wouldn't want to just sit in the dark in. Alone. No phone. Nothing but the game. You'll get your creep

>Bonus if you can do it outside and looking out to a dark forest or dark backyard

lost in vivo

Rare to see someone mention this game. Ran like shit on my PC when it first came out but it's genuinely one of the better horror games out there. The narration is top notch and it sometime feels like playing a John Carpenter film.

This game was never scary, but the sense of exploration is 100% top tier. That first playthrough was great, shame I'll never get to experience it again for the first time.


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Funnily enough, Bloodborne is one of the few games to inspire revulsion in me -- the "fuck fuck fuck, everything here has to burn and die NOW" kind. Specifically, the Upper Cathedral Ward and the Research Hall.

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Not terror, but I did feel dread and unease during the Meat Circus in Psychonauts. That was a really unsettling level for me.

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Yeah, the optimization is horrendeous. There is no machine that can run it without issues: the problem is in the game itself. But yeah, the narrative is really remarkable. Gameplay is kinda bad at times (I had to finish it with cheats because the final stretch was getting on my nerves), but the atmosphere is great. There were several real fucking unnerving moments, like the entire psych ward segment, and the weird ice sphere. That fucking creeped me out.

It's spooky in infected districts or when you fight worms. It's more depressing and stressful than scary though. Still a pretty decent game that you should play.

Just checked out what Darkwood is, holy fuck that game looks awesome.

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We need vidya that feels like exploration SCPs

Silent Hill 2, Subnautica, and SOMA were good at instilling terror for me.
I'd have to agree with Darkwood too. It's a very low-key sort of terror that is a slow drip of discomfort and disgust which slowly snowballs into fear of whatever horrible thing(s) is/are behind all of it.
I genuinely wanted to escape the forest at the end because of it. Even more than I wanted to see all the content or fully fill out the map, which is a sign they did it well, when the atmosphere overrides the sense of completion.
Finished my second run on Hard this year; was amazed at the story divergence you can get from different choices.

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>love darkwood
>too scared to go into the well in the village because I don't have a gun

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I can't wait to play it, any tips for a beginner?

people ignore the game part of horror games too much

there should be a fear of losing progress when you die in the game
you're not going to be afraid if there's a checkpoint every 10 seconds
enemies should be dangerous and dying should set you far back

if you want a horror movie then watch a movie

>tfw no horror game made by Ari Aster
It's not fair, bros. Is there any game that achieves the specific sense of dread and trauma that Hereditary has?

eh, I want to be scared not frustrated. The moment a game starts frustrating me the sense of fear or anything else is overridden. It's just like anything else people want a fair well designed challenge.

leviathan class monsters will be picked up on sonar eventually

I love Silent Hill 2's music, story and atmosphere. Even the combat I find enjoyable, but god do I hate those ambiguous ass puzzles that make no sense contextually and give you no sense of direction. I couldn't have beaten that game without a guide. Anyone else feel the same?

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Was I the only one scared of FEAR? I was constantly low on ammunition, freaky shit was happening all the time, and the AI was pretty good. I was a nervous wreck playing that game.

Doom 3 was pretty nerve-wracking at points too

im a fucking pussy, i can't even play a horror game without looking for a guide on where all the monsters are. the only horror game i completed was Resident evil 1 for ps1 and even then i got the bad ending

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I won’t be afraid if I know I have another chance period. This is why games have no real chance of being scary at all.

I only remember that Undying was so scary to me when I was a kid that I actually couldn't play through the game. When Doom 3 came out and I was older, it still managed to scare the shit out of me, but I did finish the game. I've then replayed Doom 3 in VR last year, it really didn't feel that scary anymore despite the immersion.

I was legitimately freaked out by LSD simulator, because of the really slow tank controls and feeling like that weird shadow dude was always behind me. Tank controls do a good job of adding an extra layer of fear

- Difficulty only changes requirements for permadeath. Normal is what you should play for your first run, since it’s very likely you’ll die way more than Hard permits. Hard is a couple lives, Nightmare is where one death ends the game.
- Read everything; there’s no waypoints or anything telling you where to go. Your journal will give you reminders of the most important points.
- Your first day should be spent searching for wood logs and gasoline. Take them back to the hideout and make planks out of them at the sawmill.
- A board with nails should be your first weapon and will carry you through a good chunk of the game.
- The characters are the key to your progression; read their dialogue carefully, your choices with them determine a good deal of what’s going to happen as you move through the woods.
- Fabric is used for inventory/hotbar upgrades and can be easy to mistake for rags.

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Some of the environments in Fear spooked me, like that feeling of getting stuck in a place after it's closed. The really impressive ai makes it worse because you actually have to be on guard to beat them which just pulls you in more. Also some of the jump scares still get me for an old game.

Thank you, how hard is this game on normal? How unforgiving is it? Is it possible to get stuck in an unwinnable state and have to start over?

none because I'm not a faggot

I haven't encountered any scary videogames so far and jumpscares aren't scares.

Can you actually fuck things up real bad if you make wrong dialogue choices or things like that? I'm not someone who likes having to make story choices in games, and I especially hate obscure dumb shit like "bring the obscure useless looking item to the pointless npc at this very specific moment or you get the bad ending lole, but to get the best ending actually don't do it"

Containment breach, it's like, nostalgically terrifying and I can never get over it

The combat is deliberately awkward but once you learn the timings of the enemies and your own range/speed it's actually really solid. I think it's pretty hard. I probably died 20 or so times on my first run. I played really conservatively and rarely used my guns out of fear of wasting ammo, which was a major cause of my deaths. For comparison you get 4 lives on Hard, though you can find a handful of consumables to increase this.
>Is it possible to get stuck in an unwinnable state and have to start over?
Not if you play on Normal.
At absolute worst you could theoretically linger for way longer than you should in a region and loot it completely, depriving yourself of resources.
But there's no hunger/thirst mechanics and the daily trader restocks so it would be nigh-impossible to lock yourself off from progression.

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Pathologic 2 does this exceptionally well with it's odd death punishment method. It's actually an absolute stroke of brilliance, but sadly it got criticized a lot by brain-dead reviewers.
It finds very much a perfect sweetspot between making you genuinely afraid of dying, yet not being too frustrating. Plus they add a whole level of meta-narrative and actually interesting player choices to it. It's really a damn masterpiece.

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pic related, shat my pants

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The best ending is accessible regardless of your choices, but that's getting into spoilers.
But yes, many things along the way can be permanently locked off by you killing certain people or creatures, or choosing to help one NPC over another.
For example, I helped a kind character over a crueler one in one region, then found boot tracks all over my base when I returned in a later region, with a note from the cruel NPC saying he'd taken a large chunk of my inventory as revenge and I had to go get it back from him at a special spot on the map.
This lead to a boss fight I completely missed on my first run and a cool event that reminded me of Sander Cohen in BioShock.

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MGS2 while youre like 12 years old

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I only got stuck on one puzzle, when I went to go look up how to do it, it spoiled the ending in the next sentence. Turns out it was the LAST puzzle.

SOMA was good because of the atmosphere. Even if there weren't monsters I would've been unnerved

Soma is arguably best with the patch that makes the monsters non-hostile.

all videogames as the existential terror sets in of me wasting my life on them sets in

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>take shrooms for the first time
>make the whole room watch the ending of Twin Peaks season 2

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Easy joke.

>Get to the server room where he is
>Decide to take refuge in the room nearby while I talk to a friend on chat
>About 10-15 minutes pass and I'm still chilling, friend asks if I'm really safe in the room
>Say yeah, since this freaky dude is still in the other room
>Suddenly screen starts glitching like he's close
>Door to me safe room opens and he starts patrolling inside
>He got tired of waiting and came for me
God damn that was a fun moment

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Condemned in that dark mansion. I've spent the entire game beating hobos and junkies, all the time on edge, so when I smashed a mouth-prosthetic monster into dust I just dropped the game. Too much for me but then again I dislike horror games and being scared.

>that entire abyssal plain level
I never realized I wanted it until I got it. The whole game was worth it for that sequence for me.

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Jump scares are dumb but so are the suggestions for a “slow, atmospheric gradual rise in tension”

look at this truly neutral user not engaging in our primitive arguments

Thanks for new ravioli
When I was younger, Oblivion's dungeons filled me with an impalpable dread. I was probably 13 or 14 when the game came out? Back then the idea of an open world game of that scale was mindblowing, almost eerie. The physics system was so impressive. Being in a world so huge and open and then going into these cramped, dark, bluelight dungeons was very unsettling to me at the time amd I rarely delved to the bottom of Ayleid ruins.


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What tends to scare me are unnerving looking enemies. If just the sight of them makes me uncomfortable it will be a scary game.

They actually do make sense if you dedicate them time, that said, me and my dad played all 4 good silent hills back in the day, he loved the puzzle shit and did most of the puzzles i got stuck in, i could see the logic behind most of them, but a few were cryptic as fuck and i didn't knew what the fuck did he saw to solve them, like the one with the books in SH3, and the piano in SH1, the fact that back in the day we had to play the game with a dictionary because none of us knew english made it a really fun experience overall

the game of almost dying in real life and being stuck literally tied to a bed in the ICU due to surgery for 17 days while hallucinating with little memory of what had happened due to all the drugs in your system to keep you stable/alive

WoW. Raiding in a Mythic guild that can and will easily replace you. I pray to the RNG gods every pull and fear the next day if I'm still in the roster.

That one part in FEAR2 where you get chased by that giant robot through walls and shit. I'm fucking terrible with that shit, especially when you can't hide from it

Will the doggo be okay?

How the fuck do you get scared by literal pixel graphics with birds eye view?

This. The president just started a crusade on the mentally ill and video games. There are going to be people who are going to get flagged for nothing.

Play the game dipshit and you'll know

Vault 22 in new Vegas. The sign outside that said the plants kill gave a really unnerving feel to it all, even just the still plants. When walking through the vault it was a weird feeling like all the plants were weirdly alive.

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>Outlast 2

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>implying the overhead sections are the most disturbing part of the game
>they're still superb though

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Fuck, why were the Vaults in Fallout 4 so shit? Even the ones in 3 were better.

and yet if you can die to a monster 5 times in an hour it won’t be scary for very long. there needs to be time for tension to build up after a death.

Dogs aren't afraid of the dark. Their primary sense is their nose.

Imagine actually thinking like this for as stupid as doing raiding. But I agree, its very elitist.

Simply make it permadeath yourself, then.
There's nothing like the feeling of utter dread when coming close to losing after literally 100 hours in a meaty cRPG

So is being upwind their equivalent of the sensation in OP's picture?

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>Can you actually fuck things up real bad if you make wrong dialogue choices or things like that?
There is nothing sort of "you got 3 dialogue options, pick one" - you can finish the game no matter what
But, if you screw over someone that you shouldn't, they will screw you over in turn, so pick your enemies wisely

That's why more often than not when designing a horror game - heck, most genres of game, actually - you strive to have your player get close to dying as much as possible without actually dying a lot.
Unless you're after the kind of crowd who can only get their pee-pee up when they beat video-games other people struggle with, I guess.

That's what makes it scary you dingus. The dog senses something in the dark, be it through his superior smell or hearing, but our lousy human eyes know nothing about the threat.

Killer7 when I was a child.

scp-087 with good bassy headphones proves audio is important in games, but not jumpshit audio, ambient audio.

Oh fuck off you twat. Bloodborne is one of the least scary games to ever exist. Soulsfags must be purged

Shut the fuck up im sick to death of that faggot edgy movie.

he didn't say it was scary; just that inspired revulsion

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It inspired him being a soulsfag overpraising a soulsgame

That's a very interesting, coherent, and convincing argument you have there user.
Good to know a game that isn't even a Souls game is a soulsgame too. I have been enlightened today by your high levels of rhetoric.

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When I was a kid there was a flash game called Exmortis. It scared me for years but I suppose it also prepared me for most horror games.

Any game that didnt autosave and i have made lot of progress but one hit can kill me