I just want this game but with better combat, dungeons, puzzles and content. What's so hard about that?

I just want this game but with better combat, dungeons, puzzles and content. What's so hard about that?

Attached: 220px-ZELDA_OCARINA_OF_TIME.jpg (220x165, 16K)

i don't play zelda games because I didn't eat glue as a kid but isn't that majoras mask is

Also known as Breath of the Wild.

So, Wind Waker?

Nintendo remade OoT 4 fucking times for you.

Wind Waker dungeons are brain dead. This has been proven mathematically.


Play Twilight Princess?

>I've never played a Zelda game but here's what I think I know about them
How can you honestly feel entitled to share your thoughts? I hate that people like you exist and have equal voting power.

This game is a masterpiece. It cant be any better.

I feel you OP.
Not even close.
Almost gets there but is too easy/streamlined and the tears of light segments are shit.

Botw is the best Zelda, if you disagree you're an incel who needs to get laid.

That game is fucking empty and the characters aren't as charming as WW
I wish they didnt make Tetra weak at the end though

no, that's basically what BOTW was

No, it was not.

Twilight Princess is basically thenearest thing to an OOT2 that Nintendo will ever make, at least the HD version makes the light tears fetch quest shit a bit less bad.

You mean Master Quest?

Get laid


Yes, it was.

Dilate your butthole with another mans dick

They can't recreate OP's nostalgia though.

Attached: aging like milk.webm (720x480, 1.22M)

What's wrong with the combat? It's as slow, fast, complicated, or simple as you make it.

They TRIED but they fucking failed and Aonuma only managed to make shittier versions stuffed with z-tier filler content, endless tutorials and braindead difficulty.

Majora's Mask was pretty good

what is this webm supposed to show?


ok, make it

dumb nigga got golden gauntlets and still running around the Spirit Temple. Not even he knows what this webm's meant to show

Twilight princess tried to have better combat and even gave you extra moves and abilities, but because it's a zelda game it had to be balanced around just mashing like a retard so ultimately it's pointless.

>but because it's a zelda game it had to be balanced around just mashing like a retard

Is that really how you play these games?

I think he's implying that it was made so casuals could beat it.

Seems to me like you wanna play Majora's Mask.