Why Dark Souls never got a spot on EVO?

Why Dark Souls never got a spot on EVO?
Smash, a non-traditional fighting game, got in. Tekken, a 3D fighting game, got in. Soul Calibur, a weapon-based fighting game, got in.
Why not Souls?

Attached: Souls pvp.jpg (780x439, 63K)

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it's online only

I can honestly not tell if you're serious or not.

Attached: do you get it.png (720x720, 340K)

Because there's zero hype, zero skill, and the game and would require its own retarded LAN setup

>What is a password + red sign

>Zero hype
>Zero skill
Blatantly false.

Because souls netcode is fucking garbage and any competitive scene would be an embarassing exploit fest

No, it's true.
t. father of Demons/Dark1 PvP

Because it would make soulsbabbys cry when they all use max SL characters for the maximum chance to win

Attached: ds combat.png (829x1440, 382K)

Darksouls or souls in general where not planed to be competitve

Do you know what keeps me awake at night?
Knowhing that Souls PvP had the potential to become the definitive fighting game, to be what Street Fighter II was to 2D fighting games, but Miyazaki was too much of a coward to go ahead with it.
Now Souls is dead and faggot PvErs got their way.

Attached: alcoholic-man-bar-1.jpg (722x378, 46K)

Lack of LAN play
Low skill ceiling
What sort of SL would they use

Because dark souls pvp really isn't that good.

Look at how many people are still crying about soul level because they can't twink the fuck out of their characters

since OP pic is DS3:
>two players using dex LSS build dodgerolling around each other
>one throws out an R1
>gets parried, riposted
>gets backstabbed before he can move again

>the winner is: LSS Knight 2!

And add Pokémon in there

t. scrub who sucked at dark souls

backstab fishing was easy as FUCK to punish.



Dueling was always trash and it got treated like it deserved.

>Smash, a (...)fighting game
>Tekken, a (...)fighting game
>Soul Calibur, a (...)fighting game
>wtf why can't this game with pvp be included in fighting game tournaments?!

The magic of DarkSouls pvp is the being an enemy in someone elses single player game vibe. When you take that out and force it into a 1v1mefaget situation the combat system isn't that good in any of the games.

More like the other way around since they nerfed lightning, chaos etc. since those builds were used to PVP in Dark Souls 1 more than the other builds

They are single player games

Attached: 374847262837.jpg (2560x1920, 1.72M)

Serious reply:
>no variety: literally everyone would use the Giant Dad setup
>there’s not a defined set of characters
>in order to have the build you want you would have to go at EVO, start a new game and try to build the character as far as possible before doing the actual “fighting”

>Smash Bros
>Platform fighter, Party Game if you dislike the term
>Large and competitive community
>Interesting to watch

>Tekken AND Soul Calibur
>Arena fighters with a history in the fighting game community
>Moderately sized community
>Interesting to watch

>Dark Souls
>No community
>Not interesting to watch, generally slow with few options

>EVO organizers: "Hmm, which games should we include in our televised event dedicated to fighting games?"

>watch video about souls pvp
>some guy talking about foosies and dead angles
kek just spam R2

Is this Dark Souls 1 because that's a bit inaccurate since it's more

>Everyone uses Havelmom chainbackstabs with an elemental greatclub + hornet ring

Which would be even more fun to watch

Because it would be the most boring thing to watch on planet earth. I despise soccer and I'd still rather watch two idiots play FIFA.

Imagine being a commentator and having to comment a fucking dark souls 1v1 match.

Imagine how many times you would have to say "and he rolls"

>Giant Dad
Confirmed for shitter. Giant Dad was a meme build that sucked against anyone who knew what they were doing.

More like everyone is running Havelmom with Murakumo or Great Club being giant faggots.

>elemental greatclub
you have no idea what you're talking about

And “backstabs”

>Why Dark Souls never got a spot on EVO?
Because it's a terribly designed, balanced and implemented PvP system.
The delay alone makes it unfit for true competitive play. It's also shallow.

Besides, there are similar games with far better designed combat that makes it obvious how bad the Souls Combat is. Like Nioh or even The Surge.
Souls feels good and is visceral, not actually well-designed or deep.

Attached: 1334203794714.jpg (777x709, 165K)

Yup, please tell me how you will win with your amazing build that you put all that thought into when there's a 2k+ HP poise monster chain backstabbing you with a Chaos/Lightning/Enchanted great club

>dark souls 1/2/3 PvP video
>it's just a montage of one-shot parries/backstabs
Imagine an entire tournament of just that

hard to believe soulsfags still exist in 2019
glad i grew out of those shitty games lmao

This picture sums up DS1 pvp pretty well. It also misses that force miracle which one shotted you.

DS2 was using ice rapier which hitted you even if enemy standed on other side of map and ignored blocking + occasional spam of that dark one shot magic which killed you no matter what.

DS3 is just roll roll roll roll and it turned combat into resources management real time strategy where the winner was the one who didnt ran out of hp potions.

Dark souls pvp was a fun clunky pass time which you could spend like 100 additional hours in the game, but from any serious competitive scene it was cluster fuck.

Attached: Soma_FrictionalGames.0.jpg (1200x800, 168K)

I honestly hate it when Soulsfags and its detractors boil down the games to its combat when it's really the combat, level design and atmosphere going hand in hand making an oppressive feeling game that puts you on edge.

It depends too much on equipment and character build. The netcode kinda sucks and it would need a major rebalance.
Putting that aside, I'd love to have an arena/gladiator game where you fight teambattles on different stages with refined Dark Souls combat mechanics.
I guess it's kinda hard to achieve that, M&B did it the best so far and that game's almost a decade old now, or mayor studios would've already jumped on it.
It's also a niche genre and the skill level would be pretty high, Ubisoft tried a casualised approach and look how that turned out.

That said, why is there no fucking gladiator game with online PVP yet? I want muh bloodsports!

Attached: gladiators.png (828x614, 1.45M)

>Smash, a non-traditional fighting game
Smash is not a fighting game at all

Yes it is.


Souls pvp shitters are the worst.

You're either LARPing or too autistic to understand use of hyperbole in humor.

Souls PvP would be so much more fun to watch without backstabs.

It literally is a party game and the newest rng fighter alone proves it.

I hate when the boil the games down to any of those components by themselves. The good combat is a requirement of the good level design and content design in general. If it weren't for the variety of enemy types and variety of interesting ways to deal with them due to the combat engine, the most you'd be able to say is that the game had some OK maps.
If it weren't for the good combat engine, you wouldn't have a hundred unique weapons in 19 weapon classes all with very different movesets, sense of weight and speed, and so on.
>inb4 just circle-strafe+backstab every enemy
yeah whatever go be a retard somewhere else
>This picture sums up DS1 pvp pretty well.
Duelfagging anyway. Invasions can get interesting with asymmetrical match-ups and environmental factors.

Invasions are "fun" because of the chaos element resulting from the fact that invader is minMAX build specialised in killing people while massive majority of people getting invaded have fun builds against AI mobs and have no idea how to fight against meta weapons.

If anybody deserves to be called faggot, its the invader because he is essentially having fun only when his victims are clueless people who just wanted sun praisers to cheese boss for them.

PvP in dark souls is a joke

Firstly PvP is garbage
Secondly fights last seconds

You sound like an assmad loser.
I've been invaded on fun builds. Often I'll get one-shotted since my VIT is usually low but sometimes I win. Most often, wins came from just being aggressive and getting the jump on an invader who was being careless. Sometimes I was able to win using height difference and range attacks (eg in that giant rat room in the depths). Once I got summoned to a host that was a retard and lost to a bow-using invader in Anor Londo despite having like 3 fucking other phantoms. The dumbass host just kept running around like a chicken with his head cut off while the lone invader sniped at everyone. I didn't feel sorry at all for that host there was nothing remotely unfair about that invasion. The invader earned that win every bit of it.

>Secondly fights last seconds
Yeah the key to a good weapons-based combat for tournament would be to have some kind of fencing-style score keeping (like Bushido Blade) rather than big life bars.

Maybe if there was an actual scene for it things like that would have been patched to be a bit more fair, but it's first and foremost a singleplayer/coop story game. Quit being a salty bitch.

He's right. A PvE build will always lose to a specialized PvP build; that's why I always played hollowed / unembered.

You PvP players always invent those fantasy tales and use guilt tripping to convince people into becoming punchbags for you.

>Secondly fights last seconds
not if you have two passive dickwads

>A PvE build will always lose to a specialized PvP build
literally not true
t. played PvE builds 90% of the time

>PvP players always invent fantasy tales and use guilt tripping to convince people into becoming punchbags for them.

you just suck, cope

get better by playing online more. literally what everyone does.

>PvP players always use guilt tripping to convince people into becoming punchbags for them.

Your question is asinine.
However I miss DaS3 PvP. I will never understand why others didn't like it. Invading was fun as fuck if you weren't making a beeline to the host and his summons.

based thread

Reminder that das3 pvp with lan is a radically different experience.

I never liked Souls PvP on any of the games; it's just not fun compared to actually playing the game.

DaS2 was fair and no one liked it, so now we have Shit Souls 3 online.

Play Mordhau and For Honor.

Is this going to be the new "Items should be in competitive smash" shit posting talking point?

>DaS2 was fair
You are demented.

You can NOT add -ed to any verb to make it past tense.

Go back to redded

You can't be "chain" backstabbed in ds3, retard.

>Play Mordhau and For Honor.
Don't do this.

Why not? They're multi-player Dark Souls.

because the fun of dark souls pvp is that it puts you in uneven situations

they play nothing alike

Moreso than the the content of what you're actually saying, you're most retarded for abbreviating it to "DaS2".