Mature Discussion about Arena Shooters

Where are they at right now?
Is there hope for the future?
Is Quake Champions running on borrowed time? Where do we stand on Diabolical?

What went wrong since the glory days of Quake 3 and UT99?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Only boomers like autistic arena shooters and nowadays all their reflexes deteriorated so there's no one left to play them.

Casuals are the majority share of Yea Forums now. There's no point trying to discuss anything but Smash and other casual-friendly AAA console titles

t. idiot


>they dont know about tf2
>how it is the greatest game ever made
Honestly if you think otherwise youre fooling yourself boeh.

this exact same thread with the exact same OP and image was made today

No it wasn't retard

this thread has been going for around 3 days straight now, OP makes the exect shit just with different wording, im pretty sure he just wants to see the autistic chaos whenever people need to discuss arena shooters

The only thing that could save QC as a Hail Mary attempt would be for them to implement a classic mode like WIllits had promised before he was fired. If they don't then the game will be sub-500 this time next year and there is nothing will could be done to save it. The amount of retarded shills and boomers that try to say otherwise are wrong.

Also, what in the fuck triggered this out of the blue discussion fucking AFPS games these past weeks? Either a Bethesda shill has to meet his quota or there are seriously 5-10 autists that keep these threads alive at all times rather than playing video games as a form of socialization

>Where are they at right now?
>Is there hope for the future?
>Is Quake Champions running on borrowed time? Where do we stand on Diabolical?
>What went wrong since the glory days of Quake 3 and UT99?
Too much emphasis on rng VS pure skill/luck

Arena games are simply too hard for simpnorms

just scrap the game and the engine and start again

Arena shooters require old school level moddability that modern developers aren't willing to give anymore.

when Q3A got boring you could always install mods and keep it fresh. Champions is missing that and it shows.

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Is there any modern game that features freeze tag? That shit was my favorite game mode.


I guess quakecon competition triggered something inside him.

No one fucking plays arena shooters
No one is interested in the new ones
No one plays the older games
Fuck Epic for killing UT though, i hate them so much

Real talk: if Epic released UT2K4 HD, would that restore interest in the arena FPS? Would you get excited?


One shill thread wasn't enough?

I played QC for a while. I liked it alot but the downtime between matches, lack of modes and champion abilities sucked.

Hated how if you ended up in a duel with a death knight and when he knew he was about to lose he threw out his i win button ability and instagibbed you.
If they insist on abilities they shouldnt be about damage. Make them movement based so if you die at least you recognize you got outplayed.

Give it more modes like CTF and a 'party' type mode with UT style fun maps that aren't balanced like pic related.

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>Give it more modes like CTF and a 'party' type mode with UT style fun maps that aren't balanced like pic related.
What's wrong with balance?

Can we all agree Epic are fucking pricks?

I hate qc with a passion, but can't stop playing it. The movement in other games feels way too shit after playing quake

I'd prefer a more fresh take than a complete retread, although having that scale of content would be good.

>Quake Champions

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OG Q2/Q3/UT99 player here, i have QT i dont play it for these reasons.

>Dont give a fuck about hero powers/abilties this isnt overwatch
>Lack of large team CTF and TDM
>Lack of variety in Rocket/Rail 1v1 arenas, open and closed levels

They could do some cool shit with the modern version of an arena shooter, like a battle royale tournament mode, whereby 100 players join a server/game and it pairs everybody up in a 1 vs 1 and it eliminates players till its the last two remaining. There could be team versions of the same thing. 2 vs 2 or 4 vs 4 etc.

Isn't it dead?

Variety. Sometimes you want the serious competitive spirit, sometimes you just want to have dumb fun without the e-sports balance stick up your ass.

Started QC a like 3 days ago. I forgot how much fun these fast-paced games can be but I also remembered how little there actually is to do.

btw, Nyx is best girl

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Game too fast for zoom zoom. Zoom zoom like slow game. Zoom zoom like watch game. Zoom zoom favorite streamer is ninja. Watch zoom zoom do floss dance. Yeah zoom zoom cool.

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I can find a deathmatch/trinity game in 3 mins and a duel in well under 5(I haven't played duel for a month because im waiting on thinkerror to put timelimit duel in matchmaking)

The truth is arena shooters were always a niche genre. Even at their height they weren't huge communities. Most people prefer slower games where they have a chance. That's why counter-strike blew up. All the people that sucked at arena shooters could play it and not get hammered. The sad truth is the average person dont have the motor skills, attention span and focus it takes to be good so they play casual hand holding games. It is what it is.

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>stopped playing Quake Live after the loadout update
>haven't played quake at all since despite it being one of my favorite video games

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Can Halo save the scene?

Counter Strike killed them by prioritizing recoil/spray control and positioning over bunnyhopping

I hope so. The only way Halo will ever come back into the light is if microsoft lets out eldewrito from their torture basement

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If Champions ran on idtech and id had more input with the development from the start then it probably would have had a chance

The biggest problems with the game is the bugs mostly thanks to the shitty saber interactive engine and the lack of actual tutorial for new players to get into it

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no game has ever been as audiovisually pleasing as UT99 to me. and the music was perfect.

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something like Titanfall 2's trainings course would've been nice

I play QC few times a week just because I have no choice. It is QC or Russian Live. Hurry the fuck up, James.

It won't happen. You need to invest quite a bit of time before arena games start making sense, and the average gratification addicted gamer has lost interest like 10 times by then in favor of some game that is easier to play.

Number one factor for slowed down reflexes is because your daily work is slow and boring. If you are active (or in this case play video games all day every day) you can you can keep up your reflexes for a long time.

Great yes but the game just lags half the time for me. Going back to Q1 just for a test feels SO SMOOTH. Like holy shit I hate Saber Engine.

Why not play xonotic? It's free and, from my singleplayer expirience, is fun.

It's not Quake.

In what way?

QC almost dead. Useless garbage of a hero shooter that was designed to milk oldfags.
>what went wrong
Cant monetise on the stuff. See Fortnite? Thats a fucking free-for-all deathmatch/team deathmatch on a bigger scale than usual maps from Q or UT. And because of cartoony style they can milk kiddies for parent's money via lootboxes exploiting psychology. Cant do that to oldfags or people with a brain.

They need to remake the entire thing on idtech if they want for it to succeed. They wont. And so franchise dies and its corpse is put in the freezer for necrophiliac corpies to rape it later on.
Same shit happened to UT4.

Why not just play Overwatch?

I want unreal tournament 4 but I cannot have it because fortnite.
Also quack champions sucks ass solely because of technical issues and the low playerbase which stems directly from those issues imo.

because some people want Arena shooters, not team based shooters.

Im 30 and I get sub 200ms on that reaction time test site.

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I'm just shitposting. Many Quakedads refuse to play anything that doesn't okay exactly like Quake.
If anyone actually knew about Xon it would probably get shat on by them for stuff like gaining speed just by jumping forwards.

Only autistic boomers like arena shooters. They were never good. They were a technological necessity of the time


Team-based modes were among the most popular in Quake 3, dumbass.

I just want ONE fucking fast-paced FPS with a decent TTK and no round-based respawning. Why can't I have just ONE in a sea of corner-peeking instadeath bullshit, slug paced realism simulators, BRs etc?

Clearly you don't understand the difference in a team based mode and a team based game. Quake is not a team based game but it does feeature a few modes with team play. OW is a team based game through and through. Other team based games include Enemy Territory, Team Fortress, or Battlefield.

Quake Live
Quake Champions

QL is just 50 people playing CA and QC is dying faster than my 15 year old epileptic dog.

QC has been the most populated arena shooter for years and will be for many more unless a new, better Quake releases.

QC is fun but it's quite clearly dying though, shit's gone the way of Dirty Bomb at this point.

It's been dying since it was born but that doesn't mean it isn't the most played game in the genre.

I remember people were pretty excited about quake champions but once everyone got their hands on it we all realized that it was a mess. I uninstalled and reinstalled twice over a fairly long period to see if anything was fixed and the last time I tried it was barely playable.
That launcher is absolutely horrendous though that's for sure. There is no launcher worse than the bethesda launcher, there cannot be anything worse, I have no idea who is responsible for it but fuck that guy.

>The Strogg do not tolerate weakness!

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Who the fuck uses the Bethesda launcher since QC was put on Steam?

nothing. they just existed at a time when most of gaming was still a niche, so it wasn't possible to think of them as a niche since they were popular within it. but that's what it was. the industry grew and the genre did not. even at their peak there were only a few hundred players on public servers.

Feels good to be a CSchad.

arena shooters: strafe jumping
literally everyone else: pic related

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did they really need to add those shitty abilities in the game?

I hope you faggots learned your lesson for writing off Quake 4.

>make new game that's just Q3
>make new Quake that adds new features
>dies but still has the largest playerbase
Evidently, yes.

>60fps cap
absolutely disgusting

there isn't a single game that was just Q3 that released recently

they did quake 4 but it was just doom 3.5

Abilities only make things more interesting.

Is there any reason I shouldn't immediately go for stacks after respawning?

>Quake 4
>Janky Q3 mod for Doom 3

I just want
q3 for modern systems with
modern mod tools
some kind of mod hub/browser in game
casual tournament system in game
ranking for defrag maps
maybe co-op maps with missions or single player story mode

please no

doesn't have to be matchmaking but ladder ranking at least.
Quake live while it was browser game had game stats and you could see each players ELO score on server.
Some servers in quake live still support it but not all.

ELO in videogames is just dumb fake internet points that mean nothing though. Some random shitter with a gorillion points from massing games is still not in the same league as a pro who barely touches pubs/mm.

But we already like Titanfall 2..

you can't just gain elo from massing games because at some point you just stop gaining points from lower score players.
In quake live "pros" or pro level players had over 2000 elo.
It was good indicator and even if ql didn't have huge player base playing against somebody with +-200 elo was going to be way too easy or really fucking hard.

>Is there hope for the future?

So long as idiots keep remaking Quake Arena with minor tweaks nothing will change.
Every single one of these devs are brain dead and incompetent.

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The biggest issue with Quake here is that anything not Quake isn't Quake itself.

I want to play with characters such as Sarge, Ranger, Nyx, Crash or Doom Marine. They are a staple of the Quake Arena series that aren't in any other franchise.

To see the lovecraftian vive arena shooter from the 90s with iconic maps and an entire convention across the globe just die to a shit engine and ignorant developers is painful.

To me, ultimate abilities and graphics aren't even a problem: the problem is that Quake has simply lost its way, when it knew of it all along.

To put it in ooga booga terms, this "boomer" game is quite literally having a midlife crisis of its own. It doesn't know what it wants as it slowly dies into obscurity.

he didnt say that arena shooters take crazy reflexes, just that boomers no longer have the minimum reflex needed to play their favorite genre. Have you even played any "zoom zoom" games user?
>inb4 psshhh what of course not I would never play baby game ever forever because i am mature gamer and dont like N E W game

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Cont. Also the community is god damn retarded, seeing as we got a "cod online" kind of thing with Quake Live...yet no one wants to even touch it anymore...

Hell, you can play QC in Doom, QC in QL and everything else together that isn't QC.

I love QC despite the fuckery, but still I'd rather everyone just hop on QL. There are plenty of fantastic servers and many of you probably already own it over Steam, just go look at the store page if you downloaded it during its F2P phase.

>I'd rather everyone just hop on QL
>touching anything that syncerror and nu-id can ruin anytime at will
that's yikes for me

You guys don't want arena shooters. You're just virtue signaling.

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I have literally encountered 0 issues with QL since it was first announced.

It's almost as if you guys WANT to cry about something


Shut the fuck up dead fat bong, are you unironically expecting some shit game made by a tiny indie studio with no advertisement to have millions of players? The reason new AFPS don't stick in is because no one has properly advertised a new game in the genre in a long time.

This really. Anyone actively whining is really just doing that: whining.

Just shut the fuck up and go actually play the games.

So anyone want to play Xonotic?

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>runs on any operating system on browser
>force new steam client that doesn't run on linux
>force loadouts
there were something else fucking retarded around 2014 but I don't even remember anymore.

People want arena shooters, just not shitty Quake Arena clones made by literal whos.

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I keep hearing this same excuse over and over again. If you actually played these other arena shooters that's released over the years they're actually quite decent and play like real Quakes. The reason why no one plays arena shooters is.. *drum roll* no one is interested in them anymore dumbass. Look up all the arena shooters reviews on Steam. It's all the same complaints.. dead playerbase but decent game.

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None of these games had any proper advertisement. When AFPS games were popular, they were all over gaming magazines and the internet. Do you want some obscure shit like Reflex to get a ton of players magically?

>play like real Quakes
He literally just told you that he doesn't want that.
I'm in the same camp. I'd just at an arena shooter that doesn't play almost exactly like Quake or UT. But they're all the fucking same. Make something unique for once.

>He literally just told you that he doesn't want that.

No. Play something else. If you don't want an arena shooter play something else. The different variances and versions are boil down to different weapons and maps. Don't fuck up the arena shooter formula. Also Quake Champions is slightly different in itself but still retains its arena shooter roots. Fuck outta here.

>they're shitty quake arena clones
>people don't want shitty quake arena clones

If people say they want filet mignon and get a big mac, they still want that filet mignon and not a fucking big mac.
This is not difficult.

>"No one plays arena shooters anymore!"
>"We do! We want good arena shooters! Not Indie shit!"
>"There is!"
>"But no, not just carbon copies! Give us something unique!"
>"There's Quake Champions!"
>"But it's shit!"

Keep going in circles retards.

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>No. Play something else. If you don't want an arena shooter play something else.
So you're saying it's no longer an arena shooter unless it plays like a shitty Quake Arena clone. Ok.

Your idea of the arena shooter formula is literally just Quake. That's not a genre. That's one game.
So I guess the genre doesn't actually exist.

In what dimension is QC unique and not like Quake Arena? It's the same shit except with dumb design decisions and performance issues slapped on.

Where do you here people that want arena shooters exclaim that they want
>we want games that play very similarly to quake arena

Arena shooter is just a map with pickups on it, that's it.

Thanks for giving me a laugh and proving you're just virtue signaling for more arena shooters

You're literally saying that arena shooters = Quake Arena.
People point out how stupid this is and then you backpedal while resorting to logical fallacies to cover your ass.
You can't even stay on topic for 1 second.

Just because I want to see arena shooters that are not Quake clones doesn't mean I don't enjoy Quake clones.
In fact I'm posting in here in between playing Xonotic. I'm on the default named server without stat tracking if you feel like joining. Should be easy to find in the list.

I reinstalled Q3 and was surprised by how many servers with players were still up. I played a few online games and got rekt.

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>people say they don't want carbon copies of quake
>you: *autistic screeching* so you don't want arena shooters!????? fuck youuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!! reeeeeeeeeeeee

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>You're literally saying that arena shooters = Quake Arena.

That's what it literally is retard. Are you dumb?

>Big open arena
>Health packs and weapons spread out
>Shoot a bunch of players until you make it to #1

Stop being dumb. Just stop.

>That's what it literally is retard.

Quake Arena is an arena shooter.
Arena shooters are not all Quake Arena.

Football is a sport.
Not all sports are football.

You following along, brainlet?

>I want an arena shooter!
>N-No not like an exact copy of Quake!

Retards gonna retard

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>>Big open arena
>>Health packs and weapons spread out
>>Shoot a bunch of players until you make it to #1

So Fortnite, Apex Legends and PUBG are arena shooters.

Why is this even an argument? I never said that it should be an exact copy. It should have some elements of an arena shooter. Look at Splitgate it's an arena shooter but plays mostly like Halo. Why are you making this stupid argument?

Moron moron moron. It should be small arena-like levels. Not a vastly big level.

cs 1.6> quake.

Halo isn't an arena shooter.

For those who can't read the way the wind is going, probably after Doom Eternal they'll undoubtedly reboot Quake and probably slap on a barebones multiplayer too. It's an untapped franchise and Doom has been really successful.

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>Halo isn't an arena shooter.
You're so stupid It's making me laugh you literally have autism. Thank god Splitgate is an actual arena shooter with the shooting elements look and feel like fucking Halo you mongoloid retard

That's the blandiest piece of shit on the planet with the only interesting thing being the portal (ripped straight out of portal) gimmick.

Is this really what you think people want? Really? If you went around asking people they would describe Splitgate in detail?

You can't offer people shit and get upset when people don't want to eat it.

Slipgate is just Halo 4 with a portal gun.

>Moron moron moron. It should be small arena-like levels. Not a vastly big level.

You literally just said "Big open" yet now you changed your mind and say "small".
But using your own description shit like Fortnite are Quake clones since Quake IS arena shotoers and arena shooters are Fortnite.
Just stop, you're too stupid to for this discussion.

oh look another circlejerk thread.
you fps babies are all the same.
>but quake is a mature game.
fuck off.

>slap on a barebones multiplayer
This is always the best kind of multiplayer. The less a developer thinks about how people will want to play the game, the better.

No way in hell they will touch Quake anytime soon.

They will just focus on Doom and experiment with different MP there.
Besides, people don't want Quake MP.

Slipgate might have been a decent game if it wasn't full of 1-hit kill bullshit.

Yes conveniently leave out the word "arena" when I said "big open arena" it's obvious you're arguing for the sake of winning an argument. You have no soul and don't know shit about arena shooters

This is the only type of game that I'm legitimately good at (cause of my pea-sized brain) and it's sad to see that there aren't many that are heavily populated at the moment. The only one that has population enough to play and that I'm good at is probably Apex Legends. The fast-paced combat/gunplay counts it into the arena/twitch shooter genre for me. There isn't a future for games that are just arena shooters outside of like Halo which doesn't really count.

It would be OK if they were shipping it with mods and private community servers, but "barebones" here probably means outsourcing it to some small studio that will give it a generic low effort matchmaking only multiplayer with no mods or decently customizable settings.

You're like saying Sonic is a ripoff of Mario and not original. If you actually played Splitgate the portal gun with arena shooter elements + the Halo gameplay makes a unique experience. Your opinion is in the minority and tons of people love it.

stop making these threads schizos stop embarrassing yourselves arenababies.


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>it's obvious you're arguing for the sake of winning an argument.

That's what you're doing.
Also those other games also take place in arenas. I focused on the sizes since YOU decided to change the size because YOU only desperate want to win the argument, even though you're undeniably and factually incorrect.

>You have no soul and don't know shit about arena shooters

Wow, now that's some compelling argument and facts right there. No wait, they're just logical fallacies made by someone that despertately just wants to win an argument.

The point I made is that your very specific definition what an arena shooter is can be applied to many many games that DO NOT play like Quake Arena, you fucking retard.

People don't want another Quake clone. Do you seriously fucking believe that the shit people don't want is for it to take place in an arena, you pick shit up and shoot shit? Are you this fucking stu- no wait, you already demonstrated how devoid of intelligence you are.

I grew up playing tons of different arena shooters yet I never liked Quake Arena all that much, yet when they keep rehashing Quake Arena you're telling me I hate ALL arena shooters? Fuck off already, you delusional little shit.


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>Your opinion is in the minority and tons of people love it.

Define "tons".

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People aren't ever going to be interested in arena shooters mainly because the advertising for them is basically nonexistent and the identity crisis that has been plaguing it for almost a decade now. No one knows where they want arena shooters to go and having a division for a genre that's already niche as fuck doesn't do anyone good.

I want to nofap for a month and ejaculate into sorlaag's wide open maw

Dedicated server chad > Match making incels

Unreal had it good with Onslaught/Warfare.
For me, a game that combines those things would be good - Assault, Onslaught (smaller warfare, very fast-paced), Warfare (much bigger onslaught + objectives + slower), Vehicle CTF, and then the rest of modes.
The issue is that many offer products - yet those products are subpar and unfinished. Who the fuck wants and unfinished buggy mess?

I want an arena shooter for consoles, but Tf2 scout for x360 will suffice. ;D

Why doesn't Valve make an Arena shooter?

Are there still people playing tf2 on consoles?

the play tester never figured out how to jump

Is there anyone still playing Quakeworld? I kinda like the idea of trying Quake 1 multiplayer just for the unique aesthetic, also HUH.

Valve can only buy other peoples mods and implement lootboxes.

It's ok if you enjoy joining a server only to get spawn killed by brazilians no lifers over and over and over

Thoughts on Diabotical? Does it have hope?

yames never gonna give that shit out hes too busy having a sad wank

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fuck you

tfw 30+ years old boomer who dominates in quake and still gets #2 place

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>Im 30 and I get sub 200ms on that reaction time test site.
Which one? Let me test myself, as a fellow boomer.

damn 2gd looks way younger than I thought

Corporate fags hate them. Making games that have an actual skill ceiling are considered unmarketable by them because they can draw away shitters and children who could potentially buy into microtransactions and gambling. This doesn't just apply to arena shooters either. Just look at how fighting games don't get anywhere near the push that game like Fortnite or Overwatch get in terms of esports.
Future of arena shooters is not looking good at all unless something like another video game crash happens.

>consistently rank below the Quakedads but above everyone else
Quite annoying.

Why does Yea Forums hate this?

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>Why does Yea Forums hate this?
Low bitrate makes it hard to see what's going on, that's why.

>tfw 251ms

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Goddamn that's badass

>are you unironically expecting some shit game made by a tiny indie studio with no advertisement to have millions of players?

What is PUBG

too hard, I want to camp

Halo 5 gets a lot of shit, but I honestly think the MP is pretty solid.

It removes all of the loadout/perk/killstreak shit 4 added and all the armor ability shit Reach added, and instead just has new core movement abilities everybody has which functons a lot better since it retains even starts and synergizes well with Halo's/arena shooter's emphasis on platforming and movement. It';s also probably the tightest and most responsive title in the series to move, aim, and shoot in, and the weapon balance is less shit then usual.

It's not perfect by any means, some of the movement stuff is broken (like charge), but it's a massive improvement over 4 and Reach and is a step in the right direction. I might even prefer it to 3's MP, though not CE's, 2's, or 2A's.

A shame it's online only and the campaign is so shit.

CE, 2, 3, and 5 to a lesser extent are absolutely arena shooters:

>even starts
>weapons and powerups on map as pickups
>emphasis on platforming and map control
>more aeshetical similarity in being sci-fi and more arcadey

Even Reach and 4, while violating even starts and 4 violating the importance of pickups, I'd argue is closer to Arena Shooters then it is something like CoD, though 4 is clearely trying to be a mix of both.

Why can't Yea Forums hit godly shots like this?

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QC was a failure and may have killed the genre.

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I like this odds.

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What the fuck, he didn't even see him. Flicks don't work like that.

>aimbot activated
hehe... nothing personal, kid.

Easy 220.

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>what is sound

QC has no anti-cheat whatsoever.
Everyone can cheat for free.

if diabotical goes the way of reflex then that's the final nail in the coffin for multiplayer arena FPS

it's rare for a fanbase to get as many offerings/second chances as the quake fanbase despite turning their nose up at all over them.

This is definitely part of it. Without the EXP treadmill of unlocking loadout equipment or the lootbox grind, the best way for a game to actually stay alive beyond being good is with continuous content. For niche games that aren't team-oriented hero games, where you can easily blame balance and teammates, community content is a fucking must. Arena games will never be big in the same way fighting games won't be either, but the former doesn't have a single modern game that does the basics right. As long there is traditional core gameplay, stable online, content (maps), and community features, a modern arena SHOULD thrive with a small, yet stable community along with a little bit of advertising. None of which Quake Champions actually did, go figure.

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I don't hate this. I hate everything else in QC except the gameplay. long loading times, mtx cash-grab feel, not being f2p from the start, level requirement for ranked play with a friend

Holy shit

It was F2P from the start.

When I first hopped in it was cool to slap people with railgun and pop them with rockets but then the fucking abilities reminded me this isn't quake.

oh. i only played beta anyway, had enough of the loading times at that point already

90% of all arena shooters release without a campaign, because of this we never get any new blood because everyone who would get into the game gets fragged to death by pros who have been playing the genre for 30 years.

Seriously, just release a new quake with a campaign, or make doom eternal multiplayer not fucking suck.

It's Diabotical user. Also it will probably steal players from QC when it comes out because it actually has a fucking server browser and actual functions of diferent modes in a game and a map editor.

What's the point of these threads? QC was a total failure on every level and arena shooters are dead until Diabotical comes out at the end of the year.


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Diabotical is going to die off once it launches. It'll die in about a week or up to a month if they're lucky.

I promise you, Diabotical will be another example of people thinking they want an arena shooter but will never play it. Screenshot this nigger.

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People keep shilling this generic mobile gacha style artstyle piece of shit game.

Not F2P, has no hope.

based fuck arena shitters and stop shilling small map size shit we dont have to live with 90s tier fps anymore guys fucking simplest retardest weapons


Hidori Rose

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>caffeine addled zoomer goes into overdive

>want to play quake champions
>realize it will take at least 8 minutes to actually get qued into a match
>then more loading screens
>decide not to play

it's ogre
let it go

Thoughts on Fatal1ty?

>all these quake threads
>decide to try out QC
>it's actually really good and fun
It's like how well you can aim really matters for once. Although, how the fuck do I stop from burning?

Well technically neither is QC. I mean it's "free" to play but you still gotta pay to unlock all the champions at some point.

I have to get a 240hz monitor before playing arena shooters again

fucking expensive genre

>"There is!"
But Diabotical isn't out yet???

Shit is going to fail

PUBG is my favorite arena shooter.

Why does Yea Forums hate this?

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Enjoyable SAC with randoms, everyone liked the match.

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because QL is much better and Diabotical will be much better than QC

144hz is fine, even 120hz

It's very telling that only one or two people in the thread about arena shooters mentions movement options or speed.

overrated hack but his accomplishments speak for themselves

this, how they haven't fixed this in over 2 years really makes me wonder if they were actively trying to sabotage this game

>I have to get a 240hz monitor
no you dont

>because QL is much better
But you're not playing it.

QC killed the Quake IP.

Once I upgrade my PC I plan on playing a bunch of QC again. I don't see the hate for the champions so much, the little differences between the characters make the game more fun. One might get a "cheap ability kill" but the better man always wins. Though, it's been a while since I've played so I don't know how the new characters play.

No it didn't. When Quake Live came out no one played it and it was dead then and it'll stay dead now because no one wants to play arena shooters.


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I actually played it yesterday.

Should get your boss to tell me to stop playing it again oh wait he got fired after how badly QC flopped KEK

Too bad him and thinkerror already killed Quake and buried it forever. You aren't a true Quake fan if you aren't hoping Diabotical takes off.

kys shill


>You aren't a true Quake fan if you aren't hoping Diabotical takes off.

Reverse psychology doesn't work on me retard. Shit is going to fail.

why are you in a thread for arena shooters if you don't like arena shooters?

>Why am I not circlejerking about arena shooters

I can talk about whatever I want, how I want.

I only really enjoyed CA in QL towards the end and I quit after all the servers put elo requirements on them. Literally couldn't play on a server I frequented for years because I would reach too high of an elo, and the only one that didn't have that stupid req was a 4v4 server that was always either full or dead.

QC is trash, this Diabotical game looks pretty cool despite all the graphics being overwatch

What's ironic is one of those 2 is a halofag


37 w/ successful career but I still play twitch shooters 20 hrs a week and take a low dose of adderall daily

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based boomer

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>they did quake 4 but it was just doom 3.5
The only good thing that came out of the short Doom 3 - Quake 4 era of ID was Prey, and even that got fucked with that shitty spin off.

Thoughts on UT2004?

amazing, best vehicule maps and game modes

>millennial larpers conveniently ignoring this post

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I honestly couldn't give less of a fuck about quake. UT is my one and only although I like 3 more than 2004.
Fucking fortnite killed 4 and It sucks.

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>although I like 3 more than 2004.

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oops did I do a wrongthink?
sorry dude

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quake is fun and i like playing it. you can't stop me from enjoying it.

your clear lack of taste forfeits you from the discussion. you deserve to be pointed at and laughed.

We can point and laugh at each other then I guess.
Both games are good for the exact same reasons autismo. Your fond memories of playing one more than the other don't change anything.

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>was worried that at 23 my reaction time is hitting 250ms and i'm just super slow
>realise i'm doing it on my second monitor which is 60hz and probably has more input delay
>do it on the monitor i use for gaming and my average goes from 250 to 215ms
close one there lads, while it's obviously not amazing at least i'm average


Love this game for the past few days. Trying not to play Athena as she seems broken as fuck and I don't want to onetrick.

>most active server
>most recently played game
>CTF 2 players

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24 on 24 Onslaught was the fucking best and I was the greatest Invasion player of all time. I miss you, Sudreal community.

So hows this in MP?

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Not very good. The maps suck and bunny hopping is too easy for the benefit it provides.

We still have Q3, UT99, UT2004 and UT3.
Can't we just say fuck it and stick to those?

Only one of those is good

Really excited to see what they do with Quake. I feel like they didn't go far enough and maybe they should just launch a new IP. A game like Overwatch or TF2, but with every character having intricate mechanics (they could even incorporate spray patterns from CS), would be awesomesauce.

Ironic and a little sad.

Imagine if an arena shooter came out and had a map editor as easy and good to use as the Starcraft one.

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you mean trenchbroom and netradiant

Meanwhile you can still get into a UT2k4 game and frag someone within a minute. Fucking hell

>Shut the fuck up dead fat bong, are you unironically expecting some shit game made by a tiny indie studio with no advertisement to have millions of players? The reason new AFPS don't stick in is because no one has properly advertised a new game in the genre in a long time.
Uhmm, sweetie, indie games like Darkest Dungeon have x5 more players despite the fact that it's also a much harder game.

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My favorite AFPS, even though I dislike having to constantly dodge to GO FAST.

CEONS still going strong.

Man they really raped us with the season pass shit.

You used to get a free loot box literally every 3 games. So like every 30 minutes you'd get a free unlock.

Now they give you a large crate once every 15 levels of the battle pass. That's like 7-10 hours of game time. Ridiculous. AND that's with them padding the unlocks with a ton of shaders so it waters down the chance of getting a cosmetic skin.

Fucking hell dude.

Or you can just buy anything you want with Shards, which are in abundance.

>it's quake... but with totally uncharismatic ball shaped robots as characters!

>he never played Faceball 2000

Honestly the reason these games fell by the way side is the same reason for the decline of RTS. The APM is too high. Games like Pubg, LoL, and CSGO are much more relaxed while still having a high skill ceiling.

>In abundance

Uhh... No not really. You get like 5 a week for logging in and 1 per challenge and like 1-3 every other battle pass level. And you need 120+ to unlock everything on a character.

Would take you fucking forever to get shit

They need to copy the fighting game community and have crossover guest characters.

Have fucking Duke show up. Or Bombshell from Ion Fury. Or Serious Sam.

You have to pick up a healthbubble

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sorlag players deserve everything they get

Something that barely fucking works in Q:C? People have been bitching about how awful its directional audio is literally since closed beta.

i stopped when they added in that loadout shit and haven't looked back
2GD will never release it

someone offered to sell me two months of their supply of addies last night and I said "nah"
I woke up today and feel I've made a grave mistake

it's such a minor thing

you're looking for reasons not to play, no wonder arena is dead

Fighting games are more alive, which is a bad sign

What have you done since the 2000s boomer? You're still on the same level as a zoomer.

Is there an active playerbase on QL? It shames me to admit this but me and my brother have been playing Apex since release instead of the usual R6Siege.
I will never defend BR's as a whole and Apex is the most shame-filled attempt/failure at a cashgrab I've ever seen but I still have fun with it.
Should my brother and I try QL or is it dead in the water.
I will play 2GD's game if nothing else because he's involved and I miss simpler times in DotA


It's a rather small yet strong fanbase that gets roughly around 200+ active players daily. Can get higher during the weekends. But QC is far superior and has more players plus it's F2P

Play LawBreakers


shit I meant QC. Guess I'll download and find out

The loadouts were patched out a while ago.

>But QC is far superior

We're never getting another good arena shooter. Just play Overwatch.

thats not even a shooter though

You get a shard for every duplicate item from a loot box, tons of them from leveling up your account, the ones you get for logging in, and some from the challenges. As far as unlocking goes, shit's cheap. I have the least amount of items of Eisen's, about half, here's what it costs to buy everything I don't have, including the top tier stuff like the mastery skins and lore skin.

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Take me back to dm6

>We're never getting another good arena shooter.
almost everyone I know who is good at Quake is hyped for Diabotical, talking about both pros and people I play with

dm6.... home.....

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Only thing you get on quake live are overpopulated ffa servers and clan arena. No one ever joins me when i go into a duel server. Would be less of a problem with more people playing and more servers, but it's pretty sub par at the moment. Really wish qc had raw input and, tl duel and a lot more maps.

Got ~150 on most of them. I'm 24 though.

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Arena shooters will never be mainstream again. The closest you'll get is something like Halo, which abandoned its psuedo-arena shooter formula to become CoD in space. Times are grim.

why aren't you a pro player?

What OS do you use? I swear mine went up after switching to win10.

This. I understand the character roster in Q3, they were just new models, textures, and sounds that gave people variety. They didn't even bother bringing most of them back for Champions, instead of opting for OCs no one but a few /arena/ waifufags care about. They should've just pulled a Smash and started adding in established characters from other series.

>They didn't even bother bringing most of them back for Champions, instead of opting for OCs no one but a few /arena/ waifufags care about.
75% of the characters are either directly returning from Quake 3 or from a previous id title.

Most of the characters in Quake 3 are literally whos, I say this as someone with thousands of hours in Q3 and QL. And they haven't even added some of the most well known ones like Sarge or Xaero.

Blood Covenant.... Home...

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You didn't specify they had to be someone 'popular,' just that they had to be from Quake 3, of which Q:C includes Ranger, Visor, Slash, Anarki, Sorlag, Keel, and Doomguy all are.
>implying grizzled quakedads bitching about everything actually give a shit about anyone other than fullbright green Keel

Take a Look at Cube 2 or Tesseract. Both not great games by any means but the level editor is pure genius.

I like arena shooters
I don't like Diabotical. Looks ass like the 10,000 ass games before it. No soul, it doesn't register one in the Warp.

Anyone remember this? Can you believe it was 17 years ago?

What was the last arena shooter you liked then?

>Ranger, Visor, Slash, Anarki, Sorlag, Keel, and Doomguy all are.
only two of those are actually popular and they are both from other games (Quake 1 and Doom)

What is this?

>Class-based shooters
>Arena shooters
Pick one.

Is this a joke? You basically came up with tournament mode.

Don't forget hat-autists

Rad Rodgers. It's a platformer, though. I can't speak of its quality.

Warface is decent.

Faggots like you make me glad this place is overrun with tumblrtrannies.

How hyped would you be if they announced Quake 5 on id Tech?

won't happen, they are still trying to force QC