People keep buying games with their dicks

>people keep buying games with their dicks
>still wonder why the vidya industry is crashing

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My overactive cock is causing the inflation of production costs and focus on cinematic "story telling" over gameplay?

Overinflation of production and cinematic story telling is just as bad as overinflation of anime women

>tfw porn games outside of waifu creator sandboxes aren't loaded down with dlc and chopped apart to be sold in multiple parts.
>tfw porn games are created by small dev teams filled with soul and semen (literally millions of tiny souls)
>tfw porn games don't care who or what you are or how you play them, as long as you enjoy the ride.
Give me one good reason I shouldn't play fun and honest video games.

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kumbrains are the best kind of customers for devs to have

This. They kliterally put in no effort and get results.

>not having a schlong long enough to wrap around several game cases and bring them to the cashier
git gud

Do neutered liberals even have spending money to buy things?

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Is it crashing though?



what a little autist bitch would timetravel and kick his ass

>people keep buying games with their dicks

What year do you think it is, OP? Every western developer and publisher is intentionally making their females unattractive.

Through dick unity.

Why do you think those games are failiny?



But user, all the shitty western games these days have nothing my dick could be happy about.

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So, only Japanese games?

>daily mail
>washington post

Yes, only Japanese games are worth playing nowadays.

>overinflation of anime women
But Dobson doesn't post here.

>eh? what's the-
>doesnt pick on bustle
oh, I get it

If my dick has money to blow, what’s the problem?

Found the liberal, go be a a litetal incel somewhere else

only game my dick ever bought me was dreamfall and damn it, it was a good movie!

Why do pretentious faggots keep repeating these lies?

Games that sell purely on girls hardly sell well compared to other shit.

>I am killing videogames by rewarding cancer like FGO because there are girls in swimsuits, what's the problem?

Better to think with you dick than support a gambling habit you don't even know you have with gatcha bullshit.

>Games that sell purely on girls hardly sell well compared to other shit.
Fate/Grand Order made like $3 billion last year

The first DOA Extreme Beach Volleyball for me a long damn time ago and fuck OP it was worth it.

Nice to see one of my favorite politicians on here just randomly. Thank you.

As opposed to rewarding games that hate cute girls.

>gacha bullshit
>not selling purely on sex

Playing AAA garbage where this happens is completely your fault.

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I don't even buy games anymore

You see, now you're being either disingenuous or just straight up retarded. F/GO is an omnipandering gacha game of one of the most popular franchises in japan. That lies more in the microtransaction lootbox department where funnily enough even sports games exploit to steal money from the average joe that just wants to play the latest FIFA or NBA.

>F/GO is an omnipandering gacha game of one of the most popular franchises in japan
Because of the girls. Literally nobody would ever roll a gacha if the baited hook wasn't a .png of a half naked anime girl.

why would you play a subpar game for tame pictures of girls when you could read good doujins or even just look at ecchi galeries, and then play a game that's actually good
I don't get it

Where did I imply otherwise? My point is retarded drivel like OP doesn't make any sense because regular video games aren't gacha and aren't Fate.

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fuck off mate let me enjoy my half naked loli waifu in peace. These gacha devs and artist won't contribute to the larger gaming industry as a whole and never will, and you know it. You're just finding things to blame for your quickly burning heap of an industry.

I don't buy AAA games because the AAA industry doesn't supply the games my dick demands to buy. I have to get those from smaller devs. If EA wanted to put Bioware (okay maybe not 2019 Bioware, but some hypothetical Bioware) on making a AAA Corruption of Champions, I'd take a good *ahem* hard look at that.

>That'll be $13.99 plus dick

>dude just ignore it lmao
No. The business model is too successful for it not to bleed into the rest of the industry. Gacha is the future of the industry and you stupid caveman "dude I'm going to make all decisions with my dick like a 12 year old" cunts are to blame.

Unless you actually are 12 years old, in which case get the fuck off this website.

>These gacha devs and artist won't contribute to the larger gaming industry as a whole and never will
They are swallowing the mobile industry whole and consoles are next. You are the problem.

the word that triggers kumbrains yes

The only game that I've bought with my dick was Nier: Automata and it is wonderful in almost every regard.

>>still wonder why the vidya industry is crashing
I fucking wish.

I would’ve also accepted tit.

But it's been years and it hasn't done anything. OP was implying the industry "IS" crashing because of this.

My dick deciding my game purchases isn't causing AAA niggers to start making overly expensive movies full of propaganda

Through dick unity.

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OP I wish people were degenerate lolicons but they are not.

Your industry has nothing to do with weebs.

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W*stern porn games are mostly patreon cash grabs, so here's that