Can we talk about how fucking amazing the first two Dead Space games are?

Can we talk about how fucking amazing the first two Dead Space games are?

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>tfw you will NEVER stomp a baby to death in a AAA game again (without mods)

Was he right?

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>ruins your 3 save only run

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2 was meh, 1 was fantastic

Ubermorph is a joke compared to those cunts.

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>first two
But OP, there are only two deed spaps?

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There are three Dead Space games just never a fourth

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Played about half of dead space 1 and didn't like it.
>only 5 minutes of setup
I couldn't get into the atmosphere because the game was always screaming at me.
It was well made but I just couldn't get into it

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Not ever horror game needs to be like Silent Hill senpai

Can we talk about how fucking amazing the first Dead Space game is?

there, fixed your sentence

Absolutely abysmal taste

It's absolutely more of a theme park's haunted house than a horror game. Just a lot of quick spooks to keep you on your toes paired with freaky visuals.
2 is somehow louder but accepts that it's an action game first and foremost.

The first Dead space has far more soul and better pacing

Dead Space 2 is one of those rare games that is as good as the first

God I fucking loved this game

I only got to apreciate 1 after playing 2 a whole bunch. I fucking love 2 action pace but it just goes from one setpiece to another, with Dead Space 1 you can actually drench yourself in the Ishimura's atmosphere, as the game has a lot more quiet time to it.

A brother from another mother
This game was like a big budget movie with rail shooting and a great cast of characters
Shame it’s so overlooked
Also Lexine best girl

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Same order I played them in, actually.
Zero-g basketball was my favorite "break" in the game, but also the only one that I noticed last for a significant amount of time.
That said I haven't played 1 in years and 2 is only fresh in my mind because I tried a hardcore run a few months ago. I vaguely remember the buildup to the leviathan fight having a decent amount of downtime between the hordes that spawned when you killed a wheezer.

Best survival horror game ever, even better than RE4

2 was my first, which made the transition to 1 a bit weird since the controls were a bit more sluggish, but in time I came to appreciate it more for that.
It expanded upon exactly what it needed to without completely losing its identity (*cough* - 3 - *cough*).

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Dead space 3 was the greatest coop game of all time

>You will never see exploding babies again in AAA games.

Currently playing 3 with a friend and ok it's not as amazing as 1 and 2 but still a super solid experience, the co-op is extremely well implemented gameplay and story wise too. I don't get the hate.

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Those guys are a complete joke in the first game and I guess someone on the dev team noticed and decided to amp them up and ended up turning Leapers into absolute rape machines in the second game.

No, because people will trash any positive sentiment. I also enjoyed 3, it just went for too long.

Lexine was so good

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Well, toughen the fuck up you pussy.

Dead Space 3 should've singleplayer only, without the love interest subplot and have Isaac only explore the ruins of SCDF's colonial outposts, and that's it. No alien shittery, no brethren mooons.

I loved the stupid fucking moon-ayylmao shit and think Isaac and Carver had a decent chemistry once Carver lightened up a bit.
I don't love the stupid fucking love triangle shit they forced in and wish it was Isaac and Ellie as the PCs instead.

Also fuck weapon crafting just give me my CEC tools back.

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>Also fuck weapon crafting just give me my CEC tools back.
The only part of weapon crafting that I enjoyed was because the weapons were really cool looking.

I like space horror but I had to force myself to play Dead Space 1 for 2 hours and I just couldn't take it anymore. Boring as fuck.

I think I just hate horror games. They want me to be scared or something but I just shoot the dumb monster or run away from it? Who cares. It's like an action game except way shittier.

Would you rather be defenceless?

i hate them so much

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*chirp, squawk*

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ahem even back then this one was shit though

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What's your favourite weapon? And why it's the ripper?

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useful in any situation

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Thoughts on Ellie?

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Still haven't gotten back to her with that eye.

Its fun, with friends or alone. Weapon crafting is very cool.

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Sonic Boom gun

The first game was neat and contained. It should have been left at that.

Agreed. The sound mix in the entire Dead Space franchise drives me nuts. Seldom have I ever been annoyed by the sound mix as I have been with these games. And that says a lot, because most of the time I hardly pay attention to the sound mix in games. It has to be terri-bad for me to even notice it.

The volume levels in all Dead Space games are completely unbalanced. The necro's shriek from across the room sounds louder than the shotgun in my hand. Even worse are whatever machine happens to be in the area. Whether it's an engine, a piston, a generator, or whatever. These machines are soooo friggin' loud compared to everything else. This is one of the few games where I have to intermittently take off my headset while playing, just to get some relief from the noise pollution.

Ambient environmental noise is also mixed way too high. I suspect this was done intentionally to give the game a claustrophobic feel. It was effective for the first hour or so. The rest of the way it's just way too annoying. It would've helped if environmental noise had a separate slider from the SFX noise, like most games do. Unfortunately, music & voice are the only ones with sliders. Everything else falls under SFX. If I turn down the volume on SFX, then something is always either too loud (ambient) or too soft (guns).

But by far the worst thing about sound in this game? The looping of sound effects. There are 3 problems with this: (1) The incessant Looping itself, and (2) There's hardly any delay between loops, and (3) The sound effect itself is very short, and so it loops very frequently. Nothing grates at me more than the computer nagging me every 7 seconds that "life support is malfunctioning please contact maintenance". Seriously, I heard it the first time. It doesn't have to be repeated every 7 seconds throughout the entire 10 minutes it takes me to clear the area.

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horrific to deal with on console
only tolerable on pc thanks to muh frames and mouse

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>Not using sniper rifle on them like a chad

he actually did nothing wrong
Altman never wanted to be a part of this religion, he became idol because of fucking earth government cunts

The quick start was explicitly to surprise. In horror games you usually know you are 100% safe for the first half hour, i typically sprint the start towards any and all noises as i know it's just set up and it ruins the horror hilariously. It also makes more narrative sense that you get dumped on immediately.

God it was a good game, i'd actually buy a remaster.

How about this one?

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Nope, kendra was best girl. Fucking thicc.

oh, i love this thing

The first one yes, the second one is severely overrated.
Not to mention the micro transactions and tacked on multiplayer (yes, I’m aware the first one had MTs).


I loved the gag commercials
I fucking miss these kind of commercials, seriously.

Even for the time i was surprised they gave her that model, we weren't fully in current year but enough that it was rare to see a stacked female character. She'll be horrifically nerfed in the ps5 remake.

*clack* *chink*

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The args were exceptionally good as well. I remember that site with the different stories to this day, they were haunting and absolutely SOULful.

>Hooo! You're approaching me?

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He thinks DS3 sucked and doesn't deserve to be on the list

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the story was retarded, but the gameplay was great

Are you trying to bait or what

The game wasn't so bad. It was just too easy.

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>Using weapons other than the standard plasma cutter
No joke, that's all you need. I finished the both games only with that on the hardest difficulty, not even for the challenge, it's just all i needed.

>Dead Space 4 was going to be about Ellie trying to find Isaac in the Solar System amidst the wreckage of Earth's defense forces, finding and linking up with other survivors as she does so, while Earth itself is slowly devoured by the Moon Brethren.
I honestly think they'd defeat the Moon Brethren using either the original marker that wanted to be destroyed rather than be made whole like the others OR their planet crackers.

Why does the Flamethrower suck in DS1?

>Played both for the first time this year after dropping the first one on release because of it's terrible mouse controls.
>Ended up loving 1 and was super glad I played on the hardest difficulty as it genuinely felt like a tense and terrifying survival experience
>Takes me about 25 hours to beat because of the difficulty and pacing
>Super hyped for 2 because of all the praise
>Boot it up on hardest difficulty again
>It's literally a generic cover shooter and I finish it in 6 hours without breaking a sweat
What the fuck went wrong?
And why does everyone suck 2's dick so much?
It's like the devs forgot what was good about the first one and tried to make third person bioshock in space.

Alien 3

Mass Effect 2 case, many people that like/prefere ME2 never actually played ME1.

That section where you return to the Ishimura in 2 is pure kino.

It was always garbage.

>visceral died in your lifetime

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How can you not get the hate? I don't dislike 3 at all, but I can fully understand why people do. It's a complete tonal shift from 2, massively from what 2 was. There are so many other evolutionary directions they could've taken with the series and they choose a full out action coop third person shooter? Then blamed and shut down the studio they forced to make the game in the first place?

It's good.. by today's standards.

Dead Space is like Alien. The first one is the best, the second one is an okay sequel, the third one is full on shite.

I'm surprised by how much Dead space has risen in popularity over the years. I remember picking it up years ago around its release at Gamestop and people were writing it off as a RE4 knock-off.

Third one isn't THAT bad. It's just not that good either.

Dead Space 2 is unironically the perfect sequel. Improves on the original in every single aspect

>alien better than aliens
is this opposite day? aliens is action/horror and alien is a sci fy thriller, not comparable

>ywn use the ishimura to planet crack one of the brethren moons

man fuck ea

>dead space is like alien/aliens. They're both amazing in different ways

We can talk about how amazing the first dead space game is.

It was so amazing I preordered Dead Space 2 a year in advance. Never doing that again. DS2 wasn’t shit, but no where near as well thought out and unique as the original.
>inb4 hurrrr it’s a sequel, no shit it isn’t as unique
I mean Dead Space 1 had shit that really fucked with my head as a gamer. Strats and concepts I thought were going to be safe got exploited. Areas I thought I would be able to retreat to had enemies spawn out of them and had enemies spawn at unpredictable times.

Dead space 2 was much more predictable not just in the way I might predict it because I had played the original, but just because it confirmed more to the situations from all the other games I played before. It’s pacing for jump scares sucked too. I could tell when they were coming because it was like 30 mins since the last one. That pace continues like that the entire game.

I mean yeah they're both classics in their own merit but you guys see my point.

The sound design is so crazy good that I would periodically take my headphones off to check out what was shuffling through kitchen, knocking everything around.
They were awesome games and go play them if you haven't.

This. I loved in the 2nd one that if you spammed the stomp button a bunch Issac would just start yelling "fuck you fuck fuck fucking die!"

It's thr plasma cutter. I hated that I couldn't finish 3 just with it as I did 1 and 2.
Has a game ever made such an iconic weapon that would never get boring from start to finish?
Yes I did enjoy other weapons a lot too, but there's just something special about a plasma run.

Unironically a believable strong female character in 2, fuck EA for what they did to her in 3.

F___ ___ ___ ____ ____ ______

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>Fuck you and fuck your marker!

Why is that line so damn satisfying?


there is no better feeling than piercing a stalkers head mid run screech with the harpoon and then secondary firing it
i need to replay both FUCK

After all that shit you went through in the game it was pretty relatable


Great voice acting and connecting Isaac to the player in that moment

Forgot about this

Is Dead Space aftermath any good?

Remember that Dead Space iPhone game? It was decent

It was cathartic.

The fact it had decent controls for a mobile game still confuses me because it's the most responsive one I've played and that includes things that are just menus. Vandal going insane was also handled well.

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When was the last time EA made something decent.. 2013? Whatever they're cooking up next better be the fall of them.

Dead Space 3 is nowhere near as bad as people in these threads make it out to be, the fuck is wrong with you?

I agree, Extraction is a great third entry into the series.

The greatest offence with Dead Space 3 was no couch co op.

For a mobile horror game, this was actually pretty solid.

Best weapon loadout:
>Pulse rifle
>Plasma cutter
>Force gun
>Contact beam

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Impalement was such a great addition.

>walking down that one hallway that has vandal see some paradise
That made me unnerved.

>Pulse Rifle
My fellow marine.

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>coolest looking suit
>only used in a short DLC

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*unzips stasis*
nothin personel, kid

>coolest looking suit
>only used in a short DLC
>DLC available only on consoles

This bit was the best.

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>those necromorphs who use stasis to fucking vibrate around

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What an experience the first game was.

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Seeing the Ishimura in 2 was pure kino, going back to it was pure terror.
Pic related my favourite rig.

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Plasma cutter virgins will never know this feel

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>not aiming for the legs first

>rail shooter
>mobile trash
you brainlets are even worse than the retards who liked 3


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Shut the fuck up Stross.

DS = DS2 > Extraction > Mobile >>>>>> DS3

>Contact Beam
>Seeker Rifle
>pulse rifle
>Javelin Gun
name a better weapon loadout you can't

Seeing the ishimura docked was the biggest "oh fuck" feeling

Going back on it and seeing everything quiet and patched up was so ominous

The clattering in the silence was the best because they constantly went back to not attacking you for periods of time and it was just long enough to unnerve you before they sprung another encounter on you. Medical deck is still the best experience on the revisit.

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More games need a Stomp button

>So much blood in the hallways the blacklights lit it up like a Christmas tree

>Those drag marks in several rooms leading into other rooms.

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based and neato in 2, cliche and annoying in 3

who /hacker/ here?