What are the worst game remasters and why?

What are the worst game remasters and why?

Attached: Chips Dubbo.jpg (960x960, 120K)

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What's wrong with that? The halo remasters were great

The Halo 1 remaster is fucking horrible. It completely fucks up the tone and atmosphere the original had, and all they did was replace a ton of shit with Reach models. They also removed shit like bullets marks on walls, and the blood is far less apparent. The lighting is even worse now, too.

Don't forget the terrain mesh not lining up with the textures. Using the remaster grafickz can lead to falling through floors or being shot through walls because the texture stretches past the original mesh.

Also that it was based on a shit pc port that was done by Gearbox and that version was missing a lot of shit that the og xbox version had.


>nervous demeanor, goes well with the voice
>simple grey sweatsuit
>improvised looking metal plates bolted on
>a bit of tech but just enough to get by for the next 10 minutes
>motherfucker who looks so gritty and supremely decked out that he'd punch Master Chief in the face

top: starship troopers
bottom: please take me seriously

You're just angry at Gearbox's work on it. Don't be mad no longer since 343i are now going to fix all that BS with the MCC.

Sound is fucked up too and it isn't even 60fps when playing on original graphics. What isn't wrong with it.

what's that shit where people needlessly complicate something to make ti look more sci-fi?

this image reeks of it and it burns my autism something fierce

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I agree the CEA remaster is less then ideal but it also gets way more shit then it deserves.

To begin with, most of CE doesn't even really have a specific tone or visual aeshetic to it. It's in that awkward period of early 3d games where everything is pretty much flat geometry with a simple texture slapped onto it without regard towards building a specific visual style. A lot of the areas in CEA actually look closer to CE's original concept art then CE itself did due to just the hardware limits they were working with.

That's not to say it's perfect or even great; there's places like 343i guilty spark where the atmosphere is legitmately harmed, or places like the start of T&R where they added extra foliage for no real reason, or per OP's pic giving the marines Reach army trooper armor when that's not even an updated evolution of the marine design unlike the covenant designs which animation issues aside work fine using the reach designs, etc.

>we'll never see CE marine armor in new graphics

>A lot of the areas in CEA actually look closer to CE's original concept art then CE itself did due to just the hardware limits they were working with.


this is either bait or you are a literal fucking triple nigger retard

>Change nothing about the graphics
>Remove one of the best dynamic music systems in history and replace it with generic movie tunes

Attached: TIE Fighter.jpg (220x275, 21K)

>it also gets way more shit then it deserves.
Any game where you fall through the floor gets exactly as much shit as it deserves.

>Change nothing about the graphics
They did add textures to what was previously flat colored runescape models, but even that was just copy/pasting it from X-Wing VS TIE Fighter

I wish somebody would make a modern reverse engineered port for it to have that shit but still have the original iMUSE music system

Where does that even happen?

If it was possible it would have had to happen in the original game too, because the physics use the original maps.



>The Halo 1 remaster is fucking horrible. It completely fucks up the tone and atmosphere the original had

>replace featureless grey corridors with something visually more distinctive

Truly, a great injustice has been done.

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This is literally Soul vs Soulless and if people can't see it then they're fucking blind

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