Why does this game attract so many chads & hot women? No other fighting game can do this.
Why does this game attract so many chads & hot women? No other fighting game can do this
I guess you are living on another reality.
>Sand niggers
>Get Tekken
Yes, but not 7
I miss forsen playing tekken
yuyu is extremely cute and i want to hug her
He literally streamed Tekken yesterday.
He played a bunch yesterday.
What a boring cunt, why is it that Forsen has such a following?
I was at work, I'll watch the VOD I guess
Why not 7 specifically?
7 is the best, he's memeing
Wow, Yea Forums is extra edgy today.
>Why does this game that worships having so much muscle you either ooze testosterone or look like a female personal trainer attract so many chads and hot chicks?
the bajs. nobody watches forsen for forsen, he's just inoffensive enough to harbor the bajs.
Tekken 7 has the best version of every character (except Lars and maybe Bob)
hey user guess what............. I FOOKED THE QUEEN
He was the only good character of the last two seasons, fuck that show for dropping the ball. Only sensible ending was Lich King winning but no muh strong womyn
>t4 jin
>t5 steve
I am so fucking ready for Leroy. He has to ne the best new character design since T5 easily. An ACTUAL martial art too. I hope lore wise he is Akuma tier power.
ttt2 ak tho i agree designwise
Can't wait to get hateful messages for stomping nooblets with this kang
He is pretty fucking based
I hope he has Wang's parry. That shit was so much fun to use.
Mishima chad here
Can't relate. True Chad master race Bryan Fury main here.
Name another character chad enough to toss his only son into a volcano solely for being too weak.
Tekken is the natural progression for fighting games and what should be the standard that other games are failing to reach.
It's the only fighting game in the modern era that respects their playerbase. Plebs will continue being completely disrespected by Mortal Kombat & Street Fighter while still shelling out so much money while chads wouldn't even consider doing something that pathetic.
Mishima to win
tanukana with the biggest reveal this evo
Maximum Chad miguel main here
Reminder OP is a paid shill who has been spamming these threads on Yea Forums for months
Don't forget being exploded by kilograms of C4, blasted for few kilometers just to crawl back from the grave like it's fucking nothing. Heihachi is THE Chad.
hide the cosplayers and the streamer thots, jeondding is in town!
Heihachi more like HeihaCHAD
they are some ugly chinks
I never post this but actually have sex if you think they are ugly.
My dad.
Thought about it yesterday, and it’s probably because, simply put, Tekken is the fighting game that’s for everyone.
It’s super easy to get into and quickly see that you pressing buttons makes cool shit happens.
It’s got this semi-realistic styie that makes much of it easier to swallow than other more fantastical fighters. It’s not as overtly over-the-top and gaudy as for example Street Fighter or Guilty Gear. And it’s edgy enough and with a varied enough roster that basically anyone can find a character they think is by far the coolest.
Like, basically everyone I’ve known growing up, guys and girls, can always reminisce in some way about what a good time they had with Tekken 3, and I think that spirit has just carried on.
And I didn’t get into Tekken until 2 years ago.
bigger chad than you could ever hope to be.
Nah you've got the big gay, dude. That's the problem.
jeondding is an actual chad
Pretty much this
SCVI had the hottest woman player at EVO, though.
Miguel is at his best in 7, combos for days.
That one on the left is the ugliest for sure.
t. I jerk off to girls daily and think porn stars with bog like faces look better.
>admitting you're zogged while you argue about looks
lmao oh shit nigger what are you doing
Tekken 2 is the last one I played. Does this one have bunny suit June too?
big black wang
I don't care about new characters
Don't care about new stages
Give me Yoshimitsu's Tekken 2 costume and I'll buy it immediately
You are just being a faggot, get laid you fat lazy piece of shit.
>user, come play fightan with me
now hold up, the best female fighters and the hottest CIS gendered women are without a doubt to be found in the Soul Calibur scene
Jesus asian women are so perfect.
have sex
Trying too hard, man. If she was sitting opposite you on a bus, you'd check her out.
ehhh only because she's asian, and when I saw her smile I'd be shook
you talk like a little girl
Is that her sister?
>her ex boyfriend made her choose between him or Tekken
I wonder how much that fag regrets it.
>I'll take things that didn't happen for 100 dollaridoos
You get to fuck doggystyle while she plays user, who would give up something like this? Although the cuter they are, the shittier their personality is so I guess he must have done good.
i stopped caring 3 season ago. shitposts were fun though
someone really insecure, probably a dicklet or somethin
>Tanukana: I had a boyfriend who kindly proposed to me. To tell the truth, I applied for it without telling him. And I told him after all the things were sewn up. He got super angry haha. Of course, it was understandable...
>And he said "so which will you choose, me or games?" and I said "um, we say you only live once. So I'd like games. Sorry."
>I feel guilty.
Fuck off with your facebook memes
best version
not most broken
it's the most balanced Tekken game to date. Lars really needs buffs though. And let Gigas backdash please.
right is street fighter player hatsume
p-pls go out with me
You got the picture mixed up OP, I think you meant for this to be a Soul Calibur thread?
>believing interviews
oh user...
You are a crazy person. He’s low tier in 7 and has t-Rex arms. In 6 he had insane range
So is the DLC worth it or nah? It's so expensive
I thought cute Japanese gamer girls were a meme but these are all bangable. Why aren't gamer girls of other races cute?
There was a super cute player at Evo for Tekken, Yuyu. She did all right.
yuyu is a mom, she placed 65th
momochi and chocoblanka met in the arcades
Reminder that she's a fighting game autist who broke up with her boyfriend to play Tekken. How will you win her over?
>No one cared when mommy was revealed.
aris is extremely hot and I want to hug him
She's in her thirties leave my wife alone mommyfag
she looks ugly and greasy but her outfit is boner fuel
Maybe she's a lesbian since hatsume is the only person she follows on Instagram.
She's just an excuse to make T6 pointless and bring Azazel back for T8 plot.
Tekken 7 is a predictable follow-up to a series that's never aimed particularly high, it may please casual gamers for a day or two but the stagnant ongoing series is definitely in the second tier of fighters way below Capcom or NetherRealm Studios games, and it's seriously getting old and tired. The lack of depth and subtlety and the emphasis on the offensive, rather than the defensive, puts this squarely two notches below the best in the genre, the "who-can-get-their-super-move-off-first" gameplay leaves much to be desired from a serious fighting game player. Like the prequels, Tekken 7 is geared towards casual gamers and anyone who's been exposed to more technical, more dynamic fighting games will quickly pass on tekken. Other top fighters, namely Street Fighter, DoA and MK games have advanced impressively in their latest installments; but the relic that is tekken just can't seem to evolve, furthermore many combos can be done simply by hitting 1-button, and the nearly "instant-kill" rage art moves are just laughably broken. Instead of a supplying a proper fighting engine, matches in T7 seem to rely heavily on "who can get their rage move off first". So many elements of the gameplay don't even require any sort of skill. In my book, slow motion over and over again also gets old very quickly. And in the end, it's more of a novelty or gimmick rather than an actual, thought-out fighting game mechanic. But hey, the casual crowd will be pleased!
If you want something a little more "button-masher-friendly," tekken might be your cup of tea.... Key word, might.
If jun isn't in season 3 I will kms
He's an awful steamer but his chat can be hilarious when it's not having a civil war
I know it's a copypasta but the
>the "who-can-get-their-super-move-off-first" gameplay
part fucking cracks me up, The author's talking shit about Tekken cause it's "casual" yet he's clearly only ever played on a super casual level where using a Rage Arts is a regular thing, instead of an occasional thing to use tactically as more advanced players tend to do.
Will we see a spike on Kazumi mains now that she wrecked EVO ?
I've never played tekken before, but i might pick it up after watching that grand finals. It was nuts how dominating that Kazumi was.
naturally. she's boring and isn't anywhere near as good in the hands of people who aren't actually good at the game though so they'll all disappear within a few weeks.
go back
Prolly not. She's just so goddamn boring to play. All her fun moves are too weak against sidestepping or unsafe on block, so no wonder people only use like five moves of her.
Back when JDCR won with Dragunov there was a spike in Dragunov players but at least with that character it's fun to just force mixups with while running 2.
it's funny cause Kazumi is such a simple character with a short move list
just spam your top tier pokes to annoy the shit out of bad, impatient players and you win easy.
but then you get up to the higher ranks and generally she's garbage. I guess in offline she's good because of how simple she is.
Well that paki just destroyed some of the best T7 players of the world so i dont know about that
yeah, I said she's generally considered bad and not used online in the higher ranks. Arslan did a good job in BTFOing all the top tier players with her. But it's probably cause she's pretty basic but solid character that he did so well with her at tournaments where there's lots of pressure.
Kazumi also doesn't really appear much online, so people have less experience with her. Thing should change now.
isn't she just a super fundamentals character? that's what she looked like anyway. if she's considered bad isn't that just a sign that the person who thinks that has weak fundamentals?
Yeah she's a fundamentals character. I played her a lot to learn the game cause you learn not to rely on any gimmicks that you would with other characters. So no she isn't technically bad, but she doesn't have anything special about her that most players want, especially when you play the game for hundreds of hours. Like Mishimas have wave dash + electric, King has grapples out the ass, whereas Kazumi is a really standard character.
Why did no one else do this?
imagine being horny and instead of saying she has a headache she tells you she has to play Tekken, what a weird bitch
Watch game play of the characters, if you want to play them buy them, if not w/e
He looks cool. I like him already.
Have a shower.