Character has made up eye disease

>character has made up eye disease
Why couldn't they give her just two blue eyes ?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Because she's half sand blasted grease monkey.

>made up
But it's a thing that happens in the real world.

Did you not play ffx?

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she looks disgustingly jappy there

But that happens in the real world too.

Al bheds are supposed to be South East asians. And Japanese mixxed with SEA are god-tier sexy.

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they all look mongoloid in the FMVs

Attached: Final Fantasy X Rikku.jpg (640x480, 29K)

>believing instagram whores with color lenses
lmoa I bet you think your eyes change color with your emotions

>heterochromia eyes are a disease now
meme or not, you're a retard

It's not a disease it's a simple mutation.

Why did they make them so fucking chinky in the fmvs? They look perfectly fine in game.

This has to be a troll.

I know you're just shitposting but I'm posting this just in case some dumb ass kid actually believe you

I STILL can't get over how bad the FMVs are in X.

I knew a girl with heterochromia. I wonder how tired she got of people constantly telling her 'you have such beautiful eyes' or some shit. It'd almost warrant an eyepatch.

It's caused by the dimensional merge, shitlord.

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>Made up

>actually posting the dailymail of medical journalism
I shiggy diggy do


She's alright, wouldn't say god-tier sexy tho

swirl pupil happens irl too

Because the Japs fucking love heterochromia. One of the easiest ways to make your OC stand out, that and vertical scars over the eye and a cursed arm / hand / eye.

God, she looked so ugly in X2.

It's because of mocap.

Seems like a cruel fate really. You either end up looking like someone's anime OC or you end up with a creepy glass eye look.


yes tiff, the best format

Which eye is from the Berenstein universe and which one is from the Berenstain?

i have 2 dogs that have 1 eye green and the other eye blue, they are huskies and they are siblings, they have matching pairs

If it were me i'd embrace it.

>getting tired of free compliments
sure faggot

My brother actually has heterochromia. So many people for some reason think it's fake because his brown eye is darker than usual, while others always say shit like "I don't know which eye to focus on!"

are you guys really surprised that OP hasn't heard of something starting with "hetero"


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I get tired of them.
If you say that you never actually had a girl as a friend or a sister that's average or above average in looks.

What are you talking about? They were phenomenal for the time and still hold up. They're not terrible just cause the faces were a bit off.

The faces are terrible and ruin the movies completely.

Wow, there sure is a lot of not-posting-Yuna in this thread? You know what would fix that?

Attached: Yuna 29.jpg (1280x720, 290K)

>it's a fantasy game with 3D water polo, souls of the dead turning into beasts and a flying godzilla but no, heterochromia is where I draw the line
Are you a woman, OP?

Not fucking that. Burn it.

Because it was a reference to the PS2's face lights. Lulu, conversely, only had one eye visible which was red. The PS2's standby light.

Attached: Yuna 6.jpg (1280x720, 524K)

Why does she look good here but so ugly and chinky in op pic?


Because she's much better at whoring herself out in the sequel

Attached: Yuna 5.jpg (1280x720, 60K)

Not even japs look this weird

Attached: Yuna 4.jpg (1088x816, 122K)

x-2 was a mistake
anything after 9 was for that matter

You're doing it user! Now, say japs are war criminals and subhuman, that'll show 'em!

Japs are war criminals and subhuman

Wait, what?

Attached: wilty.jpg (1280x720, 48K)

americans are war criminals and subhuman

ur stupid

>being this wrong

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X-2 was good but the extra shit for it years later was a fucking mistake

Both are correct.

Yuna is for Rikku

Attached: Rikku Yuna cosplay.jpg (774x1032, 239K)


Attached: saving full image resolutions except this doesn't work for Tumblr anymore.png (1024x2625, 553K)

lewd X2 yuna and rikku are great

Nigga you high? The combat arena onboard the Celsius was the fucking bomb. Having customizable monsters in your party was awesome, like the Earth Eater or Omega Weapon. And with mods that make them fully controllable, shit, that pushes the game to an easy 10/10. You can break the entire game before even leaving for the 1st mission on Gagazet.

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I'm talking about the audiobook and the novel or whatever it was where Tidus got his head blown off by a blitzball bomb and got revived retarded to break up with Yuna

Heterochromia isnt even that wierd. What's actually odd about the Al Bhed is they have spiral irises.

Ah yeah, that shit was whack

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Something about this post makes me imagine you have many pictures of David Mitchell being bemused or outraged.

His outburst are quite amusing from time to time

I love her!

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>Eye disease

Its like you have never played the game and just bait for You´s

Heterochromia is really common in huskies from what I understand. Guess when they bred them, those genes hitched a ride.

go back

B-but they're cousins



Mitchell is a cock

She's a half-Al Bhed mutt


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I've got heterochromia, a light brown and a light blue eye.
All my life people who'd notice would compliment me for it, except for one girl that thought it was weird and retarded.
It'd usually be unnoticed until a random day, then that person that notices would tell everyone and they'd gather up and stare me in the eyes.

I'm not the best with taking compliments so it always made me feel awkward and I think it shows, but at the same time I really do enjoy them noticing it, and I'm happy I have this trait. I like my eye colors.

Reminder that in canon Tidus gets blown up by a Blitzball and his head lands in her crotch

Why are japanese women so beautiful?

Careful you'll summon the autist

Is he still around? I haven't seen him spamming lately, maybe he killed himself after realizing this is a weeb board.

The air

Thus arrived the gamer.

The dated FMV's of X don't do a good job of showing it honestly

I saw him on Yea Forums about a week ago

I'm proud to be a gamer

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That's surprising. Yea Forums has much stricter mods then here so I assume he was banned/silenced right away for being off topic.

He didn't spam images of ugly Asians but the arguments where the same

Which autist are you guys talking about again? I swear there's way too many of dedicated clowns on Yea Forums it's hard to tell them apart.

The guy who spams ugly Asian women and rages about people posting cute Japanese girls

Can you guys imagine what Yuna's underwear smells like haha imagine if she gave me a pair so I could wear them on my head and sniff her scent all day haha

Attached: Yuna 43.png (680x1320, 655K)

who is that ultra mutt?

They were 20 years old lol

tiff in hell

hahaha yeah that would be funny hahaha

Attached: Jsica-Yuna 02.jpg (900x1360, 200K)

I wonder if she wears sexy lingerie panties haha
Wow I wonder if she'd let me just bury my face in there haha

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because we're actually discussing the game, eye diseases and other shit that's more important than making a fucking /c/-tier thread
fuck off, waifufag.

I understood that reference.

Don't forget bringing back Sin making the events of FFX moot

I hope its actually Seymour for maximum lulz.
>I will become Sin

>implying that Yea Forums has better threads than /c/

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Jesus that fucking awful doughy chink face. X was a mistake.

I wonder what can she do for me?

Quick handy in the dressing room

Can't we just summon Oakland to post his favourite JAVs instead?

SE really hates Tidus now.

Attached: she is talking to Seymour.jpg (2960x1440, 1.63M)

Nah, the X2 sequel novel where Tidus dies from kicking a bomb and his severed head flies into Yuna was a mistake.

the CG scenes were done by the Square Pictures people in Hawaii while the actual game was mainly made in Japan

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>Literal stick wearing booty shorts
Why though?


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Have any of you played both the original X-2 on PS2 and the remaster?

Is it as bad as the original X?

No fucking way she's talking to Seymour there.

Because it's sexy. Lightning is trash, but she has an amazing body.

Well it wasn't a very obscure reference

Attached: Yuna 49.jpg (1333x1000, 196K)

What a weird fucking thing to bait shitpost about.

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Holy shit that fmv model looks bad. I dont even remember them being so shit, it's been long since i played.

What in the fuck? I meet two people during my lifetime that had blue and green eyes.

Also, one of my eyes is slightly more brown than the other one.

Please, go out more Yea Forums.

Far beyond the hazy borders of my heart
I could see a place
That's somethin' like this
Every now and then I don't know what to do
Still I know that I can never go back

But the things I've seen
In those hazy dreams
Can't compare to what I'm seein' now
Everything's so different
That it brings me to my knees

And though I know
The world of real emotion has surrounded me
I won't give in to it
Now I know that forward is the only way my heart can go
I hear your voice calling out to me
You'll never be alone

That wasn't really Yuna performing tho

Attached: Audia Pahlevi -Final Fantasy x-2- Yuna 001.jpg (1280x886, 129K)

Not in LR she didn't.

>american education

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Al bheds ate supposed to be fucking Germans. Advanced technology and a good amount have blonde hair and light eyes.

Al Bheds are supposed to be Al Bheds, why must you shoehorn in the real world in a fantasy game?

I've seen a person with heterochroma IRL a few days ago. Granted his body was also fucked up, he looked like some kind of gnome or gremlin. His arms and muscles were all kinds of fucked up, too.

Never knew germans lived in the desert and looked like Mad Max rejects before.

Okay but really. Why did they change Yuna's entire face in X-2 to give her some massive-nose bullshit going on. She had a way cuter face in X.

Attached: 2142029-yuna_ffx.jpg (1600x1200, 400K)

Just look at this shit.

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Considering that Yuna's pilgrimage route is suspiciously reminiscent of traveling from the Southeast Asian archipelago to the city of Samarkand that lies beyond the Hindu Kush mountain range, it would make the Al Bhed arabs from the Arabian peninsula.

Aren't the FMVs always outsourced? X-2 probably had worse quality control because it was a low budget spinoff.

how about this one

Attached: yunabanner.jpg (960x500, 396K)

while we're talking about weird eye stuff, anyone else have that problem of color going past the iris?

Did someone said heterochro-

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She really is. "What the fuck?" is pretty much everybody's first reaction.

Could you compare screenshot to screenshot instead of promotional image to screenshot?

>Al Bheds are Australian

I have partial heterochomia and most people don't notice it anymore. When I was younger though people were often concerned for me if my eye was okay.

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Post proof, I won't believe something so retarded based on word alone.

>>White person decides to celebrate Kwanza
>>Oh hey, i'm fucking black!

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It's just an allegory, dude. Yevonism is some kind of aesthetical mishmash of buddhism, hinduism and islam.

Literally GACKT

You are Gackt, she's Gackt, I'm Gackt, everybody's Gackt!

you called?

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>the Chad Yunalesca vs. The virgin Yuna

Allow me to be....your liberator..

Attached: Yunalesca_and_yuna.jpg (1600x900, 321K)

Literally dated a girl with heterochromia you're a retard op

La creatura!!

All albhed have green eyes and she is half albhed

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Fuck me, the FFX looked pretty good.

FFX-2 was a mistake.

Attached: Yuna 83.jpg (1280x832, 172K)

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Damn X-2 Yuna didn't even look like Yuna

I never saw someone with heterochromia near me, at most hazel eyes.

Well, not in FMVs. The in-game and cutscene models were essentially the same.

Not even cats?

FF X 2.5 is worse

My uncle has heterochromia, it's more unnerving than anything.

because rikku likes yunie better that way

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Two party members are literal ghosts and one is a fucking humanoid cat with horns, but yes, this is what triggers you, the eye color!

I like how she fucks with dogs

>so fucking chinky
Laughed way too hard at this.

I would like to see this for myself. Is Teedoos really getting the NTR treatment?

>modded sims 2
>characters in an empty default house with only a bed in the room

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Skip to 14:56.

Lulu fucks dogs more than her though.

Or dogs. Huskies and malamuts often have differently colored eyes.

I dunno. Yuna's butt could fill that dress out when she walked or bent over. Can Stick-of-Lightning say the same?

Thanks. Dissidia is such a wasted IP. That shit looks better than Dissidia NT; feels like a true Dissidia. We really got shafted this time.

Tyler1's son. Shame shape of head.

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or you could just use this nice userscript to do all the "hard" work for yourself instead.

wtf do you call the thing that David Bowie had?


Bowie's mate punched him in the eye when he was a kid and left him with one pupil that was permanently dilated, but often looked like it was a different colour.

My dog has Heterochromia, retard

putting a more literal sense to dilate

>getting tired of compliments
Is this the LOL thread?
Even if they say so don't believe them, even if she thought she meant it, the moment they would stop she would instantly want them back.

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No, but she is a BBC queen.

What is your favorite job in FFX2?

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X-2 Rikku is a fucking gift from the heavens


Because she's part wrench monkey.

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Mascot was best
Floral Fallal was sexiest
Dark Knight was favorite

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