can we have a /neet/ gamer thread?
what are you guys playing in your unlimited free time?
I just got finished with FF-x2
can we have a /neet/ gamer thread?
what are you guys playing in your unlimited free time?
I just got finished with FF-x2
Other urls found in this thread:
Important question: RMTing counts as a job? (selling in-game items/currency/whatever for real cash)
bioshock infinite. neets the way to go till the world stops going to shit. then doom ressurection of evil, till mhw icebourne, gears 5 and borderlands 3 next month all prepaid.
just finished all danganronpa games in just a couple of weeks
>inb4 VNs aren't games
theres no way i'd have time to spend on such a long series if i had a job or commitments tho i think.
i wouldnt even consider playing a game professionally a job even big winner or streamers. let alone in game market exploitation.
Gaming isn't fun when you're a neet, you spend too much time feeling sorry for yourself for being a useless piece of shit
seething wagecuck detected
Yeah I saw that and kaiji, which made me change my mind and started cleaning both my apartment, myself, and exercise more often. But still am a "NEET" who plays games for fun and sells shit for cash to retards.
lol totally if you need to feel useful thats fine. id like to feel useful too but. the system is designed to keep you working untill you cant, its like playing a game that isnt fair and you cant win. some enjoy the challenge and some would rather do something else. i can count all the multi millionairs i know from highschool on one hand without using fingers or thumbs. you work to make some one youve never met even richer.
Been NEET for 8 years, games are such a waste of time these days. I put 6 hours into Bloodstained and stopped; the game is really fun I just don't have the energy.
i haven't enjoyed a game in years i just feel like shit all the time
>In denial
Just remember that the longer you live like this the harder it's gonna get in the future, you'll reach a certain point where you're forced to face reality and you'll experience a mental breakdown when you realize how much time you've lost doing nothing
This guy speaks the truth. Those of you who are neets and still a teenager or early 20s; you should really start doing something. Not school, just pick up a practical hobby that could become a job in the future.
Why would you waste your infinite free time playing such a shit game?
I did the same last year, marathoned them all in like 2.5 weeks. V3 is absolute kino
If you don't have physical or monetary reasons to feel like shit, the only reason you don't enjoy vidya is because you're either a failed normalfaggot, or have shit tastes overall, or both.
Games for the NEET feel?
I will take numba uhhhhhhhhhhh
NEET of five years here. Not the anime jerking video game addicted kind though, I just am deeply against the idea of making money for other people. I've spent a lot of time pursuing goals. I've written books, poetry, started a small business that keeps me busy but doesn't really make me enough money to consider it a real job. I'm miserable. At the end of the day, I'm still a loser who lives with my mother.
I haven't played anything for more than 5 minutes in the past week. Rediscovered emotions.