He owns a shitty plot surrounded by other people in Final Fantasy XIV

>He owns a shitty plot surrounded by other people in Final Fantasy XIV
>He doesn't own a beautiful secluded home on its own private island with a private bridge and a private view of the waterfall
>Maybe he doesn't even own a home at all
plotlets... when will they learn...

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Other urls found in this thread:


>have Gil to buy house
>not willing to waste my time camping at plots
Housing system is cancer in this game

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>WHM at retard/cunt
I wonder who made this graph

Updated for SHb
I was too hard on MNK

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>play rdm/blm
>tfw bro tier

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I dropped my RDM at 70 but I do get the appeal, it's a chilled out BLM

>big brain
Excuse me but what?

MNK: make Anatman just automatically give you 1 stack of GL, and not more than that. The meditation effect should remain. TK needs to be turned into a regular OGCD move. Forbidden Chakra needs to be generated from landing positionals, not from crits, and Brohood should just be a party-wide damage buff. Overall damage needs to be reduced.
NIN: The entire ninjutsu system needs to be simplified as half of it is completely useless. Raiton, Katon and Doton is all that should remain (with respective kassatsu upgrades). TA should be just applicable on cooldown without Suiton/Hide pre-requisite. Damage should be brought up.
AST: Even with Sleeve Draw the card system is terrible. As a healer AST kicks ass, but card system is trash, it takes away too much attention and work for virtually zero real-time feedback. Old cards required less attention and yet felt more effective. I don't know what they can do here, honestly, because so much lore of the job is built around those shitty six cards but frankly they should just be deleted from the game. It's nonsense that it has to work twice as hard to get the same rdps as WHM.
DNC: Standard Finish is retarded and should be removed (or retained as DNC-only buff). Not because of padding or anything but because if your partner dies, it's like you just died too. It's legitimately bad design further accentuated by the fact that officially you're not supposed to be able to track people's DPS.
SMN: fucking delete fucking Egis holy fuck just yeet them from the game I don't care how much of mogstation money you're going to have to dedicate to rewriting job quests, it should be about summoning Demis like bard song phases, speaking of which
BRD: bring crit+ back you idiots, what kind of bard doesn't even buff the party with the songs anymore?

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Now who could be behind this post... my money is on SAM

>leveling DNC
>leveling SMN
>leveling BLM

BLM is so simple to play when you know the content but it's so god damn fun.

>overall damage needs to be reduced
And this is where I stopped reading, though I should've stopped at brotherhood

My thoughts exactly.

I miss the old hoarding system, I could always guarantee a house if I quit, I'd just have to pay a premium for it. Now, good fucking luck. I'm camping a plot right now at 4 in the morning, and there's still 10+ people here. It's the only one up on the server.

I didn't think they could implement a worse housing system, but they did.

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No really, please explain how DRG has to do any thinking now that LotD and BotD start at 30 a d domt need to be precisely timed to make full use of buffs lining up under BotD, not to mention two charges of True North make landing wheeling and fang much more consistent even under pressure from mechanics where you cant move as freely. DRG was unironically more technical in SB

I described it like this before, BLM is my chill-out class though it has enough complexity to keep it from getting too simple or boring (I'd like something besides fire I to go between fire ivs though), RDM feels like BLM but with the simple tuned way the fuck up to unfun levels. DRG, MCH and NIN is what you want for hype

Why haven't I killed myself yet?

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NIN is what you want when you feel like you don't have enough timers to track in your life.

Who the fuck is talking about stormblood, and "press as soon as up" buffs doesn't make a job particularly complex

>big brain

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>leveling WHM just to get the last ShB role quest
healing turned out to be somewhat enjoyable but these job quests make me want to not play WHM anymore.

I'm comparing the job's thought process from SHB to SB because tests the fucking topic you retard, or would you rather admit that RNG finishers from HW was as big brained as any job could get?

I was going to put it under BLM but didn't want to delete my post twice in the same thread
>graph is about SHb jobs
>posts about stormblood

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Of all role quests I found the healer one to be most enjoyable, tank the least.

Should be even lower, imo. It's literally the unga bunga of rDPS. I play the fucking thing and it's mind numbing.

SHB MCH is literally the most braindead job in all of expansions in this game. It's literally WoW tier. You just press buttons that light up.

Holy shit PLD players are fucking awful. GNB were bad in the beginning, but its like they all switched to PLD.

can you not post screenshots of this garbage game its giving me eye cancer

Did the roation for PLD change at all from SB to ShB?
Isn't it pretty much the same physical rotation > magical rotation > physical rotation and so on?

>RDM feels like BLM
They play completely differently there is absolutely NO similarity whatsoever so yeah you're fucking retarded, as expected of a blmshitter

I can agree to mid brain, final concession.

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Whms are only retards if they cast cure2 outside of wall to wall pulls or retard party members.

Or if they ever cast cure1 outside of post-pull topping off.

So, exactly like BRD, DNC, MNK, RDM and SAM?

>Remove DRK's Blood Weapon Haste
>But make Blood Weapon 10s meaning you need SkS and pray you don't clip your GCD to get all Blood Weapon procs in

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As in they're the only two proper (not built on DoTs) quintessential DPS mages you retard
*casts cure*
*stands still for 8 seconds*
*types a passive aggressive comment*

>not owning half a ward

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just because it's a caster you say it "feels" like blm? fucking retarded dude just shut the fuck up already

>RMD brainlet calling a BLM player a shitter

Oh fuck my sides

>unironically triggered someone said a mage played a bit like another mage

Why the fuck is that allowed?

>Do big dick pull
>Pop Superbolide
>Surely I'll get at least one heal in the next 8 seconds
>Any second now
>Any second now
>Any second now
Fuck you white mage quit throwing your fucking rocks

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For what purpose?

Anyone have a rotation guide for NIN?

See, a proper WHM will weave their shit talking with Afflatus spells so they don't clip

Making billions on airships

RDM doesn't "play a bit like" black mage at fucking all. They are polar opposites. One tries to stand in place and spam a single spell, the other literally forces you to bounce around and push many buttons

>shitty coding making raid fights like Titan randomly go faster or slower causing enrage to occur anywhere between 13:15 and 13:40
>obsession with early clears and highest parses making you feel inadequate even if you're better than 90% other players but aren't in the real big boys club
>shitty design choices choking fun out of gameplay
>fucking crafting
Not gonna lie this game is starting to feel like a shitty wagecuck job, unfair and unrewarding.

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How long until Viera/Hrothgar can use helmets?

5.1? I'm sick of this shit.It's bad enough my hair is locked to my face.

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Nobody's making you run around during dualcast you spaz

>Falling for the limited race

>They are polar opposites. One tries to stand in place and spam a single spell, the other literally forces you to bounce around and push many buttons
The delusion is astounding.

Never. They couldn't even be bothered to make newest AF and raid gear work, why do you think they'll go back?

This is literally what I thought until I played BLM coming from a 70 RDM, I'll at least admit I was retarded

I thought they fixed the hoarding bullshit?

>"housing is pointless and is a waste of time and money, goy- i mean friend"
>gains monopoly on mats

Housing should be nuked.

>Picking the Blue Mage of races
You fucked up son, have fun ERPing

Hello retard. You do understand Red Mage has both a JUMPBACK and a LEAP IN skill they have to use on cooldown for DPS right retard? Bouncing around is mandatory, not optiona.

You're really overstating how often that occurs and how much you need to move, it's like a toddler imitating an adult to the observer

Every 40 seconds, more when you include manafication taking the skills off cooldown. So no i'm not overstating jack fucking shit.

>it's da ebil j00z fault people think companies are their friends

You do know they added a skill do you don't need to jump back.

Pushing through this 2.1 content is actually putting me to sleep I just wanna hit 60 and play GNB already

Fixed for current meta and future proof.

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Massive DPS loss if you do that. Bad Red Maging.

*syncs your abilities to level 23 in duty roulette*
nothing personnel kid

I want to be credit to team as a DPS, what should I play?

DoT combo->DPS combo->Atonement x3.

And when your MP is full, Holy Spirit x5. If Requiescat is off cooldown, you Holy Spirit x4, weave Requiescat, and Confiteor.

What? It's the same CD and Engagement does more damage than Displacement.

>losing 50 potency every 35 seconds
>massive dps loss

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Wouldn't you Requiescat before you do holy spirits?

>and Engagement does more damage than Displacement.
please stop trying to talk about how to play red mage when you don't even know basic fucking shit.

Hold overs from before the change. SE didn’t take away plots from FCs with multiple plots. They just can’t buy anymore.

??? Explain how I am wrong, I don't get it.

That's insane. How can newer FC compete?

Yeah, you’re right. I derped there.

>losing auto attacks is a dps gain
Look at this retard and laugh

You don't Holy Spirit outside of Requiscat, ever, outside of on pull.

I was just sick of playing a human.
It can't be that hard of a thing to implement.
Wouldn't ERP if you paid me


Why would you cast a 350 potency attack when you can just do your DPS combo and get Atonement?

Yeah, I derped and forgot about the buff it gives


I think this the autistic rdm from a previous thread who went off on autistic rant about comparing whm to rdm when they were actually comparing job quests.

I bet he is German

Engagement is 50 potency less how do you need this explained you fucking retard?

Serious question, I am enjoying everything I want to play 1 thing, what should I play between these? SMN, RDM, MCH or NIN?

They can't. Same shit with new/returning players. If you're on an established server, you don't get a house.

Don't want to start a new bread, is Arcanist ok or should i take the new jobs when i hit level 30? New player obviously, don't care about meta for now.

The one you enjoy most.

Not him but kill yourself

SMN and NIN are headaches off controller
RDM is braindead and MCH is SAM-tier

Every single AST I've seen since 5.05 is as either, as retarded or more retarded than the average pre ShB WHM
Can't say the same about SCH. Only seen 2 since 5.05 launch, and only on e2s and e3s, and they were pretty fucking good but 2 cases can't make up for the playerbase.

Kinda rude.

Engagement does 150, Displacement does 130. Am I taking crazy pills?

MCH isn't nearly as retarded as SAM

>Am I taking crazy pills?
Apparently you are. Where are you even getting those numbers from?

this is your brain on RDM

1.0 was better because no one had to worry about this bullshit.

We all just sat around in Ul'dah and made groups for things and there was hardly any drama or trannys.

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If you go into a 30+ dungeon without a crystal equipped you deserve to be kicked out
SMN is arcanist+
SCH barely keeps anything from it and is a different role entirely

I know now I am being fucked with. Good job leading me on as much as you guys have so far.

You get enhanced displacement at lvl 72. See, you're not even lvl 80.

With Requiescat, the Magic burst DPS is also 550, if I remember correctly. But without requiring a combo to set it up

How much dps is rdm autoattacks?

before Engagement existed yes
It got buffed to 200 in 5.0

Imagine being this stupid. Jesus.

>1.0 was better because there were less optional features
Imagine unironically believing this.

Yo wtf is with the white mage hate ???

Oh my god you guys are right, I didn't even see the trait there. I am a complete retard and I do admit I am not even 80.

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Values user is talking about are pre-5.0
Plus, check Enhanced Displacement trait

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Just bitter AST mains.

FFXIV is a game that fully defines the saying

"you don't own your possessions, they end up owning you.

If you become afraid of unsubscribing out of fear of them destroying your housing, you need to destroy your house so they no longer have power over you.

Optional features are fine if they don't cause stress on the players who care about them. Housing has undoubtedly caused stress on players who have desired a house but been unable to get one due to limited supply and various factors.

Also this.

Sounds pretty dumb imho, they all start at level 1 too

Or the playerbase is just obnoxious, passive aggresive twats that can't even be bothered to play their braindead job half the time

>astro before sch

Yoshi here please dont do that

Kinda what apartments are for.

Pretty sure you get a refund for the house and the furniture gets sent back to you. Why keep a house if you're just going to quit the game? Why not let other players have a chance?

>Don't play the game
>Take up valuable space

Real Yoshi here, please piss off outta my game

Lmao did i just smell a butt hurt AST

If only apartments weren't so shitty.

>literal chink sized asylum room masquerading as an "apartment"
>100 item limit
>no balcony so you can't garden

Absolute garbage.


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About as insignificant as 100 pot per 70 seconds since they don't scale with INT

Found the guy with no plot trying to get his own.

Ok Confucius.

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do you honestly believe the housing limit is in place to reduce server stress?


They start at 30 you fucking brainlet


If you aren't in a fully functioning FC, you have no need for gardening.

>DoL get leves where you just run around and gather nothing making it ideal to do while watching shows
>DoH get leves where you have to craft actual gear
>now do this for 8 jobs

He means the upgrade job you get at 30

Not crazy pills just stupidity and talking about a job you don't even have at 80 yet. Using engagement is a DPS loss and only for when either you have no choice but to use it or as training wheels to avoid fucking up when learning a new fight. Unlike you I actually raid as RDM.

>get plot 9 in weebtown
>small plot
>gets its own staircase
>right next to hot spring
truly blessed. only had to fight for it for 6 hours too on a friday

flex healer main here and i can confirm: most WHM mains are braindead idiots acting like they know what theyre doing

>shitty dyke hair dyed pink

Disgusting. You ruin FemRoes.

>caster autos mattering at all
why is Yea Forums so stupid about this game

you want the 1000 levemate ps4 trophy.

>PLD more of a cunt that WAR
Yea sure PLD is high on the list, but WAR is the WHM of tanks. They used to be chill, but Ive yet to find a war post launch that wasnt an absolute ass.

Engagement is ok if you need to double weave for whatever reason too

Nah, every time I heal and I see a PLD using Clemency I just want to kick this faggot.

>Make Corps-a-corps and displacement deal 0 damage
>Move their potencies in to engagement
>Reduce Embolden cd by 10s because holy fucking shit it being off-sync with manafication was a terrible idea and the hack that thought of it needs to be shot, fired, and shot again
Perfect RDM

Is the most "iconic" healer role on FF series, plus is the only job you can start as healer (conjurer>WHM) unlike scholar where you start healing at level 30 and astrologian where you have to reach ishgard first to unlock it. SO yeah it's quite self-explanatory why you see more white mages than anything.
On a side note: At least on my DC, majority of ASTs don't know what they are doing and overheal a fuckton then bitch to their co-healers or tanks they run out of MP, it's like they don't know to read their actions and remind me of

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>you don't own your possessions, they end up owning you
Fun fact: this is every MMO/kusoge with ((valuable)) digital items
The server inevitably shuts down and you lose everything

Forgot to add, the AST thing is only after 5.05 (which was pretty obvious) and what I've seen on savage content.

I agree. I hate movement skills doing damage instead of saving them for movement.

>he plays FFXIV with its instanced housing zones instead of owning a beautiful plot of land in sungold fields with a view of the Ayanad Library

Attached: OvelrookingAyanad.png (1920x1080, 3.2M)

>He doesn't go full murderhobo
It's like none of you are truly adventurers.

>Healer pulls double on the start of dungeon
>After the mobs are dead and we almost wipe tank leaves
>Healer starts to bitch about and the everyone else leaves
Tank inflation will never be fixed.

I just how hate how dead the game feels outside of the 2-3 city hang out spots.
So rare to see anyone questing, even in Shadowbringer areas, and I'm on one of the most populated servers.

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This is exactly the plot I have, Lavender Beds right by the waterfall. I camped it fair and square, no relocation shenanigans. Feels fucking good man.

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>not logging off only in the Fortemps Manor because it's the only place that's truly home

>he plays a Final Fantasy game like a The Sims game

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Don't tell me you are an eurocuck playing on NA servers or something like that.

Gardening is good for making easy gil. Just grow shards, and sell them off.

>he thinks thats an FF screenshot
Imagine not even being able to recognize what is and isn't a game you play. Are FFXIV drones this fuckin dumb?

Those Cross World hunt trains are really fucking profitable. You get stellaclusters hand over fist in a full party. Went from 3 to 30 in a full run across the new zones.

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>mfw second jobbed the game for a week and barely beat 2s in pugs

I can recognize who actually plays a game and who only acts like a faggot in a game

The overworld feeling dead as fuck after everyone's done their MSQ has been a complaint for years. Doesn't help that instances are still in when the need for them has long passed.

Pretty sure the ARR zones are more populated with questing people than ShadB zones, since the quests there have you running around more and there are probably also people farming ARR relics for glams.



if you want vanity stuff/companion levels you absolutely need gardening if you dont want to waste fuckloads of gil

I relocated and there's nothing wrong with that. I paid twice for a house once for the shitty goblet plot then again to relocate so ain't nobody gonna tell me there's anything wrong with what I did

I used to own a house in Mist, but i had to stop playing due IRL obligations and lost it, it was pretty comfy but it really is the very definition of a money sink.

>not already being rich

I bet you started playing in Heavensward.

>Y'shtola Cat
Is that the dude who bought a website just to explain why he's allowed to own multiple plots?

Check the balance discord for any job related things.

This is the true ranking for how fun it is to play each tank. You know I'm right.

Why isn't this stuff readily available?

3/4 are opinions brah. Mehybbe you are playing wrong game. Wow might be more of your speed.

How is it not readily available on a public discord?

I just want a nice small house in The Lavender Beds. I just have to commit to checking the plots every hour on the hour until something opens up I guess. Or pay triple the cost or more to have someone demolish their plot.

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depends on MT/OT

swap DRK with GNB/PLD during MT

No idea what people are talking about when they say this shit I see people all the fucking time all over the place

Odd. Not gonna deny the game is losing players slowly and these numbers will look worse within the next weeks due to obvious reasons (boostfags/bandwagoners/casuals who can't get past titania NORMAL/etc) but still see plenty of people on all ShB areas except for tempest and greatwood
I'm not counting shit like hunt trains, arch, formidable, trains of gatherer bots going after every single unspoiled node

I have a house on that plot too. Maximum comfy.

>wahhhh why doesn't SE spoonfeed me my rotation
Read your goddamn tooltips, and figure it out, or go find out from thebalance.

>I'm not counting people that go into OW zones to do OW content
Alright then my guy, it was actually pretty fun shitposting in shout chat across the zones with like 100+ people in Cactuar a few hours ago.

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The fact that WAR has Nascent Flash and two insta healing skills makes it more fun to use.

Hope you find a decent group to clear e3s. People without prior raid experience suffer the most on here
>mfw literal 114 pulls before clear
This is what I get for not joining a static

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Paladin question. Fight or Flight is 25 seconds on a 60 second CD and Requiescat is 12 seconds on a 60 second CD. When going through my rotation normally, I'll still have like 23 seconds before Fight or Flight is available again. What should I do during that time? Atonement spam? Goring - Atonement - Goring again since FoF will be available?

Here's the opener

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It is. In fact, if you read your actions, check your traits, and compare cooldowns you can come up with decent rotations. But if you have mentally handicapped then you better go to thebalance discord and ask for their retarded guides/rotations.

Attached: shadowniggers.jpg (1852x2000, 1M)

>Im not going to count the things that keep people playing in the overworld
>Only people leveling their first job and doing the MSQ count.
No shit? You mean to tell me there are less and less people doing the one-and-done thing as time goes on and people complete it?

>have enough gil to buy any plot of land several times over
>can't because of the absolute dumbfuck system in place

>Stealth after Huton
Stop trolling.

Isnt Leviathan easier than Voidwalker?

>there are people who actually need someone to map out XIV skill rotations for them because they're unable to understand tooltips

No wonder clear rates for shit are absolutely abysmal

It is, but people often fuck up their rotations thanks to maelstrom, shit can go down pretty fast thanks to retards trying to attack Leviathan during tsunami 1/2 (wave), or someone always panics during either tsunami 2 (dont know how to position or can't read their fucking debuff) or smokers(healers overhealing tanks and not healing anyone else).

user leveling arc to get scholar here. 15 min queues or longer is suffering for dungeons. Should I just do Deep Dungeon? I did it two times and see how people can really hate doing it, but fates aren't really doing any better.

one thing that's been consistent since 2.0 is that the game is piss easy until you actually tackle end game where suddenly if you aren't intimately familiar with your job and fight mechanics you will not only fail but drag your entire team down with you. SE has done nothing to force people to actually learn their job in more casual settings

Unlock PotD (deep dungeon) floor 50 and spam floor 51-60 ad nauseaum until level 30, then do your job quest and enjoy.
And yes, ARR fates are godawful ex-wise.
Don't forget to do your daily roulettes.

>Daily Roulette every day
>Do leves and fates while queuing for highest available dungeon
These are your most viable options before 50 when more roulettes open up. Eat food to maximize exp gains, wear the aetheryte earing if you pre-ordered and get the new player ring from that tutorial area that I think is good until level 30.

That's how it should be: possible to enjoy casually but optionally also possible to optimize.

I know it kind of seems complicated, but it's way easier once you break down every mechanic, and is nowhere near as awful as quietus (except for fucking up smokers I guess).

I was watching a group do titan savage and it looks really hard. how do they do that while also doing more than 10k DPS? I can hardly even do 10k on a dummy

Yeah but your average casual only seems to see only a single hotbar

It's matter of practice, and some jobs (like DRG) only require good muscle memory and not relying on RNG/proc bullshit

>friends just started all playing it
>decided to join them
>got to 50 for the first time despite bouncing off the game twice before
>unlocked samurai
>weeb fantasy is so strong it's actually kind of offputting
>not tried red mage yet

I have no idea whats going on or what anyones talking about but its fun

After a while of practicing most of your job should be second nature and with boss specific practice you also learn the timing of your CDs during the bossfight.

bard is best and none of you mongrels can convince me otherwise

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Forgot to add: Gear optimization, food, and potions matter

>Tfw i wish i could copy Tsuyu's facial features to me chacter.

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this, proper melds and food is basically mandatory in savage content. Potions are optional but will make your burst rotations way stronger, and might be the difference between enrage and clear

>and might be the difference between enrage and clear
Literally cleared e3s after using 2 potions through the fight. Still can't believe we killed levi as soon as it finished casting it's enrage.

quietus and cycles is such a shitshow because it happens so far in and pugs have a 0.000001% chance of actually getting there in the first place, and when you do you have to use a different method of dodging unless you got the same spot

>anons character will never look just like tsu while giving you a footjob

>tfw WHM

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*walks towards you with a katana*

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i started ShB as a SMN main. how the fuck is it bigbrain when its literally just
>faceroll cooldowns as hard as you can
>keep dots up

*teleports to moon*

>>keep dots up
Apparently this part is considered big brain for your average player, hence why BRD is nowhere near bottom either.
BRD needs BANE. don't@me

delete this

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chrono cross over event when?

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>shitty view
>lonely place
>too far from retainer bell
>literal shed
Damn. You're autistic, son.

Casual content is fine, but there's too much content that lets people glide through without having to fire off 2 or more brain cells simultaneously. A good example is Syrcus Tower, the first 2 bosses are actually mechanically the most difficult and have multiple phases that require a decent amount of coordination, but due to ilevel scaling way too high, you can skip the entire fight, so content that was designed to be casual but with some semblance of teamwork from day one gets relegated to absolute faceroll retardation, and thus new players never learn any actual skills to help them in later encounters

The main problem with endgame is when your average PF player thinks they're ready to tackle savage just because they hit level 80, especially if they bought the game 2 weeks prior and boosted to 70. Not only are they blissfully ignorant of how much effort it takes to fully clear savage, they completely lack the muscle memory, mechanical knowledge, and instincts to learn a fight efficiently, because they practically skipped the whole game and everything they would've learned along the way. They press skills randomly and they're completely incapable of analyzing what happened during a fight to cause a wipe and use the experience in the next attempt.


I'm not a ninja main at all, but really?

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Miraculously managed to get a group yesterday for thordan ex with fellow sprouts. Apparently they were at it for like the past hour before their previous group disbanded. Managed to pull it off after a lot of wipes and it was a such a great fight especially after we got down all the mechanics(minus the ones we skipped because of obviously high damage than intended)

I wish they gave incentive to level 80 players to do old content synced since being carried by high level players one shotting extreme bosses it pretty lame.

>>too far from retainer bell
put one on your property you donk. I think you meant
>too far from MB

Any axe glam that comes close to this style of axe?

The closest I can find is the mog axe.

Attached: aaaa.png (792x531, 220K)

That would be cool so I get to see best girl.

Attached: Best Girl.jpg (529x1000, 259K)

seiryu war axe

>balance discord
Haha nice joke or at least I hope it is.

check garlandtools

I really do appreciate Yoshi trying really hard to get people to learn general raid mechanics by putting them in the new dungeons.

I'm just pissed about how they removed our songs buffering our allies. you know like how our job quests revolve around us doing

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Honestly I'm not sure there is anything the game could do to prevent this. People just join into clear parties without practice, wipe their group multiple times and yet won't change their ways.
This is not some people but a huge majority. Clear parties are notoriously worse at clearing than practice parties, I really don't feel like the game can do anything to prevent these players from hugely overestimating themselves and being incapable of learning.

Trials in the last part of the story usually do require you to kind of learn their mechanics, unless you're late to the content and just get carried and normal raid also have some things you should be paying attention to, usually.
I'm not sure how they would implement a finer scaling of challenges upwards.

I agree, and I miss being a somewhat hybrid dps/support, but we're still number one

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>not a bro

Ah I see I'm arguing with a padded faggot crying he's not getting padded anymore.

bring it bak before trino fucked it all up and well talk

>Chrono Cross Over


Same. I honestly wish they'd just expand upon apartments/FC rooms and give me access to more gardening or some shit, like gardening shit on a balcony or whatever or let me buy expansions.
Reminder there are fags that bought every house on a ward on different accounts.

I honestly want to know what Yea Forumss deal is with hating Dancer. I legit don't get it.

Zenos is such a fucking shitty villain why do they refuse to kill him off? At least we have Gaius back

Attached: scooby.png (499x465, 217K)

Ugh you do you filthy savages even live? Disgusting

because dnc should have been support, not ranged dps

That first Huton is obviously prepull, moron.

What will the Nier raid give us?

Attached: Lovely.png (1062x1500, 1.25M)

Majority here play jobs that rely on padding so they can get their best parses on fflogs and claim theyre good.
Now that fflogs changed it so padded dps is returned to the person who gives the buffs they can't show off their padded dps.
They cried DNC won't be used for prog in Savage but they were used and a few world firsts even had dancers in the party.

And then you have the select few who were crying their eyes out because they thought DNC should have been a healer.

An experience better than Nier.

dancer should have a been a healer you fuck, where else is a dancer used as a ranged dps

Not the outfits you want.

everything except toobie outfits, those will be mogstation'd

>Get to 2nd boss
>Boss casts a move that disconnects you from the game
>when you log back in you have to defeat a few bosses on the title screen to log back in and continue the raid.

>waah support this support that in a game where the WINNING CONDITION is killing a boss
This goes to you retarded songcucks. Critical% is nothing but a damage up.

might switch to a grill character just for the inevitable 2b outfit

I'm very okay with that

Assassinate is the animation lock, why would you do it in any other order

>two PLD tanks in tsukiyomi
>MT always eats a fan
>both never stack
>drags out a wipe just to flex that they're "invinicble"
>ask him to position himself north/south
>"bro theres an entire arena just do the mechanics"

Ended up abandoning and doing it with a WAR/DRK. Cleared it first pull.

>At least we have Gaius back
>implying Zenos didn't kill him

Seriously, they discarded years of building up Vaeris and and Elidibus, just to play up their pretty boy katana weeb with sharingan

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Your shitty obscure "MMO' won't even have a quarter of people playing XIV in it's entire lifetime shill. Also
>That fucking fence

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Dancer in the history of FF games has never been a healer.

Legit fucking sick my cock.

I want Kaine's or Accord's it that too much to ask

Attached: khaine_nier.jpg (800x727, 102K)

Support classes don't exist anymore, they were killed off because players thought bolstering other players was boring. People just wanna press buttons, so the Trinity is here to stay. Hold onto your Healers, though, because they are next to fall off the paradigm. Healing is also considered boring, and you can actually design content without them.

shut up drg, go be braindead somewhere else

Attached: naoto_shirogane___morning_by_naociel-da2fi9p.png (555x700, 727K)

who knows, maybe in the few weeks between ARR and shb, gaius had grown exponentially more powerful and had been eating his wheaties

See Rathalos

Thanks to whoever recommended pugilist for low levels, it's more fun than BLM in that I get to do a combo at least.
I wonder if it would be worth it to go with a tank though, considering the fact that I'm a sprout and I heard dungeons are fast for levelling?

Willing to bet he'll be the 5.3 trial where we kill him once and for all

If Zenos was capable of running I'd think he might join the anti black rose group, since he wants to prevent it from killing the WoL, but they're running in every cutscene and he isn't capable of that

say something nice about your new healer class

Attached: Magnolia_Arch_(Exorcist_Job).png (300x491, 107K)

>BLM above bro
>Not the biggest parsefags in game, with only SAM to even contest them
BLM propaganda is very strong. They act like they are the coolest, nicest players playing this super hard challenging DPS, when neither is true.

tank or healer will always be faster for rushing levels just cause you can dungeon spam easily, but there is things to do on the side for exp outside dungeons like fates, hunt log, and challenge log

I'm more confused about the fact that there's 4 ogcds lined up. Is that really the best opener?

You level a tank second because you can just spam dungeons from 15+
DPS benefit from the MSQ experience and you'll need to complete those quests regardless

Yes because the process of bolstering other players involved more than pressing your braindead ogcds that very conveniently happen to have an aoe effect as soon as they come up.
Healers should've fallen off the paradigm a long time ago because you don't need healing in video games as long as you don't get hit like a retard.

>don't need healing
based retard

Try healing something that isn't a leveling dungeon on a character 100000 ilevels beyond it being any sort of relevant and get back to us about how boring healing is, champ.

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Why hide though?

Since you can do everything i suggest leveling fps to unlock content then heal or tank on the side cause adventurer in need will give you load of. Seals money and exp

>4 oGCDs
it's 7 if you don't count the mudras/ninjutsu
You're trying to fit as many as possible into that 10 second TA window
The GCDs for the second bhava are after that point

>he's a plant who gets hit
my condolences for your disability. i bet you carted to rathalos

It's kinda boring. I dont hate it, though.

damn that sounds difficult. Too big brained for me. I'm just going to keep casting fire 4.

Attached: comfylines.gif (128x119, 17K)

Thank you for the tips lads

I wish.
BD/BS had some stinkers, but most jobs were decent.

Mudra reset.

It does not

>Finally leveling BTN after all this time.
>Got it from 50 to 75 since wednesday
>Tuesday is looming

Bros I don't want to go back to combat classes. This is too comfy.

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Are you high? It's been like this for years.

Attached: hide.png (498x264, 40K)

Please read your skills.

Not even him, but are you fucking retarded? It's the whole purpose of hide

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You don't. Potions exist, abilities exist, and games like MH use a cart system to resurrect players. Healing can easily be a personal and group mechanic with no dedicated class. The concept of shoehorning an entire class around watching HP in a completely scripted game is gonna end up hitting a wall in design at some point. And they've already hit that wall; they've admitted as much. How can you possibly design a new Healing class without it being completely nonfunctional, or not just copy/pasting WHM or SCH?

It's simply not a necessity in a game that relies on combat where your aim is to avoid damage in the first place. You can easily tweak damage values to the point where lethal things are still lethal, survival mechanics are tied to other tools, and the vast majority of combat remains the same.

How do you deal with passive aggressive players in the game?



Are you saying WHM has no place?

normally i'd say just tear them a new asshole verbally, but that's a quick way to get banned in XIV sadly

really it isn't even worth acknowledging their existence, just let them seethe until they give you a reason to kick/report them

In practically every non-MMO you're in charge of dealing damage, positioning the boss and healing yourself (if you failed to dodge shit) at the same time.
It's only in this homosexual genre where unavoidable damage exists that dedicated healers and tanks are allowed to thrive.

Do bunnies have the largest boob to body raito?

Attached: ffxiv_08052019_030544_888.png (1920x1080, 1.76M)

Also a higher resolution texture option.

Gotta sell them fantasias

friendly reminder that if you use ACT triggers or cactbot or anything you're a cheating scrub, didn't deserve any of your clears and lose your right to brag to other people.

Shows how much of a greylet you are as MCH, its about knowing when to proritise what ability to do, not do a braindead 1,2,3 combo you mong

Why aren't guides stored somewhere that can be accessed without first going throughthat botnet?
inb4 you don't have privacy anyway, that doesn't make it okay


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goad them into being more offensive so that you can report them.

I mean you can probably just google for a guide and find something, but the balance discord is simply the best place for job discussion and consequently they have the reliably correct guides, while just googling random guides can always lead to false info.

>play an MMO with a sub
>complain about other shit aggregating your data

Because hosting a website is hard for stinky neets so they just use discord

How come no one ever talks in the cities in this game?

t. sam that does less dps than tanks

Go to Limsa.

I report anyone who uses public chat and talk because its nothing but ERP garbage.

Legacy engine from 1.0 and also sphagetti code, too difficult.
Please understand.

Ever since ShB every job is braindead save for NIN, SMN and AST.

Because the game lacks chat bubbles so finding out who the fuck is talking in a sea of people is a massive pain.

spotted the triggered shitters lmao
how about you actually play the game without a handholding bot you fucking faggots
that or go play wow


Fuck parse trannies and fuck elitism in a game that doesn't need it.

>knowing when to prioritise
What's there to know? Keep Drill and AA on CD, reassemble with every third drill, HC when it won't intrude on Drill/AA, WF every 2 minutes, queen into raid buffs
Wow so hard

Not specifically, I'm saying all healing classes in the current Trinity Model. Just like other roles were tossed out due to play style and lack of necessity, Healing too can be argued into the same category. It's somewhat analytical, but it's more so a show of slippery slope logic the made the Trinity in the first place. Ultimately, you can browbeat any role out of MMOs until only DPS are left.

For now, we still need tanks. Even though single player games can easily position bosses, MMOs still need one person out of the group to hold the mob in place. The pressing issue is that you only need one person to do this, when you can have over 100 people smacking a boss, so it can create unevenness in player population. However, it's still a necessity due to this very fact, because I somehow doubt 1 or 2 people in a given party will willingly elect themselves to hold aggro; not without a some type of flag or symbol that universally denotes this.

Sure, what should i play between SAM and NIN?

Actually this. Chat bubbles would help a lot with that.

SAM is not optimal, but not bad.
NIN is just sad, with lots of effort and pdps so low, now even TA brings you anywhere close to being competetive.

I meant SMN, not SAM.

SMN is one of the best jobs currently.

covers more than viera racial. I don't see why not

No it's not. Best 4 dps by a mile are BLM, MNK, DRG and SAM.

If you're not raiding in endgame content it doesn't matter at all just play whatever looks fun.

Define "best".
While it's dps isn't exactly dogshit, it's playstyle is atrocious compared to what it used to be, but hey, at least you don't have to wait 2-3 minutes for bahamut now or be fucked in the butt for mistiming/misusing aetherflow.

And if you are, play SMN.

>trying to clear E2S in PF before reset

Attached: MI1.jpg (800x1135, 186K)

Just give up. You'll never clear at this point.


nice community you have there.


post disregarded

With a schedule of: five hour sleep - eat - pug E2S - one hour sleep - eat - continue pugging E2S, I managed to clear it over the weekend. Good ruck

Just a monkey in its natural habitat

Stop posting this guy getting mad at video games. It happens in MMOs and every other game, who cares. I remember when Yea Forums reveled in getting mad at video games.

In what dimension is this considered to be a fun and time well spent experience?

>MNK shifting left to get positionals on an omni-directional target

Callout guy did nothing wrong.

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Join the novice network.

Even then, True North exists.

>BLM and DRK

Feels good

So these are the "hardcore" raiders...

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>wipe to enrage quietus due to lack of mitigation
>discuss and try again
>party excited for clear
>quietus begins
>we all dodge first cycles
>last cycle of retribution
>dodge myself
>pre-enrage quietus start
>notice our DPS slowed down a lot
>SAM died for being "greedy"
>MCH died for being an idiot
>proceed to die to next quietus because healers were too busy dpsing

Attached: rage.jpg (610x396, 26K)

Why is BLM where it is?

Travel with friends and shit on them together.
Or the usual quipping with '???' or 'lol' whenever they open their mouths.

Sunk cost fallacy
At this point I've forgot everything about Eden Prime

>Artificial scarcity of pixels

Your monitor can only hold a certain amount of pixels at once user

and ass w/racial armor

Messing up Ninjutsu should not be a straight dps loss. An invalid combination should default to the Shuriken.

I can related, after sweat and blood I managed to get my EX Titania kill because at that point I absolutely needed something to show for the effort, but never again.

Is the next Live Letter going to have news on 5.1?

>seeing quietus at all

Luck you

Messing up Ninjutsu should default to kicking you off the server with a 1 hour cooldown. Nobody should waste the time of others by being shit.

should lose their rights to play the game, rather

I legit don't understand this. Every single DRG and MNK I saw on e3s was spazzing all over the place. Reminds me of neo-ex death where boss is omnidirectional too yet the same jobs had high chance of screwing us up for the same reason, spazzing all over the place despite having no need to move for conditionals.

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More than 40% of the progress groups used MNK, DRG, SMN, BRD as dps lineup.

It's mostly responding to OF questions so don't count on it but I could see them drip feeding us a few things like new items or stuff about ishgard.

I can only say FOTM players who never played directional melee.

>doing ninjutsu
>muscle memory kicks in and press oGCD in-between
>get bunny

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What job do you guys play and why?

White Mage
because my static won't let me play Black Mage.

Attached: poutywhm.png (980x1313, 443K)

I play 5 jobs for the sake of flexibility because I'm a pug autist

>WHM at retard cunt
>SCH at bigbrain and not cunt
This was totally made by a SCH.

White mage because I love how the gear looks

Attached: white mage.jpg (1920x1200, 1.52M)

They should have made the buffs even bigger.
>Army's paeon now mirrors it's effect to all players in 10 yards
>Mages gives a stacking DH buff for every bloodletter you fire off
>Wanderers does the same but has a 33/66/100% chance to give all players a guaranteed crit with pitch perfect
Also make apex arrow wider so it's easier to hit multiple targets

Oh yeah? Do you just change based on what is needed in PF?

Because machinist was fucking ass until shadowbringers

I do it because of habit. Unless a mechanic is coming or i need healing i will keep moving.

Unironically yes. It's a pain to decide what to gear up every time there's a new raid, but I bear with it.

If we get the YoRHa heavy armor, then I'll be happy

SAM because is easy and high ms friendly.

A scholar made this

So after leveling a bunch of jobs to 80 I've settled on AST and BLM as being fun and enjoyable to me.
Thanks for reading my blog.

Noobie here.
What about it makes it comfy?
Is it the rotation or whatever?

Attached: file.png (1200x1200, 2.57M)

>What job do you guys play and why?
My first 80 is MCH, cause I love all the new gadget animations it got. Working on AST and DNC, while trying to decide which tank job I want to max first- GNB is highest atm, but I'm still considering WAR and DRK.

Not them but being in the middle of the woods hearing nothing but the sound of the birds and your axe hitting the wood is really comfy.

>get pisscorp notification
>someone is willing to pay in real cash for e1s and e2s clears
Holy shit are people really desperate for clears before reset?

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I have a class levelled in every role, don't really main anything. I also don't play savage or current ex primal content so there is no realy need to gear them up too much.

now do this for player race and genders


Because WAR is cool, and I like being a padder that does ok dps.

Though I do think RDM should have more support tbqh, Vermedica for example.

if you can't get e2s down before tuesday you're fucked

Gotta get that loot for the raids you aren't going to clear.

Once you get it over 50, you can gather collectibles that spawn on a timer. You can literally spend all day gathering them and getting gear/materia/exp.

How SJW is this game?

That does sound pretty comfy.

Attached: sloppy.png (498x499, 292K)


I just like tanking. And I really like DRGs looping rotation and aesthetic.


Not at all. The people whining about trannys have a stick up their ass. I've never met anything other than the typical MMO player that is obsessed with the meta.

mfw i finally got to the tempest, the music is so fucking good. The Story has been a fucking wild ride too, i wasnt expecting the part with the gun

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>have to mash in 5 gcd in 10sec blood weapon window
>have to mash in 5 gcd in 10sec delirium window
>it is near-impossible to use both simultaneously while fucking up that 5th blood weapon hit on pull.

Attached: 1507135555994.gif (264x240, 2.37M)

God is there any feelings in the world mire infuriating than getting nothing from 90% chance holy im foaming right now

There are female characters, I recommend you stay away.

>There are female characters, I recommend you stay away.

I don't give a shit if a woman shows up by herself, I give a shit if the woman forces her worldviews on my character or the world or doesn't suffer consequences for bad decisions

About to start tanking for the first time what is the most fun tank job ?

What does someone's racial choice say about them, and what are the stereotypical traits for players of each race?

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Key is to not be a shitter with it though.
Otherwise PLD.

SOmeone got a lisy somewhere it pretty funny too lel


Pld and Drk take a while to get going but are good at cap and never die.

God tier: my race
Shit tier: Your race
every race is fine except potatoes

my race = skilled basedpilled
your race = cringe and badpilled
race i forgot about = also sort of bad

>AST job quest talks about the time dilation skill but they removed it

>play ninja
>the most epic gamer job
>minigame rotations perfectly
>still suboptimal damage
tell me gamers arent oppressed I fucking dare you

I don't think she was talking about tanking the floor.

How do you dudes keep playing the game? I got to level 49 and so far it's been very unfun and slow. Wanted to like the game but I really can't

Perfectly balanced for raid buffs

>like final fantasy
> like story driven game
> like taking things slow and steady
> like to read and world building

One of these things probably

The game itself is centrist as fuck so you may find it full of red bluepills and blue redpills. One of the better political FFs by far.
The community is full of redditumblr trannies since it's a social >anime game though, don't expect to get away with bad think unless you join a shitposter FC

>How do you dudes keep playing the game?
Well first I have to log in.

You're still in ARR, where the fetch quest mentality is strongest, and jobs don't have most of their fun kit. It should get better if you push forward for a bit longer.

Is Dancer that bad with the buffs and such?

No, but it's kind of boring.

drk and sam, I like swords a lot
and ive played drk since start of hw

All classes can clear all content. But if you care about it, dancer is at the lower end of the scale.

I don't have any bias for or against races but I find a lot of people are mean to lalafell.

Stop it!

Attached: sadtataru.png (800x800, 698K)

For raids you just need good group and it's perfectly fine.

In-game? Not so much, although the threshold for getting penalized for verbal misconducts is lower than any other MMO I've seen.

Alot of the clumps outside the game, like their reddit, though, seem pretty SJWish.

im new to the game and only played a bit with ninja, paladin and samurai. is there any other class in the game aside from ninja that has as sever punishment as misclicking mudra when it comes to rotations? seriously what were they thinking?

I use cactbot for farming

Yeahi agree try say something mean in a Blizzard game and a ban is guaranteed


>Perfectly balanced for raid buffs
Factually wrong.

What makes it so? I'm new to this genre and am thinking about taking the dancer job.

You have to get invested in the game's world, characters, and story. If you can't do that then there is no hope for you.

"ALL JOBS CAN CLEAR ALL CONTENT" cried the ERP tranny clinging to his Week Irrelevant echo unsynced clear of 3 years old content

Attached: c71.jpg (334x393, 21K)

Are you a stripper ?

Howdy, fellow brotard

Attached: Handshake-3.jpg (600x754, 171K)

Swap DRK and PLD you edgy fuck

The story should start getting more focused @ 50, although it's still fairly slow until the first expansion. Alot of people don't remember how bad it is since it's been years since they had to do it.

You will also start getting less snoozy dungeons and 8-man content at 50.

What is your ping?

Uncanny valley fetal alcohol syndrome looking ass midgets

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The same type of player who picks Mario in MK. A boring motherfucker.
Gay and propably RP's openly.
Has a daddy complex so wishes to self insert as the smallest and cutest characters.
See Elezen but times two.
I play Roe so this race is obviously the patrician choice. Strike fear into the hearts of all the midgets around you.
>Au Ra
See Elezen but for Furries.
Fat neckbeards who wish to be the little girl.
The absolute worst gay furry shit.


How is PLD not a bro?

I think dungeon stop being tank and spank around long stop just healed that dungeon and what a bitch to heal

Technically the lowest DPS atm, but not by that much. If you have problem meeting enrage, it's almost always going to be because of garbage healers who don't know how to DPS.

t. gay pedo

lmao ur gay

BAsed Rorchads are guarantee recommendations from me just met a roe dancer earlier sexy ad fuck

why does everyone hate sam so much.

It's very proc reliant so in cases of terrible RNG you will be hitting the same ability over and over wishing you were playing anything else.
When your procs are rolling in the rotation suddenly feels more engaging but it's extremely feast or famine.

Reminder that a world first clearer was asked why he used drk and he answered because he liked drk.
"Meta" in this game is just a crutch for shitters.

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>the tallest female race wants to be little girls
don't you have a polygon article to be writing?

MMOlet here, what is this?

Au Ra is clearly the patrician choice.

Bro I dont think you know PLD enough to give advice on its rotation.

Holy spirit with Req does less than a naked Atonement.

The only time you use holy spirit over anything outside of Req is the prepull Holy spirit and if you get cucked and can't hit the boss for several GCDs.

>1k HP wipe

Attached: chair.png (1920x800, 751K)

Press 1
50% chance 2 lights up
Press 2
50% chance 3 lights up
Otherwise keep mashing 1

>the tank with the most bro utility is also the biggest cunt

but how? PLDs were never one to fuck parties over for the sake of more DPS, like with WAR's using BB combo over path because of 40 extra potency every 15 seconds. They also typically focus on only tanking instead of going DPS crazy

Sounds gay.

I usually enjoy FF games but I dont care much for the story of 14.
The friend that got me the game got me some story skips, told me stuff gets more interesting at max level (dungeons/raids).

Same reason WHM and Mentor Crown wearers are also full of cunts.
People pick the "nicest" job to overcompensate for the fact they are assholes, turns out you can't hide being an asshole. Also starting to notice a ton of DNC that are cunts about it.
It is.

Basically slang for any on any chance on hit effects or similar. So say a skill has 50% chance of activating another, when it does that is a proc.

It's not even a crutch. Meta comp doesn't mean you'll be able to pull the most rdps out of that comp.
Meta is more of a badge like the mentor crown. Some people feel they're superior to others because they play a meta job. You can see that on jobs like SCH and WAR talking shit of the jobs in the same role because "they're meta".


>Au Ra

Attached: 1502977268192.jpg (625x626, 33K)

What is there to focus on tanking? While in tank stance there is literally no way for you to lose aggro ever. If you don't DPS, you are literally just a brainless meatshield.

>People pick the "nicest" job to overcompensate for the fact they are assholes

Now THAT'S some reaching.

Attached: 8851379.jpg (1500x747, 208K)

>Same reason WHM and Mentor Crown wearers are also full of cunts.
SCH and WAR playerbase have way more cunts than WHM.

I like dick and I don't want to play it

PLD players are peak autism.

Attached: EAstci2WkAE_J-4.png (567x930, 689K)

Wrong thread?

But that applies to all tanks. Why would PLD be cunts if the same logic applies to all tanks?

At least PLD can give up DPS to save people with their heals.

Ahhh thanks, user

Fucking cope did a WHM refused to heal you lmao

1 guy doesn't represent all PLDs.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Marauders Guild, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Amalj'aa, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top tank in the entire Malestorm company. You are nothing to me but just another mob. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Eorzea, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Aethernet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the Southern Thanalan and your AP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in PGL, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Waking Sands and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

You could probably phrase it better, and it's entirely anecdotal. I just notice a lot of healers/support/utility players that are always so fucking angry and jaded. They will explode over the smallest thing.
True, but SCH/WAR are on their own level in that regard.

wrong thread bigbrain

PLD, I just like the straightfowardness of all the abilities with no really bullshit tied to it and it's good for running with pugs.

I play AST. You see asshole cohealers a lot.

Sound like someone i would like to have my back what a chad

>I just notice a lot of healers/support/utility players that are always so fucking angry and jaded.
It's because I had to deal with players that forced me to do skip soar memes as a healer and they were so absolutely shitty they couldn't skip soar or claw with a 1/1/6 comp.
I'm permanently broken and can't be fixed.

Attached: skip soar.png (1308x1084, 270K)

Healers have an excuse because they have to heal your dumb ass when you fuck up mechanics.

When a PLD covers you after you fuck up, that isnt them being cunts, its them being bros.

I was reacting to this:
>PLDs were never one to fuck parties over for the sake of more DPS, like with WAR's using BB combo over path because of 40 extra potency every 15 seconds.
There is no fucking way that WAR is fucking over parties by focusing on doing DPS, since there is nothing else to focus on. If anything, the PLD not doing dps instead of "focusing on tanking", which means just staring down the mob I guess, is fucking the party over more.

I get it, I play healer a lot and you are watching the players so you notice their mistakes more than anyone else.
Can't let it turn you into a 24/7 asshole though, at least wait for someone to screw up first.

Until you wipe to the enrage because he misses 2k dps.

>mfw i literally dreamt last night that they removed Storm's Eye and compensated with a small potency increase across all skills

why did i have to wake up

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Jesus you lazy fuck level a crafter amd gatherer. I leveled two crafters from level 10 to 80 and it took two weeks of casual leveling.

I play PLD because my wife is a Paladin.

>got friends to start playing the game
>one of them is so autistic about doing every side quest that he's still in the post ARR gauntlet of quests for the past two weeks becuase he insists on doing all the extreme trials

I'm glad he's enjoying it but I wish he wouldn't bitch at me for doing roulettes by myself because I'm so sick of doing dungeons that are 50 and below because he hasn't unlocked the HW shit yet.

While I've been enjoying it, I can see why it could be bore people.

Outside of your weapon skill combo, your only other damaging skills are either 1) based on proc'd meter/stack, or 2) overlap on 30/60/120 secs timer. i.e. you could go for 30 seconds (actually 25 but w/e) using nothing but your weapon GCDs if your proc is bad. Then, if you're very attentive, you would barely use your proc'd meter/stack skills because you'll be saving those for the burst phase and only shave off the top in order to avoid capping on them.

In exchange, you have little bit of positioning requirement (occasional melee & team buff), and you need to keep an eye on your procs - for your weaponskill combo as well as your stack/meter. Fucking up your team buff positioning screws you harder than it does most other jobs since it affects your meter generation.

I play WHM. This screenshot summarizes every single co healer I get.

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>forgetting I AM THE WARRIOR

What's the moneymaker for gatherers rn? Ageflow barely sells for like 20k on my server

If we wipe to enrage because of that 2k, the dps should be kicked because they weren't doing their jobs.

I'm probably biased as a healer against PLD because I dislike healing them in dungeons unless they really know what they are doing.
Personally I love when someone is low healing but like 70% overhealing, only thing they are doing is mashing Medica 2 or some shit pretending it's helping.

If the group isn't killing fast enough that is on YOU the DPS

You are a shitty friend, and he would be better off without you.

>"What are you talking about, WHM doesn't need a nerf ;)"

Actually it makes you the biggest faggot of them all.
People who play roe only do so because they like muscles.


Meh the guy sounds pretty based if you ask me. Why would you skip content you payed for? And ignoring extra story content in a story heavy game sounds stupid. Slow down the game is not going anywhere.

>path falls off
>cant get path for another 3 gcds because they just finished a BB combo
>aoe goes out
>DPS with B4B dies

WAR mains, everyone.

I play male midlander because theyre hot.

You aren't wrong, I play femroe because I like muscle girls and highlanders are goofy.

Then DPS should do their JOB better then

>only thing they are doing is mashing Medica 2 or some shit pretending it's helping.
This is literally me. If I see more than one health bars go down, I panic Medica 2, and then go back to spamming stone or glare since they are now healed and there is no need for me.

>drop medica II when there isn't damage going off for the next 15s
>sperg cohealer blows all of their ogcds as soon the damage goes off
"What the fuck WHM why are you overhealing so much"

I know AST can get pulled in three different directions at once with having to manage its card buff distribution alongside the usual healer business. And while I haven't played it myself, I've heard similar stories about Summoner.

I guess I still need to work on my rotation so I can hit 20-22k then. Back to the dummy.

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>playing a female character when you're a man IRL

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What is more important, a good tank or good DPS?

How the fuck is this ok?

Nigger i dress up in girl's clothes on the weekend.

>leveling my own DNC in AR roulette
>One other DNC and some SAMs in the party
>they choose to partner me instead of one of the stronger DPS
I wasn't sure if it was out of laziness or some perceived spite

It takes time for people to trust regen effects and understand that XIV damage is scripted so you can plan for people to be at below max health because they have a regen effect ticking instead of topping everyone off.
I have to agree it's extremely frustrating to watch a WHM benediction a tank at like 60% while my crit excog just rots, or people ignoring earthly star and spam healing wasting the entire thing.

>I'm probably biased as a healer against PLD because I dislike healing them in dungeons unless they really know what they are doing.

That's kind of silly because anyone can be bad at tanking

Is this your first experience with MMOs? Shit has been happening longer than you been alive.

Depends on the fight. Some fights like seiryu are way harder if the tanks are shit while some other fights are way harder if the dps can't do their fucking job.

Both are important if you're doing savage shit since if tanks fuck up the mechanics, it's a wipe. If the DPS is piss poor, you'll hit enrage and die anyway. It depends on the fight for which role can afford more fuckups.

lmao we got a closet fag here. Just admit you're gay already and move on.

I got a nothing from a 98

With WHM, I could just chill and toss some oGCD heals now and then and that kept everyone topped off.
Now I play AST, I have to do this shitty card buffing stuff on top of having piss weak heals so healing now actually takes effort, and also doing the mechanics on top of it and also dps is quite mentally exhausting, and the difference between playing these jobs is day and night.
I wonder if it will always be this bad or it will get better when I get more used to the cards.

Paladins have less cooldowns to hit in that environment.
I can have a braindead DRK but as long as he hits his TBN button it's probably fine.
If a PLD does a giant pull and doesn't have anything up while also not planning on healing himself and just expects me to cover for it then I get annoyed. Sure every tank can do that and die, but I feel like the other tanks are more likely to randomly hit their keyboard and mash a cooldown that'll help.

>have no desire to buy a house, happy with my nice FC room
>have like 30 million gil just sitting around

what the fuck do i spend it on

imo, having a great DPS over mediocre DPS is more noticeable than having a great Tank over medicore Tank.

I would think the DPS being the make or break of fights is more often the issue.

Good dps. The higher dps you have, the less healing you have to do because the boss dies faster.

This new loot system is bad for savage pugs.

ShB is officially garbage tier.

a house

Unless it's hardcore endgame content dpsdon't matter. If the tank is shit you can't clear but if dps is shit it just takes longer. Just look at Trusts for example. They can't dps for shit and you can still clear everything easily.

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Because fuck dps it should've been a healer. We haven't had a healer in 5 years and Square for some reason is abyssmal at making a healer heal. WHM is fine mostly, Still kinda bitter about thek taking away a normal skill and making it WHM 80 but whatever. Astro is busted because they dropped potencies way too low. SCH is fine, but some people are utterly braindead and don't understandy that they should use their fairy abilities and that emergency tactics actually does something. Meanwhile dancer has a heal, shield, and buff ability, and could've easilly been a healer, but they keep avoiding making healers because they fucking suck at it.

Any other vanity items I guess. Gil is pretty worthless in this game if you're not a poorfag.

That's because there aren't a lot of fights where tanks play a active role. Majority of the times they just eat a tank buster and do the same mechanics as the other roles.

You're like a baby. Watch this
- spinning edge
- gust slash
- shadow fang

They killed Hades for fucking Zenos, the best villian we've had in the game.

>Astro is busted because they dropped potencies way too low.
Stop parroting everything shitters say, AST potencies are higher than WHM right now.

If they did it mid-raid, then it's likely because you were out-damaging the SAMs (It happens. A lot).

Otherwise, some DNCs just have a knack for gauging people before any fight starts. The scrubs are the ones who just automatically pick a BLM or SAM. A good DNC will check gear, melds, and even glamour. It's not a joke, I can pick the highest DPS player 10/10 times in a row just based on how they "carry" themselves, and I base the decision almost entirely on what they glamour. This method has yet to fail me, as the MCH I partner just flies right to the top of the damage list. Meanwhile, the BLM the other DNC partnered is just barely above the healers.

I'm with you there. I feel like even when I'm on the ball, executing as perfectly as I can, I'm still falling behind because my regen and oGCDs are only so powerful, or have some ramp up to them before I get the best bang for my buck.

>Varis is voiced by one of my favorite VAs, Joji Nakata
>gets killed off at the end of ShB supposedly

He better not actually be dead and just be injured.

It was never a healer to begin with so what the actual fuck are you on about?

Neither was Geomancer, yet again mother fuckers really out here thinking it’s going to be a healer.

There’s to much history behind these classes to assign it a healer role.

In dungeons? PLD's should be the best. They have an actually usable tank invul that will 100% give the healer extra DPS.

TBN isn't actually that good because once it pops you have no more mitigation for the next few seconds or so. Living dead is also more of less a delayed death sentence unless the WHM is happy to bene you, assuming they didnt use it at the start of the pull so they could holy spam.

Are there any FF14 private servers? Really want to play the game but not that big on sub-based MMOs.


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I mean they kinda intentionally kept it open and him dying would be stupid, but how the hell would Zenos fail to kill him there?

Hallowed Ground is not really something you use a lot in a dungeon. Dungeon pulls lean more on short cooldown mitigation than things like tank invulns.

I switched to JP ever since I had to deal with ARR's voice acting, that shit was trash. It might be good now since they switched studios, but it's already too late for me

is there a trend for the kinds of glamour worn by big dig DPSers?

I really hope he isn't actually dead. He has a cloning facility too if all else fails so he could be brought back with something stupid like that too, and honestly I would be okay with it.

Good thing the sub filters faggots such as you.

A private server wouldn't work at all for this game. Too much scripted content and private servers can barely get scripted stuff right in MMOs. Like it's 15 years since Vanilla WoW came out and private servers still can't emulate certain skills correctly.


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>see lots of stories about pugs in dungeons being absolute cretins
>never encountered a tank bitching at me for DPSing or a healer bitching when I pull big
>worst is maybe DPS being really weak because they're not doing their rotations properly or some shit

Where do I find the true shitters?

It's absolutely not good now. Don't let Americans who think English accents automatically make it good fool you, it's bottom of the barrel shit.

There's an unlimited free trial for poorfags like you. Play every class on a single character and level them all up to 35. That's hundreds of hours of gameplay and story right there for free.

The JP voice cast is fantastic and consistent. There is really no reason to bother with the English voices, unless you are a turbo insecure anti-weeb who would rather throw himself off the balcony then let himself get caught with anything to do with Japan.

Long duration > short cooldown in dungeons. Your CDs will recharge with bosses or inbetween pulls.

Hallowed obviously wont, but its one extra CD that you wont get from a WAR or DRK. You typically only need one Hallowed anyways for dungeons but you should plan around 2.

Mt. Gulg for example is a good demonstration of the power of Hallowed and why those 10 seconds are so damn important.

eng localization takes too much liberties, and fuckers defend shit like eng Lakshmi voices and random fuckass accent assignments. If you're curious about the quality of ShB voices, go listen to Eng Feo Ul and Titania voice lines.

I play on EU server and my experience is the same. It must be a NA thing.

The cloning facility is busy churning out now-useless Solus clones

>The JP voice cast is fantastic and consistent
>I tried too hard to fit in with Yea Forums and have no sense of acting

Guess I've just had bad Paladins then. I don't tank as much so I suppose my opinion is secondhand regarding their cooldowns and I don't exactly track everything going on. Just that I've noticed an easier time healing DRK/GNB/WAR over PLD on average.

>urr they're bad because accents
congrats on being a brainlet weeb

isnt that the d3 monk in the background?

People who dislike Eng Feo Ul are fucking faggots.
Faeries are scottish and welsh in their origins, why is that accent unacceptable? Eorzea is not Japan.

If you see this post while scrolling it means weebs are getting uppity again.

Remind them that dub > sub by posting

Generally, just go by whoever can put together something that looks visually pleasing. Avoid slutglams like Shisui or Thavnairian stuff, and gear that's event related or reference gear (i.e., that dipshit wearing Cloud/Squall outfit). Coats and Robes can be iffy, but if someone is wearing a nice shirt with matching gear, you know he's smooth.

The only wild card is someone wearing a mascot head. That's either hands down the best player in the Raid, or Raise-bait.

>I tried too hard to fit in with Yea Forums and have no sense of acting
t. dubfag who unironically thinks the English voices are good

how convincing

I use HG when pulling big, it's really great for the first big pull in Akademia Anyder in recent memory since dungeon bosses never really make you use a invul. It gives healers some time to catch up, pop any regen and prep anything they need before it wears off and I start taking damage. The downside with HG is that it has a long CD but it's not that big of a deal I found.

Mathematically it's better than the old systems. You have a higher chance to obtain loot now.

Good job wasting holy stun.

Nice argument faggot, go back. You've probably not watched or played anything that isn't weeb shit.

get mad all you want. doesn't make them any less trash


ESL retards keep coping with your garbage dub.

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I'm not mad, I'm saying they aren't trash and they are appropriate.
Why should a race of faeries sound like a rich schoolgirl? The JP Feo Ul is one step away from covering her mouth and going ufufufu~ and people think that's fitting.

It was just as nice of an argument as yours, you have no grounds to complain about reaping what you sow.

Why are they trash then? Or are you just screeching to defend your Jappy chappies? Anybody with an iq that allows them to communicate would know that the dub actors actually, y'know, act. Meanwhile JP barely changes a fucking tone.

If it's a pug WHM, I don't trust them to pop Holy right away.

God sub sound like generic animu shit dub is 100℅ better in this

And if the healer isnt a WHM?

>And if the healer isnt a WHM?
That's an insta kick.

Just kick them.

You can listen to subs all day but you'll never learn japanese.

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Every healer has to heal a little at the start of a pull because tanks suffer autos as they pull.

ideally you could pull-> req + clemency-> holy circle -> hallowed after third cast of holy-> arms length

That's where you kick them.

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Rana or Veena? Which is the better looking Viera clan?

New RDM, what is the point of Reprise?

I never ever played a healer ever in any MMO, how fun is WHM, which I assume is the "best" healer?

Nani the fuck did you just fucking iimasu about watashi, you chiisai bitch desuka? Watashi'll have anata know that watashi graduated top of my class in Nihongo 3, and watashi've been involved in iroirona Nihongo tutoring sessions, and watashi have over sanbyaku perfect test scores. Watashi am trained in kanji, and watashi is the top letter writer in all of southern California. Anata are nothing to watashi but just another weeaboo. Watashi will korosu anata the fuck out with vocabulary the likes of which has neber meen mimasu'd before on this continent, mark watashino fucking words. Anata thinks that anata can get away with hanashimasing that kuso to watashi over the intaaneto? Omou again, fucker. As we hanashimasu, watashi am contacting watashino secret netto of otakus accross the USA, and anatano IP is being traced right now so you better junbishimasu for the ame, ujimushi. The ame that korosu's the pathetic chiisai thing anata calls anatano life. You're fucking shinimashita'd, akachan.

Maybe, But at least I know enough Japanese to know that when alphinaud says "masaka!?" and the subs give me a wall of text koji memefox is bamboozling me.

Really isn't one. If you are capped on mana and can't melee the boss you can use it to burn off some mana, can also burn some mana before manafication.
It's mostly a "whoops I fucked up lemme fix that" skill.
WHM is a very straightforward healer with strong abilities and strong personal DPS, I'd argue SCH is the best healer because of it's absurd oGCD kit. WHM however is the best intro to healing though you will be using GCD heals quite often until you get a better idea of what you are doing in general.

>divine benison during pull
>regen as tank stops
>sc holy
>regen ticks to heal the little damage the tank took while mobs are stunned
>after 3 holy casts tank HG
>no damage for 17 seconds instead of 10
Never use HG asap on the pull if the WHM is using holy, you're wasting the stun.

Is there any reason why I shouldn't just do quick synthesize to craft 99 items while I do important stuff IRL rather than sitting there for hours manually going back and forth between leve destinations?

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I found it more fun than in wow. You basically DPS and sometimes toss some heals around, it's fun.

do you like darker skin w/fuller eyebrows or lighter skin with bigger irises?