>A new re release of Phantom Pain is being announced at Gamescom by Konami. Some of the press was shown it on Friday.
>Intention behind the release is to win back Western audience after the backlash that Survive got.
>They got Fukushima to helm the project, he's also the main writer. Team is Metal Gear veterans, with people who worked on Portable Ops and Ghost Babel on board.
> Game reuses everything from the base game, but restructures and recontextualize the story/cutscene.
>Full English redub (Japanese cast is mostly the same) with Big Boss being voiced by Richard Doyle, his MGS4 voice actor. Kiefer is, however, still in, voicing Ishmael and the Medic, with a handful of new lines (is in more of cameo role then anything) James Horan as Skullface, and Downes as Kaz are the only real returning actors.
>Story has been completely changed, and has approximately three hours of completely new cutscenes, and quite a bit of the old ones have been extremely edited.
>Ground Zeroes is fully integrated into the game, and serves as a prologue.
>One such example is a revamped intro, in which it depicts Morpho's crash at the end of GZ, in which you have limited control of Big Boss, crawling through the wreckage, and watching a XOF kill team lead by Skullface, killing a bunch of survivors, which is the trailer in it's entirety.
>Abducts Chico, and Skullface is about to deliver the coup de grace on Boss, when the Medic attacks him from behind. A small, but brutal CQC battle ensures, with Skullface eventually overwhelming Venom, before he's killed with a knife to his throat.
>Snake and Kaz are saved at the last minute, by a gunship, forcing XOF to retreat with Chico in tow. Trailer ends with Boss losing conscious, as he's being dragged into a heli by Cipher Special Forces led by Ocelot.
Metal Gear Solid 5 Demon Edition Rumour
Other urls found in this thread:
>To make things clear, the game is intended to stomp out Kojima''s vision of the series (despite the rendition being built on alot of unused concepts Hideo discarded).
>Reflected in the title, which is Metal Gear Solid 5, instead of V.
>Some discard previously, but brought back ideas include the hospital escape being far more horrific and demonic, Boss hallucinates the staff as Undead horrors.
>Quiet has been...reworked. The character has been split into two. "Quiet" now dies in the hospital after being set on fire "by" Ishmael (whose legit a hallucination/spirit of Venom) the AI buddy ally half of her character is now a Ukraine sniper, Albatross, a completely new character. Fully clothed, she's a mercenary in league with the Soviets. Still an AI buddy, but much more mundane, and is a associate of Ocelot.
> You get to bring generic Diamond Dog soldiers with you on missions, they act as expendable buddies. (And can be perma killed)
>D.D, D.Horse, and D.Walker are in unchanged.
>Entirely new buddies include Battle Gear, which was previously cut from the game. Basically the Zeke building segment of Peace Walker...with the addition of being able to drive it (deploying cost alot though). And Red. (Chico as he was supposed to be in Phantom Pain. Is also a midgame boss.)
>Only characters consist to their PP portrayal are Kaz (whose still an angry prick with the same role) and Huey (whose still a treasonous bastard) Ocelot and Skullface might as well be two completely different characters. Code Talker has been cut.
>Is being billed as a "game as a service". Reworked Kingdom of the Flies is a pre order bonus, and they'll be addition sub narratives as DLC. Only way really the higher ups greenlighted the project in the first place.
>Release date is December this year.
It's been almost four years. It's time to let go.
>PC, Xbox One, and PS4. Switch is getting a vanilla. Phantom Pain port.
>FOB is still in (with more microtransactions. MGO3 was deemed a total failure and will not be included.
Konami are making a new Metal Gear Solid. This is beyond any doubt. But it's unclear whether they'll make an entirely new game or rework an existing one. Contrary to popular meme, the Metal Gear team is alive and well within Konami, with a number of senior designers being rehired around 2017.
So if I get the game I'll not only get the game but also get a bunch of radioactive isotopes all over the inside of the game box and on the disc etc. That's just great...
Be warned, there are delusional retards (some of which are possibly just trolls) who believe and push the idea that Konami doesn't have "teams". They claim Team Silent never existed and now claim a Metal Gear team also does not exist.
>>To make things clear, the game is intended to stomp out Kojima''s vision of the series (despite the rendition being built on alot of unused concepts Hideo discarded).
>>Reflected in the title, which is Metal Gear Solid 5, instead of V.
Even if the rumour is bullshit, this is plausibly delicious. It's a very well crafted rumour because this EXACTLY the kind of thing Konami would do. Take Metal Gear Solid V, and fundamentally alter it. Change the story, change the ending, change the fundamental theme and tone. Kill the entire chapter system, kill Kojima's entire message in the game and replace it with something else.
>Quiet has been...reworked. The character has been split into two. "Quiet" now dies in the hospital after being set on fire "by" Ishmael (whose legit a hallucination/spirit of Venom) the AI buddy ally half of her character is now a Ukraine sniper, Albatross, a completely new character. Fully clothed, she's a mercenary in league with the Soviets. Still an AI buddy, but much more mundane, and is a associate of Ocelot.
Case in point.
Team Silent technically was never really a thing. Silent Hill 1-4 were all developed by KCE Tokyo with only a few common staff members between them.
>Fully clothed slav sniper lady covering your back from the hills
Sounds too good to be true desu
it's bullshit but I believe you because I want this to happen
I hope to hell this isn't real. Fuck Konami and fuck the state of games today. We were on the verge of greatness in 2015 but man's greed is too powerful to let even a glimmer of hope survive in this world.
And gay
However like user here if it actually turned out to be true then, yes please.
Konami redemption arc please
Nice fanfiction.
i think a MG announcement is pretty soon, next year maximum, but i would think of a remake first than new contents.
if OP is true then i would suck my own dick, i love "what if" stories.
This sounds fucking awful but also fake fortunately
All the silent hill games had troubled developement and bad sales, SH2 was so much of a failure salewise that SH3 almost got canceled and made into a rail shooter (the rail shooter became "silent hill the arcade")
and it's masahiro ito who said that.
>reading this actually made me feel good
the absolute state of MGS
>Konami tries to make a good MGS game
>Kojimadrones start screaming
Mmmmhmm, that's why they're best in the series.
>>Abducts Chico, and Skullface is about to deliver the coup de grace on Boss, when the Medic attacks him from behind. A small, but brutal CQC battle ensures, with Skullface eventually overwhelming Venom, before he's killed with a knife to his throat.
What did he mean by this? Which character gets stabbed in the neck?
>Ishmael (whose legit a hallucination/spirit of Venom)
Does this mean that Medic dies in the attack on Mother Base? That instead of Ishmael being Big Boss and the player being Medic, "Venom" is actually just Big Boss hallucinating him? It's all very confusing. And it would completely FUCK the story of MGS V tonally.
> t. a seething Tom Hulett
I think MG can still live even without Kojima.they still have talented dev, and MG won't die because it's the second most selling franchise of Konami.
it will be different for sure, but not bad.
My dad works at Diamond Dogs and told me this is bullshit, also said that D-Dog is a wolf.
they hyped themselves into believing mgsv would be the second coming of christ and blame konami that it wasn't when kojima couldn't have delivered if he was still a VP
the game in op post is a what if story if Venom died and big boss survived. it change completely the story of V.
would honestly be very interesting.
Repost from yesterday, Fake and gay headcanon of some poor soul. Let it go.
if there's a MG announcement, we all knows it will either be a remake of MGS1/MGS3, or MGR2.
>They got Fukushima to helm the project, he's also the main writer
I want this
I really do
Assuming this were true, would it still run on the toasters that were able to run it?
I can slightly believe OP because rearranging and charging for a released game twice is easier than making a completely new game
Same time as last night, eh caramel?
How would you propose Konami remake MGS or MGS3 as open world live service games? Any new Metal Gear game is 100% going be modeled after Ubisoft's games because that's what sells.
Probably not. Some of the stuff being talked about was stuff that was IIRC scrapped because it didn't run on 7th gen hardware.
>The game world has been reworked. Each area is basically now a warzone, with rival PMC's units engaging each other and rebels. Random encounters include armored supply caravans, warcrimes like mass executions, and large scale offensives against strongholds.
According to one leaker, MGS V was a technical shitshow for most of development due to the cross gen requirement. The final game had its open world gutted down to almost nothing.
>And it would completely FUCK the story of MGS V tonally.
>>To make things clear, the game is intended to stomp out Kojima''s vision of the series (despite the rendition being built on alot of unused concepts Hideo discarded).
it's not caramel, caramel was a guy who believed MGS6 was Death stranding.
i still remember 2017 when Spiderman fucked him.
>Repost from yesterday
It's not like the OP conceals that. It literally links to the original thread.
I want Metal Gear Acid 3
This is just as schizophrenic as caramel posts this user is just on a high dose to even him out more
>>Quiet has been...reworked. The character has been split into two. "Quiet" now dies in the hospital after being set on fire "by" Ishmael (whose legit a hallucination/spirit of Venom) the AI buddy ally half of her character is now a Ukraine sniper, Albatross, a completely new character. Fully clothed, she's a mercenary in league with the Soviets. Still an AI buddy, but much more mundane, and is a associate of Ocelot.
In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god's blessing. But because Quietfags got BTFO. Words and deeds, brah.
Have a remake of MGO1 for MGS3, Konami are really hyped up about esport.
as for MGS1, i don't know, include a fox engine battle royal in it, says it's a big vr mission or something, with you playing avatars of most MG characters.
Konami don't really do the "live service" shit in single player, they only really do it in multiplayer (and it was actually pretty light for MGsurvive, who was more similar to MGO than a live service thing.)
Heck, most recent Konami games don't have microtransactions beside for PES. Survive mtx were very light, and their other games had no paid dlc or mtx. Contra rogue corps already is confirmed with no mtx because according to the director "it don't need to, it's just a fun game to clear your mind."
poor Joost
at least some of OP ideas make more sense than caramel, and a MGSV-2 could actually happen.
but yeah, some things seem very far fetched.
i think people are going a little crazy because we didn't have any MG for a while. (survive was just a standalone expansion of V. it left a blank because of the lack of main game or big spin off like MGR.)
You sure showed me by liking to some hour-long Youtube documentary I have no intention of seeing.
Fact is that "Team Silent" was just a nickname the developers of Silent Hill 2 came up with. They were never really a subsidiary of Konami in the same sense Kojima Productions was to Konami.
It's sad because I know this is fake but this is exactly what would give me closure after 4 years. This game broke me.
Then they should leave this shitty game in the past and make an entirely new installment from scratch.
>PC, Xbone and PS4 get neutered Quiet
Switch wins again
They also did Neo Contra, but they didn't used the name "team silent" when doing it.
The game did exactly what it was supposed to do to you user, give you the “phantom pain” that was given to Kojima from Konami, he wanted everyone to feel what he felt
I miss Caramel
he never left
you damn knows they would sold a dlc about "Quiet old costume" for the character; or mother base soldiers.
the phantom pain is receving the biggest budget of all konami games and 5 years to make a game?
while Konami did some errors, Kojima is far from innocent for the weird state of V.
He is a hypocrite cunt and I dont care what ever that lazy ass oh his ever felt fuck him for destroying MGS if he never wanted to continue it he should've just said it and quit the company or whatever and not make some half assed political statement or smth smth
I think it's the same problem Ubisoft have faced in bringing back Splinter Cell. Metal Gear Solid was super linear. Just a series of hallways. We've never really seen a game series go open world and then go back to non-open world. And the reason is simple -- audiences view the old style with disdain once they get a taste for the new. Remember when Ubisoft remastered the original Far Cry and people didn't like it because it wasn't an open world game like the new Far Cry games are? Remember when Rockstar made Max Payne 3 and their audience didn't like it because it wasn't an open world like GTA? Well, Metal Gear Solid is in a similar spot. Metal Gear Solid V is literally the only Metal Gear game that holds up in the current market when you compare it against the Far Crys and the Assassin's Creeds and such. Also, they already remade MGS1 as Twin Snakes. It'd be cheaper to re-port that than do another remake. An open world MGS3 remake would sell, but its plot and tone is super hammy. I think a graphically modern remake of MGS3 would expose a lot of its "issues". It's a tough one.
Kojima is cunt and a hack worse than Lucas literally
I don't think I'll ever be as hyped for a game as I was for mgsv
I even bought the hardcover game guide when I picked up my copy because I was so excited
And then we got what it actually was. It still hurts. I dont think it'll ever not hurt.
This is not fucking happening, and fuck you big for even putting the idea in my head. Metal Gear is dead and you gotta move on like everyone else.
Metal Gear Solid V was already a good game in the making... the problem is Konami didn't want to finish it so they could focus on pachinko.
>i think people are going a little crazy because we didn't have any MG for a while. (survive was just a standalone expansion of V. it left a blank because of the lack of main game or big spin off like MGR.)
The fact people got all antsy about a literal spinoff title will never cease to be weird to me. We're seeing something similar this year with people deciding that Wolfenstein is in trouble because the spinoff Youngblood is divisive. Like, people do understand that Wolfenstein 3 has been in development since 2017, right? That the game's development isn't affected by the reception of a spinoff? There's no way Survive was the only Metal Gear project. It was literally Metal Gear Online DLC.
Why would you even want Metal Gear without Kojima?
A better question is why would you ever want something from Kojima ever again?
If MGS3 is remade, they would probably keep the old gameplay and the old maps, just revamped a little. after all, they got the main developer of MGS1-2-3 back at the company in 2017. + the pachinko assets would help a lot for the game. (even if the pachinko wasn't made by the vidya division, they probably could ask for the assets.)
MGS1 would probably be made open world, but not like V, maybe with some slight change in the plot to add this. i think it would be more like a lot of Ground zeroes like map connected to each other, with some backtracking and boss in the middle. Japanese developers don't really copy western dev much, MGSV probably did that because Kojima is a westaboo. Survive, while using modified MGSV maps for Afghanistan and Africa, actually felt more linear, especially for Africa. to compare, here is a picture of Afghanistan in Survive, i will post a picture of Africa after this post. it's a lot less open, and some zones are heavily modified.
People forget that Konami change their mind about shit all the time.
Silent Hill Book of Memories was literally the last Silent Hill title Konami intended for make for the foreseeable future. They demanded it be a dungeon crawler. It was them shelving the series. Then literally a month before the game released, Konami's management changed their mind and asked Kojima to make Silent Hills.
People actually thought that Konami quit game development. They're not like that. They stopped making games for all of five minutes, and then immediately greenlit Survive and a bunch of other projects because they're extremely erratic. And Konami is insanely secretive. Maybe if Konami let shit leak instead of keeping games completely secret until 3 months before release, people wouldn't whine so much?
Fuck off. She was the only reason to play that piece of dog shit game
Kojima hasn't cared about Metal Gear in forever. Prequel theory leads me to believe he wasn't the magic that made Metal Gear good. Who knows, Metal Gear could still be good without the Kojima hocus pocus? Probably not, but can you fault me for thinking it could be interesting?
Because I don't care about Kojima. Assassin's Creed is doing just fine despite Ubisoft frog marching the creator out of the building almost a decade ago.
ITT: Salty MGSfags who don't get Kojima whining about MGSV not being like the headcanons they came up with.
the west see spin offs differently than japan.
in japan, while survive wasn't really popular, it didn't cause much outrage, it was just a weird game like the MGA ones.
i think the bad part with Youngblood is that by removing some minor parts, it would actually make the game good, there's some weird shit ruining the whole game because they really are out of place.. it's different from Survive who have quite a solid gameplay, it's just not cut for everyone.
also, here's a picture of Africa in survive for you. very different from V. and more linear.
Because i'm curious, and kinda hyped, by what they could do. GB, MGRR and PO had cool stories and weren't by kojima.
i also want to see another director take on the serie, some kind of breath of fresh air after Kojima. sometime different but also respecting the older games.
Sure remakes are cool, but i also like new stuff, so i'm open for anything they announce.
Interesting. I think that Survive's decision to pare down and constrain the level design makes sense when you consider the presence of the nanomachine mist. If the game were fully open, people would get super lost all the time.
>le fukushima meme
>reading this gives me a warm feeling
>damn that would be so sweet
>nah who am I kidding it's fucking Konami
>but you never know haha
>an "imageboard leak" yeah
>I'm not getting any hopes from this bullshit
>but imagin
>fuck Kojima and Konami
>and fuck OP for reminding me of V
I just wanted to let go
But the series is so fundamentally HIS project that if its made by anyone else, it's not really Metal Gear.
Whether you think that product is good or bad is irrelevant.
Even if a developer made a brilliant Metal Gear game... what's the fucking point if it doesn't at least have Kojima's blessing in some way?
>Doing videogames aside PES or YGO DL (which is a clusterfuck already)
Even if it happens, it will somehow more unfinished than the actual TPP
>But the series is so fundamentally HIS project
How is Assassin's Creed any different? How is Bioshock any different? 2K are making Bioshock 4 right now without Ken Levine, who wrote System Shock 2/Bioshock/Bioshock 2/Bioshock Infinite. The game will probably turn out fine despite its auteur creator having zero involvement.
I see it different. If it's good it's good, and I would consider it Metal Gear even if without Kojima it isn't "Metal Gear." It's like all that Extended Universe Star Wars stuff that came out in the 90's.
Kill yourself
As other user posted Jedi Knight 1 and 2 are also not by Lucas but they are as much canon to me as any of the Lucas works
Some shitty reviewers actually complained they lost themselves in the mist, when it's pretty easy to found yourself in it. the guys just didn't used the tools the game gave them.
and in Africa, it's almost impossible to lost yourself, because the area is almost completely linear, as a big corridor.
the survive map also isn't explorable fully when you start the game, it's only after playing some missions you can really explore it. and by carefully placing some teleporters and modified zones, it actually feel less empty than V while smaller.
Survive is far from a perfect game, in fact it's far from even spin offs like MGR , but as a stand alone expansion it's perfectly fine. some choices from the developers were interesting.
Survive, while being more a stand alone expansion than a real game, actually didn't felt unfinished at all. and there was actually quite a lot of cut contents, it just wasn't as blatant as V.
they also are going back to video games, apparently, Korekado became main the video game man of Konami, and he want the company to slowly coming back. he's also in charge of MG now, well, "now", he already produced MGRR in the past and was a Kojipro veteran since policenaut.
Assassin's Creed is a perfect example of a series that should've stopped when its creator left.
It's hilarious that people still blame Kojima for MGSV when Konami's recent track record shows that they don't know what they're doing. I can't wait until Death Stranding comes out and BTFO the naysayers.
Imagine if this were true. Just imagine. One thing I find interesting is how the OP claimed that the game would be revealed at Gamescom. A retard would pick a Japanese trade show or The Game Awards or something. Savvy people know that since Survive was revealed at Gamescom 2016, any future Metal Gear projects are almost certainly going to be Gamescom reveals. The Gamescom opening ceremony is on the 19th, and will have a number of game reveals.
Geoff Keighley will be hosting the opening ceremony. I wonder if there would be any tension since he's so tight with Kojima.
Ken levine actually didn't do anything for Bioshock 2, that's why it's not referenced in infinite even if still canon. it's kinda like how Kojima always ignored PO. Bioshock 4 is apparently made by the bioshock 2 team + new members.
this joke don't work anymore user, the pachinko industry took an enormous hit, now Konami is backing down a lot on them, since 2018 they only made 3 pachinkos of niche series. in comparaison : in 2016 they made 6 pachinkos, using very big series.
>It's hilarious that people still blame Kojima for MGSV when Konami's recent track record shows that they don't know what they're doing.
What are you referring to? Konami are doing fantastically as a company. They're making more money than ever, and have plenty of projects in the pipeline. The new Contra game is dope by all reports.
Is it true that Konami's recent financial report claimed there be a tripling of their gaming division profits in the 2020 financial year?
>the pachinko industry took an enormous hit, now Konami is backing down a lot on them
>It's hilarious that people still blame Kojima for MGSV
They were both to blame, at least Kojima delivered something, while Konami is only in the mud and keeps sunking.
One interesting things to not is that all the main MG games were announced at the sony E3, the only problem is that this year, Sony didn't had any E3.
if there's an announcement for this year (i honestly believe it's more for next year.), it would either be at Gamescom, VGA (Geoff is now too big to just "refuse konami because of Kojima" or PSX.
whose fault was mgs4?
>since Survive was revealed at Gamescom 2016, any future Metal Gear projects are almost certainly going to be Gamescom reveals.
Is it true that Metal Gear is especially popular in Europe?
Yeah arabs love them spy games
the fans. for denying Murata his game. Sending death treats to Konami, him and Kojima until Kojima returned as the director.
i'm not joking user, and not just Konami was touched by it, Capcom and Bandai also took an huge hit.
>making anything besides pachinko machines
Just stop posting let it die in peace.
It's not? Didn't Assassin's Creed drop the original storyline and characters at some point? Not been really interested in the series since then.
As for Bioshock, there's a fundamental difference that the "Shock" games are almost all in unique locations with unique stories, they're more like an anthology than anything else. Bioshock 2 being the only direct sequel.
I don't know/care enough about Star Wars to really tell you what's different there.
It just seems very bizarre to me to not care about the author or the creator behind it, especially when they have such an incredibly strong and recognisable style like Kojima.
Again, this is regardless of if a game is good or not.
they only made 3 pachinkos since 2018 user.
and they released quite a lot of games since 2017, even if a most of them were port + remaster.
Yes, and Snake is coming to Tekken.
Retarded anons seriously thinks it's 2016 still
Kojima killed MGS himself to begin with 4, Peacwalker were bad enough already to consider just rebooting the franchise with a new director
This bullshit aside can we actually talk about just how big of an impact this game has had? The lead up to this game was one of the biggest ever, and was one of the last times Yea Forums was consistently collaborating and making fan projects in excitement. The game comes out, and everyone falls in love at first and then slowly realizes that the inner core of the game is hollow and unfulfilling, yet we kept looking for new hope to get the game we wanted (the update, INGSOC, Caramel, and now this). I know this is a cop out, and im in no way saying that this made the actual game good, but the game has given the fans a literal Phantom Pain, which would play into the whole Venom = The Player. I cant help but feel this was intentional, there was a mother base trailer that came out a month before release that had wildly different FOB mechanics, more features, and made Mother Base seem like a living environment, yet in the actual game this is all gone even though it was seemingly ready right before release. I doubt this was planned all along and was most likely a last minute decision by Kojima to give the game something special after he realized it wasnt going to be completed, but its none the less interesting.
>As for Bioshock, there's a fundamental difference that the "Shock" games are almost all in unique locations with unique stories, they're more like an anthology than anything else. Bioshock 2 being the only direct sequel.
Bioshock Infinite's Burial At Sea DLC directly involved the events of Bioshock 1. As with MGS V, not everyone appreciated the retcons to the series as a whole..
I wish it was still 2006
It doesn't have to be MGS I just want to play as a badass operator in the FOX engine again.
V and Destiny were the points when I lost hope in AAA videogames
Pes and survive don't count as games. Please just stop already and move on already.
>Another retard that thinks an unfinished game was on purpose. Please end your life
you're forgetting slot machines and yugioh cards, a decent portion of the vegas machines are konami's.
Are you autistic? I flat out said this doesnt excuse the shitty game and that it probably wasnt planned, im just trying to have a discussion on how the game has affected the gaming community in general. Off yourself faggot
>how the game has affected the gaming community
like a 9/11
Well, it's confirmed Konami did quite a big fox engine update for PES2020, i doubt it's only for this game.
Some choices were clearly cut late in developement. Venom still have some cut voicelines in the files, with him answering Kaz and Miller, or talking to Paz. so shit that could even be modded into the game easily. they probably were removed because Kojima loved mad max fury road (people like to meme that but knowing Kojima it probably was the case.)
But while some people want the series dead, there's also a big group of people who want new games even without Kojima (i'm in those people, because i'm sure konami can still do great MG even without kojima.)
and even then, MG is their second most succesful serie. it's not like Silent Hill who always had bad sales, MG REALLY is important for Konami.
>I cant help but feel this was intentional, there was a mother base trailer that came out a month before release that had wildly different FOB mechanics, more features, and made Mother Base seem like a living environment, yet in the actual game this is all gone even though it was seemingly ready right before release.
No. The simple fact is that MGS V's development was a complete shitshow plagued by technical issues, tech limitations of 7th gen hardware, and stuff getting cut left and right because there was no way to get it done in time. Metal Gear Solid V wasn't some hugely ambitious project. It was a fairly typical open world game that was off the rails for most of development, and only managed to pull together late in development with a lot of cuts.
People like you aren't worth arguing with. I bet you think EA and Activision don't make games, either.
what do you think pachinko is you fucking retard
It's a fun interpretation, but let's be honest.
Konami didn't want to finish it. They wanted it shipped so they could hoof Kojima and get out of games development.
The game is unfinished, so I've no doubt that lots of things that were planned had to be scrapped as they weren't working properly yet. A lot of Motherbase stuff was probably in that.
Pull the other one.
Burial At Sea > MGS V.
What is all the collections, the two Castlevania collections, the ZOE2 remaster, Bomberman R who fucking revived the serie, and now the new Contra game.
they are getting it slowly, but it really seem they are returning to games.
You are fucking hopeless keep thinking you will ever get a good metal gear game again. Delusional moron. Maybe you will get another good silent hill too lmao.
Even posting that trash at all makes you a sub 60iq peanut brained retard
I love Kojima and is this “leak” is real it would be fantastic. But who the fuck believes leaks on Yea Forums amirite?
EA and activision don't make games lmao you fucking corporate dicksucker.
can anyone tell why Skullface talked in Hungarian in one of the recordings
>Konami didn't want to finish it. They wanted it shipped so they could hoof Kojima and get out of games development.
They left game development for a few months at best, and then immediately started reorganizing their development teams to begin work on new projects, which we're beginning the see the fruits of. They announced Survive in 2016, for crying out loud. They firmly sent a message that they were still in game development LESS THAN A YEAR after MGS V came out.
they gave 5 years for Kojima and most of their budget, it's more than enough. and we still don't know why Kojima was fired, but probably something quite big considering his importance and the fact he was a vice president.
and no, all the fox engine wasn't counted in it the 5 years, fox engine began developement in 2008 and already was used for MGS:R in the gameplay demos.
All those collections are fucking horrible and not new video games you goddamn retard. That contra game was a scrapped piece of shit konami decided to shit out to try and make a quick buck.
Silent Hill is a dead end of terrible sales and gameplay that doesn't stand a chance in the modern market. Look at how much shit the Silent Hill-esque MG Survive copped. Metal Gear, however, is a huge series and can be adapted into a live service open world TPS with stealth, ala GR: Wildlands.
I would agree with you on most of the game, but the thing with that mother base trailer is that it was shown off as an in-depth demonstration of the mechanic after the release date was set in stone for the following month. Keep in mind the game had to go gold a few weeks before release as well.
I agree that a Kojimaless MG could be good as long as the people working on it are passionate about the series.
what? the director of the contra game literally said they started the developement last year.
and while the arcade collection is meh, the Castlevania and Contra collections by M2 were good and had good sales, the fuck are you smoking?
fuck Wildlands though
“C” predicted this
You really are a fucking shill. Take your live service shit and shove it up your ass konami.
>Posting some guy role-playing as an insider from Konami.
>konami actually pays people to shill on Yea Forums of all places
top kek
Because Skullface is from Hungary?
not sameanoj
I doubt the next MG will go full liveservice, at worst i could see something like a MGO4 in it , since Konami right now actually are REALLY into esport.
Pointing out the trend of the current market isn't shilling, user.
Why WOULDN'T Konami go the live service route when it has been absolute gold for Ubisoft?
People just want good games user.
and Konami, while they had quite some trouble years since 2015, could actually return.
I don't care if the next MG isn't by Kojima or change the events of V, i just want to play a good vidya. and MG is one of my favorite vidya franchise, i don't want it to die. (and it won't.)
Since nobody points this out, wanna know how I know this is fake?
>Team is Metal Gear veterans, with people who worked on Portable Ops and Ghost Babel on board.
If you have actually played the MG games let that phrase sink in.
Nice fanfic.
>Quiet has been...reworked. The character has been split into two. "Quiet" now dies in the hospital after being set on fire "by" Ishmael (whose legit a hallucination/spirit of Venom)
Doesn't make any sense. This approach would still require them to negotiate a contract with Joosten for no benefit whatsoever. No corporation would ever do this.
Everything else just makes no sense to do but is potentially plausible.
Overall such a product makes no sense to develop
>first that "fake" Snake tease on tekken
>now this
Why do people do this?
Because japanese companies don't act the same as western companies. the real reason of why MGSV was more western is because of Kojima liking western things. Survive actually felt more japanese than V when it reused the main gameplay.
the next MG games probably will feel less "western" than the older ones. (unless the next director is also a westaboo.)
MG Survive had a lot of Portable Ops people working on it. That part makes sense. Talking about Ghost Babel, though? Nobody cares about Ghost Babel. Survive had people from MGS1/2/3/4/V/Peace Walker/Portable Ops, and any new MG project will have even more than it did since Survive was very much a B team project.
desu, the veteran of those games also worked on all the other games.
and most of them stayed at Konami. it was actually quite a minority of people who followed Kojima.
>Doesn't make any sense. This approach would still require them to negotiate a contract with Joosten for no benefit whatsoever. No corporation would ever do this.
They likely have the rights to reuse Quiet's voice acting from the opening of the game. Removing Quiet from the rest of the game is a savvy move because she's so bad for PR and ruins the game tonally.
People really want a new project.
New game, remake, MGR2, or even a fucking reboot, i don't know, i just want something new honestly.
But if i have to make a list, my more hyped things for the future would be
MGR2 > new game > remake > reboot.
Then why mention Portable Ops and not the wildly known games.
they're actually separate branches of konami buddy. slot machines are gaming & systems, pachinko is amusement, vidya and for some reason ygo cards are digital entertainment
not him but im pretty sure a lot of the devs on ghost babel left the company shortly after
I think they can use Joosten without her "consent" if they modify her a little.
in survive, there was a character named Miranda, pic related, and while it's obvious she is a modified Quiet , Jost wasn't in the credits.
But Quiet, while controversial at first, was quite liked by people after the game release.
>Ukraine sniper, Albatross
B гoлocякy
We are Alpha Protocol now
because the writer of survive is the writer of PO.
but survive probably mostly used minor team members. it wouldn't surprise me if it was made while another team was already on another MG game.
i check the credits of survive, and almost every devs are from older games. there's also some big guys like Uehara (main programmer of MGS1-2-3 and GB) who weren't in Survive but present at the company (as for Uehara, he returned at Konami in 2017, but was spotted since, yet it was said he had a big role in the developement team, if he isn't in contra rogue corps, he's 100% on a metal gear project.).
Gonna respond to some things people have been saying. Joosten is relatively easy to hire, she has not had an big roles since V, and Konami sees any expense on this game as minimal since it is basically an asset swap being played off as a new game (Think Majora's Mask and to a lesser extent Survive).
Fake, fake, fake and fake.
and wasn't spotted since*
sorry, brainfart.
Metal Gear games are filled with character names taken from other movies and games. Goodluck from Survive is clearly named after the "Good Luck" scene from The Great Escape for instance.
desu, Joosten probably would return at Konami since Kojima fucked her over with Death Stranding, just like how Hayter is now very friendly with Konami.
>yfw Konami gets Hayter back AND revives MGS
let the sad times end we need happy times
This people always act like Kojima did nothing wrong but he has burnt a lot of bridges throughout his career in unnecessary ways. For example, with Hayter, he just could have told him we want to take Snake in a new direction this game, but instead he leaves him in the dark and makes the guy feel like he was expendable.
It would be a big dicked move. The problem is that Konami are notoriously little dicked.
He's a movie director wanabe afterall
>le Fukushima meme
Key word is wannabe. A real director would never burn bridges with an actor unless they were god awful. It narrows the amount of studios you can work with, as well as limiting your future casting decisions.
Still makes zero sense.
>open yourself up to lawsuit risk
>for 1 (one) line of dialog and a cute face seen for all of one minute
>will probably also cause butthurt among Joostenfags and among commentators
Literally all the risk and no benefit just because the homo who wrote this is butthurt about a swimsuit
Also forgot to mention that Fukushima is never coming back
>liking hayter va after 3
The fact Hayter actually is a movie writer and director make the thing even funnier. (bad movies for the most, but still movies.)
>makes the guy feel like he was expendable.
he was
Survive is actually better-designed in a lot of regards than MGSV imo. It makes better use of the open world.
He's the canon voice of Snake
I can't imagine Snake without Hayter
X1, X2, Watchmen. He's at least a respectable screenwriter
>>Intention behind the release is to win back Western audience after the backlash that Survive got.
>>dig up metal gear's rotting corpse and piss on it and light it on fire
interesting strategy
Kojima didn't even know Hayter and never got involved with the English dubs before V.
Well shows a lot about his persona
I dont buy it for a moment but if it is real the only thing I want and oh dear fuckin lord do I want it is this. I want the ability to decide some options on restrictions and the like on missions. I cant put into words how annoyed I was that I couldn't sustenance all missions. Ya I know mods but really being able to choose substance/extreme and other shit should have been an option from the word go. Not oh heres 3 missions redone with no items. Besides that give me about a dozen new main missions and ill probably grab it.
Kojima made some references to PO here and there
In this cutscene, we see splash art for all the "canonical" Metal Gear games. Portable Ops is included, the only non-Kojima game to be. youtube.com
Peace Walker also includes references to San Hieronymo.
He also included some references to Ghost Babel in 2 and 4.
People want more MGS user, the corpse was pissed on and burned on with V
I liked 4 because the gruffness made Snake actually sound like a dying old man which fit the theme, but he used the same gruffness in PW which felt more inappropriate.
Even if he was you never do that in a professional setting, it can lead to PR problems. Hayter actually is an example of this, with him going to social media about it and rallying a shit ton of people to go against Sutherland in the role.
If this is true then it is more of Konamis fault
What lawsuit, though? Plenty of companies have made expanded versions of games before. And reworked versions.
At least try to keep it within the realm of possibility, instead of going full-retard magic wand scenario.
they were trying to drop him since 3
the problem is kojima is a hack who had 5 years, a huge load of money and was a vice president of Konami while making this game and still his drones blame Konami. fucking idiots can't into logic
^just like this dumbfuck and many others itt
fuck kojima and fuck mgs too desu. franchise went shit after MGS3 anyway
Konami have done redubs before, BTW. They completely redubbed Shadow of Destiny for PSP. Then they later redid the voice acting in Silent Hill 2/3. Getting rid of Troy Baker as Ocelot makes a certain amount of sense considering they might not be able to get new lines from him since he's Kojima's boytoy now.
>Shadow of Destiny
I need to replay it
Metal Gear Solid 5 would be a different trademark from Metal Gear Solid V. There would definitely be more than enough wiggle room to make the argument that they used her likeness without consent unless her contract just gave unrestricted rights to them
Source? I know they wanted a new voice for Big Boss initially but then went with Hayter, but I don't think theres ever been an instance before V of them trying to replace Hayter in a role.
i still like they made a bullshit explanation of why Goodluck is named Goodluck at the end of the game, it wasn't necessary at all and felt very cheesy, and yet it was cool.
Survive had a lot of weird shit, it's probably one of the weirdest MG game with MGA1 and MGA2.
there's even some messages made by the developers on some objects and weapons. (but it was cool shit for what i've found, like "thank you for playing the game, we hope you have a lot of fun." )
and then there's the "flying alien" shit. pic very related.
for those who don't know, when you are at specific coordinates of the map, there's some weird alien shit flying in the sky, they are too far in the sky to be shot. but the weird shit is that they only appears when you are at specific locations, and no one knows why. the modding scene is almost inexistant and the remaining players mostly just farm coops. and the files don't help of why they exist and do that. but there's maybe a big secret in survive still not found because of the very small playerbase.
here's a video of them youtube.com
>It's a very well crafted rumour because this EXACTLY the kind of thing Konami would do. Take Metal Gear Solid V, and fundamentally alter it. Change the story, change the ending, change the fundamental theme and tone. Kill the entire chapter system, kill Kojima's entire message in the game and replace it with something else.
so metal gear survive ?
yeah, he did that in MGS4. but after this he completely ignored the two games.
this is maybe because Murata still was the codirector of MGS4, when he was just a cowriter like in MGS3 for the later games.
Don't have the source, but that user is right. Kojima originally wanted Kurt Russel. His boner for Hollywood greatly surpasses any allegiance he might have for someone like Hayter.
Hayter's pathetic twitter bullshit just made people less sympathetic towards the guy. Was fucking embarrassing
Survive is like 50 hours of fighting to be reunited with BIGGGUU BOSSSU!
Well, according to Hayter, Kojima did tried to replace him multiple times, but he didn't had full control over the english dub before V. but Hayter still had to re audition as Snake for each game since MGS3. (Kojima wanted Kurt Russel to play Big Boss, but he refused.)
>Konami purposely made the game shitty for the immersion
Yeah no, the whole phantom pain theme has fuck all to do with how the game was lacking in some areas
desu, only the bad ending have you coming back, and it doom the world and create a timeloop redoing all the event of the game.
the good (and true) of the game is breaking the timeloop, with the protagonist letting go of the past to be with new peoples.
feel a little meta kek, especially since the last quote of the game is "we will build a better future."
shows more about the fact that he is japanese and speaks broken engrish and shouldn't have anything to do with direction of english voice lines, he knows his strengths and weaknesses
This. It's been fucking years, just accept it as a blunder.
>reading comprehension
I flat out said the game is still shitty, all im saying is that there were some things that were obviously done right before launch that was not in the game. Why it wasnt included is anyones guess, but I think the most realistic theory is that Kojima removed it to try and create some message with his game. He's sacrificed actual content and gameplay for 2deep4u story before (MGS2).
It annoys me how the asshurt elements of the Metal Gear fanbase shut down all discussion around the game, so instead of stuff like datamining and looking for clues to future projects, you just got WAAAAGH, MUH KOJIMA, FUCK KONAMI!
and yet he had full control of the direction with V. (while Zimmerman still was important since she did all the MG games, she was in direct orders of Kojima for V)
What did they mean by this?
I'm more angry about Konami killing Suikoden and keeping the corpse in the basement so no one else can try to bring it back to life. Out of spite. Fuck Konami.
Nothing. There will never be another Metal Gear.
I just hope people won't do the same with the next games.
i can understand why people don't like survive, but a lot were really too harsh with the game + there was some misinformations. (while the game is far from perfect, it's not a bad game either.)
jeez what year is it
remember when everyone was hating on Rising?
Im sure theyll dredge it up eventually. Though this is Konami.
>Nothing. There will never be another Metal Gear.
Yet one is in development right now. I remember Colin Moriarty saying that he's heard Konami are working on a new game.
It's kinda funny to see both.
Hayter almost had an hated for Kief at one time, but now he fully reconciliated with him.
maybe because he knows he's still the main voice of Snake.
Tell me what Death Stranding is about. What do you do in the game? What mechanics are featured?
MG is their second most selling franchise, they literally CAN'T abandon it because it's way too important to the company.
I keep hearing about this name, who the fuck is Colin Moriarty?
Konami is the king of terrible decisions. Everyone in this thread who thinks OP isn't a bullshitter just believes it because it's somehow more believable than the clown world where MGS3 Pachislot exists
>Tell me what Death Stranding is about.
You know Metal Gear Survive? Well, it's basically that. But with extremely expensive cutscenes and more walking.
rising is still terrible for story/raiden (although tbf raiden was ruined in 4, rising just continued the cyberninja stuff) but the gameplay has always been awesome.
The real question is; he found Kiefer, drunk Kiefer or they were both drunk?
So shit with 10 hours of unskippable cutscenes? Sign me up!
I'm hyped, but also cautious.
i will buy the game for sure, but i'm a little afraid Kojima do a little too much and jump the shark, with no controls over him.
probably won't be a bad game, but i also don't think it will be a masterpiece.
In the end, Konami or Kojima, i don't really care, i just want good vidya.
>who the fuck is Colin Moriarty
Some know-it-all games writer with some connections. His politics put him at odds with his peers. Typical games journalism bullshit.
>the clown world where MGS3 Pachislot exists
Why exactly is it a problem that Konami's gambling division made machines based on popular series? They've been doing it for decades and you didn't mind back then.
Fug you, MGRR had a better story than V.
fuck, at least it had a codec.
MGRR was controversial during the first announcement of 2011, in 2013 it was already loved beside for the faggot who cheated on his wife.
none of the trailers looked like dungeon defenders with guns to me, don't lie
>Konami published and made multiple HD cutscenes on the fox engine
>Will never be streamed directly on YouTube,but only as a "reward for pachinko"
It's one thing to make me sad about MGSV, it's another to remind me that Silent Hills / MGS have the death fucking shoot me if Bomberman / HudsonSoft has the same fate
third person action combat w/ melee, guns, with walking sim in between w/ exploration/zelda style shit like ladders/rappels etc, you'll get blocked off of zones by chasms and environmental hazards such as temperature extremes where you'll need upgraded suits (buy or get from quests in towns)
there will be boss fights, lots of cutscenes and optional lore sprinkled around the world probably on corpses as audio logs or PDAs.
the story will be a main driving point going forward, the game won't be long (12 hours at maximum playing as a bog standard NPC retard, more like 20 if you're completionist and listen to every audio log)
>dungeon defenders with guns
????? What is this referring to?
>Why exactly is it a problem that Konami's gambling division made machines based on popular series? They've been doing it for decades and you didn't mind back then.
It's not upsetting, but it is absolutely baffling that they would use the Fox Engine to remake cutscenes from the fan favorite Metal Gear all for a gambling machine
probably both drunk, i think it was for the MG concert of this year.
fun fact, Hayter actually is only 2 years younger than Kief, but the bastard had a good genetic compared to kief.
still not the best generic compared to cam clark, the guy is 62 years old and yet is still kicking. he's also a big friend of Hayter irl.
Hayter kinda is a friend of most of the MG cast IRL.
why would anyone believe the guy who brought nothing to mgs except maybe nastasha romanenko would be memed by the 3 posters on Yea Forums that force him as a meme into konami hiring him to write mgs, let alone rewrite mgsv instead of doing a enw fucking project
>it is absolutely baffling that they would use the Fox Engine to remake cutscenes from the fan favorite Metal Gear all for a gambling machine
It makes perfect sense. Which engine would you rather they use? Unreal 4? Konami have an in-house engine actively developed. Why not use it?
The cutscenes were actually not in fox engine. but pre rendered on a computer.
and fuck, Bomberman literally got revived, Konami gave it a stellar support (it was also made by the hudson staff,they are just at Konami now. and the bombergirl spin off is so popular in japan it have some esport shit.
it's not baffling when you realise they don't give a fuck about whether or not some autists on a video game forum think they're teasing a remake or not
It was confirmed multiple silent hill games were in dev since 2013, none of them just managed to get finished. Silent Hill always had a very trouble history of games.
as for MG, nothing make the series dead, and it probably will return next year.
This is fake based entirely on the fact that literally no one cares about Ghost Bable and Fukushima outside Yea Forums
This is literal fanfiction. MGS is dead and this franchise has nothing more to offer. The gameplay is stale, the story went on for so long that anyone with more than a dozen neurons won't want to see it go on, since theres nowhere to go.
MGS is a franchise like Gears of War or Halo, a franchise that overstayed its welcome and nobody is sure why its still a thing anymore.
Just die, and stay dead, nobody cares about MGS anymore.
>bringing up Fukushima
>somehow rehire queefer when it would bankrupt them
>V's initial problema were due to it being multiplat - lets make a Switch version lmao
>stomp out Kojima's vision
>typing that sort of shit unironically
Just because we're not mouth breathers doesn't mean that 99% of the gaming community sees Kojima for who he really is and V for the fuckup that it is.
Are you people unironically fucking retarded? Or 12?
I definitely think that Konami are going back into games in the near future, and I’m happy about it. But some of the excitement in this thread is extremely disingenuous. I really do not know how Kojima could have so many haters when all he is is the face of a cheesy spy thriller influenced by anime and conspiracy theories. The series never deviated from those paths. I don’t understand how some of you can hate the man so much.
How does that describe Survive in any way? Survive is a SINGLEPLAYER open world stealth game with survival elements. Dungeon defenders is a MULTIPLAYER tower defense game.
what if Konami actually made a MGS3 remake, but they are waiting for next gen because the current gen can't run it as well as the pachinko?.
MGSV was hyped to hell and was a success so no
we want to believe
oh cool, wasnt aware that was explained
weird choice of country though
>Silent Hill always had a very trouble history of games
horror genre in a nutshell
>bobby is a 3d animator/artist
>bobby gets hired by game devs making horror game
>"ok bobby, draw and model something that's so terrifying it makes people go insane when they look at it. also it has to be something nobody has ever experienced in a horror game before otherwise people will call it a shit clone"
>MGS is a franchise like Gears of War or Halo, a franchise that overstayed its welcome and nobody is sure why its still a thing anymore.
Imagine being this delusional.
>>V's initial problema were due to it being multiplat - lets make a Switch version lmao
A vanilla Switch port for MGS V would be an easy cash grab. Remember when Ubisoft remastered AC3 with an all-new lighting system but then gave the Switch a shitty port with basically none of the enhancements?
How can one washed up actor with a dead career bakrupt anyone? How much do MGS redditors think hiring an actor costs?
The actor who plays Captain America in the Avengers movies, the most succesful franchise in history, made only 10 million with Endgame.
you never played survive and sure as hell never played it online
I'm only 4 lines into this and I can already tell it's fake and gay.
Most of Survive actually is some tower defense, the stealth is present but pretty minor.
most encounters with enemy are in tower defense segments, either in single player to protect the teleporters, or multiplayers with the base digger (also present in single player).
Survive endgame is 100% coop. the Single player is more or less a big tutorial (of 20-30 hours) preparing you for the coop missions who are really fucking hard. with some stealth and rescue missions from time to time since it's still a MG.
I dont hate him, I acknowledge him for what he is. A hack that got too much up his own celeb ass persona and lost any interest in making good videogames
>I really do not know how Kojima could have so many haters when all he is is the face of a cheesy spy thriller influenced by anime and conspiracy theories.
You really have no idea how bad of a fuckup V was.
I did play Survive. The main campaign is 100% singleplayer-only. Its core gameplay is exploration and survival and stealth. There are some defense missions, but that's like calling Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood a tower defense game.
I’ve only read the first letter of your post and can already conclude you’re gay xD
Do tell us, what unnecesary games in this narrative driven franchise that ended 10 years ago do you want? What mechanically obsolete movie game do you want out of a franchise that hasnt gotten a single decent entry in the past 15 years?
Why does everything have to go in forever? Are you not going to be satisfied until MGS is a battle royale game with lootboxes? Then again, MGS has already turned into a zombie loot shooter and you keep asking for more crap, so you might.
>Do tell us, what unnecesary games in this narrative driven franchise that ended 10 years ago do you want?
The problem with Metal Gear has always been the combination of interesting ideas and terrible writing. I'm still basically waiting for the first truly great Metal Gear game. Hopefully this new team can deliver that.
we all damn knows the next MGS will be a WW2 MG with the boss, because this shit would be an instant success. especially since female protag are quite popular nowadays.
Or a remake of MGS1/MGS3 since they are the most popular games. i would prefer MG1/MG2 but this shit would be hard to do.
MGS3 is the easiest one to do.
But V is absolutely fantastic though and the only issue is the story pacing.
Funny, because MGSV is the only actual videogame in the entire franchise, the rest werent videogames, just movies with bits of shitty gameplay in between.
And the story was pure trash anyway.
we know many things about kojima
1. he's perfectionist, he knows what he wants and he is pretty demanding about it when creating games. source; mgs4 documentary, him forcing them to get a VA back in and remake a whole cutscene with new animations n shit because he didn't like one line, very expensive but he wanted it so they did it.
2. he loves meeting and taking photos with hollywood people, due to his movie obsession. source: his twatter.
combine these 2 things = if he wanted to get into movies, he absolutely fucking could in a heartbeat, he's got money, fame (enough to meet all these people and get them to spend time with him drinking and listening to his ramblings) and probably has seen more movies than many western directors. if he actually wanted to make movies, he would, but he wants to make games. he's said this before i'm pretty sure, i don't have link but i'm certain in the past he has said he wants to make games not movies
So what is a true Metal Gear game? Lets hear the retarded ramblings of the most autistic and stupid community to ever grace Yea Forums
that's one pretyy faggot opinion you got there
If they get Fukushima back then I am pretty confident and hopeful that I will get this.
>Live service
The only part of this leak that I don't want to be true.
Other than that, I want to believe.
tpp gave me phantom pain
dont remind me about it, get the fuck out of here with this shit
How can a man be a hack when he succeeds at his trade, and how can you say he’s lost interest in making good video games when you haven’t played Death Stranding that releases in a couple of months?
>cam clark,
Fucking Leonardo turned into snake
The story is awful (really bad) and the gameplay gets repetitive 5 hours in, and that's without going into tldr and without mentioning the terrible design choices or unfinished content.
>So what is a true Metal Gear game?
I think you misread the comment.
"Truly great", not "true". Metal Gear has always failed to pair its mechanics with truly good writing. It's always been "okay" at best.
Oh no, those shitty movies with endless cutscenes and the worst stealth gameplay in the entire genre were really great. Its hilarious to see people say Kojima is a Hollywood wannabe as if it was a bad thing when MGS redditors only praise the movie games, while hating on MGSV, the first one that puts the plot where it belongs, in an optional submenu.
The pulp writing is literally one of the foundations of Metal Gear, and if you don’t like it then you don’t like Metal Gear.
Theres not going to be truly great MG games, all of them are either movies or empty open world games.
Metal Gear is simply a failure in its concept, it doesnt make for good videogames.
I judge by his past works
a true metal gear is a metal gear with kojima at the helm and all the money and time in the world. 2 was closest we got. reasoning;
mg1+2 successful games, he gets a break with nice budget for mgs1, he blows it out of the water with a system seller, BUT he keeps his autism contained to a couple characters (mantis mainly) so noone knows the truth about kojima just yet. then mgs2 goes into production and he gets a yyuuuuuuuuuge budget and free reign to do whatever, since mgs1 was so good. mgs2 was kind of like death stranding in that way, free reign kojima + big budget. then mgs3 they had to reign him in a bit. mgs4 society had changed by then to be more accepting of his ideas (kojima is about 20 years ahead of most people)
So is OP the new Caramel? How long will he keep posting this until he is proven wrong and ends up killing himself like the previous Caramel? Taking bets here folks.
The part that makes me scratch my chin is this:
>Big Boss being voiced by Richard Doyle, his MGS4 voice actor.
The obvious bait would be to say that David Hayter is voicing him. Claiming that Doyle is voicing Big Boss is the opposite of what most wish fulfillment LARPs would go with.
You're such a cunt, immersive narrative is a foundation of every MG, that narrative extends itself into gameplay as well
But at what point did he “lose interest in making good video games” then?
Konami is by no means innocent, but it's been proven that Kojima is completely at fault for the story. The leaked MGSV script confirmed that there was no additional content other than Phantom Chico appearing (even then he gets killed in a cutscene, so gg)
user this was proven fake by the leaked script.
It's a trick
You make up a LARP fanfic and add a titsy bit of salt to make it real
>a true metal gear is a metal gear with kojima at the helm and all the money and time in the world
This was V, he got the most time of all the games, and the biggest budget of all konami games.
How the hell does it extend to gameplay? By interrupting it constantly?
Metal Gear is a franchise with so many cutscenes that they came up with the codec because animating all scenes would be too much work.
You know, i kinda hope the adult chico concept will be used in a later game, just like how GB used some MGS1 concept art, even Metal Gear Gander is a concept art of Metal Gear Rex.
What is it with MGS and attracting hyperautistic shitposters like Caramel and Quietfag?
It's not interupting the gameplay if it's the part of the gameplay
And he finally made an actual videogame. Only criticism I have is the opening of MGSV and how restrictive it is with the controls.
This seems likely. Snake's been more relevant now, especially with his Tekken inclusion.
>It's a trick
>You make up a LARP fanfic and add a titsy bit of salt to make it real
Of course. But assuming it is a LARP, it's a really good one that had a lot of thought put into it. They even justified why Konami would greenlight a new version of MGS V. (Moar microtransactions and a live service approach for stronger player engagement.)
skip them then. there is plenty of gameplay from the vr missions to the multiple difficulty options.
How is it part of the gameplay? Watching cutscenes and reading isnt gameplay.
He's not in Tekken, that was some shit EVO made up as a joke.
And that exposes just how subpar the gameplay is and how fast it gets stale.
MGS1, 2 and 3 are three of the worst stealth games ever made. They are simply not fun.
the problem with V is that it didn't really felt like a MG. it was still very good, but a very weird MG.
we can clearly see he was tired of MG at this point.
him leaving Konami is a blessing for him, he can now do everything he want without getting shit on by fans, and he got 10 times more popular .
I hope so too, but it seems Kojima didn't want to seeing as the leaked script shows Chico getting killed off rather non-nonchalantly without even a boss battle.
MGS was outclassed as a stealth game by Thief. And then Splinter Cell after it. So Metal Gear turned into a knockoff of Splinter Cell in an effort to stay relevant.
Your autism is above even the Caramel. I hearby award you with the title, Big Caramel.
>V didnt feel like an MG game
Yeah, it didnt have garbage controls, it didnt have cutscenes and codec calls making 30 minute long interruptions, hell, it even spared me of the usual garbage writing.
any link of the passage?
and not even having a boss battle? weird. but again, V had very weak boss battles . even Survive bosses were better.
maybe they could have a better use of chico in a new game. just make him older if they have to.
In the leaked script from 2014, Ishmael was a hallucination. i.imgur.com
Bluepoint Games is handling the next MGS.
It's not a re-release of MGSV.
He has to have a LinkedIn or something
How? PC Xbox and PS4 got the same game years ago.
i'm saying it, it's a remake of MGS1.
Was a joke. I know about EVO playing us like a damn fiddle.
What leaked script? That shits obviously made up.
how? you complained that there isn't enough gameplay when there is.
>three of the worst stealth games
there are far worse stealth games.
metal gear games are stealth action games, emphasis on action. not comparable.
If the next Metal Gear will be a remake of MGS (and not MG1/MG2) then this industry is truly fucked.
>game as a service
Instantly dropped
Ishmael had multiple incarnations over the year, heck at first he was Huey.
I though of that first, but it has some very precise shit. the guy who made it must have spent 200 hours and had to be 100% billinguage if it was fake.
there's even in it some dialogues that were cut of V but reused in Survive.
>They got Fukushima to helm the project
our boy tomokazu will finally get a chance to fix all this broken mess kojima-hack did. can't say I'm not excited.
Where did you get that from
>Deliver a bad product
>Feel rightfully angry/dissapointed
>"haha you're supposed to feel that way"
Actual leaks: MGSV is almost entirely finished. Only thing missing is Episode 51, planned to be DLC, the Battle Gear, Chapter 3 and a side op where you'd kill Chico in Africa.
Chapter 3 was repurposed in the final game as the Paz subplot (hence the name of the chapter: Peace). Through her recovering her memories, so would Venom, and this would lead to Chapter 46.
Thats it.
MG1/MG2 would be better.
but MGS1 is the most popular game of the whole serie, it would sell like crazy.
then there's MGS3 where they already have most assets made.
maybe we will have a remake of MGS3 by konami, a remake of MGS1 by bluepoint.
then after that, remake of MG1/MG2, and a MGR2.
Oh no
The industry is fucked
Not enough gameplay, and what there is is bad.
Any sauce of the chico shit?
the concept arts have him as a buddy, so it would be weird to kill him...
>the leaked script shows Chico getting killed off rather non-nonchalantly without even a boss battle.
finish the damn game instead
sent :)
Somehow this sounds fucking horrible despite not being a Kojima-written game.
Removing my nigga Code Talker alone is a great insult, he was the core character of the most exciting part of the game.
Can you send it to me too please? Also where does it appear? Is there a Yea Forums inbox?
... Ok i kinda liked him in the burger tapes but that's it.
The biggest clue to this being fake is Fukushima coming back... He's never coming back, kojimbo made sure of that!
The only good thing about him was the burger tape and the fact that he sounded like Master Tang.
i thought the burger tapes were lame and unfunny, don't (you) me
Pretty good.
Fukushima isn't dead, he was in the credits as a QR guy in some niche PSvita games
It's time.
the genius who made this must be given a nobel price.
still listen to it monthly.
I didn't say he was a good character per se, I said his character and the mysticism surrounding him added to the feel of the missions that involved him.
Your mileage on the tapes may vary and that's alright.
could be someone else with the same westernized name, was it the same exact japanese characters?
Its in the missions excel file. Theres a note in one of the codec scripts, where Kaz and Venom discuss Amanda. It was planned, but nothing was actually done, and they just left it at "Chico died in the heli crash".
I thought he was way too much of a walking plot device, and beside him having a cool voice, he was otherwise completely worthless besides existing to explain the parasitic bullshit.
>is bad
to you
dunno, it was on mobygame i found that.
so, there's nothing in it beside Chico said to survive and asked to be killed? no dialogues with chico? how do you know it's from a cutscene?
Its not a cutscene, thats it. Killing Chico would be have been a sideop like any other.
Probably why they cut it out, because it felt redundant and pointless.
Chico need to have the "metal gear gander" treatment.
aka being use in a better way for a new game after being cut.
Nah it would have been perfect for a Side Op. More than those Parasite Zombie ones. TFW no Poyong ops
Do yourself and BiBo a favor and just let go user.
next MG should have another character than bibo.
i'm tired of him.
have solid snake back, or just another character. just no more playable bibo.
It's not funny anymore, please stop posting this...
IMO the 2014 leak is way too specific about small details that weren't in any of the trailers to be fake. My understanding is that MGS V was a shitshow and it was constantly reworked until fairly late.
gay and fake
no-one believed you yesterday, stop reposting it
He's been working for Sony over the past few years. But Konami started hiring back former people back in 2017. They got the lead programmer for MGS1-3 back, for example. They're planning something big. Even if the OP is full of shit, I wouldn't be surprised if they announce something at Gamescom. It's been exactly three years since they announced Survive at Gamescom.
Remember when Code Talker said that thing about Kaz and then never followed up on it?
>An old game called Time Splitters
it's because Kaz didn't used the cure for the parasite.
how do you think he had a daughter in MG2?
The real deal team is back, and poojima won't be there to mess it up
The Kaz eyes thing is absolutely bizarre because the game is wildly inconsistent about the state of his eyes. It also treats him as maybe-kinda-sorta-but-also-not being blind as no big deal. It's this giant elephant in the room that nobody comments on.
There are three parasite vials. Skull Face states that the missing vial is "very close". People tend to assume it's Quiet, but she was infected with the English strain prior to this point. The likely culprit is Kaz. But MGS V's plot is so slipdash that it's difficult to be sure.
They cannot make a good story without Kojima. Konami doesn't have anyone else with as much talent for visual direction as Kojima. Remaking MGSV is completely nonsensical and I don't believe this leak is real.
>Skull Face states that the missing vial is "very close". People tend to assume it's Quiet, but she was infected with the English strain prior to this point
Skull face also says it was "close" when you killed quiet in your playtrough. it's 100% not quiet.
>can't make a good story without kojima
what are GB, PO and RISING?
Not gonna link it personally because it's a Discord link, but it was in this post in the archives:
The passage is pic related
>Remaking MGSV is completely nonsensical and I don't believe this leak is real.
It doesn't really say it's a remake. But rather that they took MGS V, redid all the voice acting, reworked the open world to be more Ubisoft-esque, and also radically rewrote the plot to de-Kojima-fy it.
If Atlus can release stuff like Persona 5 R, is it really impossible that Konami could release a reworked version of MGS V? Survive demonstrated their willingness to use MGS V as a foundation for other projects.
My bad, someone else linked it here:
Killing Quiet isn't canon
>when you killed quiet in your playtrough
The thing is the game doesn't accomodate for this and certain tapes still treat Quiet as though she was there. I hate to say it but as said, Quiet is canon.
Eyes on Kazuhira is a weird one and it's not even mentioned in the leaked translation script in so that one is a mystery.
And it's not like they haven't re-released MGS games with extra content before.
>It was planned, but nothing was actually done
I am pretty sure leaked mission data was found of his in-game location on the companion app, I think some work was done, but probably not too much work.
This thread is so fake and gay. Go suck dick OP.
There is so much shit in this game that's just awkwardly left in with no explanation.
Instead of explaining key plot points the game devotes 90% of its writing effort to explaining the pseudo-science behind the biological nanomachines.
Imagine how the Kojimadrones will react if Konami's version of Metal Gear Solid 5 gets better reviews than Death Stranding.
>le Fukushima
lol get over it already, MGSV is one of the best games of all time and just because it didn't pander to your headcanon doesn't make it shit!
Konami makes office furniture now and Survive was great
>Replacing Sutherland with Doyle
Yeah... but why? Sutherland's voice worked, there just wasn't enough of it.
>Survive was great
That it was.
>lol get over it already, MGSV is one of the best games of all time and just because it didn't pander to your headcanon doesn't make it shit!
It was a pale shadow of Far Cry. The idea of revamping the game to make it less of an empty shell sounds very interesting.
no, Far Cry plays like shit and has a fraction of MGSVs gameplay options
Kiefer was nice as venom, but Hayter should have been Doyle or Hayter.
they could have said GZ was Venom reliving the events so he kept his voice.
Sutherland is expensive. If they're going to radically alter MGS V's story, they'll need to record hours of new dialogue. Getting Sutherland to record a few lines as Ishmael and getting Doyle to record all the Big Boss/Venom stuff would be more economical. Remember that they replaced Zero's voice actor in MGS V due to a pay dispute.
lol hi Dave
>. Remember that they replaced Zero's voice actor in MGS V due to a pay dispute.
considering they recorded new lines for zero in MGS3 3DS with the old actor, i legit think they changed zero because kief was having most of the budget.
Far Cry plays flawlessly. As far as open world FPS games go, Far Cry is King. The thing about MGS V is that it wanted to be Far Cry, but it didn't have the technical chops to create a living breathing world filled with interesting stuff to do.
no, Far Cry is boring underproduced ubishit
Far Cry is absolute kino.
Fuck you for giving me hope OP
I agree, needed more repetitive tedious animal ambushes to really make the game feel like shit
lol back to r/games kid
>I agree, needed more repetitive tedious animal ambushes to really make the game feel like shit
What was the last Far Cry game you played? Also, Peaches > D-Dog.
I see that ubisoft is still paying people to shill on Yea Forums.
They're all pretty bad desu
They don't really need to shill when Far Cry 5 sold like crazy and Far Cry 6 is on the way.
>but Hayter should have been Doyle or Hayter.
> Hayter should have been Doyle or Hayter.
> Hayter should have Hayter.
People like garbage, shocking.
>People like garbage, shocking.
Considering Kojima has a career, that is hilariously self-evident.
They should really stop then. It's fucking obnoxious.
says the Ubishitter
Far Cry is hot garbage compared to Metal Gear, kill yourself.
Crytek Far Cry > Ubisoft Far Cry/Splinter Cell/etc > Metal Gear Solid.
MGS is my favorite series of all time.
I have honestly given up hope for the future of the series. I had come to accept that it was time for Metal Gear to die, and for a new generation of video game to take its place.
Although something like this is very very likely to be fake, it still rekindles a little bit of my hope that I had let go.
too long didn't read
MG won't die, the franchise is too important to money. respectwise and moneywise.
Have they changed the hospital intro so you don't end up loading cheat engine to speed the game up 10 times, which is exactly what I ended up doing because my patient completely snapped. And added a no cutscenes option while they're at it?
All games should have an option that pretty much reads "I don't care about the story, I just want to play the game", especially if it happens to be Bioshock infinite. Anyone remember the gameplay in that? No, me neither. Likewise, the early MGS games were infuriating because of the constant codec bollocks.
But what about Jason Vorhees Chico?
>>Entirely new buddies include Battle Gear, which was previously cut from the game. Basically the Zeke building segment of Peace Walker...with the addition of being able to drive it (deploying cost alot though). And Red. (Chico as he was supposed to be in Phantom Pain. Is also a midgame boss.)
The idea is nice but GZ was perfect as it was. PP was the problem. GZ new ending seems like shit.
Also the problem with PP was not just the plot but level design and lack to attention to detail to the world
>Undead looking full of rage superhuman Chico filled with revenge for the death of Paz
It would've been kino
>level design and lack to attention to detail to the world
The original OP claims that the open world has been completely changed into a warzone with Russians fighting rebels and such. Aka, the Far Cry approach. This means large scale battles you can take part in and stuff like that. There have been rumours for a few years that MGS V was supposed to have a Far Cry style world. The game was hugely influenced by Far Cry 2, after all. Right down to driving around Africa looking for diamonds. But the engine problems and necessity of running the game on the PS3 forced them to gut a lot of the open world stuff.
>Venom Snake would've taken this thing on 1v1
Who the fuck can stop this fucking medic?
let it go
Read the thread, he gets killed in a cutscene. It's shit
Solid Snake. The game should have had a final boss fight with him that you cannot win. Fucking Kojimbo.
tl;dr. shit role play. kill yourself, faggot retard.
>> You get to bring generic Diamond Dog soldiers with you on missions, they act as expendable buddies. (And can be perma killed)
Reminder that this is literally Far Cry's Guns/Fangs for Hire Mechanic.
The game as it was was pushing the limits the of the ps4 too. There is no other game in the base ps4 that runs at 1080 60 fps open world with good enough graphics. It was a technical marvel but the ps4 was at its limits.
If Kojima wanted those battles at 60 fps on the ps4, he was deranged.
woah so it must be true then? BUY KONAMI SHARES!!11
>post yfw OP somehow actually isn't lying.
OP is lying, but mg really is returning, but for the next gen.
PSX minimum for the annnouncement, but probably more like E3 next year.
>PSX minimum for the annnouncement, but probably more like E3 next year.
Why would they announce at PSX or E3 when Survive was announced at Gamescom? Gamescom is the ideal venue for a Metal Gear announcement. So you'll either see it at Gamescom 2019 or Gamescom 2020. They're not gonna reveal it at a Japanese show. And they're not gonna reveal it for Sony. Microsoft will have the marketing rights if anyone does.
all the main MG announcement were at Sony. since MGS1. this include MGS:R back then.
only exceptions are Survive for gamescom 2016, and MGRR for VGA 2011.
If the game is for next gen, it would be the ideal to announce it at PSX or E3.
if the game is for current gen, then Gamescom/VGA seem more probable.
V also was announced at TGS for GZ, VGA for teaser of phantom pain and GDC for trailer of TPP.
>all the main MG announcement were at Sony. since MGS1. this include MGS:R back then.
Metal Gear Solid V's first proper reveal trailer was at Microsoft's conference before E3. This was when it was revealed to actually be MGS V: The Phantom Pain and not some weird game called The Phantom Pain from Moby Dick Studios. This led to a panic among Sonybros that the game was going to be an Xbox exclusive.
>If the game is for next gen, it would be the ideal to announce it at PSX or E3.
>if the game is for current gen, then Gamescom/VGA seem more probable.
There's also the fact Sony have a contract with KojiPro and doing marketing for both Metal Gear and Death Stranding might earn them some stink-eye from Kojima that wouldn't go well for them.
90% chance Huey made this post.
He would have said he was innocent user.
Source? I was hyped because of the rumours about Demon's Souls.
There's no feud between Konami and Kojima. Kojima left of his own accord so he could make something other than Metal Gear.
>Liquid caramel
>Not Liquid Shake
>all the main MG announcement were at Sony. since MGS1. this include MGS:R back then.
What? Rising was announced at Microsoft's E3 conference, GZ was announced at some anniversary event, TPP was kind of announced at the VGAs, then GDC.
>Full English redub (Japanese cast is mostly the same) with Big Boss being voiced by Richard Doyle, his MGS4 voice actor. Kiefer is, however, still in, voicing Ishmael and the Medic, with a handful of new lines (is in more of cameo role then anything) James Horan as Skullface, and Downes as Kaz are the only real returning actors.
Killed it right there, absolutely 0 chance of this.
Not to mention Konami doesn't give a shit about actual games anymore, had their remaining kjp skeleton crew do an asset swap with Survive, and the have the footie game crew, and the rest are on pachinko. This kind of project would be a pretty big undertaking.
>Venom dying
>implying he isn't frank jaeger
MGS5 is coming but not like this anons
Rising trailer was at microsoft, but not the teaser posted a year earlier.
You say that, but mgs1, 2&3 were all cowritten by another bloke, and his absence was immediately felt. When kojima has full creative control and a cult of personality with his team, you get mgs4 and mgsv
>>Full English redub (Japanese cast is mostly the same) with Big Boss being voiced by Richard Doyle, his MGS4 voice actor. Kiefer is, however, still in, voicing Ishmael and the Medic, with a handful of new lines (is in more of cameo role then anything) James Horan as Skullface, and Downes as Kaz are the only real returning actors.
this is where you fucked up retard OP. The game uses full motion capture, not simple voice acting.
If Capcom can comeback the way they did with RE7, REmake2, DMC V, i also believe Konami can unfuck themselves as well
It used face scanning mostly. but motion capture was done for the most time by different people. mgsv isn't the same as Death stranding.
I thought Silent was gender bended Chico
No lol. The scenes are all motion captured. The facial performance is captured directly from the actors, the scenes that demand a more physical performance (such as the one where big boss interrupts a fight at mother base) are motion performed by stuntmen. It has been done that way since MGS3.
TFW people don't know the secrets hidden in MGSV
TFW people don't know the real plot
TFW people don't know the ending was a ruse
TFW people don't know what's to come
It was a long time anons but it's going to be worth the wait and a lot better than OP's copy pasta
>nearly 5 years later, Caramel is still on Yea Forums posting his retarded wishful thinking bullshit everyday
>Redub for no reason
Fucking kek. Try harder.
MGSV was the last AAA game I bought. A lot of older gamers aren't fans of videogames in general, but specific series.
>but not the teaser posted a year earlier.
But that's wrong. That was a big news
I'm not interested in the plot as much as the future. What's to come user? Give us a hint
I hope shinkawa will atleast do contract work for thme. MGS wouldn't be the same without him
Kill yourself Caramel
>They got Fukushima to helm the project
That nigga going Nuclear on it
>I'm not interested in the plot as much as the future. What's to come user? Give us a hint
Missions based in:
Afghanistan (again)
Africa (Again but with a surprise)
Ground Zeroes flashback
Vietnam flashback
Plus new appearances from recognized characters in the series
Bros. Its been 4 years. Let go.
sauce beside your ass?
announcement when?
Stop. Nobody believes you. Nobody believed you when you said chapter 3 was coming, nobody believed you when you said survive was actually made by kojima, nobody believed you when you said death stranding was gonna be revealed as mgs 6, and nobody believes you now.
Just let go.
they can't port the hd collection without Bluepoint, they need to have bluepoint working on it. but bluepoint already are working on something.
that's why ZOE2MARS used none of the hd collection shit. (while it wasn't made by bluepoint, they needed the right of the original hd collection.)
Its time to let go bro. The phantom pain exists with all of us. This fragment of your imagination is just a coping mechanism. Lets scatter its ashes to the heartless sea and be done with it.
You do realise redubbing games is trivial, right? Ubisoft use facial capture in their games. Except they tend to cheat when making DLC and just get the voice actor to do the lines and use stunt people for the capture stuff. Welcome to AAA game dev.
Literally none of those claims are in line with the OP. This is claiming that Konami are going to Superman 2 Kojima. Essentially make a new cut of MGS V with a different director.
Death Stranding has multiple characters where completely different people provide the face and performance capture. Most of Kojima's celeb friends aren't actually "in" the game.
but why would they do that and not a remake or just a new game?
This is the same company that completely redubbed Shadow of Memories, and Silent Hill 2/3.
Fun fact. Most people don't know this, but the modern version of Lawrence of Arabia was redubbed. They got back as many actors as they couls. Dead ones were replaced. You wouldn't know Peter O'Toole's voice was a few decades older than the actor that appears on the screen.
That's because Ubisoft uses a different motion capture system, not as elaborate as the one in MGS5. Witcher 3 used the same system, wherein the engine contains an algorithm that adapts lip motion to the language and words being spoken.
>cannnot make good story without Kojima
Yeah sure,cuz MGS5 was a master piece,you faggot.
Yes they are. It's the same shit as chapter 3, that never came, despite being the bare minimum they could have done. Just like survive was supposed to be some big revelation and addition to the series, when it wasn't SHIT.
Fuck off
Nobody tell him that Kojima wasn't the only guy behind these games
Shut the fuck nigger don't give me hope.
Just give me fucking Kingdom of The Flies. I'll forgive everything else and let go if I can just have that.
What if there's Kotf and a level where Liquid/Mantis crashes NYC with no survivors?
>Kojima left of his own accord
he was forced to quit in the retarded manner japanese companies do things because their labour laws make it next to impossible to actually fire someone, square did the same shit with sakaguchi around when ff 12 was in development.
you can't get fired of Konami for nothing anyway, especially if you are a vice president. he must have done a major fuck up.
What a comfy feeling.
the lack of Hayter make it seems legit
but fuck off
>We are gonna create a new timeline with your favorites characters, fuck you Kojima
fake and gay, screencap this.
>Code Talker has been cut
What the fuck? Was Kaz’s Hamburgers cut too?
He was supposed to show up in Mother Base too during the Disarmament cutscene if you had him unlocked as a Buddy.
I was about to reply laughing at Konami's attempt to make money out of this, thinking that people wouldn't want anything to do with it specially with some outrageous points in the rumour. But then I read a bit of the thread and I'm disappointed in myself for being surprised at the idiots here wanting this shit.
I can't even write decently anymore. This thread made my neurons commit suicida.
People are desperate for a new MG.
I think a remake and/or a mgr2 would be a better idea honestly.
>I'm confused about why people want a good game
go back to your switch nintenfag
>seething fanfic writers STILL going off on this broken forever-unfinished game four years on
>billed as "games as a service"
Fucking neck yourself, fanboy.
>Kiefer looks like the kind of guy who beats his wife when he gets drunk
>Hayter looks like the kind of guy who will drive you home and take care of you after you had a bit too much to drink like a good guy would
>Code Talker has been cut.
just stop it user, dont make me hope
>the thiefag still at it.
You're pulling shit out of your ass retard.
Its well known what Konami did, stop being stupid.
It is in the demo script.
>ITT: People continue to spout the narrative that Konami did nothing wrong when
>The retard rumor that Kojima was "overbudget" started here and has literally never been corroborated by any source ever in history not even fucking Konami themselves
>Everyone has confirmed that Konami kept fucking with the entire team, restricting communication, locking people away for months at a time, and rushed the project out the door after they had caused serious delays through Fox Engine demands
>Konami very fucking publically announced their intentions on moving into the Pachinko market
>Also cancelled Silent Hills despite it being 110% easy money forever
>Literally every other Kojima game he's ever worked on being on time, on budget, making a shitload of money, and being praised
>MGSV also ended up making a fucking metric shit ton of money anyway and 2015 was Konamis highest grossing year
>The one time Konami tried to make a metal gear with Kojima, it immediately fell apart and Kojima had to make the team apologize and hand it to Platinum
>Fukushima wrote mainly codec dialogue
>Konami also fucked over Team Silent and Igarashi just as hard
>Konami literally fucking with former employees AFTER they left by blacklisting them from getting fucking health insurance
Why do you fuckin dumb shit bootlickers do this?
You get literally nothing out of this, not even good games. You actively are supporting a shit company with shit leaders who fuck over their employees regularly and are INFAMOUS for doing this FUCKING REPEATEDLY.
Why are all of you so god damn fucking stupid?
God damn this board is so fucking retarded. All of you are retards, holy shit.
>>what are GB, PO and RISING?
>Gameboy spinoff thats just MGS1 with the names changed
>PSP spinoff that was somewhat nonsensical and middle of the road, enjoyable but nothing special
>Literally a project that the team fucked up so hard Kojima had to go ask Platinum to save it.
What's beyond doubt that the next MGS title will be a pachinko game
Please let it die, it is finished, it's not worth to discuss about it anymore
it will never release so close to the original, this is stupid
maybe a next gen re release
i still haven't finished mgsv
Nobody has
The fuck? I ctrl + f'd it before and it didn't show me it. interesting, guess I was wrong. I wonder why the script didn't mention he could become a buddy
>psycho mentos, with his powerful psychic disabilities
>specialist in ruse cruises and a fanatical fact denier
>giant faggot, and shemale
lost my shit harder than I had any right to
They were an in-house group of rejects that couldn't function with the other teams.
maybe someone should just mod phanton pain a new campaign
>there are still people who believe a 3rd chapter is coming
>you will never be this mentally ill
pretty good day
Why would they give the switch the old version? Is this on a new engine or something with the game designed for PS4/Xbone hardware out the gate or something?
Same, I bought it on both PC and PS4 day one. PS4 just so I could get a Yoji steelbook. Legit one of the biggest letdowns i've ever had
>Why would they give the switch the old version? Is this on a new engine or something with the game designed for PS4/Xbone hardware out the gate or something?
Probably way more resource hogging. Probably used the original models and textures rather than the ones downgraded for multiplat, and denser open environments.
Poor little switch would burst if you tried to fit that hog in.
If it doesn't have Kojima the masses will hate it regardless.
fuck kojima
>my ass
>Look at Metal Gear Survive
>Have any amount of trust or respect towards Konami
Fuck off.