What's Tails looking at Yea Forums

What's Tails looking at Yea Forums

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Other urls found in this thread:


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don't let the thread die out

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>Yea Forums

>that youtube channel dedicated to rouge's jiggle physics in SA2

>cartoon network logo
I need answers

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There was a cameo in some shitty show with Sonic

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More like entire episode

>shitty show
ok ko is good

Link please.


Sonic Rivals 2 CG artwork


Sonic Rivals 2 Rouge

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I quit watching cartoons when I was a kid because the shows became so awful. Flapjack was retarded, Chowder was retarded, and there were probably more inbetween that I can't remember that were even worse.

flapjack was really good. Chowder was horrible after the first season

So the pannenkoek of the Sonic fandom has finally arrived.

A reference to the 90's

Remember those? They happen every 3 seconds on this show

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>ok ko is good

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hes looking at you

Based Chuck E Cheese

was thinking of doing that but with a different frame

I don't even know what these words mean...
Do they still show Bugs Bunny?

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Legit nothing better than this one.
The levels of irony are too deep

Why can't programs with value get these crossovers
Why does the Satan spawn of Steven universe get it.

He comes and goes, but they are beginning to make brand new Looney Tunes shorts like they did in the 30s and 40s
They are planning to make 1000 minutes worth of shorts

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>here's your you

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Ironicly bugs bunny stuff is some of the best modern cartoons available
Both his most recent show and the one before it were great.

I knew this would be the first reply

I heard some of the new scooby doo stuff was good too

Literally any cartoon made on a computer is inevitably trash.


The Looney Tunes show was pure cartoonkino

>flapjack was really good.
it was one of the first I recall that used the "gross over-detailed zoom in" way too overzealously and way too often and it really turned me off. Not to mention that just about everyone in it sounded absolutely obnoxious and that k'nuckles was the only good character (because he was just squidward+mr. krabs, basically)

>You have probably heard plenty of reasons not to smoke or use other tobacco products, but here is one more: The tobacco used to make these tobacco products contains trace amounts of radionuclides. One in five deaths each year in the United States are from tobacco use or secondhand smoke exposure—that’s around 480,000 people annually or 1,300 people every day. Toxic chemicals in tobacco smoke are the main reason cigarettes cause cancer, but radiation also may play a part.

>Tobacco farmers use fertilizer to help their crops grow. These fertilizers contain a naturally-occurring radionuclide, radium. Radium radioactively decays to release radon gas, which then rises from the soil around the plants. As the plant grows, the radon from fertilizer, along with naturally-occurring radon in surrounding soil and rocks, cling to the sticky hairs on the bottom of tobacco leaves, called trichomes. Radon later decays into the radioactive elements lead-210 and polonium-210. Rain does not wash them away. Polonium-210 is an alpha emitter and carries the most risk.

>Cigarettes made from this tobacco still contain these radioactive elements. The radioactive particles settle in smokers’ lungs, where they build up as long as the person smokes. Over time, the radiation can damage the lungs and can contribute to lung cancer. Using tobacco products can also make users more vulnerable to other cancer-causing contaminants. For example, radon is a colorless, odorless, radioactive gas occurs naturally in soils. Radon can seep into houses, schools and other buildings through cracks in the foundation. Inhaling it over time can cause lung cancer. Smokers exposed to radon are more likely to develop lung cancer than non-smokers.

Holy shit grandpa get the fuck off my board. Fucking boomers

I used to fap to this render when I was younger

There was one series that was really funny but nobody gave it a chance because it had a shitty family guy artstyle.


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>ok ko is good

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That Yea Forums banner aged really poorly after most marvel fans gave up on them.


It has its routes in Steven universe and has many of the same flaws.
And that's just talking animation
I haven't really watched it enough to comment on the writing quality but what I can say is that the show is morally reprehensible.

I'm only 22. Sorry that you grew up with awful taste.

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Marvel doesn't make comics anymore, they make movies and advertise them with shitty comics. That's just a fact of the world now.

>ok ko is good

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I remember when the internet used to bitch about late 00s-early 10s CN like Adventure time and Johnny test, and missed 90s CN. But now the Internet is full of zoomers who grew up with adventure time and claim 2007-2015 was golden age CN.

>the wizard movie never ever

this is how i know that deep down Yea Forums is still good

Dont open it

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Fuck you I just lost.

The animation itself is nice, but it feels too Disney. Looney Tunes was always the SEGA to Disneys Nintendo, rougher around the edges, edgier (the classical pre-internet definition of the term), and willing to push 'family friendly' to it's absolute upper limits where Disney (generally) wouldn't ever go.
Is this supposed to be a promotion for these shorts? It seems like it's a promotion to these shorts instead of a short itself given it has zero structure and the pacing is about twice as fast as it really should be.

glad people still make these

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Too many gags. looney Tunes usually had a flimsy setup to why Bugs felt the need to teach someone a lesson and some thought put into it's jokes (like when he has to physically bake a cake in order to get someone to fall face first into it)

knew it as soon as I saw the OP

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thank god this was the first one

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I love Tails so much I have a Tails daki and over 1000 Tails pictures (I only save the cutest stuff), I just wanted Tails to be in smash so I could have a Tails amiibo too.

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based and fpbp

you fucking idiots still got it sometimes. godspeed

>people praising a literal NPC tier first post

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broke my meta

Sometimes, you guys are alright.

ahah o wow

Fuck you beat me to it.

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Someone do an edit with his waifu Cosmo

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Reimu's beautiful armpits

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>Yea Forums

I don't get it

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I just assumed this was a low-key r34 thread

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Calarts memes aside, not really.
It has good potential for porn, though.

I doubt kids like ok no
Its the sort of thing only a certain kind of adult can like.
Granted not like they have many options fornthimgs to watch.

Yes. Very happy.

My cock

>Its the sort of thing only a certain kind of adult can like.


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I totally expected this

I knew this was coming, but goddamn fpbp

I agree its actually funny

Tails look like he is about to sing Iam a Gummy bear


saucenao holds the answer, fren

Oh it's Nitro
Thanks user

Based Nitro

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post pictures right now you degenerate. If not I'm going to assume you're a liar along with being a faggot

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As always best post

Who does Tails self insert as?

Why would I lie about that? I already posted one. I'm not going to share all of them but I would post a few more. My current IP won't let me upload images though.

Wait there is a new sonic cartoon?

KO got turned into a side/background character since Sonic/Tails did pretty much everything


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post the pillow nigger

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yep. still funny after 6,247,321st time

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fpbp, I expected nothing less.
Thanks user i had a good laugh.

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thanks user you made my day with this

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Post it

>k.o is shorter than sonic
that means k.o is below 1 meter


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The pilot looked good, but Calarts stripped it bare.

It's not good, but this episode with Sonic was good even if it was really just "DUDE SONIC REFERENCE" every 5 seconds. But that's probably because I'm biased as a Sonic fan

Where the hell have you been? People still bitch about Johnny Test (though more passively as that show isn't actively eating air time) and Adventure Time is extremely mixed depending on what parts of it you're talking about, and even at that there's still plenty of people who hate / don't care for it. On top of that, people still have a boner for the likes of Samurai Jack and Courage.

Fixed some shit.

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This is literally the response OP wanted and everyone knows it lol

here good man.

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soulless. It's trying way too hard.

>Is this supposed to be a promotion for these shorts?
It could have been a test short to convince the execs before they greenlit the full production and hired voice actors.

Don't they have official voice actors that either are literally the original voice actors or imitators for anyone too old / literally dead on call / payroll for this sort of thing though? The former theory of this being test animation for executives to see if the energy is still there to do it properly I could see though.

apparently they do a casting call for every production which is why a bunch of them suddenly had new voice actors for the mobile game and the new shorts

>low cost amimation
>last 5mins of every episode are cringe or feels bullshit

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You need to go back Potential-fag

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Talk about being completely disorganized. I don't think there's a single company otherwise with ANY long running characters that doesn't have dedicated voice actor(s) for said iconic characters that exclusively do their voice. Obviously they need switching out over time, but to just reset every single time? Why?

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>all these (You)s

its good tho'