Nintendo NEEDS to do Mario Kart ultimate, all the tracks, all the characters. If Smash can do it then Mario Kart

Nintendo NEEDS to do Mario Kart ultimate, all the tracks, all the characters. If Smash can do it then Mario Kart.

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I wish, by the way is waluigi’s pinball map in mk8 deluxe I forget

Who isn't in 8? DK JR? Who cares

Nah it needs to make a Mario Kart for Mario fans. The giant crossover thing is already done in a better format.

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or you could just play CTGP. i still play it occasionally. All the tracks before wii have been ported,a handful of 3ds and8 tracks have been added in, and the dkr tracks, plus a hundred or so orignal tracks. Online still pretty active


That's honestly what 8 DX should have been.

Is there a way to do it on dolphin yet?

Incredibly based character choices. I'd swap the Easter Island Head for the Sphinx, maybe drop some of the Paper Mario partners for an enemy like Tubba Blubba, General Guy, or Jr. Troopa, and swap one of the DKR crew for Wizpig.

Also why has there never been a SMB2 or SML track? I feel like theres a ton of potential there.

>modern nintendo ever acknowledging DK Jr.
nice one OP LOL

Tracks are more important than racers senpai

i am pretty sure you can play the tracks on an emulator, but the excellent online play is limited to consoles. I'm pretty sure this is to prevent cheating, as the game is actually extremly well moderated, and cheaters are banned in a timely manner.

The wii is such and emulation monster i would recommend getting one, and you can load ctgp and project m from usb so you don't have to spend a dime on games.

Give us new tracks with new mechanics instead of old stuff

DK Jr.
Honey Queen
Kamek, Hammer Bro and E. Gadd, all scrapped from previous games
I'm not counting the arcade characters because the Namco guests probably won't ever be in a mainline game

Everyone is here (except Waluigi)

Sarasaland race tracks would be amazing. Imagine seeing them more fleshed-out with revamped music playing.
>Birabuto Kingdom (Egypt)
>Muda Kingdom (Mu/Bermuda)
>Easton Kingdom (Easter Island)
>Chai Kingdom

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Make blue shells like the N64 version, rare and not broken as fuck


>not having the fukin clock

how dare you user

Dr. Mario
Baby Mario
Dr. Baby Mario
Metal Mario
Gold Mario
Tanooki Mario
Fire Mario
Hammer Mario
Dr. Luigi
Baby Luigi
Dr. Baby Luigi
Silver Luigi
Kitsune Luigi
Dr. Wario
Baby Wario
Dr. Baby Wario
Vampire Wario
Dr. Waluigi
Baby Waluigi
Dr. Baby Waluigi
Techno Waluigi

I really dont care about playing online, I just want to zone out and race, but last I checked there was no way to play on dolphin.

Would be so fucking peng

>Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is still the best-selling game on Switch with 18 million sold
>No signs of stopping

Yeah, I wouldn't be holding my breath for a new Mario Kart any time soon.

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They just need to add fucking dlc wtf is taking them?

I thought Cranky was the original DK and Jr. is the current one

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im pretty sure thats just cause its bundled with it.
i mean my switch came with mario kart.

Nope, current DK is DK the third.

>DK Jr. back for the first time ever
>in exchange for Queen Bee
I'll take it

Also, Poochie for racer in the next game

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No Frog Luigi?

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While certainly not a full-on reference, Shy Guy Bazaar from Mario Kart 7 and Mario Kart Tour took some inspiration from Super Mario Bros. 2 at least. That said, a track that goes a lot further with the references would still be very appreciated. Sarasaland on the other hand has NEVER been fleshed out in any Mario spin-off, which is definitely crying shame.

>Pink Gold Peach
MK8 roster will never not hilarious to me. If they had something like Silver Mercury Rosalina and Funky Kong it would be perfect.

Nah, what they need to do is make Super Mario Kart Deluxe. Release it through the Nintendo channel, or release it for free in the shop.

Online playability, at least 4 players simultaneous,and at least one new cup of tracks to play. That's the only thing it needs. Same mechanics, same Mode 7 graphics

Koopalings are great additions, but I agree with the rest.

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Cranky is OG DK, DK Jr is current DK's dad.

What happened to DK's dad?

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He's a math teacher living in the big city. Jungle life isn't for him.


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Diddy, Petey, ROB, Funky and Wiggler are the only ones worth adding. I'd rather have new shit from Odyssey

Reminder that MKWii sold over 30 million copies and MK8 on the Wii U sold over 8 million

People just like Mario Kart

They need to retire Mario Kart

The koopalings are cute

agreed! which is your favorite?

At this point I just want them to make versus mode worthwhile, offline Mario Kart is pretty shit to be honest.
Here are my ideas:
>enabling and disabling friendly fire for team races
>more fractions for team races, 2 teams with 6 players, 3 teams with 4 players, 4 teams with 3 players and 6 teams with 2 players
>extreme difficulty where each opponent has max AI
>backwards mode
>enabling and disabling any item like in Smash

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Offline is queen as fuck

Koopalings would be fine if they were a single slot. Dedicating an entire row to basically the same character is pretty retarded design wise, not to mention that it makes unlocking characters a nightmare.

I dunno if you are still here but there are pre-patched ctgp ISO's out there.

No. Remake\sequel for Double Dash and eliminate the gay coin system.

go back

I can't go back to Mario Kart after playing Crash Team Racing.

>Not wanting Smash Kart

remastering every single track like they are in MK8 isn't as simple as bringing back every smash stage

Missing Smithy and Starlow, other than that, based


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I want a Diddy Kong Racing for the fucking switch. Fuck mario kart.

I want it to have mk64 gameplay or the game can fuck itself.

That means turtles last more than 3 hits.

Hits launch you in the sky and you roll like dice.

Item hitting cancelling.

Stages where you have to actually try to stay on the course.

>turtles last more than 3 hits
the fuck does this mean?
>hits launch you into the sky and you roll like dice
would look jarring as shit in actual 3D, the current sky launch is fine
>item hitting cancelling
also in current MK
>Stages where you have to actually try to stay on the course, the dullest one to actually race on but has the best aesthetics and music which saves it
>in the game that created N64 Rainbow Road

Fantastic taste

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I'm guessing they mean more than three bounces off the stage.

No, they need to do another F-zero game.

this is what we need, triggered anti-smash fags be seething
>riding a Dolphin kart as Olimar, throwing pikmins at Samus riding a Gunship-kart

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