Play Morrowind

Play Morrowind

Attached: Morrowind 2019-08-03 (1920x1080, 411K)

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Attached: Almalexia.jpg (868x1026, 274K)

wasn't that enjoyable for me
played it once and defeated Dagoth Ur, sure. However, I just can not play it multiple times like a few of you do, quite honestly... only ever done that with Oblivion and Skyrim

the combat kills it for me. i know the lore is great, the exploration and the whole adventure, but the combat really keeps me from enjoying it. and nothing will ever fix it.

Attached: 44815-2539826-PrinceofWolves.jpg (1021x800, 290K)

Once was more than enough.

Zoom zoom

Attached: Morrowind God Mode.webm (1280x960, 2M)

>one shotting everything in town is considered 'fun'
>bro, just be at end-game level bro, thats when the REAL game begins xD
literally MMORPG-tier garbage


Attached: 8B25940B-127E-42A6-B1C1-7EE0BFCDFE90.png (650x1050, 912K)

There's something oddly comfy about Morrowind guards.

I am, but not with all that godawful depth of field. Are you roleplaying as someone with myopia?

it turns off when you stand more than 2 inches away from something

Attached: Morrowind 2019-08-03 (1920x1080, 367K)

That's better, fair enough.

I'd rather play Daggerfall

I already am, user.

>visual mods
>npc overhauls
why even play

>"Dude just abuse the game's shitty programming lmao"

Attached: 1537196901509.jpg (320x320, 17K)

spices the game up after playing it for over a decade

Attached: Morrowind 2019-08-01 (1920x1080, 245K)

any mod that makes the combat more interesting? not like tinkering with stats so you can make an excel on how to play, but nicer mechanics, animations, etc

play combat enhanced like a real 2003 nibba

>le meme retextures

>and nothing will ever fix it.
Just wait for mwse mods.

The mod that makes you stop being a faggot.
this one removes the miss chance and adds oblivion style perks
never tried it myself but it looks ok


>pick class
>use that class
>don't run out of stamina
there you go

Does morrowwind have lewd mods

Give me controller UI and I will.

Oh, wait. Modder implemented active blocking, so you can try this mod

do retards really

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I've been playing a lot with controller because my back is pain if I sit in my chair for too long

I love Morrowind but I agree that the battle is shit. That's why I always play as a mage. Making your own retarded spells is fun as fuck and a lot of people never get to experience it because they can't get past the awful combat.

get one of those sliding tables

here you go

Attached: Elder Scrolls 3 III Morrowind_0x500.jpg (346x500, 53K)

I mostly lay in bed when I play vidya
I was thinking of getting it on the xbone but mods and every backwards compatible game seems to barely run better.

>he doesn't play a dunmer in every single elder scrolls game

Can you even call yourself a Morrowind fan?

Attached: 1556264168086.png (2560x1440, 490K)

I think it's the general guard face
They just look like chill dudes who'd laugh at dumb jokes

I only play Dunmer or Imperial.

>not playing a NORD in every single elder scrolls game

Where was that slave? Here not long ago.

What is appeal of Imperial?

Okay if you say so, it's been ages.
What mods do I get?

Smuggest face

Ability to remain passively racist at the silly backwards natives while saving them in the name of the empire

Sorry but I'm not a fucking fag.

>Roman aesthetic
>best looking humans
>get voice of the emperor for easy persuasions

true, thats why its best not to try to play it as an action game, but for roleplaying and exploration

>farming hours or cheating to break the game
wow nice totally legitimate example of the game's combat

Attached: 1446225705453.webm (640x360, 1.8M)

how fucking fat are you?

What's that Almalexia mod ?
I like that it don't turn her full anime.

>0 fatigue

Attached: Morrowind combat done right.webm (1680x1050, 2.97M)

once I got past the beginning slog the rest of the game was like this webm with every enemy it just became boring so I forced myself to finish the game and be done with it

Is there a mod that adds quest markers?

All this Daggerfall is kind of making me want to.

>Is there a mod that adds quest markers?

Attached: Zoomer.png (820x324, 244K)