>all of these skinny or fat players at EVO
When are we going to get a /fit/ Chad at EVO? Just imagine a Rob Gronkowski type of dude at a FGC tourney.
All of these skinny or fat players at EVO
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old spice wolfthorn smells like old ladies fuck that
I really wish I had a white jock bf to pound me hard after beating me in vidya.
Are you suggesting that I should engage in sexual relations with old women smelling of old spice?
No i'm saying if you use wolfthorn oldspice you will smell like an old ladie's bathroom
801 strider already exists faggot
Whoever made this meme is retarded theyre not supposed to have the same name, was probably made by some insecure scrub after getting beat by his shitty tourneyfag friend. Should be
>the virgin tourneyfag
>the chad button masher
>>the virgin tourneyfag
Netplay warrior also works.
When would anyone who goes to evo have time to work out?
The virgin meme deconstructor
Do you also complain about wojaks?
Memes are an artform, sorry pal
sorry for what?
anyone feel like there's too much information on the internet for these games to be enjoyable?
i remember when nobody knew shit about frame data and we were just playing street fighter or mortal kombat on the genesis and getting good on our own with only magazines and game manuals to help us out. that was all in good fun.
now we even play online instead of a comfy basement, the chad is right here.
if you dont like it you never have to look it up. you and your casual friends can still enjoy smashing your head against your controllers without trying to actually improve.
When's my nigga Jaha coming back?
Jeondding is a regular at EVO
Frame data is usually only useful for labbing and knowing which cheap ass moves are punishable, it's really not a big deal
Why would a Chad play fighting games when he can train MMA in real life for fun?
There is a chad in every social group. Think of some real nerds, like maybe a chess or anime club. In that group, there is still a more dominate, more clever guy that has more charisma than the rest. He is the chad of that group. Fighting game chad is no different
MMA dudes love fighting games.
It takes time and effort to stay /fit/. There is very little overlap between people dedicated to regular exercise and people dedicated to practicing fighting games all day.
Is the leaf implying virgin walk from the original meme isn't a real thing?
I was in the thread this was spawned in, good times.
>It's been two years
Bad times.
a lot of FPS and other esport dudes are pretty jacked though.
I'm not sure why fighting games are an anomaly. I'd perhaps guess partially because it's less team focused so the "fitness bug" has less chance to be passed on.
Maybe being mogged by a teammate is a big motivator.
Is this the same dude who did a backwards kick to the head and did a hadouken afterwards?
>kids will never know the feel of sliding a quarter into the slot of the brand new Tekken arcade machine and playing that first match.
>absolutely unrivaled technology at the time.
>made Virtua Fighter look like a half-baked tech demo.
>mortal kombat 2 machine collecting dust.
>tfw liked tekken 2 more than 3 as a kid
I was a little fucking retard.
We did, he was a Smash player.
Fighting game is a lot about memorizing combos.
Fps is pretty much speed and reflexes. I would argue to a point you actually need good atheletism to be good at fast paced fps games.
He's implying the opposite you fucking retard, and he's not implying it at all he's stating it.
/fit/fags dont have the time to put in hours of practice to be competition ready for video games
its one or the other
user, put down whatever you're eating right now.
You're getting fat.
THIS. THIS is a literal Wee-A-Boo.
Doesn’t Hungrybox count? He seems like a pretty big guy, and not in a fat way - as I remember at least.
Didn't he throw a girl off a window or roof at some party. Yipes keeps bringing it up when marvel3 was still a thing.
Datamining ruined video games.
Why do you even play video games if all you're going to do is cheat as much as possible within socially arbitrated limits?
He's pretty chubby
Chads doesn't play fighting games to begin with
fiji chads ww@
been using oldspice fiji since it came out, shit smells great
>nobody posted the john the ding yet
i'd say he's a t7 chad
but he's good at fighting games
thats' a lot of time dedicated in training modes to being better instead of doing something more productive so eh
he looks hot though!!!
asians have the ugliest hair cuts.
>doing something more productive
I mean, he gets paid to play fighting games so it's not that much of a waste of time. Funny enough he's actually decent at SFV too. Also Eddy is the most chad character in the roster besides Lee Chadlan, makes sense he'd play him.
>the beta plus on block fundamentals virgin
>the chad 50/50 negative on hit mixup rando chad
this is true
you're an ugly retard
>tfw good looking and mog all the unwashed nerds at the locals
>tfw not that good though so I get bodied most of the time
I don't know about memes, but trolling used to be a art.
You mean Tokido and Jeundding?
Spending time staying Chad tier fit and having the 23 hours a day of "labbing" practice required for top8'ing tournaments are mutually exclusive.