Oldfag thread.
My boys who have been here since 2006-8 or so, what are you playing? How's life going? Are you okay? Let's have a nice thread. I
Oldfag thread
Other urls found in this thread:
yes because desu spam wasnt the most well known part of old Yea Forums
we totally believe your an oldfag for posting sui you fucking faggot
I got married to an actual human, have an apartment and two cats. Shits comfy af. You can make it, boys.
Someone seems upset for no reason.
it is but most retards on this board is under the age of 18, so most of them won't even recognize it.
I drink myself to sleep every night hoping I won't wake up.
Was playing nier earlier.
I got here in 2015 and I recognize desu spam. And the board I came here for was /mlp/.
relax faggot, as time moves on people associate icons with periods of time.
come on user posting DESU for an oldfag thread is literally the best way to show you're not actually an oldfag, it would be like posting Pool's Closed or Spiderman.
Okay so leave?
>accuses somebody of not being an oldfag for using an overused meme
>posts raptor jesus
Is this performance art or are you just retarded
Cats are shit tier pets
THAT'S the part you take issue with?
It was another example
So what dude I've been here since 2004 no need to get mad for no reason.
>upset someone posted desu
>he posts raptor jesus
Fuck off retard.
Might as well post some rei dick while you're at it, bitch.
Been trying to play RPGs. I keep going through my catalogue of RPGs I haven't finished and I'm never able to get something to stick. Been playing games intermittently with a friend but again... nothing really seems to stick or feel enjoyable like it used to. I don't really have the time for insane marathon gaming sessions anymore.
Life could be better. Recently got a new job that has been going great, but went through a really sudden breakup at the same time. Honestly it's been really hard to find reasons to find enjoyment in anything, including games. I find myself getting bored and disconnected from what I'm doing only to start thinking about life and all the fucked up things that have been going on. I really don't have anything to complain about, just really not happy right now.
So you're retarded got it
I feel you user, both on the RPG and life front. I find I tend to pick things up, really enjoy them, but then drop them as life gets in the way and then start casually playing other things. It vortexes until the original game is lost, even if I was enjoying it a lot. I hiope things work out though, balancing life, relationships, happiness and all that really is a cunt.
Playing Megadimension Neptunia VII and trying to finish P3 since it's the only one that I never finished. I've been here since 2006 and I'm pretty sure this site made me the NEET I am today.
I find it funny to think about how Yea Forums probably half raised some of us. I was in middle school when I started coming here way back then.
I've been meaning to power through the nep games, though. I've got the first 3 on steam.
I got FFX on Steam since I havent played it since it first released, although Ive hardly played it much. Life is pretty crappy since Ive felt really sick for a couple of months now. Im hoping that its something that ends up killing me though.
It's not even really life getting in the way at this point. I'm working a lot of hours, but with the breakup I also lost all of our mutual friends and most of my reasons to get outside and do stuff. Been trying to stay busy by throwing myself into stuff that can eat away time and whatnot. I used to go insane with RPGs, MMOs, stuff like that. Now I get about 6 hours in and just suddenly stop feeling engaged by it. Anytime I'm not actively doing something, I'm usually thinking about the breakup. She was cheating and it ended quick once things came out - we were in the process of moving into a much nicer apartment and I had to move all of my stuff twice in the span of three days. Now the new boyfriend is in the apartment with her a few days after we broke up. Been together 2 years and I didn't really see this one coming. Cunt is definitely the word that I would use to describe it, man. Shit sucks.
well, I'll be honest buddy, I have been better, I fell in love with a woman 3 years older than me, I felt like she was the one, that was a year ago. Now, I'm a state away, a year older, doing something completely different. I'm trying to let her go and get on with my life.
The passive suicidal thoughts is something that I've been working around for a long time. Games always seemed to help with it - especially MMOs. Giving yourself a purpose anywhere you can is a good thing - especially when you've got other people relying on you.
Sorry to hear that, man. How'd the breakup go down? That seems like a pretty big/sudden transition.
I was pretty fucked up, that was awhile ago, I had only been seeing her for about 3 months when we broke up. It was too much knowing she was seeing other guys. guess I was fucked up, but I couldn't take it
I think coming on Yea Forums so young derailed my life
I like Underrail though
It's really good
Some people have a harder time moving on than others. Isn't necessarily a bad thing, though. Can definitely come across as overbearing or whatever - but most of the time those feelings come from a genuine place. You aren't fucked up for caring about other people.
Luckily I don't have anyone that relies on me so that isn't an issue. I could never really get into mmos after trying a few of them so I'll just stick with FFX when I actually feel like playing something again.
MMOs these days don't really foster community like they used to. having 90% of content locked behind the wall of needing a group is awesome for building relationships - but idiots love to complain on forums about it. There's honestly no MMOs that stand out to me that I would recommend that you play these days. FFX is awesome if you can stick with it. The game will really take you on a roller coaster
I've been here before DESU was a thing and the character was just spammed in the weekly Rozen Maiden thread on Yea Forums. I guess it's been since 2004. A lot of the anime back then was great.
to be completely honest I don't remember anything from those days. fads just come and go, some linger in your mind longer than others.
Mostly CSGO. I work long hours doing draining work and while I have a ton of games and I get at least 3 new games every sale, I keep playing counterstrike because it fills a competitive void in my life.
t. 29 year old boomer
Only anime I remember from back then was whatever was being played on toonami. For some reason, Inuyasha was the big one that suck out for me even though I have never watched the show in the correct order. Just episodes here or there. A few years later I was introduced to bleach and other huge shounen stuff
>That filename
I find it incredibly interesting that you apparently downloaded this image several years ago but haven't posted it a single time. surely you couldn't possibly be pretending to be an oldfag.
Hey man, it will get better. Last year the girl I've dated since high school and I broke up and it tore me to shreds. The worst part was we were together for 6 years and she was with a new guy after like a month. For a while I just didn't get how she could move on so fast when we had so many plans, but over time I realized its probably for the best that it happened since she clearly didn't love me the way I loved her.
Just keep trying. Do new things, go out of your way to get out of your apartment and have a conversation with someone new everyday. You're gonna be okay user.
Recently got into Warframe since later last month. Haven't been playing anything else(which kinda sucks since I was in the middle of an Ys run), or even watched any anime since then, only stopped to back up my lolis from the pandapocalypse.
It's been a real fucking while since a game last got me this good, been skipping food as well, somehow.
The breakup is fresh enough that I've just been trying to get by logistics wise. Finding a new place over the last week or so was crazy and I still feel like things haven't settled down.
Thanks for the support, man. I know I need to move on and that this is for the best. I'm honestly happy that we went through this after only being together two years - I can't imagine what it'd be like if we had built even more of a life together.
Going pretty good.
Missed my bus home and I live in the countryside in Korea so now I gotta wait 40mins for the next one. Currently playing some Wizards Symphony in my office.
Not having time for games sucks, but the way I see it, I just focus on what I do enjoy. No longer do I complete games because I feel the need to. It sucks, but if I don't want to play something anymore I just don't do it. I cater more to my needs more.
Gaming time is way too limited and far too precious these days.
Life itself is nonexistant for the past 11 years. Living as a hikkineet is specially terrible when your PC goes to shit a few years in and you have to settle to do nothing but play the only games that run in a fucking GT 210 like Killing Floor 2 at 480p@20 or Paladins for years. Got a new PC earlier this year and since then I've been mentally stable.
oldfag confirmed. I watched 2x2 shinobuden recently and remembered you for half a second
It sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders. And this may sound weird, but push yourself. A lot of people will tell you not to push yourself, but sometimes you need that push to get moving again. Anyways good night user, just keep enjoying the good and working through the bad.
Watched it for the first time?
What sparked that?
Why haven't you killed yourself yet?
27 in final year of college after dropping out. Browsed in 2006 as an underage b&
Playing FF9, one of the last main FFs I never beat
>My boys who have been here since 2006-8 or so
2007 here actually. I remember finding out about Yea Forums on fpsbanana when people started discussing the MGS4 trailers.
>what are you playing?
Mostly Lobotomy Corp and getting around to finally playing FF 12. Goddamn I wish I could just mod Fran's jp voice for the english version because her eng voice sucks fucking dick and everyone else in jap either sounds awful like Vaan or just uninterested like Balthier. Also Basch dresses like a faggot why the fuck did he take off the cool outfit he had in the sewers what the fuck
>How's life going?
It's ok. Wish I would get hired, though.
>Are you okay?
No, but venlafaxine helps not getting worse.
probably none of you even remembers omgwtfbbq
I was in an actual literal anime club. How did I ever get laid?
I'm 32 and still browsing Yea Forums. How do you think the life is going?
>what are you playing?
Into the Breach. It's comfy.
>How's life going?
>Are you okay?
Nope. Bought a gun a few weeks ago. Going to check out when I clear my steam backlog.
U serious?
Don't do that. You'll miss out on dlc
why yes I am an oldfag how could you tell?
Browsing Yea Forums at that age doesn't automatically mean anything. Assuming you've made any mental or professional growth since you started coming here.
I'm 28 and am a completely different person than what I started browsing 12+ years ago.
I haven't gone senile yet so fuck you, of course I do
>Going to check out when I clear my steam backlog.
I see you don't plan on an heroing anymore, then
Ya rly
Probably not an oldfag, but I remember this was the meme of the day when I got here
>implying i actively seek out desu threads on the video game board
come on user, this board hates e-celeb threads for a reason.
Good times.
I was a khv in 2005 and I'm still a khv
Perhaps I should be more clear. I think Yea Forums is trash but I can't stop coming here. I don't know what to do on my down time while I'm at home. I don't even really play video games anymore
>what are you playing?
Nothing, or only playing rarely. I'm feeling lazy which is really the only reason I'm here.
I've played some Mega Man, Pokemon, and Lord of Magna recently, but nothing really major.
>How's life going?
Pretty well, steady job and paycheck so nothing to technically complain about. I'm just lazy about some of the weekly shit around here, but nothing I can't get caught up on.
>Are you okay?
I'm revisiting the shithole of the internet which has been taken over by political assholes who are somehow worse. I don't think I am.
Still, it's probably more of a funk than anything major. Probably once I get the major priorities out of the way things will look better, but right now it's depressing how much minor stuff there is. I should get back into PC gaming when I get the time to put together the new PC.
I was going to jokingly call this a newfag thread, then I read the thread and realized half of it was actually assblasted newfags doing the usual "no one is really an oldfag" routine. So I guess it wouldn't be a joke to call it a newfag thread.
Anyway, I'm playing through divinity original sin 2 with a friend. Life's fine.
Found Yea Forums in 2006. I was in high school. Thought I had a bright future a head of me. Long story short, life beat the fuck out of me and came crawling back to my parents house never leaving this house again. I am not a piece of shit NEET.
Cool blogpost bro cry more
Same. I feel like there's a part of me I can only show on Yea Forums. Where else can I just hang out and answer honestly and call the rest of you a bunch of shitheads? Even that guy who said my cats are shit. At least he has the balls to share his opinion. He's not kissing my ass for "rescuing them" like people would on Instagram.
posting in thread full of liars
Fuck your cats
Yeah, he should've posted grinman.
And fuck you too, butthole.
Fuck old fags and FUCK boomers.
>assblasted newfags doing the usual "no one is really an oldfag" routine
I just dont see any point in trying to associate old Yea Forums with this current garbage. even if there are "oldfags" still browsing the site that cred is worth nothing here. realizing this helped me a lot to come to terms with this post apocalyptic trash site being what it is.
I tried playing a few JRPGs recently, particularly Tales of Phantasia PSX and Legend of Dragoon, and I ca't stomach games with ToP's obnoxious encounter rates or LoD's incredibly slow battles anymore.
I started playing Nocturne again as the Maniax Chronicle version and while that does have the bullshit encounter rates the fast speed of battles and snappy menus make it so much more bearable, even if it does have some annoying things lacking from newer games like being able to easily exit menus or check what skills do.
This is a boku thread now.
Fuck suigintou.
I was playing Tactics OGRE
The point of this thread is to talk to other oldfags, not to helicopter our dicks in everyone else's faces.
You're right, though
>what are you playing?
FF14, gonna try GG again since the new game is coming out. UNIST too.
>How's life going? Are you okay?
Badly. 90% of the problems are self inflicted though.
He's measuring the worth of what he has to contribute in terms of how much newfags value it. Have some self respect.
Cuphead, Mario maker 2, slay the spire, dark souls 3, and about to get back into monster hunter world
Life is going poorly
Also fair.
Unrelated, anyone else like, stopped watching movies or just me? I see one maybe every 3 months and I don't just mean in theaters.
2010 here but w.e. Playing Dishonored 2 since it was on sale. It's pretty fun for how cheap it was.
>with the breakup I also lost all of our mutual friends and most of my reasons to get outside and do stuff.
>She was cheating and it ended quick once things came out
This happened to me years ago and I still find it painful to think about. But after the depression wears off you'll realise that you're free to do whatever you want to without anyone else to deal with, so set your own personal goals and work towards them, that's good motivation. For me it was getting in shape and learning Japanese.
I used to rarely watch movies. I'd recently picked up a bunch and think it was probably a mistake. I mean, they're fine to watch, it's just frequently not worth the time investment to sit down and do so.
I haven't been to the theater in a couple years, but I still watch a movie on amazon prime once in a while. I was never a movie fanatic to begin with though. That's why I'm here instead of Yea Forums.
two failed suicide attempts down
starting to bounce back to health and happiness
my father started doing meth and he got beat so badly trying to steal some he can't work anymore
i'm still trying to escape
mostly i make things to pass the time
i miss the original content on /f/, Yea Forums city was great
What do you make, user?
eh sekiro is a pretty good game. He dies a lot and doesn't afraid of anything
>i miss the original content on /f/
I do, too.
In grad school now. Life is okay. Have to still reign in my joy of gallows humor/dark comedy around normies though.
they are the main demographic on this current site. when in rome.
My best friend got mad at me and called me a hermit the other day. I don't know if I can keep going boys
They are the main demographic in their classroom too, but I sure hope their teacher isn't saying based and redpilled.
>How's life going?
I don't know. I was suppose to go to an uni exam today, but wrote to my professor that I would not show up even though I wanted to just get it over with regardless of the grade.
>Are you okay?
These days? Not really. I'm a depressed and feel so stressed about the current state of the world and the landscape of gaming. Everything seems so lifeless and devoid personality. Everything is about choosing a side. Everyone just produces so much hate from both sides when you just want to ignore it and forget about it. The general climate of society has become something I can't really describe. In some ways its so polluted and stressful.
I've been playing casual shit like romhack'd pokemon and trolling in CSGO/Dota 2.
Real life sucks, responsibilities and bills suck. Luckily I still enjoy games and the internet, and I don't have a money sink in the form of pets or partners, so I'm not working wageslave hours to stay afloat.
I'm still amazed this place has become so mainstream that they underwent a slight rebranding for the normalfags.
I've been here since '05. I'm unemployed, live with my mother, and have violent diarrhea at the moment. I'm not really sure how I got here either. Five years ago my life was going great, but now I'm here. I'm going to give up soon if I can't make some serious changes. I'm your average Chainlink holder. I've been playing through Soul Reaver.
Don't off yourself. Just leave. Go to Antarctica and let nature kill you instead.
little attempts at video games, i make little origami things and stacks of stuff, sometimes if i'm really productive i'll make clothes
i'll have something to show some day, but not yet... thank you for showing interest
>Everyone just produces so much hate from both sides when you just want to ignore it and forget about it. The general climate of society has become something I can't really describe. In some ways its so polluted and stressful.
It's ironic that Yea Forums used to be known as the internet hate machine yet back then it was far more relaxed and jovial than it or the internet in general is now.
>bringing up the old Yea Forums myth
My eye twitched a little.
I probably wouldn't kill myself. I'm too curious to see how my life goes to end it early. Leaving everything behind to sink or swim in the woods sounds nice though.
I'm torn between just grinding jobs in FFXIV, re-reading Fate/Stay Night so I'm prepared for Heavens Feel: Spring Flower next year, and just playing other games here or there for an hour or two before getting bored.
I'm waiting for Legacy of the Duelist Link Evolution on Switch but it comes out in 15 days and I need something to fill the time. I know when the game comes out I'll get bored of it quickly but that's tired gamer syndrome for you.
Crazy to think I first read FSN in highschool and forgot so much over time that re-reading the VN is sort of interesting again. I'm glad that Sakura hate isn't as bad as it was when I was younger.
I brought 16gigs of RAM for £75 recently, local collect at my post office. Well it didn't arrive so they sent a replacement. Just went to pick up the replacement and both the packages were waiting for me, now I've got 32gigs of 3200Mhz RAM for my new PC!
All for £75, I feel a little dirty desu but I'm pretty cuffed about that.
Origami is hard as shit. That's cool you can do it at all. So is making clothes, all I can do is sew stuff back together when I rip it. Good luck with the games tho.
Blows my mind, really
You don't need to fix the world, so don't burden yourself with it. You can be a bit thankful that you're able to turn it off without having to worry about it. At least, I hope you can. Just focus on other things for a few months and let the world take care of itself for awhile.
As for video games, AAAs are really assfucking themselves so spend more focus on the smaller titles. It's a bit sad that the handheld systems are dying because there were a lot of good ones there, but you can still find some indie titles that aren't pretentious bullshit. Or even some that are; it can be fun to sit down and screw around with some bullshit every now and then.
Don't be afraid to pick up some of the good re-releases, either. Mega Man has been very nice to revisit even after all this time.
>So is making clothes, all I can do is sew stuff back together when I rip it.
That's more than the vast, vast majority of people can do these days.
>this is the state of old Yea Forums
Fucking yikes, even you trannies can't talk about vidya and just blogpost. Fuck off to tumblr or some shit.
No one claiming to be an oldfag would also be a tranny, because they wouldn't have made it this long.
>even you trannies can't talk about vidya
>more vidya discussion in this thread than in most of Yea Forums
That's pretty sad.
Everything Yea Forums bitterly jokes about eventually becomes reality because people are just honest here. You know that thing where no one person can guess how many beans are in the jar, but the average of 1000 people's guesses is the correct answer? Yea Forums does that too when it is satirizing a topic.
Yeah, we were all about being otherkin. Get it right.
Considering the whining in this thread they sure as fuck sound like one.
It's a few people saying "oh I'm playing X" and getting ignored while everyone else complains about how their life sucks.
Got into FF XIV with Shadowbringers.
Finished ARR over the weekend. I enjoy the mechanics of the game enough, but the vaunted story is poorly told, so I really hope that improves like everyone says.
desu is a good icon of old Yea Forums to post because newfags are under the belief Yea Forums was never anime, which immediately filters them out and rustles them in the process.
It gets better in Patch 2.4 and 2.5. Then it becomes good in Heavensward, becomes mediocre during Stormblood, and then becomes amazing during Shadowbringers.
Late 06 here. I'm a wageslave now and the only shit I consistently have time for is mobile games, usually gacha. I don't spend shit in them, but it doesn't make me feel much better.
Why are you so angry?
You don't have time for other games because you spend all your time on gachashit. When I uninstalled all the gachashit I was playing I was able to find plenty of time to play proper games again.
Most RPGs are a trap. They're literally designed to waste your time. You should avoid long-lasting RPGs if you're working on a bakclog, those are games you play when you've given up on living and just need to kill time until you can fall asleep and get back to work the next day.
Have you reached wizardry yet though?
I started xiv as well few weeks ago. I dont like how every social interaction I've had in the game has been very contrived since you dont really need anyone's help for anything during leveling. like saying hi at the start of a dungeon is all I can muster. It's rather depressing when I compare the experience to older mmos where I would be a social butterfly.
>You don't have time for other games because you spend all your time on gachashit.
I wish that was the case, but no. By the time I get home I'm usually either too tired to play real vidya or I can only squeeze in an hour or two before I go to sleep.
Mostly ps4 games, never had the space for the kind of PC gaming I want. Is it possible to build an emulation machine the size of a console? Thinking of trying it out.
>13 years later
>still miss the old SA forums
>no no will replace Thorpe and Parsons
>mom's dead
>made a good career out of games
Been playing a fuck ton of Mordhau. Doing well despite losing mum.
Get iPad, install FTL
Because I come to this shithole to actually talk about vidya, not listen to some faggots crying about life, complaining about shitty games because they have sjw shit in them just to discuss poltics, bait, consolewar threads or "subtle" /pol/ thread.
Nogames until autumn. Been playing paradox map painters because nogames.
I miss krautchan
This You think you're saving money, but you're really wasting all your time grinding through dailies just to keep pace. It's little wonder you don't feel any better. You could pick up any free PC game and have a much better time. At least with the shit ones, you can just laugh and throw it away. You won't feel the need to play it again tomorrow to get the login rewards so that you might roll the 10* ultra rare on rateup.
Moving in with some friends who can take care of my useless NEET ass.
Mostly playing FFXIV but every once in a while I find some time to go back and play some Way of the Samurai 4.
5 never. ;_;
You got a funny way of showing it.
it doesnt matter what the teacher says if the class is out of control 24/7 and suspending them literally does nothing.
Those are nice friends you got.
Sorry about your mom. I'm sure she loved you a lot.
Unless you're providing sexual services, they'll eventually get sick of you and kick you out. If you care about your friendship you'll take that opportunity to get a job and contribute in some manner, or save up to move out.
At least you have good friends, my mate offered me to rent out a place with him but his bitch of a gf said no so he he said “never mind”
>By the time I get home I'm usually either too tired to play real vidya or I can only squeeze in an hour or two before I go to sleep.
That's enough time for several quests in Monster Hunter, one floor of Etrian Odyssey, or two stages of nuDoom. You don't have to make a huge amount of progress every day. You just need to not put off playing it.
You'd better learn to cook and clean or something if you aren't going to work.
I can't believe candlejack is still at it after all these y-
Well I can understand his gf's feelings towrads living with some other people. You know, wanting some privacy and alone time and stuff.
I could use some money to be honest.
I had to pay a late water bill and I've been wanting to try that new Dragon Quest builder game.
Does anyone know if WTSnacks still streams music? He hasn't been on Steam in a hot minute.
The oldfag memes get posted so much to prove oldfaggotry almost all new bees know them by now.
That being said, I'm still playing Days Gone.
Been posting here since I was in Junior High some 16 years ago. Playing RPGs and fighting games lately.
I quit my job after a year to take care of my dad and because I fucking hated working retail and felt like I wasn't going anywhere in life. I have enough money saved up to coast for a while. It's not like I was making enough to move out of my parents' house anyway.
I'm taking the extra time to work on writing/learning to draw because the only way I'll feel like I'm not a useless piece of human garbage is to become artistic and get in shape.
Am I okay? No, not at all. I'm a 29 year old virgin NEET and I know full well that nobody cares about me and I don't really have any friends. But, I tend to not let that bother me most of the time and just try to enjoy my hobbies.
>Does anyone know if WTSnacks still streams music? He hasn't been on Steam in a hot minute.
Wait, what? This is the first time I've heard of anyone knowing what happened to Snacks since he got removed as a mod.
you expect me to believe candlejack was nice enough to add a hyph
Thanks, mate. That means more than you know.
I'd give everything up just for one more hug from her. Anons, go tell your mom you love her.
They've stuck with me for about a decade now so I'm in agreement.
We'll see.
It can be really hard to find reliable people. Shit happens. Don't get too down about it, and always have a backup plan.
Cooking is one of my favorite hobbies to learn about, and cleaning is honestly really good for keeping the mind positively focused, so I'm going to be doing both of these things a good bit.
Work might be a thing I do eventually. Maybe it won't be. I've kind of just hit the point where my honest belief is 'What happens happens.'
Whether it be getting kicked out, dying, whatever. It's all good. I've had a good life, and I've enjoyed it with you all. I'll keep at it while I can.
I've never seen anyone else post Waha.
I can't believe her game never got translated.
O fuk
Yeah, NEET roommate = no sex
that's because you never went looking user.
yes, he used to stream music and he should be doing alright because he was last on steam 3 days ago.
heres a old meme
You're going to be fine and nothing will happen to you because you're retarded and think the only thing keeping you back is an anonymous stalker on the internet.
I on the other hand have a lot more to worry about than you can imagine. So kindly fuck off.
If you cook and clean you'd be making your friends' loves better by being there. Clean home keeps them happy and healthy, and cooking at home saves money for everyone.
I'm doing terribly, but what else is new? Really loving the new fire emblem at least, its saving me from the gacha addiction I've developed.
I have a full time 9-5 job though.
Played Amid Evil for a bit last week. It's OK, might even finish it. Videogames don't seem that interesting to me lately.
I actually moved to Japan and got married.
I managed to get out of the NEET life.
This is the oldest image I have that isn't Yea Forums shit.
I've been here since 2006, trust me guys, desu am i right fellow oldfags?
Hey man! Good seeing you guys again. Grew up with it in High School, made an Anonymous mask out of clay. I've been around the world a little bit - Canada and New Zealand, and I'm going to Japan next month. Gonna buy some foreign vidya and stock up on figures.
You would not fucking BELIEVE how many times I've played Yoshi's Island.
I don't have much time to play games anymore, working to pay my debt and support myself and my family.
Got a PS4 not too long ago for cheap just to play Bloodborne and some other exclusives.
Also, if someone remembers a Browser Game that was really popular in 2007 here on Yea Forums, what was the name and the link?
It was a Japanese website and you played as a stick figure completing levels other users made. The game had all kind of death traps like Super Meat Boy and I remember the layout was mostly made of bricks.
OK ignore the NEET part, would they still have time for sex? Before my wife and I moved out of our old place we had someone move in for just a few months and it killed our ability to have sex.
anyone remember this
Not playing much desu. Just finished Zelda 1 and 2 again. Might play Fallout 1 again. Don't really have much of an interest in playing a lot of games overall though, but if I pick up something and really enjoy it I might binge through it.
I'm 26, and life's going alright.
I was depressed for awhile but I've gotten over a lot of the stupid bullshit that was bringing me down. Been opening up around people more, and it turns out a lot of people like me when I'm not just being stoic, quiet, and stone faced. Don't know why it took me so long to realize this. I still get pretty sad sometimes, but I get over it pretty fast because it's almost never for a valid reason. Usually just thinking about past mistakes and instances when I didn't go for something or stand up to someone, but it's behind me now and I'm just over getting upset about shit I can't change, or people I can't change.
Feels pretty good man.
Yup. This whole arrangement is really promising.
One friend just lost their place, but the other has a good position that pays well and can help the first friend get their foot in the door.
With two incomes, both of them can start building up a reliable savings while living more independently. Both are content to have me around and take care of the place and the finances for them. (Being a NEET, I'm freakishly careful with every dime spent.)
Hard part is just making the roadtrips necessary to connect all these dots. Stressful, but if I manage, good outcomes for all.
>not having even more exciting sex because you're trying to hide it from the roommate
C'mon m8, are you even trying?
Did you marry someone cool? Get a dog and a house or are you in one of the cities?
Fucking Carlos.
don’t worry about it, I’m just pissed that I got the offer and then immediately got shut down
Someone cool enough to deal with my bullshit. I got a 2 floor apartment with a backyard. So I can have a real garden. No dog, just a kitten
If you really wanted to die you'd just fucking do it already
"Oh I'll just wait for the alcohol to kill me"
Pussy shit, you're just making an excuse for not getting off your ass and improving your life
"I'm gonna kill myself when I finish my backlog"
Never gonna happen, stop lying on the Internet
Two-floor apartment sounds cool
>No dog, just a kitten
Please tell me you at least got some curtains.
How far back do you think fireden goes?
Thick ass curtains to block the sunlight, because summer is hell here.
I can't remember if I came here in 2008 or 2009 but I remember /jp/ still liked their Meido, ZUN!Bar was posting, and idols were condensed to a single thread.
30 old af fag. feel like I'm doing really really well. Got a 60k/year job 4 years ago and have been keeping my head down and living well below my means ever since. Paid off all my stupid student debt first year, now have almost a years salary in savingsacct/some stocks/crypto
feels like I'm doing laps around other millenials financially.
>student loans
did you major in game design? lol
How are you doing in comparison?
Fuck yeah emergency funds. What are your long term goals?
Gaston > desu
sorry, I think I'm not understanding your meaning. Are you thinking that I had 60k in student loans, or that 60k isn't a lot for having a degree? Either way, the job I landed wasn't related to my schooling.
I had some random credits from dicking around in school for a few years, but had racked up about 24k in total debt. Extremely stupid, probably even sillier than liberal arts
please kill me
Long term I live in an extremely low cost of living area (south central texas), so I will soon be able to afford a house with a 80% down payment. I'd like to get a house strictly as a rental property. Maybe I'll go to one of my city's real-estate investment group meetings and try to find a really good deal on one. With cash flow like this it feels like I could retire early if I make the correct moves.
I've been here since 2007. I really despise the state that the Internet (and the world at large) is in. I'll off myself if it keeps getting worse.
I'm in bed sleeping with a biiig suiseiseki plush
Three of them, and shinku too!
I created the CHILD ABDUCTION "meme", it's on ED.
Don't do it. You'll leave us behind.
Very nice of you to include 2008 into the oldfag blanket, but I have never felt like an oldfag even 11 years later. I missed out on desu spam and the eternal 2007 summer among other things.
I'll only do it if it get to the state where you can no longer have any authentic interactions online whatsoever (ie. everything consolidated to twitter/youtube/etc. and heavily regulated)
I also got an apartment and two cats, but I'm not married.
Can confirm, shit's comfy.
What's a real estate investment group?
Also, 80% I thought there was a lower limit on mortgage loans?
I was there when that happened on TV when I came back from work one night like 10 years ago. Happened in LA for me. I found it somewhat amusing.
>I became a normalfaggot
Cool i remember this
Have you considered innawoods?
>tfw you will never take advantage of souseiseki's obedience and quietly molest her in your room while the others are all dicking around downstairs
why live...
you're right, in practice lenders will tend to avoid loaning for small mortgages. There are mortgages that have no penalties for being paid off early, so you can get around it a little bit. And a real estate investment group is just some shit I found on meetup and in the property management company boards (the guys you let keep a cut of your rental property's rent so that they police the tenant and do repairs) for knowledge sharing and networking with people who have a lot of experience the area. At least, you would hope they're experienced. I'm sure a lot of these suck.
Don't bully my wife
>Short hair
Better than being a NEET incel at 35
i understand, you have to rationalize your normalfaggotry somehow
just realize (you probably already do...) that the person you used to be would despise the person you have become. the 20 year old you would be disgusted with 35 year old you, with the compromises you've made, with how you've diluted yourself and who you are in exchange for the comforts of conforming
true but it doesn't beat just being a neet.
Are you kidding? This is what I would have KILLED for back then! I have someone I love, I'm not homeless anymore, I have cats again, my fridge has food in it. It's fucking awesome!
As someone who was a NEET, please stop spouting this meme. Being a grown ass man with no money or prospects is hell.
ah, you were always a normalfaggot. even worse
NEET better. Being a grown ass man with extra money to spend and no responsibilities is the best.
Where are you getting the money and housing?
Anyone who isn't low IQ would have realised how life works by 13-14. You're not cool for saying shit like "normalfag". You're supposed to grow out of that shit. To still be a manchild with 0 life experience past 30 shows you are severely mentally damaged.
That "extra money" consists of 100-300 a month, which is fucking pennies if you actually want to do stuff.
>compromises, you've diluted yourself in exchange for the comforts of conforming
not that guy but damn, people can change doctor house
>You're not cool for saying shit like "normalfag".
Oh, wagie...
This post was written by a normalfag. Probably the same person who screencapped it, lmao.
based as fuck
But it's two different posts that are four years apart.
Normalfags don't quite kill themselves within 4 years, it takes a little longer
So has mum brought down your tendies yet or what?
Fire Emblem Three Houses
Currently unemployed, but stressed about the fact that I will have to return to the grind. I’ve been having a real blast just working out, seeing friends and family regularly and generally just doing what I want, but I’m gonna need money.
My dream is to not having to worry about money.
How much can you live on?
Why does this meme seem to salty? I think you NEETs overdo it with the /comfy/ stuff. Everybody knows you guys are depressed landwhale shut-ins
No tendies today! After I finish my workout I'll have the rest of the pork risotto I made last night. Spending half an hour making good food barely dents my endless free time.
You're so angry and stressed out you can't even form a sentence properly. Poor thing.
You didn't answer the question about housing and income
Wtf I'm a filthy communist now
What question in this reply chain are you talking about? Anyway, I live in a housing project next to disabled old people. My electricity and food are paid for. I have $600 left over every month after my tugboat comes in. I live better than you.
people who are happy and content with their lives don't seek happiness in putting others down like these neet posters do. it's quite easy to tell what kind of person makes these images.
A time when tripfags matter. I wish I still have my old tripfag tier list.
Neet is the master race. Becoming a neet is the ultimate test of ascension. Why would we reveal the answer to you? This would only inflate the Neetpool until being a neet is no longer an option.
>people who are happy and content with their lives don't seek happiness in putting others down like these neet posters do.
Of course they do! I have literally 16 hours of free time every day of my life. Making casual observations of how dumb normalfaggots are is no skin off my back.
Breaking down.
PC's breaking down too.
No friends.
Just me.
It's fun to pick on people below you, everyone does it everywhere.
Besides, you're ignoring the fact wagies act superior to their neet overlords in a desperate attempt to make themselves feel better.
To be alone is to suffer, and to suffer is to grow stronger.
Really really comfortably? 25000 Danish Kroner a month after taxes probably, but of course more will always want more. Would love to be able to move to a bigger and newer apartment. Even when I was employed I kinda dreamt of starting over in a new place and designing it in a smart way.
neets are just reverse wagies. by the time I'm on retirement you will be working as a greeter on walmart just to make ends meet
You don't know how we live. All you know of it are neetmemes
>600 is living better than someone
Just came into this thread to laugh at you. I'm 21 and make £40k a year while living with mum. I'm 100% sure I live better than some subhuman who lives in projects like a welfare nigger.
Oh you're in Denmark. Hey that's not too bad, man. You can do it user, I believe in you.
oldfag here
ive been on this site ever since it was called ''fourchan'' ama anything.
You're going to spend the next 5 days dancing like a monkey for 90% of your wakeful life all so that you can be granted the privilege of living. You're delusional if you think you have a good life.
what's the strength for if I can't help or interact with others
Thank you. Have a nice day.
2014 here. I mostly stick to lurking and have been playing Bloodstained.
Life is okay, need to find my own appartment soon.
I wanted to ask you oldfags something. Did you guys knew of Billy Herrington? Was he regulary posted here? Was he liked back then?
It's for defeating the dragon at the end, of course.
Why do Yea Forums NEETs LARP so much? I was a NEET for a year and it was the worst part of my life. No money to do anything, constantly living on handouts and feeling like a drain on your family is not fun. All I did was lift.
Anyone lurking here, please don't fall for it. It's not fun at all.
They're trying to convince themselves more than the rest of us.
Your country has I think the best welfare in the world, you make more than most workers as a NEET.
If you're living on disability and you're somehow "a drain on your family" you aren't doing it correctly. Try again with a higher IQ.
>please don't fall for it. It's not fun at all.
speak for yourself m8.
I wageslaved for 1.5 years and hated every second of it. Just because you're a boring cunt who can't entertain himself, doesn't mean the rest of us are.
Being neet sucks if you do it wrong. It's not as easy as just not going to work and having a negative income. You can only do that if you were born rich and your parents are fine with you being worse than worthless. You need to put actual thought into it
damn im old as fuck... been here so long... so old and shit
im really one old ass faggot
Agreed, was a NEET after high school for 2 years and it was horrible. Luckily now I have a full time job and now I only slightly want to kill myself.
I dunno about that, user.
I'm playing AC: Odyssey, wanted a summery open world game to chill out to and this one is fine
The world sucks and I'm lonely and unfulfilled
Based user telling it like it is. NEETdom is pure evil. I lost most of my 20s to it. Get out while you can.
I have more money than you, can lift more than you, and have more life exlerience than you. I have a better life than you, someone who's on this shithole 18 hours a day mad about people who are more successful than him in every single way. Hell, even niggers are more respectable than you.
>boring cunt who can't entertain himself
so you admit it that neetdom is shit and that you can only survive it with escapism?
I'm okay. Been playing mostly Breath of the Wild and a slew of indie projects for two years now.
>Days Gone
For what purpose
Do you enjoy your work? if not, you are objectively living a worse life than a neet who sits on his hemmeroid-ridden ass clapping to anime all day
Botw for TWO YEARS?
See? You literally have to be constantly entertained to forget about the dread of being a loser.
>so you admit it that neetdom is shit
NEETdom is heaven because i get to work on and do what i want on my own time.
People like you think being a NEET amounts to only wanking and playing vidya. But you need to balance your time and find what truly interests you, and explore that/those things. Humans are naturally drawn to create and explore, so of course not doing anything productive will make most people miserable.
#3 is the only thing on this list that's wrong.
>being happy is escapism
oh you poor, poor wagie. The people who suffer to pay my neet tax almost make me regret this life
I don't know about the other guy, but I do. I even get to exercise on my way in.
Again, you dumb normalfags miss the point entirely.
>I have more money than you
Congratulations, but you will never be able to enjoy it.
>can lift more than you,
This is unlikely, I train for an hour every day. But maybe.
>and have more life exlerience than you.
This is also unlikely, I would say - I've had an interesting life.
One of the surest signs of desperation in an argument is when your opponent starts to predicate his whole arguments based on presumed psychic knowledge of you.
I have a fantastic life that I live however I wish. I wake up every day knowing I can do literally anything I desire, because I have endless amounts of the most precious resource: time. All of my time belongs to me. It does not belong to a Jewish boss sitting in a faraway place making money on my efforts.
Then you've pretty much won life. Having a job you enjoy that pays well and provides plenty of free time is the master race of the master race, only topped by the gods who are born into wealth or won the bitcoin lottery.
Ah, I see. So if they stop paying you, you will continue doing it, since you enjoy it?
Petah get down here!
Ahhh what’s wrong louis?
It’s 6pm and you haven’t fed quagmire yet!
Ehehehhe my bad I’ll head down to the basement now.
Wakey wakey quaggy!
Wh- oh... no I’m still here...
*peter unbuckles his belt, his flabby arse falling out like a waterfall of ruined flesh*
Peter please... please... I- I just wanna see my family again
*peter kicks over the chair, smiling down at the malnourished quagmire as he squats over his face, the rotund spectacle blocking nearly all light as poor quagmire can only stare up at the now widening pucker of peter griffin*
I-I’m gonna be sick again... peter please let me g-
Mmmhmm yeah quaggy eat that shit! God I feel like when I met tom cruise that one time at the wheat convention! Oh FUCK quagga here comes the niggerlode!
*you can smell the rancid, rotting shit well before it even pokes its vile head from peters stretched hole, the godless log slowly pushes apart peters elastic pucker as if descends into the mouth of dear quagmire, it’s abhorrent, filthy smell choking the air, as the worm laden horror slips over quagmires teeth*
gurgle- choke- gurgle- ack- p-Pete-
*quagmire looks near death as he chews and swallows the log, as more vile fumes and particles collide with his face, he swallows every chunk, his face pale and his eyes blurred*
Wheeze, cough... peter please... let me go... I... don’t want to die like this.... please
*peter lowers his behemoth rump, the flesh flowing into every mold of quagmires face like a downpour, enveloping his every sense*
Time for desert quaggy
The toxic cloud pierces quagmires nervous system to the core, and he slowly suffocates on peters fart, losing consciousness only to wake up at the same time, same place tommorow*
Hiroyuki is a literal rat-person and you are a retarded redditor for taking anything he has to say seriously.
if they cut your benefits would you still sit home all day long? what a dumb question.
I just liked the anime comment.
Probably, because I'd get someone else to pay me. That's why I like my job. I actually do something that creates value. I'm not stuck as a cog in a machine with no bigger purpose.
Let's say you get paid but no longer have to do the job. Will you still do the job? You said you enjoy it.
Based user absolutely destroyed that ugly conartist in one post. Hiroshima has no place talking about the good in people's hearts
so like a retirment? I wouldnt work anymore but I'd probably opt for learning programs to pass on my knowledge to an apprentice.
Yeah, he was posted since 2010 or so. But gachi was not a widespread phenomenon, maybe, only in Japan. There were a couple of mashups and some lore, but not everyone instantly recognized Billy by name.
You're avoiding the question, lol.
It really is the money thing, isn't it?
I celebrated a round birthday recently by inviting my nearest family out to the cheapest buffet restaurant I could find. This is something I had been setting money aside for, for months. I'm really happy that I got gifted clothes with a receipt that I could return to the clothing store for money later. Just hoping that nobody is asking me to see me wear it for the foreseeable future... I'll just make up some story up about how they didn't have the right size when I tried to exchange it, I guess.
So you enjoy doing it, yet you will only do it when bribed with large amounts of money?
Are you not seeing the cognitive dissonance?
Of course I do. If you don't enjoy your job, I'd suggest finding another fast.
I mean, you're assuming my life is shit and I have a mcjob that pays min wage, so it's ok if the other person also makes assumptions.
>never be able to enjoy it
But I already have. I've been on holiday twice this year alone, bought a car outright, have a lot of money saved up and I give my parents a grand a month.
>training an hour everyday
Are you sure you're working out? Because that doesn't sound efficient at all. Training 3-4 times a week is more than enough.
>immediately starts going on about le joos
It's always the same thing with you people. I wish I could have 0 self awareness like you. Being a manchild does not give you any life experience.
>using normalfag as an insult
It's not a bad thing though.
One of the greatest things about being free from work is you're free to criticize Master.
why would I do something I'm good at for free? I take pride in my skills. but I guess it's something neets will never understand.
>You can only either completely despise your job to the point you want to quit or love it so much you'd do it for free
What's with the absolutism?
If you're good at doing something, never do it for free.
It's important to note the majority of people are actual wage-slaves, and getting a job that you enjoy that isn't minimum wage isn't easy. People like you, who supposedly genuinely enjoy their job to the point of willing to pay money to do it, are rarer than black asians.
What video game is this toon from?
If you wouldn't do your job if you couldnt get paid for it, it means you don't enjoy it. You would never do something you don't enjoy for free.
>You would never do something you don't enjoy for free.
I hope you enjoy cleaning your house.
If cleaning your house didn't result in a clean house, would you still do it? Would you bring a mop to a swamp to get rid of the mud?
You work at your job because you enjoy the money. If working did not result in money, you would not do it.
I don't feel safe outside my home with all the N's
I enjoy having a clean house. I don't consider this "payment"
I think it's important to realize the main reason wagies are angry is their jobs. They take it out on NEETs because it's all they can do - they obviously cannot yell at their boss. This same phenomenon often causes wagies to abuse their wives.
You have to realize that the anger wagies direct your way is actually anger at themselves and their situation. No one wants to be a wagie. Everyone is born a NEET, and they are slowly torn away from their innocent NEET life through indoctrination and normalcy.
No but they're just too redpilled to get a job, you see. They obviously have some big stuff going on and are totally not going to neck themselves once their parents expire!
I enjoy utilizing my skills to gain money. call it professional drive.
Both my parents have been dead for years, I don't see how this could possibly affect me. You get very very cheap housing as a NEET. I pay less % of my income on housing than you do, most likely.
You're literally stuck in some kind of Doublethink cycle. The reason you work is because you have to do it to survive. If you didn't have to do it, you wouldn't work. There is no secondary factor here. You don't "enjoy" work, that's just what you tell yourself.
Not him but the majority of wageslaves are content being that way. I see plenty of HR managers that are literal boomer women. I guess it's a comfy stream of income.
Same. I genuinely enjoy making money. I think it if wasn't money, it'd be gold or something like that. I like going out, making things and bringing things back.
So you don't enjoy utilizing your skills, you only enjoy the money that comes from it.
If you still recieved money, but could utilize your skills in a more meaningful way, would you still use those skills? The answer is obviously no, but now you're stuck in the good-employee mindset.
Content is putting it too nicely. They're unhappy, but not upset. They're exploited just enough that they're willing to tolerate the work, but not enough that they're willing to cause issue or leave. It's pleb management 101, countries and businesses have been doing it since the dawn of civilization.
*cracks whip*
Work, wagie. And defend me online.
People will accept LITERALLY anything as long as it's "normal." That doesn't mean they're happy. Our cavemen brains know what is or isn't *really* normal - relative to the lives we used to live.
>Danish Kroner
Hello, my fellow dansker.
Not him but you're retarded, dude.
I've been saving just random shit I found funny for over a decade because back then if you didn't save it, it was fucking gone. There wasn't archives for everything.
>I have to post everything i've ever saved at all times
Based capitalist wagies helping line boomer shekelstein's pockets
What is the solution then? I need money. Autismbux is not enough.
I see. Thanks for sharing, really appreciate it. Wish I could’ve gotten more answers.
Umm, you manchildren DO know you aren't getting in thissss pussy if you don't work, right?
save up and move somewhere that gives you more autismbux :^)
>autismbux is not enough.
Then you aren't doing it correctly. Section 8 housing costs like $150/mo and you can get put next to old people by applying to multiple places and scoping the neighborhoods. Your utilities and food get paid for. That's $600+ per month to do whatever you want with.
This. What the fuck is one to do?
>So you don't enjoy utilizing your skills, you only enjoy the money that comes from it.
no the money is the inherent value of my prowess. they could compensate me with whatever they would think of, like paying my wage in blowjobs and heroin, I wouldnt mind at all. money is just happens to be an extremely convenient metric of value.
What else is there to say. In Japan gachi was incredibly famous, in the west all the cool sites also celebrated it because japan was awesome and we got a lot of our culture from them.
hearing shit from normalfags such as "Forsen created gachi!" really pissed me off and renewed my passionate hatred for normalfags
this is every white woman existing right now how do their men even put up with them no wonder they're shooting shit up.
And when the depression hits and you get paid half as much, your prowess went down, is that it?
Or it it perhaps that rich, powerful people decide how much of your generated value you're allowed to keep, arbitrarily?
2010 chad here
>piccolo dick
>Stu cooking at 4 in the morning
>grafics cat
This was peak culture. I hate all these invaders who came here from the Donald Trump election. Yea Forums was not my first forum and it really should not be for anyone else.
>And when the depression hits and you get paid half as much
has never happened to me personally so I cant relate.
>Or it it perhaps that rich, powerful people decide how much of your generated value you're allowed to keep, arbitrarily?
the wage of my profession has been settled by my union and imo it's on a fair level currently.
>the wage of my profession has been settled by my union and imo it's on a fair level currently.
O I am laffin. Wagie really spends his free time defending master, even after spending all day getting fucked up the ass already.
Trying to get into a bunch of stuff I just never got around to
>SMT series
I really want to like them but they're really tedious
I didn't like X but liked XII, pretty cool series so far
Lost my save but really interesting game
Playing CK2 and Pathologic 2
Life is overwhelming because I'm changing jobs and apartments at the same time
I'm okay but feeling kinda hollow
>loser spends free time justifying his entitlement
2006 here. This board has gone to shit but I still lurk everyday. Fuck newfags, fuck 9gag, fuck neogaf and fuck reddit.
But what if you want to buy clothes, go out a lot and have a gf? All that sounds good if you're a hermit and ok with it.
I missed out, im 09 :(
I dunno the equipment I use at work costs millions. it's not like I could start doing this shit in my garage and cut away the middleman. the employer provides me means to do my thing and also gives me expensive toys that I can use.
>What if you want to buy clothes
...Just buy clothes?
>go out a lot
$30 artisenal avocado toast is not something I'm craving
>have a gf
I have a gf?
>buy clothes
why do normalfags always go straight to buying clothes and other pointless cosmetics? Are you really that desperate to advertise yourself?
I am almost 30 at this point. Of course I dont still play video games. I'm married and have a job.
>the equipment I use at work costs millions
You work at nasa? Because most businesses don't need to spend that much on tools.
normalfags literally spend $600 on shoes made for $4 in china
they are mentally ill, it's just that ALL of them are mentally ill, so it's normal to them
Normalfag is not an insult. People want to live their lives not tucked in at home.
You have a gf as a neet? How?
Why would you need to eat out when you have 100% free time to make whatever delicious healthy food you wish?
This is now.. A zoomer thread.
>not spending 600 on gucci loafers
Poorfags are so funny.
I would say it's not dissimilar from how a wagie gets a girlfriend? I met her online, we got to know each other, then she moved in with me. The primary difference is I know she loves me for me, and not because of my money.
sounds like a second job to me
I know of his rise in fame from 2007 from nico nico onwards. Just wanted more opinions on him from the old guard and how he was received here. Glad we’re on the same page. I hate every single video titled with RIGHT VERSION or other twitchfaggotry. And fuck normalfags for ruining everything.
That's not the point. Why do you retards go out of your way to spend money in an effort to show everyone how much you fit in? It's one thing if you simply need to buy clothes every other season, but normalfags fill entire closets with clothes from that year alone and even need to store them in bins sometimes.
What the hell is wrong with you drones? Do you really need acceptance that badly?
If you want to legitimately, unironically, seethe so hard you boil, read the comments of any gachi video with Ricardo. They're amazed some people were "ahead of the curve years ago"
So both of you can live on 600 a month? In a first world country?
Playing Terraria and life is not good.
I think we actually could pretty easily, but she is disabled too.
Disability is not $600/month by the way, that's what's left over after my personal expenses.
Stop living in overly expensive areas. Yea Forums has enough brain cells to complain when indie devs who got kickstarted suddenly move to the most expensive states of california and new york saying it's a waste of money, why not apply that logic to yourself?
What are you doing here?
Yea Forums is beyond sucking after gamergate.
Ahh now it makes sense. So how much in neetbux do you get?
playing through the older tomb raider games.
I'm tired a lot, but I can't really complain.
You get $770 per month this year, it goes up every year or two as living expenses rise.
+ automatic foodstamps/SNAP qualification, section 8 housing, programs to pay any utilities not covered by housing, etc.
He had his peak with the butterfly fad. Fuck everyone who associates him as the ”epic tik tok troll”.
>those Yea Forums guys will definitely revolt
>they'll be finnished if anonymous attacks
looks like we failed huh
I hooked up my NES again and played some stuff on my shitty CRT. It's great. I can still beat Ninja Gaiden. Life is a miserable nightmare and I wish I was dead though, but video games are fun. Yea Forums is still alright, too much /pol/ which will only get worse with the upcoming election and continuing faggotry from vidya devs, but I'll manage.
The japs had too much faith in us.
Shit man, $600 a month is a dream for a bunch of people in theoretically first world countries like Russia
Are you me? I have something like this planned but for multiple countries. I assume that if I dump 30 years of installments one of them is going to yield a house and I can retire.
>not being a zoomer and an oldfag due to finding this website at 8
>multiple "oldfag" thread
hello 8ch refugee, nice to see you crawling back after all these years sorry you shit site got cucked. feel free to kys anytime
I know its supposed to be smug but it just seems meh. I feel as if these guys never left.
From a demographics perspective its much better to have cripple channers here than say retardera and since you wont get retardera to leave then I think its good that their percentage of the userbase shrinks due to cripple chan fags coming here too
I completely agree. But they're just here temporarily. If we can't already stand the barnacleheads, they wouldn't be able to tolerate them even more than us.
i was just thinking about how i have not seen a party hard gif in years and that makes me sad.
I'm just working the through the ever growing back log. I am finally getting into some gen 7 games and it sucks a lot of content can not be accessed because servers are shutting down. I also can not bring myself to play any "top 10" or "classic" games anymore because fear of disappointment. I just play old shit that i always was curious about when younger. Most of it is obscure or mediocre titles. After 25+ years of gaming I think you just get tired of seeing the same stuff and crave a unique experience more than a "good" experience.
just head on over to
we used to be able to post porn
Not even an oldfag but you can't stop me from posting in this thread.
Been here since the beginning. Used to chat with moot and snacks in the irc back when Yea Forums was pretty slow and full of food and cats
>Not him
t. him
2007 newfag here
Looking for a half decent job and going to the gym
Playing milsims with the other boomers
Trying to improve myself so I'll stop being a useless fat sack of shit
Waiting for the day Yea Forums dies or WWIII starts, whichever comes first
I got married, had a son, bought my own house all that good shit.
Still playing vidya but a lot of it these days is dogshit imo so I rarely play newer titles.
Bought a switch recently and I play super mario odyssei with my son and shit like smash/kart with my mates.
Lifes good senpai
"90's kid" here.
My life actually turned around recently where I finally finished studying and managed to land a really nice job straight out of uni. I now have enough money that I can buy whatever I want whenever I want and the hours are comfortable enough that I can still play the games I'm buying. But with the game industry in the shape that it is, I still find myself going back to the classics. Dynasty Warriors 8 XL it is for me tonight.
now if only I had a gf
>i-im the only old fag on Yea Forums!!
>old fag is the coolest because that's what ppl told me !
Have sex
>skyrim se and castlevania lords of shadow
>Still waiting for a job to take me in
>I am numb to life
>it is my birthday
some highlights I can think of right now:
when anons would host servers of random arena shooters and a bunch of people would join
S4 League when it had 1 stage
Wurm Online
Doodle or Die
Super Deepthroat
When that user was releasing those Yea Forums comics with Yea Forums personified
Anons hosting any game with the password "rage" (now you get banned for advertising even though you didn't make it and were just trying to play)
Calling each other Yea Forumsirgins instead of incel, soi, kuk, etc
no games
Actual oldfag here. I can easily tell you haven't been here since anywhere near the beginning.
>tfw don't even have an oldfag folder anymore because I've lost so many HDs and PCs over the years that I stopped bothering to save anything.
You can easily spot people who have actually been here for a while and people who get all their knowledge of Yea Forums from le internet historian
>Someone is jealous of all the money internet historian is making
Just admit you are too dumb to think if it first retard
The worst part is how you don't want anons to accuse you of not really being an oldfag but you can't prove it without pics sometimes so you have to hope they don't press you.
Thanks for proving my point about easily spotting frauds
I'm still living in isolation although now I don't have the carefree comfort of youth to safeguard me.
I don't even enjoy video games anymore, I just return intermittently to the same few I used to love back then.
Starting to think this site fucked with my psyche way too much.
Not an oldfag, but arrived here in early 2011 at the time SHIGGYDIGGY was in full swing
>what are you playing?
Recently played Bloodstained. Waiting for Ion Fury
>How's life going?
I graduated as a lawyer, but I hate my career so I'm unemployed and with little prospects in life aside from emmigrating to europe
>Are you okay?
I'm 3 weeks away from wizardry and I don't give a fuck
that scene with hinaichigo "dying" in front of tomoe still haunts me
2007 and I'll forever be new.
Most of the games I play now are AA while the majority of AAA games feel uninspired and generic. MMOs and ARPGs mostly, still. Overall, not feeling much more out of the loop than back then.
However, I do feel pretty fucking out of the loop with the current Yea Forums. I don't own a current gen console because there's a grand total of two exclusives I care about and the board is 80% consolefaggotry of some kind these days.
And then the real blog: took me quite a few years to rebuild myself after going through some kind of "you are now socializing manually" realization where all of my social skills crumbled into doing everything manually as a result of self-confidence issues. I'm now married, have two master's degrees, and I'm supposedly a talented public speaker.
Are you me?
>what are you playing?
>How's life going?
>Are you okay?
Russia is 2nd world
desu meme was heavily spammed in 2010 Yea Forums or so.
I came here in 09, am I an oldfag yet?
I miss harmony day
Life isn't going well for this user..
Just came in here to laugh at you old boys. Hahahaha fucking old boys.
I stick to lurking and don't enter shitpost/bait threads
because I'm 34 now and tired of being hyper-ironic and bitter, doesn't feel good
I'm 33 and I've been here since 2005 and I only enter funpost threads because I still get a kick out of them. I love getting (you)s.
35 and i still funpost like a lobotomized chihuahua just to get some raw human interaction sometimes, feels ok i guess.
I'm playing CTR Nitro with a friend, replaying Paper Mario 64, and following Game Maker tutorials again. I fiddled around with Game Maker in 2004 while in middle school and have mostly been away from gamedev since then. I'm 27 now. Game Maker Studio 2 seems pretty awesome so far, but I can't find any tutorials on how 3D is handled now, since the d3d functions have been deprecated.
Life is going alright I guess. I don't have a good job and my career prospects are low. I'm anti-social and pretty neurotic. A few times my job has stressed me out to the point of actually vomiting (not on the job, at home, thinking about my mistakes at work). Still live at home, never left, but I don't have an issue with that, as my whole family has abandonment issues and things are happier when we're together. I started exercising a month ago and changing my diet slightly and I've dropped 5 pounds so far, which is great to me (I'm at 175, not terribly fat, but still fat), plus I'm gradually getting toned.
desu from shitpost?
happy birthday user
I'm 22 and I started using Yea Forums when I was 10 years old due to someone linking it on Neopets (I believe it was a raid on the Neopets forums).
I found hentai and JAV from that and I've been masturbating to 2D drawings and Japanese women since before I could cum
This site fucked me up so hard