Thoughts on the characters of Outer Worlds?

Thoughts on the characters of Outer Worlds?

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they all look faggy


they've all got shit hair

not enough straight white males if you ask me

I can understand (even if I disagree with the idea) them attempting to add some realism by not making everyone attractive. What they fail to realise is that it's equally unrealistic to make everyone fuck ugly.

Yup, that's a western game alright.

androgynous mutts everywhere
in other words american future

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>The Outer Worlds looks like absolute tras-

Attached: The Outer Worlds Combat.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

What do the men look like?

Western devs are literally incapable of making attractive characters, they don't do it on purpose

They all kinda look the same


wait, these are all women?

absolute dogshit

Why do the faces in the last 2-3 years look like this fucking clay/wet clay shit with some very mild human characteristics?
I see this in most of these characters and it's EVERYWHERE on games like andromeda, just a blob of white/brown shit with almost no features and it's supposed to be a face, they don't look good, don't animate well and are overall a fucking mess.

We already had faces that looked like actual faces almost 5 years ago now, what the fuck happened in these recent years that people just slap a shitty texture on a blank model and call it a face?

Attached: 1brb.jpg (1920x1080, 581K)

i think the problem stems from game devs designing characters in the in-game character creator, as opposed to actually sculpting out faces and the like

>OP mysteriously leaves out all the good looking females

Attached: outer worlds chars.jpg (3692x1036, 608K)

1 moderately good looking one and she has some diseased orange skin

It's really quite bizarre. The women all have strong jaws and all the men look like rejected Buzzfeed Try Guys. It's the most bizarre thing. If you just go outside, even in San Francisco, you see armies of men with male jaws and brows. They might not be handsome, but they look masculine.

Not in western RPG games though. Too weird.

>good looking
You're really desperate to find some, aren't you?

>every character has the zoomer haircut

The only one that looks somewhat decent is right
And not even close of what was already achieved 5 years ago

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they're all the same person.

they look masculine until you hear their voices, but I agree

video games have their target audience and you arent part of it

its toxic

Something about the jaw structures tells me that half of these people have a petite figure edging on a 5-foot height

When I first opened that image for a span of about five seconds my brain thought everyone on the bottom row and about half of the people on the top row was all the same person.
Picture not related.

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Come on, how hard can it be? I've seen sexier 8x8 blobs of pixels. They must do it on purpose. I have to believe it's shit by design, not a simple lack of ability.

they look exactly the same as every bethesda and bioware character

The western gaming industry needs to be put down as the cancer is inoperable

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Damn you know they do look really mediocre oh well i'll just mod them all as sluts later when it comes to steam.

can you explain the joke in the cartoon?

I don't even think mods will fix how absolutely fucked they all look.

>l i'll just mod them

top middle is the only decent looking one. what were they thinking
they look alrite

game devs need to realize you can have ugly characters without making them bombastically hideous

It does look like trash.

It's a step above the last few Fallouts. GGimmie this AA RPG now plz


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Anybody else getting Bioware vibes from this?

Attached: ElegantDancing.webm (1280x720, 1.6M)

>good looking

the woman in the cartoon has an even bigger wireless device that gives her access to water
it's a pail of water

i hope this helps.

Why do all the women have short hair? What did they mean by this?

short hair isn't the problem here

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Short hair only works better than longer hair on a woman with a strong yet feminine face
It works here because her face is not too round and she has a strongish jaw, but she'd look cuter with another hairstyle

Absolutely, it is the first thing I thought. I wonder if they picked up many of the old devs?

I know they're trying to beat Bethesda at their own game but they didn't have to copy the fucking gamebryo faces as well.

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Why do even the men look fuckable

Which ones are the men? Top right? And none of them look fuckable.

very progressive and not problematic at all.