Retail price is $329.99

>Retail price is $329.99
Has Squeenix lost their goddamn mind? What made them think it would be okay to make a collector's edition so fucking expensive?

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I'm pirating that fucking garbage anyways. Can't trust it won't be neutered all to fuck or even keep the core themes given how bad squeenix are at story telling now.

How do you pirate a PS4 exclusive?

Because FF fans will buy anything at any price. Look at the absurd prices in FFXIV's cashshop

Have they addressed how will progress carry over between parts?

>Sold out everywhere

Square is smart when it comes to a lot of their collector's editions. They don't over produce them, and a lot of Square-fags have deep pockets. Collector's Editions for an MMO sells out in seconds.

They haven't said anything yet but i have a feeling it will be just like Xenosaga. Combat will be different in every game and you'll be forced to start from scratch

>20% of the original game now at 250% the price!

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Does this include pre-orders for for the rest of the remake?

Is atrocious but squenix knows it will sell.
To be honest the trailers and gameplay for the remake looks utter shite, all be it if it is wrapped up nicely.
It genuinely just looks boring and is being held up due to its founding game.
Can someone reassure me that I'm not the only one thinking this?

>yfw they make collector's editions for each part so it'll cost over $1000 for the full set

Obviously not because every part of the remake will be developed as different games/sequels

it could be like trails in the sky easily.

i mean i know its expensive and all, but personally ill just buy the game just like that, you are not forced to buy collectors edition

Collector's editions have progressively gotten more expensive and the contents gotten higher quality. Doesn't justify this absurd price, but at least we aren't getting awfully painted vomit. Unless it's made by Bethesda.
It'll probably be garbage tier anyway, like most collector's editions though.


Christ why is SE always this retarded.

they are going to turn Jessie, Biggs and Wedge into playable characters to fill up the party slots + so their deaths are more dramatic, right?

The thing is i want to get the 1st class edition i just find it stupidly expensive. Still managed to get it for £300 so that's £30 less, not that it's the greatest sale of all time but something's something

They will also probably try to force Cloud and Jessie into a romance so her death will make everything edgier and "more mature"

Real FF fans won't ever play the remake, not even for free.

You're not, the remake should have been a modern reskin of FF VII with a few patches to bugs. Looking at the gameplay trailer you can see the player judtashing square over and over again.This remake is not for fans who played the actual game, it's for fans of cloud who saw him appear in other games and probably either read the Wikipedia page on FFVII or watched a YouTuber play it.

Square doesn't exist anymore. You're right though. But pre-merger it wasn't at all like that.

dont put words in my mouth, you stupid nigger. If you are pissed off about something, doesn't mean every fan is gonna have your same opinion.
Please grow up, or better yet, just kys.

>implying there's something wrong with only the FF7 remake

My friend bought it right after it was announced at E3. Said it was completely worth it for the figurine alone, not sure how much that figurine would sell for on it's own. I don't buy or collect figurines so I wouldn't know much about the companies and what not.

The steelbook looks badass though and I wouldn't mind the artbook.

>the remake should have been a modern reskin of FF VII with a few patches to bugs.
Why not just play the original then
>muh graphs

If he bought it with the intention to sell it later to make a profit then good for him, then the purchase makes sense. If not then he's an absolute loser and should completely rethink his life.

>buying a collector's edition just for an overpriced Play Arts Kai figure
I learned my lesson from KH3, the art book is hilariously thin and not even worth calling it a book, same with the soundtrack CD, since they don't bother putting all the music on the albums anyway.

Real fans have already done that and done it properly. No need to wait for squeenix to shit out some polished turd.

He actually buys lots of collector's editions for games if he thinks the price is good and the stuff is worth it. He usually buys them if they come with figurines.

>Playarts kai.

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Haha yea I preordered it desu

>muh real fans
Eat shit, faggot.

I guess my friend knows nothing about figurines if people hate Playarts kai because he told me they make some really nice quality stuff. Is that not true?

petty theft

Your IQ.

>he doesn't know about the psn trick

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Playarts kai isn't only overpriced as fuck, but quality is shoddy.

>seething squeenix employee
You're missing out on money from tens of millions of people. Business-wise you guys really fucked up big time.

>muh real fans

Maybe for a sequence or two.

>what is remako

That's expensive but playarts Kai figures are a fortune themselves, easily 200+ for one that size a la carte

Isn't that an already existing Play Arts? You could buy it all separately for cheaper.

Seething squeenix employee is seething.

So many idiots ran out and bought this. It's a soft bundle which means the figure is packaged separately from the game unlike the collector's edition of FFXV. You can just buy the game and the figure will be released around the same time.

>their deaths
I wouldn't be surprised with the new state of square if they miraculously survived and rejoined later. If KH3, the FFXV novel, and TWEWY final mix extra day have shown us anything it's that they're in a resurrection phase.

>edgier and more mature
You're misusing those terms, it wouldn't make it more mature it would be more tragic. Which would be pretty ironic given how small of a convo cloud had with her moments before her death.

Square Enix are nip EA

The motorcycle doesn't look like the old one, so I don't think that portion is an existing one.

I have replayed the original many times, the graphics don't bother me but the thing that excited me about the remake was to be able to see my favorite game brought to the modern era, to see what the designers really wanted the game to look like. It's a remake man are you telling me you've never played a remake ever?

>Has Squeenix lost their goddamn mind?
Just look at Nu-Tifa. There you have your answer

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>wouldn't be surprised with the new state of square if they miraculously survived and rejoined later

This. They magically brought both Rufus and Sephiroth back from the dead in their fanfiction Advent Children. Totally cringe and non-believable.

Exactly, why not just play the original then?
He's literally saying "the remake should have been literally the same game just with better graphs", thing that is unnecessary, boring and already done (not really better graphs, just some graphs stuff).

The remake is a remake, not a remaster, not a patch for the original game (which means the original game is still there, its not an online game forcing you to play a patch you dont like). People are just acting like kids over remaking the game.

>b-b-but that means we lost the chance to see the same game just with better graphs reeee

is that supposed to look bad
ALso, it looks blurry and low quality, who are you trying to fool?

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>not just getting the Deluxe Edition without the statue for only $20 more than the base game

Tifa huh... just look at nonsense like X-2 and Kingdom Hearts. Imagine, there are people who played that when it came out and /still/ to this day it isn't obvious to them that Final Fantasy is dead and gone. All the FF games since the end of Square have been Final Fantasy in name and appearance only.

>not just not buying it at all for whole 0$!

I want the fucking game and would like some extra shit, but I don't need an overpriced statue I don't have room for. Deluxe Edition is a good middle ground for a fair price.

A victim of marketing detected.

unironically cheaper than it could be desu

Sure feel like a victim because I choose to spend $80 on a nice physical edition of a remake of a game I absolutely love.

>buying toys for yourself
can't believe this is really the world we live in and everybody think its normal.

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$329 is a bit expensive. Even the $200 for the death stranding collectors edition is a bit much, and that comes with a carrying case, a bb statue, and a tight ludens keychain.

Reminder that they are promoting the FF7 Remake as a full-game remake, not as Episode 1. Can anyone sue them for blatant false advertisement? They seem to be playing it off and a fuckton of normies think they're getting the full game.

>Maybe for a sequence or two.
They have to stretch 5 hours worth of content into at least 30, be ready to take on side missions with the Avalanche crew.

>see what the designers really wanted the game to look like.
The vision is still there. Enemies are all identical to their original versions and the environments are going for the scale that was used during battles.

They're not promoting it as that, they haven't teased anything but midgar content and we know it's got midgar. It's full game length (according to them) and there's not even a generally accepted definition of standard length, so because of that no, you're fucked.

If they want to flesh out the remake over several full length games, and every entry has more than enough content to justify the full retail price, there's nothing wrong with that. I never felt I was cheated with the amount of content in any FF games, even the worst ones like FFXIII and FFXV.

If you play X-2 just for the gameplay, it’s fine. Similar to XIII series.

If you don't like it, don't buy it.

They should just revive Chrono Break.

At least at a relatively high price point, a good amount of crazy fans will nab one. If it were any cheaper, it would've sold out in minutes due to a minority of scalpers and greedy whales willing to spend $600 on, say, 3 at $200 a piece.

Get a job, loser.

>i throw money out of the window
>its okay because its my money
you may be in your twenties but your brain works like a 6 year old

More like because Ferrari based her off his wife.

>Things I dont like shouldn't exist.
You could just ignore them, OP. The best part is you get to reap the benifits you think you want. The downside is there's a lot fewer examples you can point down at to feel special.

I mean, if people want to pay over 300 bucks for only part of a game, it's their money.


Same way you carry over save data on other games.

Please tell me

Im in my forties.
Now what?

That's not very helpful.

Reminder that the figure of Cloud is already available, and the wording of the image and store description is misleading to imply this edition is the only way to get the bike, but really it's the only way to get a box set containing Cloud and his bike; the bike should be available separately later on. The carbuncle summon materia is the only real exclusive for this version.

That's what makes it difficult for me. Because what I see in the gameplay trailers doesn't look fun or engaging it looks like mashing one button over and over. I should have clarified that's what upsets me about the remake, the gameplay and the fact that it's not gonna be the full game. The visuals look amazing, I'm all for the character interactions during the battle but so far what I see just does not look fun.

>it looks like mashing one button over and over
So, just like the original game where non-boss encounters go most times?

God damn that figure looks like fucking shit. I'd seriously rather just have the bike by itself to put on display.

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There were at least menus to go through. and if you weren't over leveled there were plenty of encounters that required thought. Watch the remake gameplay trailer and look the the button prompt at the bottom of the screen. Even if I do take fluff encounters into consideration this could have been another aspect to improve on with the remake. Also I want to be proven wrong btw I'm not gonna fling shit and shit on people for wanting the remake I'll gladly admit all my opinions were wrong if the game ends up being great, but as of now it doesn't look convincing.

You literally still have menus, but now you get to bind things to shortcuts. This is probably the most bizarre and lazy complaint about the action combat?

My bad I retarded out there, I didn't word it correctly, I meant that the menus worked better in an atb setting that plays closer to a classic jrpg rather than more of an action based combat system that the remake has displayed. The binded shortcuts may be necessary in how the remake is gonna play but I think that takes from the depth of the game The system looks out of place like its trapped in between a hack and slash game and turn based which I believe can be done well but from what I have seen that's not the case. This is why I'm not outright shitting on the remake because I have accepted that it's not meant to be the same experience.

>but I think that takes from the depth of the game
What depth? the only depth ff7 had was materia combinations and thats it. You'll still have that system in. Defend and change? who used that commands, for real? and in the remake you will have those commands, in terms of blocking, moving and dodging.

And really, the combats werent that deep. I love ff7 but why people tend to overrate the battle system so much? the materia is what made the game good, not the turn based. In battle you just used your best attack, nobody actually did strats.

Of course, ff7 combat isnt just "use attack, heal and repeat", but there's no reason to think it was better than what we've seen so far in the remake.

I understand your points and I'm not even to try and say it was a really deep rpg and you're absolutely right about the materia. I did try and do strats on subsequent replays throughout the game but I will admit that it was me myself making the decision to play the game differently and definitely not how a majority of people played the game.I will say I'm still not holding my breath for the remake but you've have made me think about it differently and softened my criticisms. I still think that the remake looks like it had less to offer outside of visuals during combat that being said this is based only on the limited combat that I have seen. But still I will concede that I was definitely blinded by my nostalgia goggles. I really hope it's good and that you have a great time with the game user. Lastly thank you for having a civil debate with me and not hurling insults my way for disagreeing with you, I can't believe I actually had a discussion about video games on Yea Forums.

You are the only one who actually have arguments but most importantly, you treat your opinion as an opinion and not as if it was the truth. More than half the thread is just "episodic, not turn based, game is shit" without any kind of consideration that your might be wrong and that shit.

Because they know it will sell and it will sell out.

Capitalism works

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If youre talking about ps now itll be quite a while before ff7 remake is on there

You can bet your ass that shitty CE will still sell out in like a week.

So I guess that's what.

It comes with some expensive stuff. I am just going to get the steelbook version.

$60 dollars for episode 1.

basedbois and the culture of menchildren

>it would be okay to make a collector's edition so fucking expensive?
Are you fucking stupid?

$80 game
$10 steel book case
$50 figure
$20 art book
$10 mini soundtrack
$20 DLC

I'm being extremely generous on the pricing and I can't even make it be worth $200.

Realistically it only has a value of $150 retail that will only decrease over time. Speculators are retarded.

>not even the full soundtrack
Mini-soundtracks are AIDS.

dont care, already pre-ordered

And for 1/3th of the game no less. It's literally going to be Ground Zeros all over again.

Most collector editions only run for $150 tops unless a console is literally bundled in too.

$200 ones have been more normal since gen 8 started, A lot of the bigger AAA titles have had $200 collectors editions. death stranding is one that's coming out soon, I think the AC origins one was $200, odyssey was down to $150 though.

>every entry has more than enough content to justify the full retail price
How can you even expect that to be a possibility? If the public doesn't lose interest by the time the third entry comes out, Squeenix will, and they'll move on to the next giant multimedia "project". They've done it with every entry since XIII, tried to make it this "more than a game" fabula nova crystola my asshole bullshit, and it's ALWAYS petered out into an embarrassing unfinished mess.

On the very slim chance that they finally make it to the climax of the game and it gets a full release, everything following Midgar won't get half the care or attention to detail because it's completely impractical at this point. They spent ten fucking years recreating ONE town and the first five hours of the original game. It's goddamn heartbreaking and I'm mad just thinking about it.

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Most CE’s don't come with an overpriced toy.

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show me a better figure them you double nigger