I mean, what's the deal with Dark Souls?

I mean, what's the deal with Dark Souls?

Now Demon's Souls was dark, that's a dark game.

And "Soul's"? Plural? There's only one Dark Soul.

What game are we playing here?!

Attached: darksouls2sucks.jpg (800x590, 28K)

Do Americans really not understand the difference between Souls and Soul's?
I see it everywhere. People mix up Nazis and Nazi's, what's up with that?

please don't say "dark" in front of Kramer

Half of America is brown people and the majority of these brown people aren't fluent in the only language they speak. So they don't know how an apostrophe is used.

>muh Americans
It's a mixed bag, retard.

>jewish "humor"

no body cares

Guillotine Axe, yup, now there's a weapon.

What do you mean? The post uses it correctly.

Your assumption that AAV isn't a valid dialect is false. There is no truly "correct" way to communicate with each other as long as what is trying to be convey is being correctly understood.

Phoneposting and typing without thinking.
You're and Your is a much bigger issue I see all the time

Nice euphemism for ebonics, you fucking anthropology major

Eh, your statement seems to disregard the efficacy of any given communication method. Just because something was understood doesn't mean it was communicated effectively.

>There's only one Dark Soul.
Not true, lorelet.

They can't understand eachother though, that's why every interaction ends in violence.

I had no idea that's what he meant. I guess I shouldn't be surprised blacks complete inability to properly pronounce the one language they know would eventually be considered it's own language.

bruh u calling me a bitch?

What's the deal with black people?

There not Black

There not people

Whats going on here?

Attached: jerry.png (343x343, 149K)


There is, it's just fragmented. While the power of the Light Soul was to consume into a single unit, the power of the Dark Soul was to split indefinitely. The game's title only really makes sense once you've played quite a bit and discovered the nature of the Dark Soul, and realized that "Dark Souls" just means "Humanity". The game itself is a struggle against increasingly seemingly impossible odds, against despair and lords. It's a testament to human nature and perseverance, where the player themselves experiences firsthand as a human with the ironic fate of being able to die as many times as they can handle on the way.

>OP tries to make a fun thread
>Devolves into a race thread
White people have the thinnest skin on the face of the earth. They were happier when we were in chains. Look at them, they catching Pokemon now. Can't catch niggas anymore, now they gotta catch Pokemon. I got Pokemon in my living room, it's crazy. Black folk catching Pokemon, white folk catching Pokemon, those Japanese making them cause they still mad they lost the war.

Gotta catch 'em all. The white man was catching 'em all a long time ago. Why do you think they call the Asian man the model minority? When they come to America, they can't speak a lick of english. The white man will grab a ball and catch that Asian, now he speaking the Queen's English. OJ was trying to catch them white women last week.

No nigga, it's over. The white man is about to catch you and put you in jail again. They catching all our celebrities ain't they?

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