Read Megaman Mega/Gigamix

Read Megaman Mega/Gigamix

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Other urls found in this thread:!UgNQmIJZ!i1DFJDG7DnXhfxzkCdi-cQ


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And that's just volume 2

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Is that Enker?

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Arigas depiction of wily and his motives is my favorite.


you may be the worst poster on Yea Forums

Anyone feel like Mega Man 6 was originally meant to be the final Classic series game?

It came out the same year as X1, and leaked Internal Design Documents show that Zero was made based off of Proto Man, Bass not even a thought both by Wily and Capcom.

Wily was also put into prison in MM6, which works well as an ending to the Classic series.

Just some food for thought.

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Read the new adventures of megaman

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I will forever refuse to do so

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It's pretty funny to see how batshit it gets, i actually recommend it, as long as you ignore any ties to the game and pretend that it's just a shitpost in comic form.

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The fuck is that? Got more?!UgNQmIJZ!i1DFJDG7DnXhfxzkCdi-cQ

Name a mega man game with a better soundtrack

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Holy shit I have these comics

They are made in Brazil by the way

what the fuck is Brazil even

At the end of X5, what did Sigma mean by
>I've recently acquired a new partner. He has been very supportive. He seems to have created quite a few robots. And he gave me the toughest body that you will ever see. You got here sooner than I expected, so it is not yet complete... is enough to defeat you... He is an excellent partner... I believe you two know each other... In fact, he used to be a comrade of yours. He was very persistent about you... and that makes him very helpful to me
I guess it's Wily, but how would he know X, and have been a "comrade" of his? And for that matter, what the hell is Wily doing during X5 if he's still around?

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Brazil is purely a work of fiction it doesn't actually exist if you go there you will find nothing but water

From what I get, he's refering to Wily's research. As evidenced by the Shadow Devil's existence, he made quite a lot of things before dying.

Fuck me, is the brazilian one official, or "brazilian official"?

hmm... never thought about it like that.

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What’s the story here?

The Wily thing yet another one of X's underdeveloped plot points, along with

>what happened to Cain?
>why didn't they explain the Iris/Colonel split thing if BN6 did so?
>where the fuck did Signas and the others come from?
>if X6 was never made then how the fuck were they planning on bringing back Zero for his series?
>why didn't Red Alert just make an Axl clone?
>what the fuck is Lumine's plan?
>why is this the only Megaman series with such an awful plot?

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Holy shit.

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X6 looked like it was starting build the plot into whatever Willy was alive or not
>Isoc can stun Zero's body and no one know how he can in first place
>Gate building a defective copy of Zero that calls X a robot
>Alia telling you is illegal to go to the zone where X was found the first time and its punisheable with death
But then nothing happened

Licensed by capcom, there's a reason it end in a cliffhanger, Capcom realised their mistake

>>if X6 was never made then how the fuck were they planning on bringing back Zero for his series?
Rebuilt like they did for X2. It's Zero, that's what he does.



I'm just curious how things would have gone if they just let Zero stay dead after X1.

THe fact this is basically his canon personality when he showed up, just made more extreme is amazing.

More emphasis on X growing, and maybe incorporation of the Z-Saber into his games?
I kinda wonder how it'd have been if Zero was the Mega Man as Inafune originally intended.

How much does a surplus Roll copy cost? Asking for a friend.

>Sigma will probably be announced for Dive tomorrow


Which mega man game has the worst soundtrack?

Legends 2

>why didn't Red Alert just make an Axl clone?
I believe it's established that, for some reason, you can't really make copies of the highly complicated reploids.


Unless you are a little girl

little girls can do anything!

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Roll is the most useless character in the series you could remove her and absolutely nothing would change


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You're not wrong.

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are you just going to ignore how much of a fucking disaster the megaman zero manga was?

Enker was in Megaman Soccer.

>Doctor, I have a GREAT IDEA!

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9, 2, and 3. 10 has some really fucking good tracks, but some letdowns like Commando Man.

2, 3, 4, and 9.

Where can I read them? Are they uploaded to any manga site? If I download them they're just going to get lost on my hard drive.

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>like Commando Man.
I was agreeing with you completely up to that point. Only Solar man is arguably better.

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Kalinka will die and all her friend will stay as eternal child. That's suffering.

All robots have a pre-determined retirement date. Ask the MM9 robots about it.

Even if Rock and Roll are the exceptions, Light won't be alive forever to keep pleading for extensions.

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They would probably let rock live considering how he saved the world multiple times

X's complexities are all mental, something Ciel absolutely failed to replicate with Copy X.

Buy them.

They would probably only do that if he wanted to, and he'd probably just peacefully accept his end after Light and all his friends are gone, especially if the world is at peace, which it presumably was after Wily eventually kicked the bucket up until the X series.

There was an unspecified cataclysm that buried the remains of Light's lab and X's pod. But granted this is probably some time after Rock thought he was without purpose.


But what about Auto? He appeared in X3 so maybe Rock and Roll are still alive

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According to Capcom, Mega Man "died" once he became outdated, as all technology does.
Presumably, he lived as full a life as a Robot Master can before succumbing to irreparable damage.

I really don't feel like you should treat an easter egg like this as canon. Megaman of all bots would not stand idly by while the Maverick wars are happening.

Auto's the sort of guy to put self preservation above all else, including his friends and the law. He probably used Roll as a distraction when they came for him and has just been laying low ever since, keeping himself in good repair with all the bolts he was getting paid with.

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Wily really phoned it in on the disguise


No, I'm serious.

Nitro Man and Sheep Man are way better.

>Da Crew
>April Fools
>Scrap Heap
>Chimera Bots
>Counter Attack
No idea where these are from, I'm guessing mostly fan games.

rock is BASED

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>Da Crew
Ruby Spears cartoon
>April Fools
Capcom drawings
>Scrap Heap
4koma manga and Archie Short Circuits

Counter Attack and Unlimited are fan games

Capcom could split X onward off into an "alternate timeline", so Classic doesn't have that depressing future in store for its characters. I prefer them being canon, but there's always that possibility.