Monster Hunter Thread

Monster Hunter Thread

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I just want Stories 2.

Who cares about stories? it sold really poorly and they haven't even bothered to release the final updates in the western version

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Nerg a shit

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I like Guraga as a concept of taking a chicken and turning it into something threating, but I hope that the devs aren’t nostalgia cucks and use the og one because he was badly designed shit that more or less was a more annoying rathian

It would be so much better and creative if they did the Guraga treatment to kulu and do a smart evil terror bird and make a raptor a actual threat for fucking once

I want to Marry Kushala and have plenty of half- dragon daughters.

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why do people keep talking like garuga is confirmed? did i miss something?

AT Nergigante was just a test to see if worldsperms were ready to handle Garuga
They completely failed the test, but they're gonna put him in regardless

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if I want to get into Stories, how do I get the final update? I have CFW 3DS

There was a shot of one of the weapon tree branches with a poison LS and materials with icons that perfectly match Garuga.

There's a poison LS using materials that look exactly like all the shit Garuga would have

Don't insult Garuga by comparing it with AT garbage

Why are things like guard, artillery, capacity boost, and guard up decos so rare

I'm never gonna make a good CB or GL set like this

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I am not breaking any rules at all. Why the deletion? why constantly advocate silencing of criticism?

List of problems with Iceborne (so far)

>Deluxe kit necessary for new armor set
>Pre order necessary to obtain Yukumo layered set
>This confirms that the the timed event quests are back
>Banbaro doesn’t do much outside of charging at the player and hitting its head on the ground. Continues the World tradition of annoying tremors that combo into hits.
>Beotodus is Jyuratodus reskin with snow instead of mud and a few new moves. Easy, as expected
>The monsters above use the same animations in their turf war as the Barroth vs Jyuratodus one
>Nargacuga has been neutered, tail is now a weakspot, does little damage, cannot keep up with the powercreep of World, dead within 5 minutes. It felt like an early game monster similar to Tobi
>Tigrex now has awful hitboxes, likely intentional, as a way of adding artificial difficulty to an already easy fight. It has been slowed down tremendously and its roar only does damage when its enraged. In the demo, it was given inflated damage values, a sign of things to come.
>Velkhana looks like yet another reuse of the Kushala skeleton
>The weapon models still look like bone and iron metals with monster parts glued to them. The iconic Nargacuga IG has been replaced by a generic iron model, all the weapons in the demo are bone and iron reskins
>It’s obvious that they kept the same "shitty movie soundtrack" mentality for the expansion. Narga's music is awful, as expected, and so is Tigrex’s
>New hunter actions makes the hunter even more overpowered. You can now activate a mount from a slinger shot, something every single weapon can do now, and there are new moves for every weapon. This follows the same design philosophy of world, making the hunter overpowered and the monsters a joke so braindead people can still beat the game
>Palico skill that revives you and gives a free cart, on top of felyne insurance

Feel free to add to the list

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>join an SOS
>host does nothing while everyone whacks the monster to death
>just runs around outside of the monsters attack range
>even when its safe with a KO's and staggered monster
It's going to be worse when you try fight Elder Dragons so why sit back and hope randoms do the work for you? I've only seen this once in 4 Ultimate but World has people hesitating against some of the smallest things.

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>It would be so much better and creative if they took an existing monster concept and plastered it onto oen of their shitty new ones
No, if they want to bring Garuga back they should just do it instead of cannibalizing it and making Kulu ya Kuk wear his skin

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Hunters report the FUCK in.
>First Game
>Most Used / Favorite Weapon
>Favorite Game
>Favorite Monster
>Jho / Tigrex

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They are essentially the same concept, they both have a near instant attack that you need to prepare mentally to be able to immediately dodge instead of relying on just reflexes
It's why shitters hate them, they can't into the mindset of "alright he's about to charge/slam, i should put myself in a position where i can easily avoid it"

>Garuga being even as remotely as hard as AT Nerg
Garuga is as threatening as a Rathian at best, what the hell are you talking about?

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I want to pet that narg

How do I solo AT Zorah? I want that critical status so damn bad but his fight sucks so hard.

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Garuga is unironically the most dangerous wyvern in the entire series

Which monster would you fugg?

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Oh it's easy, you don't

>Gore Magala/Chaotic Gore

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Monster Hunter is all about wearing skins, Garuga is trash like Kut Ku. Kulu is the chad to kut ku’s virgin ass

most of them

just get a kjarr weapon

What's a good LBG? I enjoy gunning but would like to try a quicker alternative to the HBG despite the ridiculous damage it shits out.

I dont have any Kulve Weapons btw.

You launch an SOS flare

Odogaron one looks stylish

Fuck. I'm too much of a poorfag to grab online. Guess I gotta pray for a free week during the event.
Only Kjar weapons I have are for weapons I hate.

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You could probably argue that Garuga's high speed bullshit is actually more fair than AT Nerg's slam because the zero frame charge and beak slams at least have predictable trajectory and limited range, while Nerg can slam you from any angle in a significant radius around him

I hope to god zinogre gets into world at some point

i solo'd all my AT zorahs with gunlance. just make a set that has pro-transporter and heavy artillery.

>IG, CB, Hammer
>Seregios, Deviljho, Rajang in that order

>A sped up Kut-Ku with poison is the most threatening wyvern in the series
Why? How? I'm legit curious as to why it's considered difficult, fucking constantly charging Diablos or hipcheck Plesioth are more a pain in the ass to fight.


monster hunter ps2
great jaggi

>3U but MHW IB if its just as good as any G-rank expansion

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Is there a way to make more than one trade request to neko? The farm was so much better than this

Instant charges who hurt like hell
Roar/flap that comboes into poison tai
Peck attack covers surprising range
he's not the most difficult thing in the world but he's surely the most dangerous wyvern which honestly is not that much of an accomplishment when things like Rathalos or Tigrex exist

My absolute nigga

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> Gore Magala

GAAAAAAAOOOOOOOD MORNING, Hunters! Just wanted to remind you that we’re another day closer to Yian Garuga (yes, THE Yian Garuga from the famous Monster Hunter Freedom) getting confirmed in Iceborne! Make sure to save your tears for the upcoming Developer Diary two days from now when Yian Garuga instant charges into the spotlight!

>B-b-b-b-but Yian Garuga can't get in without Yian Kut-Ku!

Yikes! That's a large assumption. How could the lack of one monster invalidate a history of interesting returners and flying wyverns being added to Iceborne? Unlike your "Cookie Leak", Valstraxcucks, Yian Garuga has evidence of being in the game! Ever heard of this little japanese video which shows the LS tree? And while you're busy obsessing over the Cookie Leak, mind explaining to me why only Zinogre has a unique icon? Seems a bit suspicious if you ask me, but feel free to continue in your denial. Your tears of disappointment will be all the more sweeter!

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Instant charge and lots of stuff like windpress/roars to cover openings. He's just a monster you have to learn vs something like Plesioth which you don't

>Fire SOS for Kushala because fuck Kushala
>Get two IG users who just spam the insect and a corner horn HH

all this is a result of shitty hitboxes in the old games. he'll be fixed in iceborne.

LS and SA

What? You can definitely beat AT Zorah solo, I cleared it in 19 minutes, just grab heavy artillery and beat his cores with temporal on,
and shoot your slinger at the stalactites
On the cannon phase, juggle respawn times on the binders, keep loading your cannon and fire the ones the NPC's fill up for you, fire the dragonator and binders when he's charging his attack up, much easier than relying on randoms, beat it first try after a few SOS failures

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Considering Nergigante's weird ass dive hitbox(not really a problem since you have all the time in the world to superman dive but whatever) and Anjanath i wouldn't count on it



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i do not understand how athenas ass works, help me

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Respect the Based Kulu brotha

Add in skills you want on a set, press search, and it generates armor and decoration sets that can get you the skills you listed.

>Instant charges who hurt like hell
the raths used to do this to, but it was given an obvious tell and windup
>Roar/flap that comboes into poison tail
they got rid of a lot of the wind flap shit so only the roar would end up being a problem and people would just rocksteady it
>Peck attack covers surprising range
might still be in, but they might just tighten it up, too


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Guys guys, Kulu Garuga already exists, it's just weaker than Kulu ya ku itself

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Female Tama or Zinogre. If gender has to be cannon, Kulve or Rathian.
Actually I guess all the wyverns and EDs as long as they're female

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imagine being a pc only subhuman

Also Aisha a best

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I want to play bows but after 700 hours I have no forceshot deco. RNG sucks

Jyuratodus for spread 2, Odogaron for rapid fire normal 2

Just make sure you have Bombardier and Heavy Artillery, and maybe use a Wide 4 Gunlance. Shells will keep doing damage on broken cores while waiting for the transition to the wall. On the wall just learn when the two binders respawn and use them to always prevent the big damage. Stay on the boat as much as possible since you can pretty much constantly be firing the cannons. Use the Dragonator as soon as you can. You pretty much can't fail the quest solo once you get the pattern down (and it's not even that strict).

Why are there so many shitters in monster hunter threads? Every time i look someone is bitching about behemoth being "too hard" and skipping it.
Why would you skip content you paid for? Fuck I run behemoth ex daily to carry noobs. If you don't keep trying you will never get good you retards

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Based and Might Pilled

Is there a discord or something where I can find the currrent BIS for HBG and LBG? I've been away a few months and I need to know what to farm the new ATs for.

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How can you be too poor for an online sub? Crikey.

There's this thing called Google

>it's literally Deviljho
What even is the point of this

yeah, I meant the basic claw attack though. Using the claw counter goes beyond that though as it also gives you hyperarmor while you are "mounted" so even an enraged monster can't toss you before you wound it. Of course, you do still take damage, so better watch out for that.

Need to make sure you drop all the stalactites.
Use the Dragonator as soon as possible to let it recharge.
Save the binders for his big blast attack.
I used Ignition to clear it, took about 20 minutes solo. Take Rocksteady and Temporal to grug through the core explosions.

Empress Shell Styx is my hands down favorite, innate spare shot is life, plus tons of useful ammo.

>Great Jaggi

>All brute Wyverns are Deviljho

Open question to anyone, how far into the game do you have to get to enjoy it?
Like do I have to sink 20 hours in before Im slaying big monsters

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they are all the same, ie. shit

It even copied Deviljho's pose

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You're right to compare it to Kut-Ku, although that's mostly shared animations. Garuga also has:
>Shittier hitzones
>Larger size so more difficult to headsnipe, and increased hurtboxes
>more HP
>more damage
>moves which are less predictable, like the beak slam and the airflips
Also, if you've ever attempted 140 Frenzied Blue Kut-Ku in MH4U you know that a souped up Kut-Ku is actually no joke, since it's normally so easy that they don't bother adding cooldowns or windups to its moves.

Should I make Odium to prepare for Ebony Odo's CB?

Other than your first MH game, LRs/early game in general is shit. MHW sort of fixed that by cutting off most gathering and small monster hunts. It is the absolute worst in MHGU and that's why they cut a fuckton of them off in MHW. It's always the same boring shit

Once you reach HR in any MH game, that's where the meat of the game is

Depends on you, and what you seek out of it, really. If your goal is only to slay big monsters, then you may have to finish the main campaign before starting to tale on Elder Dragons.
If you're more in for the novelty and progression, you may enjoy the game right away.

Depends on the game and how you play it. In World you'll fight your first big monster within 3 quests or so, less than 2 hours even if you're bad. In any game pre-world if you go to the multiplayer hub you can start with big monster hunts, but they have more HP. Village teaches you about gathering and small monsters first so it takes longer to get to the big boys.

What’s everyone’s favorite monster type, flying, brutes, fanged, beast, crabs, bugs, snakes, monkeys, elders, etc.

What’s your reason for liking them and how would you improve a type you don’t like?

>Has the same flash gimmick as Gypceros, but unlike Gypceros it has nothing else like poison or playing dead
>Moveset is otherwise Jaggi-tier
>Design is basically just the Dilophosaurus from Jurassic Park
I know people like it for flashing other monsters occasionally but I really have to question why they even included this thing. It's like they specifically designed it to be as unremarkable as possible.

HR meaning

Most, as long as they're female.

Top three I'd impregnate would be Seregios, Lagiacrus, and Nergigante.

They realised the Highlands were lacking a monster so they just made Kulu ya ku 2.0 with a shitty gimmick

>but I really have to question why they even included this thing
Monster IDs suggest it was literally the last monster they worked on, even after the DLC monsters got started. It was most likely just thrown in at the last minute.

High rank. Basically after early game called LR (Low Rank). This is when you fight actual difficult monsters

Wouldn't be surprising since it uses the stock chicken sound when tripped

I like flying and fanged the most for opposite reasons; One can fly and thus add challenge (Especially on that terrible 3DS screen), and the other can't, so you can focus on the fight itself.
The monkeys are the ones I hate the most. There's no real reason to it, I just hate their design. You could fix that by removing them from the game I guess.

I unironically enjoy this monster. Don't get me wrong It's fight isn't anything amazing but for some reason It's one of my favorite bottom tier monsters in MHW.

similarly to jagras, kulu, girros and dodogama it's only here to be the "easy" first monster of the zone it inhabits
all these monsters have basically one gimmick and are meant to be forgiving so that every zone feels like its own progress

Is Worlda good game to get into for the franchise then?
Good for me meaning minimal grinding before i can get to big cool monsters

Wouldn't she run away for Rathian anyway? Also isn't a thing written somewhere suggesting that Nergigante is asexual?

Get the one with Iceborne so you don't pony up extra 40 bucks

It's arguably the best to start with.

Great Girros is unironically the only good one
He's actually programmed to fight like a pack leader with little details like giving orders and whatnot, also he can actually kill you if you get para'd at the wrong moment

Yes. You had to grind more for armor and such in the previous games.


World is okay to start on but I'd personally do 4U then World. You can emulate these easily.
Or FU --> 3U --> 4U --> World if you really want to
DON'T play anything before FU unless you legitimately hate yourself

>Go into practice with CB
>Discover condensed element slash
>sword gets buffed
I feel silly never seeing this but then again I just started with this thing but goddamn this is fun

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>bone lances

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Well, Xeno sounds like an accelerating motorcycle when roaring, and I doubt it means anything. Knowing how japs work, I'd assume the chicken noise is intended as a joke.

The monster is kinda unremarkable, yet I find the concept that Tzi-Tzi running in and helping you/teaming up with you to bring down a bigger predator is neat. Not sure if it was intended, but a monster that's a bit more friendly than strict neutral seems like a first as far as I can recall.

>Freedom 1
>Hunting Horn
>4 Ultimate
I'm impressed with Worlds but I really miss the low poly aesthetic.

Yeah, I use shelling GL when I solo G-rank quests
How could you tell?

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>he got cucked by F1

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>I'd assume the chicken noise is intended as a joke.
I also assumed that but then i realised that Great Jagras also uses the stock "reptile" sound you can also find in Dark Souls, they probably decided to spend little time on filler monsters and work mostly on the important ones, Deviljho for example has an entire new set of whimpers, hisses and growls that sound like a demon hyena trying to take a dump

it's cute and it has especially good sound design to make up for how simple it is. I feel sorry for it when it's limping away

>Wouldn't she run away for Rathian anyway?
I'd think it would be after Rathalos to cuck Ian in that case.
Though I wouldn't mind getting tag-teamed between fem-Seregios and Rathain.
>Also isn't a thing written somewhere suggesting that Nergigante is asexual?
From what I understand, that was some fanfiction on some non-canon wiki.

I regret nothing.

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you are worng
i like em hard to get
so luna is my waufu

Tzi-Tzi, Great Girros, & Barroth. Don't know why but low-tier monsters are always the ones I tend to like.

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>that was some fanfiction on some non-canon wiki.
It's from the artbook, it's official
Sorry barafags

How good is going full on shelling? I run a guard based GL set right now and I'm wondering if I should switch.

It's not fast, if that's what you're wondering
Better in high rank games than G-rank ones

>I feel sorry when it's limpkng away
It's even worse
>Break those flashy bits on its head
>It tries to flash me and go into flashing animation with a roar
>Nothing happens
>That animation end making it look like it's incredibly sad, and realizing he's now defenseless against bigger predators

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It's always fun playing behemoth with randoms. Most of the time they're running like headless chickens, but what the hell is up with no one ever using lifepowder anymore? All I see is carts and people talking about meta builds.

>Nerg Is asexual
>Reproduces via "cuttings"
>Every shed spike has a chance to become a new Nergigante
This makes Giga Nigga 10 times better imo

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Remember to only capture Titzi, and never break its head, aim for the legs, broken bones can heal

yeah it's a great implementation of broken monster parts. I wish you could have a tzi-tzi a a pet

>Reproduces asexually.
So I can fuck her hourly with no issues.

Seems like a win/win.


GL or HH

I wonder how newborn Nergigantes actually look like
I imagine something like this

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Reproducing asexually would imply that there's nothing to dig into. Besides, if she doesn't enjoy it as well, where's the point?

It makes nerg the ultimate donut steel. You can never truly beat it. He just splits into more and more nergigantes.

What is that?

Godzilla cells

more like anything before FU is terribly outdated

A dragon that reproduces like a virus is more interesting than just "they fuck and then lay eggs"

I know kushala uses some stock pig/boar noises since I keep hearing quilboar noises from wow when I fight the world version

>implying you can't plow her shithole

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I hope in the series we see a colony of elder dragons, like it’s mot far fetched that there’s a group of nergi’s that live between the old and new world to catch migrating elders, or a small group of whatever other elder


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Hit it until it dies

I doubt Nergigantes would work together, if anything they'd probably be cannibals

>7 failed Behemoth fights
>one got through to the final ecliptic meteor
>only 1 cart up til the final area
>2 more when the meteor drops

HnNNahhabdbfnso AHHHhh heuoiOooooooo enehaHuueeeAHAHU UFKFNRJEJAJFHEHNR UHhhhuhahhh u bnggrhreennn mm Video games VIDEO GAAAAAAAMESSSSSBNNGGGG

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is that an event quest?

Yeah, it gets you it's head a la the Wiggler head.

Never do Behemoth with randos, never

It never was shit

It almost worked man. Almost. Fuck. SISTERS CUNT

it's fine as long as you take it upon yourself to do all the flashing

Is Ancient Leshen soloable? This fucker is impossible even with /mhg/ "pro" lobbies

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You don't think the spines are there to discourage that kind of behavior

Possible but it's fucking agonizing and boring. You're gonna be dealing with his bullshit for a good 20 minutes.

>world (went back and played FU through Gen though)
>GS is literally the only weapon I’ve ever touched

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>First Game
Freedom 2
>Most Used / Favorite Weapon
LBG and Bow
>Favorite Game
>Favorite Monster

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Seemed to have buffed the wyrmstake explosion damage since their last build

I can't figure out the changes and I don't speak moonrunes, what is it saying

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I don’t mean then working together, I mean more like a beard of Kirin, pride of Teostra, pack of nergi that fight each other to establish dominance on a barren rock plateau where they live, with the weaker one being susceptible to predation by other nergi and the alpha of the region being like ruin nergi or something. So less working together and more tolerating each other with a established pecking order

More so in general I’d love to see more than one large monster or elder at once. They’re changing that in iceborne with packs of legania in the background of the higher regions of the reach and I love that

What crossovers can we realistically expect for Iceborne? The Witcher one is unexpectedly high quality, especially since you can actually pick answers.

I miss the MH/MGS crossovers, I'm sure one of those in world would be great.

>Great lies and delusions of Yea Forums 2019
Flash all you fucking want but NIGGERS STILL CART TO ECLIPTIC METEOR

Dragon's Fucking Dogma and Resident Evil

you just flash every one of his big attacks

There's just something fuckable about Kulu-Ya-Ku

Been doing some sleuthing about this. Pretty much everyone has been saying that this is Garuga, but that's impossible. What is shown in this image is clearly a wyvern gem/large wyvern gem, as you can see from the coloration (you can find what bird wyvern gems and wyvern gems look up with a google search, but if you're too lazy, bird wyvern gems are a dark blue, whereas this gem and wyvern gems are pale blue). For that matter, the g-rank equivalent to bird wyvern gems are fey wyvern gems, which are yellow. Now, we need to look for a monster in this series that goes with the following characteristics (assuming it's not a 100% new monster)
>Is purplish in some way
>Flying Wyvern
>Has a carapace
Dreadqueen is out because as far as we know there's no deviants in this game. Garuga and Gypceros are out because they're bird wyverns. Silverlos and Goldian are out because the Silverlos LS can be seen elsewhere on the tree. Gigginox is out because she doesn't have carapaces. Can't be Lucent because he'd have upgraded from Nargacuga stuff.
The only possibilities that come to mind immediately are some sort of weird updated Garuga, Espinas (considering that their game just shut down), or something new.

Attached: Garuga LS possibly.png (504x565, 317K)

maybe I was just lucky on my 3 last behemoth runs and got very competent players
Also as a rule of thumb all dual daggers and bow players WILL cart

get some friends who you trust. I did extremoth with a group of 4 friends, doing it with randoms is literally pissing time down the toilet.

Stop rolling the loaded dice with SoS shitters and get help from competent players. Platform?

can someone give me a honeyhunter for gunlance?

> They’re changing that in iceborne with packs of legania
I can't wait to fight in solo a pack of 4 shrieking Legianas that never split on the map at the same time.

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its Laviente.

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Something with Diablo would be cool, but unlikely since Blizzard is usually against any crossovers.

Wrong. Kulu is for stealing eggs and comically running away together as a pissed Rathian tries to kill you both. Find another monster to bang.

None of my friends play MonHun any more so I've gotta take my chances

Yeah I'm a retard for doing it but I've gotta try I'm fucking sick of this fucking FF music in Astera. PS4

Damn, I'd definitely help you if I could. Good luck man.

oh its just regular Behemoth? Then you can solo him. That's the easiest way

I can live with this

Switching back between 4U and World makes me feel like shit due to the controls differences and there's no way I could make the controls match cause lmao handheld

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Doom, plenty of monsters to choose from and the praetor suit would work as an armor set.

I'll help you right now if we can get 2 more people on

The only fuckhuge monster ever done right.
Why the fuck isnt he in World?

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because even capcom doesn't know what this frontiershit is


I dount Capcom would greenlight a crossover with a franchise that revolves around guns and demons, but I have to admit it would be sweet

Elden Ring

Thanks bro

I tried, got up til the final area but without mantles there I shat the bed and couldn't finish the job. Subsequent tries were less fruitful

Here's hoping

Brutes, fanged and crabs. Brutes look like dinosaurs, so that's a massive plus.

Fanged wyverns usually have the most satisfying fights, like Tobi and Odogaron (I started with World).

Crabs are awesome because where i live, i love picking tiny hermit crabs out of the sand and the Hermitaurs sort of remind me of them.

>still playing world

>I dount Capcom would greenlight a crossover with a franchise that revolves around guns and demons
Devil May Cry already had a crossover you retard

69 7632 3312 5868
Mhgu switch g rank quests

Agreed. Especially making "Alpha" monsters into your bitch in front of their underlings.

A harem of jaggi with the great jaggi becoming your #1 slut for hunter dick.

got a problem with that, boy?

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>playing the crappy 3DS games

>I dount Capcom would greenlight a crossover with a franchise that revolves around guns and demons
Well, this just happened. But I can understand that doom could be too far fetched considering it's nonstop blood and gore. And doomguy wouldn't RIP AND TEAR regular wildlife

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Any of you nerds wanna help me out with Code: Red on PC?

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>Is Worlda good game to get into for the franchise then?
If you give zero shits about going back to Classic MH, yes. Otherwise start with one of FU, translation patched P3rd, or 3U.

Look up the definition of "sarcasm."

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And by "this" I mean't DMC. I fucked up the image.

>Hammer / CB

What? Hell no. I mean FU.

Sure, I need a reason to keeping playing. Room ID?

Golden, it's YQaJPTCCxXAZ

Joining in a minute.

Rathian cucked rathalos yet again

Learn what emulation means you fucking retard.

That's even worse


Attached: 58235381_p13.jpg (930x909, 234K)

It's a sea horse dragon bull snake that can harness fireballs and comets, isn't it obvious?

Guard point during wyrmstake blast loading
Probably lasts longer and can dish out more hits before dropping
Wyrmstake Blast damage increased (Normal shells):
>initial embed: 78
>shelling: 26 (+31)
>full burst: 44×5 (+185)
>wyvern's fire: 79×3 (+226)
>clutch claw attack: 79
Vjump forgot to note down the numbers for charged shelling and wyrmstake shot

Attached: Gunlance.png (694x520, 228K)

more like

>listfags posts get insta-deleted
fucking lmao


the first upgrade uses a Bird Wyvern Gem, the second is a Wyvern Stone. You don't need to compare color, Barioth has the exact same thing on the upgrade path

Woops, I failed math, wyverns fire is 79x3 (+339)

Since setting up for Wyrmstake Blast loads your slinger garbage into the GL (judging by the videos), will Slinger Capacity affect this

Attached: 43647731_p54.jpg (706x706, 292K)

yes, how much and what ammo you load in affects the duration of the blast


Attached: dodo.png (500x375, 30K)

Alright, where do the pornographic posts from this artist come from? I have searched their pixiv, e621, and twitter, and found nothing except for weird plane porn

>Muh hitboxes.

>Find a strange, swirl-patterned stone deep in the woods
>When you touch it, it lights up and a portal rips open
>Savan drops out
>Team up to battle a Gryphon
>Have to bait it using some other monster
>It likes to flee, can cripple it with fire weapons, easy to mount but stays airborne often
>Winning gets you a variety of masterwork weapons, gryphic layered armor, a Feste jester outfit for palico and/or a Rook outfit for palico
>Maybe a portcrystal item that functions like a reuseable farcaster
>Master mode quest is a cockatrice

drunk as shit rn how do u beat gore lol?


It probably doesnt exist or they just don't share it.

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Regular or AT?


neccessary skills for GS? im currently running focus 3, partbreaker 3, WE 2, and health boost 3

Hit his head, if he's in feeler mode, hit his head as much as possible, when his feelers (AKA horns) start to flash then you can knock him back to normal. If you really need to break his feelers, just stay infected by his frenzy as long as possible without the meter filling up or you getting into the affinity up mode (use nulberries to set it back a bit)

bring back anime crossovers since they usually introduce new collabs. We've had HxH and Baki, do a Berserk collab next

Use a weapon that has a shield or a REALLY safe build where the moves have basically 0 commitment so you don't get hit by the slam.
Try this Gunlance Build or use Sword and Shield or Light Bowgun with no commitment moves. Also, remember to slot in Fortify so you are more powerful and have more defense and attack with each cart if you're playing solo.

It's real easy.

Unzip pants.
Whip it out.
Get both hands at the ready.

focus 3 is a meme, partbreaker is a bigger meme, wex and crit boost are mandatory for all builds

I've seen multiple images posted to previous threads though, most of them either censored or I just forgot to save them

Hey pard, have you been clearing unwanted investigations? Because Master Rank will introduce even better investigations.

Attached: pukei.png (400x320, 125K)

That's about it. I like evade extender and maximum might as well. An extra point or two of handicraft is nice for the rocket sword.

Lol, this was the one everyone used when going up against the event quest Crimson fatty in FU

so focus 2 then and no partbreaker?


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Well in addition to Garuga's having to turn around to instant run, his beak slam ALWAYS starts on his left so you can easily dodge right to get away. That's not the case with some of the insta-hit and AOE stuff on ATs. You know something is about to come but before you can get out of the way you're health is down to 1/4` or you're dead.

Don't new ones just overwrite old ones on a first in last out basis?

Those were probably edits and suggestive crops of actually SFW pictures then.

Attached: 69152535_p19.jpg (1490x1382, 337K)

Evade Extender

Partbreaker is nice if you're after specific parts but it's not really a general purpose skill.

It can help in a few fights where part breaks actually effect things, especially in multiplayer, but yeah it's a "nice to have" skill.

Focus 3 is now commonly used by speedrunners, so it's not a meme if you enjoy the faster TCS animation. Partbreaker, however, very much is.

How do I get over dizziness? It's ANNOYING and unfair when it happens a lot of the times and most of my fails are due to it.

How do bows work? I will play long ranged because I get killed immediately when fighting Bazelguise or what ever its name is. ONE bomb and I die.

When I fail I cannot get to eat the chef's choice meal. It's sad because it's good and raises everything almost. Is there a way for an alternative buffs and such?

Legit question.
What keeps you guys playing World? Every time I play, I just go to random SOS flares for a short while. There's nothing else I need for equipment. The small variety of monsters makes the game repetitive. How the fuck do people play to 100+ HR?

oh okay so im adding in evade extender instead, is it worth the lvl 3 or is lvl 2 fine? dont have a handicraft so ill prob just put in a MM


Grinding decos/streamstones, building and trying new gear sets.

>How do I get over dizziness? It's ANNOYING and unfair when it happens a lot of the times and most of my fails are due to it.
Mash faster or slot in Stun Resist. Stun works exactly like it does in Capcom fighting games where it drops faster as long as you're actually getting hits in, so don't just eat hits over and over without hitting back. It's not random at all.

max potion after you die to get back to fighting form
Bazel's moveset is super simple to make up for the fact that he scatters bombs everywhere so once you get used to him it's not that hard. You might need more fire defense if you're getting fucked by the scales.
Stun resist 3 is really good to nullify stuns if you don't need anything else. I also recommend health boost 3.

i enjoy the combat and learning all the weapons. also if on pc you can get modded quests that make irrelevant monsters worth fighting.

Attached: mhw.png (560x148, 143K)

improve your skills hunt with friends, help newbies and so on

Tried different sets, new weapons, endless SoS investigations even though I had all the good decos early on, and about 200 hours worth of Behemoth alone. Now I'm basically burnt out. You have to make your own fun.

That shit was great, too. The best graphics until World... yeah fuck 3U for using upscaled shitty PSP graphics. Also, want water fighting back, fite me. (Obviously, with improvements to the movement and not screwing up the attack speed and combos).

Just love heavy weapons in most games. Close second is Hammer. Also been getting into Charge Blade. I feel like it would be my favorite if there were reliable ways to cancel into guard breaks (even if that meant making them have less active frames).

Not even an old shitter as I didn't start that game until after MHP3rd came out and had an english patch. But it's still got the coolest fights, imo. And since it was all in the same engine and monsters weren't heavily redone, just ported, most of the weapons did really well against most monsters so it was just fun. And they had a system where you could make almost all of the old skins as seperate "G" version weapons. Shit was cool. Almost everything was viable. I can see how Hunting Horn's hate it tho.

>Zinogre/Tigrex/Tetsucabra from 4U
4U was a relatively well balanced version of MH in general, but these three were so good. 4U did an excellent job slowly introducing new challenges while not going overboard as you went from low to hi to G rank. They slowly removed some of the cooldowns, but often introduced interesting new openings to replace them through knowing where to be positioned after certain attacks. NO ONE illustrates this as well as Tetsucabra in 4U. Go back and fight him in low rank, then hi, then G back to back and you'll see what I mean.

Ancient Potion maxes out your health and stamina.

As much as you can get, any amount is useful. Handicraft isn't necessary for rocket sword but if you can't budget any extra at least have one rank of speed sharpening.

thanks dud i'll cheer for you bro

Hunting is fun. Not like I'm playing constantly either, just something I come back to often.

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Fucking love chaotic gore's theme being a mix between Shaggy and Gore's themes.

Hey there, Pard!
I've been noticing you take a long time to arrive on quests and back to Astera. I figured I would introduce you to this, a Solid State Drive, or SSD for short!

Equipping this will let you reach your destinations more quickly than without it by a significant margin! This should definitely help you stop falling asleep in between quests. Using one is also how I'm always able to make it to locations before you, Pard!

With all those quests completed under your belt, you should have enough zenny to get one for yourself.
The Research Commission is looking forward to your cooperation for a more smooth transition in future hunts.

If in doubt, Solid State Drive 'em out!

Attached: Handler - SSD.jpg (1280x1280, 941K)

Well thanks for the help, user, even if you didn't have anything. If anyone in this thread has any of the images, even if they are edits, please respond because I am a complete degenerate

based yet spampilled


Why did they have to make him so forgettable?
He's actually quite interesting

Everytime someone carts to luna aoe I decide to slaughter a dozen more lunas
Everytime I fail an SoS Behemoth I decide to slaughter five more behemoths
Everytime Jho hits me from the wrong side of his retarded wiggling model I murderfuck 10 more

I see your a man of class

>Cluster retard HBG build
>Stack tool specialist, artillery, whatever doesn't matter
>Bring temporal mantle
>Just run in and cluster/sticky grug with mantle on
>When mantle runs out farcaster home
>Repeat until dead
Takes like 20 minutes

ew, go back to your sexy form

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>Because i am a complete degenerate
That makes two of us then.

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I actually agree. It'd be nice if they kept it going with two separate games going at the same time.


lol, love how that image was pretty much constantly passed around everywhere during 4U's popularity. To be fair, though, Rajang was at his best in 4U.

>Kulu Ya Ku

Attached: BIRD UP.gif (1080x1080, 172K)

To be fair, they also said they are increasing the amount of investigations you can hold.

The artist has never done monstie hentai, only chibi planes.

As am I, which is why I like making lewd edits of various things, like this.

Attached: Diablos shitpost.png (990x904, 230K)

ps4 room wen

I hadn't played world for months then decided I wanted to be stocked up for iceborne, and they decided to cycle all four festivals to help do that

Guys... I'm getting burnt out... I just killed the tempered horse, and got a few good decos, and I'm ready to go play Skyrim or something. Help me bros, I haven't got Drachen yet...

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I actually don't like it. It has a really annoying moveset that has funky hitboxes as well. It's flash is really the only redeeming quality.

>Jho doesn't use his tail as a snack/weapon like he does with other monsters
Missed opportunity

Better yet, why isn't Qurupeco in World? That's an interactive monster that would be MUCH more interesting.

Attached: PecoHONK!!!.png (638x422, 273K)

A lot of monster noises are just mashups of stock animal sounds. Like how Diablos is just an Elephant having an aneurysm
Nerg has this really wheezy whimper when he falls over that sounds like you just kicked a dog

Is that a custom quest or something?

Not needed since non-target monsters just make their way to you now. And the "surprise" of who peco summons is lost since you immediately who which monsters spawn upon starting the quest

I can legit see this happening.

Let's not forget the best of them all, Bazel.

>W E W

Have a fourth empty slot that's not visible on the map that can be any random monster Peco chooses to summon. Done.

>Everytime Jho hits me from the wrong side of his retarded wiggling model
Pls no bulli

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didn't they say Shiggy was a bunch of people screaming?

what items are the most important to have farmed in the botanical research late game?

Was it ever a surprise with Peco? He'd summon a Great Jaggi, a Rathian or Jho depending on your rank.

GUYS! NEW LEAK! Great Shamos IS IN!

Attached: HYPE OVERLOAD.gif (320x240, 699K)

Whatever you use a lot of. Currently restocking all my mega potions then I need to make more traps/tranqs.

>making an 4th monster mechanic for a shitmon like peco
They'll never do it

>Ties in with DD2 announcement

Attached: 8R7aaNm.png (610x409, 388K)

>doing behemoth with randoms
>lose two carts super early
>get stunned underneath him, barely survive
>he breaks all but one comet in the last phase
>ecliptic meteor
>teammates frantically search for a comet
>I ping like a madman at the last comet
>they all run for their lives
>last teammate dives into safety at the last possible second
>we barely survive
Goddamnit this game is bullshit, but it’s also fun bullshit.

He could also summon Tiggy, brute Tiggy and Zinogre

Why not? Just make another monster that's not the main target leave the map when Peco screams. It can already happen with Bazel or Jho appearing late if you spend too long in a mission.


>Want to play coop
>don't want to fuck up
>practice more for coop
>no matter how good I get I never feel like it's good enough
>go back to playing solo

How about a compromise, peco's summon roar brings the other two monsters to you, and both will go into rage mode upon seeing you thinking they were bamboozled, and aggressively track you and attack you. Dungs wont work and peco is literally behind two wyverns. The only monsters that attacks everyone regardless is Bazel and Jho. So the challenge to peco's quest is basically how to deal damage on him while trying to get rid of two other bosses

Japs so no khezu in iceborne, i hope the the last new mon coming isn’t just shit-ogre

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This is Chinese you donkey.


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Gore Magala

You will see randoms who are a lot more retraded than you can imagine. You will question how people get to their level with their builds.

the answer is always carrying and sitting in the corner

Why isn't gobul in 4U/XX? Or Peco or Moron or Gigi or the Greatests?

>Q: Is there a dressing system (equipment appearance) for "Monster Hunter XX" in "Iceborne"?
>Sakamoto: This "Iceborne" adopts the same practice as this one. Players can get different appearances by completing the specified conditions. It should be mentioned that in the promo, the protagonist is also wearing one of the appearance equipment, and this It is also an initial set of equipment. The reason why it is set to look is because there are many old hunters who have their favorite suits. We just want everyone to look more like a newbie after wearing (laughs).

It’s all gibberish to me you nice and beautiful person

>3U on the Wii U
>IG and Hammer
>Generations Ultimate

Dude, don't get my hopes up...

>Tri, really opened my eyes to love the other games by playing that shitty one first.
>Dual Blades although Greatsword is my most used
>4U and World
>Royal Ludroth

How do people feel about bowfags? Should I pick a different weapon to be more useful?
t. Bowfag

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Attached: 1537478327380.gif (255x301, 519K)

>fighting nerg for the past hour
>only got close at the first attempt
40 hours in dual swords and longs swords are all that i enjoy this sucks

Attached: 1498005550738.png (202x278, 90K)

bows have ridiculously good dps, just don't do the party barrel attack when your melee teammates are wailing on the monster
personal experience tells me that bowfags have terrible defense and constantly cart so just don't be that guy and you're good

>to be more useful
>not doing at least 50% damage every hunt
you'll never make it with that mentality

>First Game
The one that introduced mounting
>Most Used / Favorite Weapon
It's either Hammer or Insect Glaive at this point
>Favorite Game
>Favorite Monster
Nargacuga or Bazelgeuse

Use what you like. Most weapons are pretty good anyways. I've been using the SnS since I started and some people call it a meme weapon but I love it anyways

Attached: 1551021966012.jpg (1600x1200, 306K)

doesn't matter what you use

I feel like I'm never doing big damage with the bow because I can never pull off my special in time. I usually just run on the outskirts dropping heals and ailments.

they fear the TooT

Attached: ca3.png (675x605, 32K)

SnS main here coming from bow. I really can't stand using other weps after getting my feet wet with sns. Wish iceborne will give us a buff to compete with other weps.

Attached: 1525151399172.jpg (471x500, 150K)

But the SnS is already good

>hold on bro, lemme just sharpen my hammer
>hold on bro, lemme just reload my axe
>hold on bro, lemme just backwards hop towards this giant oversized lizard (worldfags will never know this one)

I see they confirm no double cats again. Seems their justification is that you can find a wild cat (or the palico of someone whose guildcard you have) to team up with on the map.

I'm not sure what "special" means, but if it's the dragon piercer you should switch to abusing more spread (power) shots instead since that's where the damage comes from. A single level 3 or 4 power shot can do 200+ on weakspots, and you can do it every second or so.

Attached: arch xeno bully.webm (640x334, 2.9M)

>>hold on bro, lemme just backwards hop towards this giant oversized lizard (worldfags will never know this one)
And thank fucking god that shit is gone forever

Still on man?

>its a Evade Extender and Evasion +3 user episode

Attached: MH4U_endgame.jpg (1228x1193, 910K)

So is bow really easy to win with?

I hope we get any older Rare Species like Lucent Narga or Molten Tiggy.

Attached: 44924078_p6.jpg (939x517, 127K)

I wonder who the fuck thought of the insect glaive

>bro let's train this bug to sit on your arm, succ monsters on command then feed it back to you for a couple minutes of roids

>Shuffle left and right in place
>Invincible for an entire second
Good times
No real need for Evade Extender if you were going out of your way for E+3 though

>succ monsters on command then feed it back to you for a couple minutes of roid
Laughed harder than I should have.

I've always used both LA and GL and got used to it but it was always just silly as fuck conceptually.

Internet cut out for about 40 minutes during what was shaping up to be a decent run and now I'm off to bed to soothe my buttmad. Thanks for the offer though man

It's easily the best weapon, but only if you're a good player. Reason I say that is because the 30% damage-taken penalty is brutal in end-game fights so it actually becomes a burden if you can't consistently dodge attacks.

I miss backwards hopping everywhere.

Maybe I'm still not good with it but damn is it a satisfying weapon to use.

It depends on how good you are at dodging, especially roars that can kill you via roar combos.


I see how important enmity is now, and I'm furious more people don't keep it consistently if at all. I've changed to a wide range tanky set to support retards who wont heal each other.


Attached: 1562535659350.png (300x198, 5K)

Alright I was gonna say add me do we can take him down tomorrow but good luck man

It does KO damage. Look up a bow TA and watch how often they knock the monster down with it.

>MHW (im new so what)

it's the party barrel
it was made solely for tripping your teammates and extending the length of the hunt

I always have to mess with the camera/evade orientation when using GL in order to backwards hop with the forward input correctly. All other weapons I change it back though. Honestly I'm glad World gave you the longer hops by default now.

they think it'll KO but it doesn't do shit in multiplayer
they should just use an impact mantle instead

- To fuck you up by staggering you
- To fuck themselves up by doing the wrong combo
- To actually get KO damage on a monster (note: less than 1% of bow users are capable of this)

It's not really a competition. They did a pretty decent job with weapon balance for most of them, and if you pick something suboptimal, you'll still only take a few minutes longer at worst than with other weapons [spoiler[unless you use HH

Fuck I'd kill for water weapons like these

Attached: samurott.png (1189x928, 609K)

I’m a sucker for fan service ok

Attached: 0BDEA698-7649-4390-8DB5-D2BA886339CA.gif (102x99, 58K)

Only technically yes.
Ancient Leshen always scales for 4 people so soloing it is an exercise in suffering

I've been playing this series for nearly a decade and I still can't decide which weapon I like best

Attached: 6.75.jpg (499x651, 63K)

As long as you do good damage and dont cart youre alright

But Handler, you double baka slut, I haven't ever had long loading times with MHW and I use an HDD!

Backhop is still good for GL since you can do a short hop -> long hop

I do it to fuck everyone else up around a downed monster

Hey, I just picked up World recently and I just got into high rank. What's a good build for the longsword? It's my favorite weapon so far.

Attached: 1564870303477.jpg (2354x2448, 1.28M)

>multiplayer scaling makes it take 3x as much stun damage to actually KO the monster
>even if you have a full party, they'll never outscale the scaling unless every single person is trying to knockout the monster without stepping on each others tose
Why did they do this?

hammer chads rise up! booping snoots and banging sloots we make em see stars! shout out to our hunting horn brothers dooting out that funky music too

Attached: pllgg2f4i3011.jpg (480x363, 16K)

>bothering with "builds" when you just hit high rank
Just go with Odogaron armor. Its set bonuses are good for big swords. Swap out a piece you don't like the skills of for something you do.

Longsword doesn't generally need anything specific beyond the usual attack skills and Health Boost like everything else. Anything you fit in besides that stuff is just to personal preference or to counter specific monsters.

>it's a gold star monster episode
>spend the whole fight struggling to hit its head

Attached: 1563300840449.jpg (323x267, 39K)

yammerin hammerin bro's are the best

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Do small crown Jyuratodus even exist!!!!

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One of the themes of MH is Native American type of synchronization between mankind and nature. They wanted to figure out how they could make a weapon which uses an animal companion in some way

Why did LS suddenly become so popular in world? In the past games it's ranged from bottom mid to top mid in popularity, but in world it's shot to the top. What gives?

>It's a monster will chase down literally everyone in the hunt except for you episode
Times like this make me wish Provoker still existed outside of the shitty mantle

>when you hammer and chain KO Nergigante 4x times without him getting up in the slope room

Attached: 1559665942361.png (514x610, 122K)

LS has always been extremely popular, fucking weebs man, plus it is one of the most straight foward weapons.

>it's a chinese shitter episode

Attached: 1426099587648.jpg (1189x680, 213K)

It's always been popular, it was used less in 4U because they took a big fat shit on it by making it impossible to refresh red sword so you just dropped back down to nothing after time was up. It went back to normal in Gen and got really nice exclusive arts, and then Brave LS is just busted in XX.
In World, Foresight Slash was buffed early on to be really fucking easy to use.

weeb invasion

In MonHun? Imagine my shock dude.

>create a mantle that makes monsters focus their attacks on you
>make its effects disappear the moment you take any damage whatsoever
>even if it's just a little tiny spec of damage from something like Teostra's fire aura
They might as well just have not bothered DESU.

i wish i can be a neet to play monhun all day every day

>That hunter that clipped through Deserted Island and was never seen again

Attached: Right to left.jpg (1092x209, 188K)

It's best used to lure monsters into player and environment traps
Or away from players who are trying to heal/sharpen
Or over to slopes for hammertime

thats when i spin2win

>"why is the weeb weapon so popular in a series primarily played by weebs?"

Just let me slap a Lv2 gem in my Hammer set for permanent Provoker, please, even if it's a weaker effect

>it's a "holy shit, i'm cornered by the monster and running out of stamina and hp, i can't keep defending myself from these attacks, someone fucking attack it or shoot a flash pod for fuck sake, this is our last cart, just fucking do something" episode

Attached: tigrex bite.jpg (600x420, 39K)

Khezu actually got deconfirmed? wtf

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Itsuno wasn’t even subtle about DD2 being his next project during DMC5 press, and there’s even an anime in the works. It’s definitely happening, it’s probably just a ways out since it only would have started developmemtthis year.


It was never that popular in F2 and FU. Even in X and XX it doesn't seem that popular. World is the only one we're it's THE most popular weapon. I just find it odd.


Attached: GiggiGun.png (872x766, 444K)

Giggichads it’s OUR TURN.

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Is there a single non weeb weapon in the franchise? It's all anime as fuck.


Attached: Killscreen.png (1920x1080, 2.48M)

>Game Informer said there's gonna be a ceiling monster.
>Khezu got deconfirmed
Gigginox confirmed

Attached: 1523230756862.webm (1280x984, 1.62M)

It helps when it's on the podium for TA records.

It's literally a katana and has a move where you do that tropey sheath/unscheath move. The other weapons are anime as fuck in certain aspects, but LS is top tier weebshit.

Pretty sure they’ve had some of Lucent and Molten’s moves got worked into the base forms with Iceborne.

The average MH player doesn't give a fuck about TAs. Half of the playerbase don't even know it's a thing.

Q: Will Khezu from Gen 1 make its return in Iceborne?
>TsujiP: The answer I can give now is "probably not".
Dabbing on Khezufags

Attached: 1558255393199.jpg (221x366, 51K)

iceborne just double up the fun with the hammer, the claw combo can be chained from lvl 2,3 and from the ledge spin atack also you can slinger burst between charges for stagger

Attached: hammerclawkill.webm (1280x720, 2.91M)

Chinese interview they reconfirmed khezu pretty

I wouldnt recommend farming since iceborne is about a month away

Which is funny, in all the older games most of the best LSs looked like European style longswords. Maybe it's that simple, more generic re used katana models means more people using it. That new move is pure fucking style though I can't deny, I wish all weapons got new moves as cool as LS and HH.

No, but they'll google "mhw best weapon" and click on the first youtube video they see made by a person who got their information from a bunch of reddit posts from fucks who do give a fuck about TAs.

I know that they integrated some moves from Green Narga and Brute Tiggy into the normal ones but i didnt notice any Lucent or Molten moves myself.

Attached: 53348867_p32.jpg (1088x981, 283K)

I bet that move shits out KO damage.

what weapon is that?

If that were true why isn't bow the most popular with HBG behind it and GS behind that?

Why do most of the monsters in World punish you for getting close and attacking them? Why did Capcom jerk off rangedniggers so hard?

Tigrex charging 4x in a row used to only be a thing Molten did iirc.
He was just a big Brute Tigrex with cheeto fingers otherwise

>Lance or SA
>4U or World

>It was never that popular in F2 and FU
it was back on my area, along with GS.

Attached: devastations_thorn.png (230x230, 10K)

>>First Game
Monster Hunter (PS2)
>>Most Used / Favorite Weapon
Hunting Horn / SnS
>>Favorite Game
4U / P2ndG (FU in the west)
>>Favorite Monster
Tigrex, Qurupeco

>but I hope that the devs aren’t nostalgia cucks

Really? Hammer and GS were all the rage when I played via xlink.

Let a man have false hope

No they don't. They might search for builds but that's it.

is this a meme? Yian Garuga is low rank fodder

official weapon poll from 5 years ago.
>ls not popular back then

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Freedom 2
Long Sword/Hammer (almosteactly equal number of hunts with each, I kept track)
Freedom Unite

>Je Suis Monte that low


I don't like that expression

>GS most popular
>The weapon that was originally a GS in second
How can anyone compete?

Any tips for crown hunting? i know about the Event quest that have a higher chance of giving out crowns, but what about the other ones?


>bowguns are the lowest
What did they mean by this?

>GS number 1
As it should be

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look up a video on how to measure the monster you're going for and then just abandon the quest if it's not the right size to save yourself some time

And what about the monsters popularity ranking?

Bring back my big boy

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>Here's the crown table -
>the rows in yellow are the mini gold crowns and the large gold crowns. Column 3 is for the crown events. Column 1 is for investigations that have a minimum of 1 gold and 1 silver box or alternately a minimum of 3 gold and 1 bronze, or a minimum of 3 purple boxes. Column 2 is for investigations with 4-5 gold boxes or 4-5 purple boxes. Column 2 investigations are pretty rare as you can guess. Column 2 also offers no advantage for mini crowns, but does double the rate for giant crows.
>So crown events have a 12% of a mini crown and a 12% chance of a giant crown (rolled for each monster).
>Investigations that reach the minimum threshold have a 6% chance of a mini and a 3% chance of a giant. Those rare super investigations have a 6% chance of a mini and a 6% of a giant.

that's lame, Khezu is way better

Thanks a lot!!!

Time to get back on the hunt.

damn straight

>Khezu is way better
Old monsters either need to be culled, or actually given good movesets

actually World might be my fave, it's close

from the 10th anniversary? Keep in mind there have been a number of official monster polls since then even one post world.

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ambhibian despite there being literally two of them. tetsucabra and zamtrios are extremely based monsters and its a shame that they haven't gotten around to makng any more yet.

Closest to a least favorite type for me are the bird wyverns, probably because those tend to be the monsters they get the laziest with (fucking dromes everywhere) but despite that it has one of my favorite monsters in the form of Malfestio

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We wouldn't have such a Drachen meta if they had just given us a razor sharp decoration.
Seriously, why didn't they?

They admitted the monster they couldn't talk about back then was viper tobi.

I know Zinogre took his spot but Nargacuga will always be #1 in my heart.

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it took me 310 hours to get the World platinum because of those crowns

fuck you Giant Lavasioth, 15 hours just for you

>Have to charge phials
>Then load them into your shield
>Then charge them again
>Then wait for an opening
>Finally you can unleash some damage
>Meanwhile GS can just tackle and dish out a TCS
What's the point of CB? Someone please explain it to me because it feels too complex for its own good.

Christ the japs have shockingly shit tastes

It's not complex at all
>charge shield
>big slam for big opening
You're just over thinking it. LS and GL have just as many two button inputs.

>Crown farming
I'll never understand why people torture themselves with that shit.

This was the poll for when Gen came out
For GU, the top 10 was
1. Zinogre
2. Nargacuga
3. Mizutsune
4. Glavenus
5. Valstrax
6. Rathalos and Lao-Shan Lung (tie)
8. Ahtal Ka and Tigrex (tie)
10. Deviljho

what the fuck is wrong with you people

Zinogre, Tigrex and Narga would also be in the top 5 of any Western popularity polls but okay.

Dark Souls

Poor Raizex.

No weapon is that complex in MH.

I don't really remember much from the world one other than Nerg being in 3rd place.

>implying you can't modify her shithole

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Maybe, but Raths and Lao wouldn't be anywhere near top 10

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>chicken in second place
There's no excuse

Killing monsters is gay.

>Sword and Shield is at no.3


>a fucking siege monster
That invalidates any good picks.

Rathalos definitely would. He's the Ryu of the franchise.
It obviously is a joke vote you humourless German.

Does Witcher Silver Sword+ require any mutagen?

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wow what a faggy meme

>Monster Hunter 1 demo/Tri for full game
>dual blades

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always eat food before, gget that armor charm and armor talon (and power ones), defense jewels, try to get armor skills and or jewels to get 150 health, then +50 for food

max/ancient potion after you cart

and of course, git gud

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Getting the armor for new/AT monsters getting all the kjarr LS and HM as well as getting all the crowns, also getting certain jewels in anticipation for new builds


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>grinding kulve
Just use divine slasher, it's not much worse.

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I hope.

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I use it to make the dipshits with low health move away from tickling the monsters asshole long enough to chug a potions

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Bowgunning had fucking miserable quality of life in older titles. You still had all the bullshit ammo crafting mid-fight you had to do, without the radial menu. The damage was pitiful (great for status though). You had to have an entirely separate set of gear to use it. You had to stand still and aim with the d-pad for fuck's sake. There was virtually zero reason to ever use a LBG/HBG over a regular bow.

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3U but probably soon to be Iceborne

>HR50 and finished all optional quests
>Still afraid of Nergigante for some fucking reason

3u, Horn, World, Nibelsnarf

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I really hope you mean AT Nerg.

Just nerg in general, his design and presentation is intimidating.
I'm fucking awful at this game and haven't beaten any AT monsters yet tho.

Is there any particular move he does that throws you off? What weapon do you usually play with since that plays a role here.

Ah, that makes more sense.

P3rd though I played the FU demo before it

My main group is LS, SA, GL, LA, and DB though I've used all weapons really. Bow is my gunner choice.

P3rd and 3rd gen in general is my favorite

Barioth and Narga are my nigga. Zinogre is always fun to fight as well. Tobi and Odagaron are my favorite World monsters.

Honestly just getting greedy with attacks, I like using a bow but should really be getting ready to move once hes full recovered from a stun or attack.

Regular Nerg is a complete pushover. Regular monsters in general are.

Yeah I know, I went and did an investigation and basically trampled him. His dive still almost one shot me, which was impressive.
I'm sure AT Nerg is just regular Nerg but with ten times the hp and all his moves are one shots, but thats kind of the name of the game isnt it.

He's in!

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uh bro, i'm gonna need some, BROOFS



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