Is there a way to fix the story? The gameplay can be fixed through mods, but I don't know about the story

Is there a way to fix the story? The gameplay can be fixed through mods, but I don't know about the story.

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download modded quests or play that one DLC that was somewhat decent
the base games story cannot be "fixed," it is what it is

So there's no mods to get rid of the institute bullshit or even Shaun as a whole? I'd appreciate fucking anything to fix any aspects of this shitstain of a story

that's easy. just change the language to one you don't understand.

Wait for the big modding projects to come out, until there, it's basically a gameplay tech demo.

Some of them on the top of my head are Cascadia, Miami, New Vegas and Capital Wasteland.

Miami seems like its actually making progress, but Cascadia is dead, New Vegas is still in Goodsprings and FO3 is dead because of legal issues.

we dont know
how about you fucking look
also i dont think removing a third of the story like that really counts as "fixing" it

just uninstall it and be free

how many times do i have to keep posting it until you guys listen?

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It may not be fixed, but it would definitely be improved

You can fix the gameplay AND the story at the same time by playing a different game.

Uh.. no?

Don't know about Cascadia but both New Vegas and Capital Wasteland are up and running, with F4NV being as far as Quarry Junction and Nipton. The FO3 project also managed to get around the legal issues by voicing the game themselves so no trouble there.

Both projects are releasing consistent updates in a while.

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it would just be less
thats not really better user
are you one of those guys who edits comics to remove the first three panels

you don't think I already looked? theres a mod that improves it by completely removing the story but I was hoping someone out there knew of something
playing new vegas right now, and played fo1-3
oh cool, guess I haven't checked on them in a while

>have a shit story that contains some good parts
>remove the shit parts and leave whats left
Yeah, I'd call that improvement

would you remove synths too?
if so why would the brotherhood even be in boston?
would there be no muties or just a different shitty explanation for why theyre there?

genuinely curious here user

>Fix the story
Wait for the total conversion mod for New Vegas

it would make no fucking sense without the institute

FO4 has alright story base but thats about it. The reason for the missions are shit and the way the base is implemented is shit. The worst part isn't even the institute, its the main character personal story
not the same guy, I liked the concept behind a mysterious organization that replaces people with robots

The worst part is having a main character personal story.

>fix the story
the only way to do that is to install a total overhaul mod like frost survival simulator

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>The worst part isn't even the institute, its the main character personal story
The main characters story is tied pretty tightly to the institute so im not sure what youre trying to say

Yeah and its the weakest element of the institute. Replace Shaun with literally anybody else. Hell, the bounty hunter guy who kidnapped Shawn was a better villian. Shawn is the onky tie to the institute so its not that tightly tied

>kellogg is a better villain than shaun
yeah im with you there, i was disappointed that he died halfway through the game
I suppose Bethesda wanted the player to have a reason to NOT raze the institute to the ground and making their leader your kid was all they could think of

>The gameplay can be fixed through mods
not even true

how so?

well if there was no personal backstory, it would just be up to the character you create. if you had a mad scientist character you would definitely side with the institute

>mad scientist character
i know were just dreaming but at this point youre talking about remaking the entire game

Or just an alternate start mod. There's one that starts you off as a random wastelander with no relation to Shaun or any of that and if you wanted to do the main quest you just have to find the Sole Survivor's corpse in Vault 111. The dialogue referencing the prologue, Shaun, and all that stuff is edited or removed. It's not perfect, but it's better than nothing

>Is there a way to fix the story?

Remove the "Shaun is Father" angle. Just have Shaun and the Spouse die in their tube with the rest of the people due to Vault-Tec incompetence. Everything works so much smoother when the premise is "player awakens in a scary new world sad and alone." The narrative goes from 'chasing a wild goose across the wasteland only to end in abject stupidity' to 'are you going to lay down and die, or man up and rule this shit?'

You'll also need to do a few other things: fix the Brotherood, make it more clear that the New minutemen can actually change things for the better, make the Railroad not be 100% unmitigated stupidity, and actually sort the Institute's motivations out so they're not just mustache-twirling Saturday morning cartoon villains.

im just meaning role-playing. its supposed to be a rpg after all.

>its supposed to be an rpg
i mean yeah but were talking about bethesda here
im just saying itd be cool if there were classes or even traits or anything besides just SPECIAL and perks

the best part is there's still huge bugs in the game they've never fucking fixed because reasons.

in the final DLC, the nuka world if you decide to attack some settlements with your new raider buddies. Preston will talk to you and say you either need to basically quit doing any nuka world quests and just kill them all or he's done with you. If you tell him to piss off you cannot get him back even if you go and kill off every Npc in the nuka world area. theoretically its possible to not be able to finish the main game because of this.

Just help dem setlements ignore evrything else