I'll die laughing

I'll die laughing

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Other urls found in this thread:


what's his master plan?

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>Steam exclusive Good
>EGS exclusive Bad

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Regardless of where it ends up it'll still be sold on Rockstar's client as well as requiring it. Remember Ubisoft announced an impressive increase in Uplay sales after releasing whatever it was on EGS.

This but unironically.

>implying I care about a storefront when tim just pays for my copy anyway

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steam bad
epic good

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Fuck china.

>being ignorant

the sad thing is, there has already been a backlash to rdr2. most people agree it is a below average experience and the flashiness isn't enough to carry it. but when it goes egs exclusive everyone who criticises the game will be met with replies like 'oh you just hate the game because its on egs'. inb4 cope, inb4 seethe, rockstar fanboys are as predictable as they come.

I'll just wait a year or w/e for the exclusivity to drop and then buy a foreign/stolen key for tuppence. IDGAF about rockstar's avaricious ass.

>Muh american patriotism
Pea brained idiot, China isn't interested in you they're just making themselves as big and bad as America thinks it is. America's not the only one allowed to be a competent, threatening nation.

Agreed. Which is why we should continue to cripple china, chinese business, and their shitty Orwellian government of control with it.

as long as you die

Epic are söy repellent.


Yes, what's your point, Xing Chang?

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never post again

I don't really care which storefront it ends up on, I'm pirating it either way lol

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Tbh im a fan of their treatment of dune coons

>steam exclusive
name one besides a valve product. think carefully.

>Rockstar, the company that makes a killing by double dipping
>making anything exclusive
I love how delusional idiot chinks can get
Also, you imbeciles couldnt even get Borderlands 3 for a full fucking year, what makes you think you can even afford Rockstar shit?

reminder that most of these ebic posters never touched a pc before


>Epic Games gives a bigger cut to the developers

As someone who isn't a games developer and just buys the games, I find this extremely based and worth having less sales and discounts for.

The game will sell on Social Club from the day of release in addition to Steam, Microsoft Store, and EGS in decreasing order of likelihood.

Rockstar would use their own launcher sooner than they'd go epic exclusive. Their games are popular enough that they don't need Tim's artificial sales boost.

>being this gullible

Rockstar Games, which is different from Rockstar Studios, is the one that publishes RDR games. Not Take-Two. The chances of it being an Epic exclusive are practically non-existent. Even though Rockstar is a subsidiary of Take-Two (who is also a publisher), they don't control their every move. If you remember the shit about GTA 5 and modding from a few years ago, you'll understand. That was Take-Two and Rockstar butting heads.

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overrated game
maybe the gunplay would be marginally better with m+kb


Timed exclusivity, just like with epic.

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>People only selling their supplies in your store, because your store is simply bigger and better than any competition and will net the most sales
>Paying suppliers to only sell their product in your store to corner the market, creating a literal monopoly

Is this really that confusing or are people being purposefully vague and willfully ignorant? Sometimes I really don't know.

the average egs baitfaggot wasn't even born when this game came out

breddy sure its the publishers that get the cut

Come on you fucking slime, how many times do I have to BTFO you?

>darwinia released in 2005
>released on steam in 2006
Wait a second

Yes, exclusivity saved their company. Just like epic is saving countless companies right now. Your point?


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Was there anything else besides google play?

Didn't know all these indie devs receiving funds from kickstarter and patreon needed saving.

>epic is saving countless companies
dumb chink

Pretty sure companies are simply making the decision between consumer-reputation-suicide and guaranteed-failure-prevention. In the end, it's the publisher's decision. If they feel the game is risky, they might rather take the money even knowing the stigma that comes with it. All of these publishers know Epic is like poison their brand name. They've known since the first month Epic came out. It's a calculated risk.

Get the fuck out of my board you underage cunt

>Which one of these 3 people looks most likely to rape young boys in their spare time?

Should have said
>>epic is saving countless companies and the whole gaming industry

Why does every picture of him look so unflattering?

>You absolutely have to be on that platform at the moment. Steam doesn't ask for exclusivity, and I know it's hard to get on there - Valve doesn't make it easy - but that's part of the challenge
>Steam doesn't ask for exclusivity
Kek try reading you fucking idiot

don't games come to steam after a year anyways?

The game really isn't good though.

it's been 8 month since metro I think

There's no such thing as steam exclusive, turdbag.

Timmy couldn't afford it, he could only get Borderlands for 6 months.

Chances of RDR2 and the inevitable GTA 6 being on some separate Rockstar Club platform is more likely. Those fucks love money more than anything and I bet every sale on Steam pisses Take-Two off.

what about Valve games?

We haven't had many of these threads recently. What's set them off again?

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What is the point of even buying games on PC?

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does epic have a shopping cart yet

What about them? No one bitches that Fortnite is exclusive to Epic.


Well yeah, they were doing exclusives in 2005-2007 as far as i remember. Not in 2010.
You do realize that things changes over time right? I mean i know you don't, you're steamfag afterall

ooblets drama
a game for toddlers judging by this page

I don't see the big deal
it's just a launcher

Correct. Only self published indies benefit and most indie devs are faggots, if I'm bothered about supporting one, I just gift out copies during sales to make up for the 18% difference.

seeeeeeetheng pee sea faggot btfo

Maybe I'm old but I just fail to understand the hatred for the epic games store...it seems exactly like something bored teenagers on the internet would find the need to complain about. It's just a fucking game launcher. If a specific launcher is gonna dictate whether or not you wanna buy a game then you're autistic.

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Worked wonders, haven't even heard of it prior.

Look at his hands

yeah but it's coming to steam and it's already on the windows store, i'd honestly rather buy shit from the windows store over egs

>exclusives in 2005-2007
let me guess, such as half life and portal
Moving goalposts already you fucking idiot?

So what happened. I saw that video of the devs saying gamers should be in gas chambers. What's the respond on it so far? They will probably say it's fake like the sceenshot right.

OK. maybe this time it'll get through your gamer. Steam is not exclusive you dumbfuck

no, and they've not updated their launcher in months

What makes you say it was exclusivity? All I see is “Valve paid them an advance to release the game via Steam”. I don’t see any bit there about “and also cancel all planned releases on other platforms”.

Do you really have to ask?

>implying everyone who hates the chinks are amerimutts

He looks like he could have payed Bizarto superman opposite Henry Caville

gamers fried their tiny brains with all the porno and garbage jrpgs they consume.

the gas chamber thing is probably fake, they just handled the entire thing incredibly poorly.
click on the update that says "we did the thing" if that title doesn't already tell you enough.

>$60 and Epic exclusive on release
>Microsoft is loaning it for a dollar a few months later.

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>The guy who animated her burned alive

They like to pretend there was nobody that disliked chinks or reasons to before Trump and if you do so now you must be a trump supporter.

Explain how bribery and cancerous business practises are competition you retarded insect

What is up with you that you dig up shit that's almost 15 years old? Obsessed doesn't even cut it. This is bordering on mental illness.

>still posting this objectively wrong effortless edit

Attached: pooh_china.jpg (2048x2048, 828K)

Monster Hunter World.

/china/ will defend this

You would have an argument if Epic Game Launcher wasn't a piece of trash.
They have to make deals and give away free shit just to get people to use it.


it is literally wrong Zhang

>calling the orginal pic an edit
Chinks, not even once

hey xing ping ching chong have you played this game on nintendo gameboy?

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We are talking about Darwina, a game released somewhere between 2005-2006 which cancelled other forms of online distribution due to exlusivity deal with valve. So I'm clearly moving goalpost right? Fucking steamcel

Some user said he recorded the discord server after he got banned. It recorded the devs posting the comment then deleting it right after. If it's fake then it's a pretty good one.

This is Rockstar/TakeTwo we're talking about, if there's going to be any exclusivity it's going to be Rockstar Games Social Club exclusive with absolutely no middle man to take a cut. You're naive if you think Rockstar aren't bigger jews than Sweeney.

China cant even post on Yea Forums because the google captcha is censored

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Chinks can't even post here because China got range banned years ago. If Chinese could post here, you would 100% notice it.

at this point i'll buy it anywhere, i don't care


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>which cancelled other forms of online distribution
>stopped selling from their website, sold on steam instead
>cancelled all other forms of online distribution
>source: my ass
Suddenly online distributions are good now?
>All those physicals that were released without steam
>but that doesnt matter! Steam bad! Epic GOOD! MONOPOLY!

I can’t find a source on that. Darwinia devs stopped selling the game through their own website and started selling it through Steam in 2005, but I can’t find any source saying Valve made a deal that demanded they do it in exchange for money.

>t. Sakurai

Source here You fucking faggot
Yes, you did these thing for free when storefront with no playerbase appears. Which is worse than its competitior at the time no less.

to help the chinaman take over America.

Crashing the PC platform

>Yes, you did these thing for free when storefront with no playerbase appears
What competitor? The game stayed available in retail boxes. Putting the game on Steam instead of your own website means you, as a game developer, don’t have to take financial responsibility for processing credit card payments.

>yes you did these things for free when storefront with no playerbase appears
>implying steam in 2005 was anywhere near as shitty as epic is now

Ringmaster of the clownworld timeline.

t.15 years old kiddo
They straight up bribed another company
inb4 But there is no "exclusive" word in here so it wasn't exclusive! It was just money give to devs for no reason, nothing more.

But i guess you had to be over age of 25 to remember any of that, not that anyone cared about that at the time. We weren't as entitled as you zoomers are right now

Lets just say it was.
This means EGS will need 14 years to get where Steam is now but only if they dedicate as much work to it as Valve has.

>how dare you remember that valve was doing third party exclusives games, you're obsessed!

Yeah, i'm sorry. I hope you already deleted your steam account, afterall you are not going to support company that was doing exclusives right user?

>they straight up bribed another company
>Valve gave devs money!
>source: my ass
dude, I get it. Its not easy to accept that you're absolute trash. But do try to produce a half-convincing narrative next time

steam doesn’t buy exclusives

We've explained countless times why EGS is a complete dogshit program to let feast on your computer's memory. Shoo, Shen.

>Devs outright say it wasnt exclusive and hard to get on Steam
Let's look at it in this way. If what steam did in 2005 bothers you this much now, why are you ok with what epic is doing now? What is that, if not hypocrisy?

People still mad at epic? Lads it doesn't even matter anymore.

Valve doesn't give a fuck, Tim stopped trying to smear Steam months ago, and the only ones still talking about it are journos and devs farming you idiots for free marketing. It's just another launcher at this point.

Why? I can still buy it on Social Club, brainlet epic shill.

Who said i wasn't okay with exclusivity? As long as it's not hardware exclusivity i couldn't care less, every time some retard is saying "valve never did exclusive deals" i'm just getting triggered cuz it's a lie.

with no survivors?

Then why did the söyboys developing Ooblets sign an exclusivity deal with them?


You people can't be this retarded so this must be bait. The only Steam exclusives are Valve's own game of which they don't even make anymore. Unless you count Dots trash spin offs

>valve did exclusivity deals!
Something you are yet to prove, retard. Nowhere in your source does it say the devs were paid to sell exclusively on steam, because physicals sold were without steam and not just steam launcher installers with a key in them. In fact, dev official statements mention how hard it was for them to get on steam in the first place, and how it wasnt exclusive
Do try to be less of a retard

Wing bang ching chong chang

>They're talking about how darwinia+ was so hard for them to get on steam,
>even though darwinia was sold on steam, valve even paid them to sell on steam!
Yeah that makes perfect sense. I thought I told you to be less of a retard, not more
>darwinia was a paid exclusive!
Still not seeing a source for that claim, chang. Also, read more english, dumb motherfucker

At this point, the argument has been posted so many times that you're either burying your head in the sand or an epic shill. Tienamen Square Massacre blah blah blah fuck off china man.

Steam fanboy on suicide watch

Timeline got pushed back again.

I just bought tetris effect. It's actually a really good port. Unlocked framerate and supports arbitrary resolutions including ultrawide and vertical monitor setups.

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You do realize a publisher doesn't HAVE to be Epic exclusive in order to sell on their store, right? If Rockstar/Take 2 is confident the game can sell like crazy without Epic's help (I don't doubt it) then they can just release it on every digital distribution platform at the same time and simply not take Epic's "we'll match your sales for the first 100K" or whatever the schtick is.

but but but steam in 2003 also didn't have these features!
its totally and completely ok that we push our schedule for the third time

Based tim weeny paying for my copy

because they were developed by valve you fucking faggot
thats like asking why fortnite is exclusive to the EGS
you chinks are so retarded

but 80% of steam users are chinese user

EGS doesn't even have a fucking shopping cart. WHEN rdr2 hits PC, which I will buy again. How the fuck can they sell the gold bars and milk it without a good damn functional store? You can buy keys, unlocks, crates, etc. Through steam cart, or the game itself. And all of that a side, doesn't even matter cause we all know that just like GTAV. No matter the platform you purchase it, you'll have to install social club anyway? Fucking cunt retard.

RDR2 isn't flashy at all. It's as slow-paced and methodical as it gets.

did you even read the fucking comic

it's sad that the shitty edit to this is spammed more than the original


>calls the original a shitty edit
care to post the original then, faggot?

Excellent work Chang your social credit score has risen 10 points.

USA Good

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dabbing on valve drones

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allowing us pirates to take our games guilt free

Bro wtf, this is worse than gutter oil

No one can buy out Rockstar.

holy shit i wish this existed

why doe my eg account get hacked weekly? i'm never putting a card on this store because of this shit

>reddit: the picture

Guaranteed replies

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It really is not. Virtually all the missions have wacky uncharted tier set pieces. You massacre entire towns in this game.

I'll just buy it directly through the social club.

Even then they all came out for consoles.

some of us don't want to support the Chinese in their attempt to takeover the world

Who do chinks get so upset when I say I'm not going to use their store?

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EGS exclusive deals are for low quality indie games no one plays. Steam is for AAA titles.

I dunno, they get really mad when I say I'm not touching their platform.

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Nice, that way i won't have to pay for it


>no qualms pirating it since i don't give a shit about the multiplayer

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don't you guys not like competition?

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Its been more than almost an year since EGS was revelead and you people STILL play dumb when it comes to understanding why people hate when an game becomes EGS exclusive. Go fuck youself already, this type of comment never adds anything to the discussion and just deray the entire thread.

Why would Rockstar make it epic exclusive? They already have Rockstar Social Club, they could just heavily advertise it in GTAV and just keep all the money

Literally no one has ever made a post like this sincerely and the fact that it gets this many serious replies really shows how little human interaction Yea Forums gets.

>there are developers who sold their soul to the chink devils at epic ITT right now

say hi to them Yea Forums

Attached: 1561847480054.webm (400x400, 1.26M)

>the gas chamber thing is probably fake, they just handled the entire thing incredibly poorly.
It's real files.catbox.moe/hatoh5.mkv

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shes not chinese, also fucked up

Attached: the-orange-box.jpg (2080x1544, 644K)

>exclusivity ever good
>being a divisive sportsteam bootlicker unironically

Attached: epic-monopoly.png (2117x1835, 957K)

chink user said to me yesterday that chinks are anti degeneracy. where the fuck is he. I want to throw him out of helicopter

Attached: tranny.webm (272x480, 1.97M)

exclusives are good, but PC exclusives only benefit the Chinese.

post more chinese webm's

>having "guilt" whilst pirating

good for whom?

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everything went to shit so fast lol

I find it ironic that during the weekend the Epic shills are the most active. Every other day of their blatant shilling is practically nonexistent. Gee, I wonder why that is.

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Wouldn't shilling be a 9-5?
Im missing your point i assume

Epic literally cannot offer enough money to make up for all the shark cards Rockstar would sell on Steam + multiple platforms.

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thanks sweeny

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This is like AFV but a lot more painful.

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Bugmen's life is literally meaningless

I'll pirate it and laugh at everyone

Why make less fuck ton of money when you can make more fuck ton of money by putting it everywhere.

This entire nation is fucking infuriating.
Stop fucking up all the god damn time.

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they have a law to keep people from uniting and care for one another. if you help and the injured but died anyway. you'll be held responsible. you'll get lifetime jail sentence. and if the injured survives. you'll pay for healthcare fees. that way. any rebellion and dissident won't gain much momentum

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>competition bad
>monopolization good

Attached: 1480701189501.jpg (1500x2080, 573K)

Are you for real? That's fucking horrible

this is known fact. Chinese sees nothing wrong with it. they're brainwashed.

what's inside your head is what you think. and their government is filling their head with horseshit and lies.

rockstar has their own launcher and they are going to pump microtransactions out the ass for this game, it's going to be on everything because they're making their money off MTs

Their social credit system also works in a way where if someone commits wrongthink, everyone they're associated with will also take a hit. That way the other chinks will report him sooner and ostracize him from civilized society on their own.
You don't need a strong standing army oppressing everyone all the time when you make the entire populace the gestabpo.

Thank god.

It's alluding to the fact that Epic shills are all underage. Monday to Friday are school days for underage shitters, after all.

imagine believing someone shilling games is incompetant enough for either of those two things to matter

I knew some stuff about the social credit system but nothing like what user posted above about discouraging people from helping others, Jesus Christ


You know it, I know it, everyone knows it. The EGS is being suited up to be on par with the next gen consoles (for exclusivity). It's going to give the console experience on PC. Rockstar is a good start for them next year.

it's not explicitly stated that it's to discourage helping. but the helper will always be held responsible. that's why people refrain helping one another. even in crisis. remember that earthquake that killed 10,000 chinese. they were reduced to mad max setting.

>holding a monopoly is okay when it's MY slow-ass DRM browser

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>Thread has become an anti Chinese thread with webms of them dying
This is how it should be

diddle little children

Valve doesn't buy exclusivity rights.

Epic wouldn’t be able to afford it.

Eating your remote control.

I don't get it, what's going on here?

Chinese Nigger!

>I don't know what a monopoly is.

I'll just play Cyberpunk2077 the superior GTA spinoff

what is that?

people who enjoy video games.

its a dingus

Their entire country is built on cheating and lying, so their infrastructure is absolute shit with people giving each other the wrong numbers or inflated numbers for measurements at each step of the way to save a few bucks.

>it got released on pc
Cool and it's cracked too, they're still asking way too much for what is essentially tetris, I would have paid $20 for it on PS4 but they were asking like $80, fuck off.

This one is just fucking hilarious, how can you have the reactions of a potato and ride a scooter?

The amount of money Epic would have to pay to match first year sales would be astronomical
A game that's guaranteed to sell millions doesn't benefit from an exclusivity deal

BL3 though?

BL3 was in dev hell mate. Took them fucking forever to release it and the epic buxx is a way to recoup.

And even then did you forget that shit is only like six months?

So why are people mad again, they just don’t want to download another game client?
Isn’t that shit free?

How the fuck would china go about freeing itself at this point? It really does seem like they are stuck in some dystopian society with little room for change.

Not steam exclusive


It was $40 on PS4 when it released. I bought it on PS4 on release and I bought it again on PC on release. I did pirate it first on PC to make sure it runs well and I'm happy to say it does. Worth it for what is probably my favorite tetris experience. Only thing more I'd want out of it is for it to be portable.

China has had a lot of uprisings and civil wars in the past and as previously mentioned in the thread, that can't realistically happen anymore because of how the populace has been socially conditioned to not be united anymore.
The only real way to stop them now is to either wait until they choke on their own communistic bile like the USSR did or start WW3.

Finding the chromosome his mother lost somewhere

all the money in the world couldn't fix that hairline.

>Chinas economic bubble will explode in your lifetime

Reminder that Chinas economy is exclusively carried by their government taking on massive amounts of debt while every other economy on the planet is driven by consumerism.

Chinese people do not consume shit. All they do is building empty cities in hope they might increase in value later.

>government gives investors money in order to speculate on increasing real estate prices
>keep building tons of shit
>birthrates are stagnating/declining which means that the real demand is actually getting lower and lower
>the moment everyone realizes this situation shit starts to burn

Same shit happend in Japan during the 80 and they still haven't fully recovered from that. Just google "Japan The Lost Decades". China is going to be that x10

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Mentally illness and tranny screeching

game fucking sucks anyways

What is the point of even buying games on PC?

Console user looking from outside of the issue i dont play pc

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>game merely gives the illusion of choice

Attached: valve china.jpg (2064x1476, 449K)

not being a nigger

Steam China is its own company which exclusively operates within China.

Meanwhile Epic Games as a whole is owned by Tencent

it is almost if capitalism is bad

>download steam for a grand total of 0 dollars and 0 cents
>buy and download game
>press play
>it plays

>download egs for a grand total of 0 dollars and 0 cents
>buy and download game
>press play
>it plays
i seriously don't understand what the fuss is all about

Why are you spreading lies ? Are you mentally ill ? Steam drone are you mentally ill ?

Do you mean we're going to see China getting fucked in a decade?

I don't recall Perfect World ever trying to destroy the open PC platform.

non-pirating kiddies are just starting to realize that the entire concept of "digital ownership" or whatever is non-existent
the concept of steam not being the sole PC distribution platform seriously bugs their minds that much

That's not capitalism at all. That's the govermentment influencing the market in hope to gain massive growth out of it.

Capitalism simply means that private ownership exists and that you are allowed to sell things that belong to you for profit.

The thing people call "CAPITALISM" is a thing called "Free Market Economy" which is a system that doesn't even exist anymore outside of special restricted zones like Hong Kong. In that system the government does nothing and lets the market decide everything on its own with zero interference.

But that system can only work in very small areas because the potential for abuse is far too great otherwise - Which is the reason why pretty much every country in the world abolished it. Nowadays most countries use a mix of that system called social market economy which basicly means that the market can do whatever it wants unless someone weak gets hurt as the result - in that case the government steps in and tries to make things fair again. Even the USA are doing that nowadays and the USA were like the last major country to get rid of the true free market economy system.

Back in the days countries got fucked by single individuels like Rockefeller who abused the free economy in order to take control over the whole thing.
Nowadays things get fucked up by corrupt politicians or their stupid decisions which are usually the result of their short-term thinking.

>"Why the fuck would i care about the state of the country in 20-30 years? I only got elected for 5 years at best - Gonna make the most out of it and promise cheap and fast growth no matter the cost because fuck future generations i want my money now"

I unironicly have hundreds on dollars in steam credit so yes I'm salty because I can't use it to buy games.

they could barely hold onto BL3 for 6 months, you really think they could pull this off? lmao

no point other than not wanting to break the law

He's paid to do it. It's literally his job as an "influencer" to outright lie to people for a living.


Attached: 1554297702486.png (960x720, 727K)

>dev puts a square massacre or pooh reference into his game
>results in a million chinks crying cause playing the game might get them arrested now

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>Rockstar's client as well as requiring it.
This isnt 2008 anymore

don't ever talk about anything politics related again

If anything it's more likely that they pull off Steam to only sell on rockstar social club. Rockstar probably doesnt give a shit anymore

if uplay+steam doesn't happen people get mad cus no steam and its reduced sales time
but if uplay+epic happens people forget about the whole nosteam and sales go up since everyone gets mad about epic and boycotts it by buying the game

Fuck Steam
Fuck EGS
Support GoG, the best video game store.

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$80 NZD. Imagine that's the same price as CTR:NF.

The ooblets guys are just one guy and his girlfriend. I doubt Epic paid much.

They didn't have to. They really had no competitors.

A guy and his girlfriend with over a 1000 patreons and living on the fucking west coast.

>1000 patreons
That's cute.

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Honestly I expect Rockstar to just sell it off of their own platform instead of steam or egs so they can get all the money. It would explain why RD2 is taking so long and I wouldn't put it past them to do this.

Lmao some Chang is already trying to cover it up.

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If this is your screen then you are no one to talk.

As someone who uses a crane to move metal pipe bundles all day that one is legit horrifying to me

damn, America is a shithole

>organ harvesting

nice try chang

That's obviously China. Are you blind/stupid?

>backlash to RDR2
I've only noticed negative backlash towards RDR2 months and months after it released, and only on Yea Forums have I seen people who outright hate the game.

Fuck china. Hope the dams break and the three rivers wipe the stain that is the communist party from the face of the earth

why do people add those stupid frosted glass borders to videos

>shitposting has gone so far people are defending Epic Games for free
If they actually manage to act as a floodgate to chinese in the main PC gaming industry it will be even worse, even if the industry is already in a shoddy state of affairs because of corporations
>Bethesda (Zenimax Inc., 7 of 8 directors don't care about videogames and the 8th tried to make a videogame company but it fell under in a year or two)
>2K (their recent publishing are Outer Worlds and Borderlands 3, R*ndy Pitchford insists it was their decision to make Borderlands 3 an Epic Store exclusive)
and some other publishers and/or corporations that I can't really remember
it's hard for anything to dethrone EA as the worst thing to happen to the industry

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most people in china use their phone for everything, they dont even have PC. So they make the video vertical for their phoneposting convinience.

It's the kind of game you have to be in the mood for. If you like cinematic games, you'll like it probably.
If you want a good arcade game, stay away. Just watch the cutscenes on youtube.

>Autist goes to bed after being banned several dozen times
>Epic shill threads stop
>He wakes up again
>Changes his adult diaper
>Picks up his phone
>Resumes his autism-crusade against Steam
Enjoy the twenty-fifth ban, I guess.

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Epic doesn't have enough money to buy a Rockstar exclusivity deal.

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GoG, Origin, uPlay, G2A, Humblebundle, Discord store, dozens of others. This is the part where you move the goalposts and whine
Fuck off, chigger.

no, fuck gog

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Are you that weird cunt who thinks DRM is a good thing?

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full vid? this is hot

there are no steam exclusives besides valve titles, you can buy most of the shit worth a purchase on gog or torrent it anyway like an intelligent human being

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Steam has the monopoly, you don't know the definition of monopoly

3rd party games should not be exclusive to a platform
self made games are fine to be exclusive cause the provider fucking made the game
epic just steals shit for a price so you're forced to use their botnet

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yeah totally not cause it's a botnet that scans files on your pc and sells your data to tencent chinkoid subhumans but by all means continue being a retarded gamer oblivious to your surroundings

why support it at all, no drm, no profiles and no achievements no reason to buy it at all I'll just torrent a copy of a gog game and there will be no difference

>Full control over supply
>No close substitutes
>Downward sloping demang curve
>Price maker
>Firm is itself an industry
>Barriers to entry
When all of these are fulfilled, you have a monopoly. How. Many. Does. Steam. Have?

Who cares, the game is dogshit regardless of the platform.

steam is just an open platform where any retard with $100 can put their game on
they are the most proconsumer and prodeveloper based platform on the market
epic cherrypicks developers to feature on their store and only buys out successful studios to gain exclusive rights and fuck over the consumers choice of platform

ching chang chung

Not him but a monopoly is not necessarily a company with the biggest market share, and you can only bend the definition a little if the market share is so overwhelming that no other competitor matters, which is not the case for Steam because there are sites such as GOG and the many attempts of other companies to make their own digital distribution platform
A monopoly is a single company that has the entirety of the market share and has no competition of any kind, it basically dictates things in areas where it is eligible, such as prices. These companies have no pressure to improve because people have no other choice but to use their products, except abstaining. Valve is constantly trying to improve Steam because it has become their main source of revenue, but as a result they have become lazy and do not really develop things much anymore, a thing that has been contributed to by their anarchic company structure and the promise that VR will possibly be the future, and they are attempting to establish a strong foothold in that domain, which is why more than half of their company's employees are working on VR.

fuck off chink, you are the scum of the earth. no one is as disgusting as you are, not even muslims. yes there i said it!

>>Full control over supply
that alone disqualifies steam from monopoly

#2 and #5. Idiots just have a really hard time understanding that simply being the best is different from being a monopoly. Monopolies are illegal in the United States. Every day, there is a judge somewhere busting up some anti-consumer faggots in suits that are trying to corner a market. There is nothing stopping anyone from overthrowing Steam except their own inability to bring a superior product to the table.

even if, no one gives in yet, so sooner or later they are gonna no longer invest in all these AAA companies games. fuck the chinks.

It still amazes me how many people here don't understand the difference between a publisher choosing to only sale stuff on Steam, and Steam paying a publisher to only sell stuff on Steam. It's really not that complicated.

I will lmafao my ass off when Halo will appear on epic store too.

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the difference being not understanding and not wanting to understand.

To make a ton of money when Fortnite eventually loses popularity.

They'd need to pay for 10 millions copies. Not to mention even if Ubishit made "exclusivity" with Epic, their games still ask you to use their uplay malware app.

> cracked too
Typical steam drone aka "konsumurr"

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Some chick has been hired to dance for some public event. Some bugman keeps sexually assaulting her, trying to forcibly perform oral/grab at the girls genitals.

Least it looks like a girl. Filename suggests otherwise.

Post your PC games library, "PC gamers".

but Tim paid for my copy already.

Steam is a much better launcher/storefront than EGS. The hatred for it is a bit overblown though. I honestly think people have been conditioned to accept Steam that even if EGS was actually good (which it isn't), people would still bitch.

Consumer loyalty is a hell of a drug. Anyway GoG is better than both Steam and EGS, but has no games.

Spotted the Sony fanboy.

The interesting thing is that publishers don't want to put games on Epic. Or they are not allowed? There is something going on behind the scenes. Very few games are on both Epic and Steam when there's no reason for them not to be on Epic. The whole thing is suspicious. I wish I knew which side was rejecting the other.

There's thousands of games only available on steam and not on any other store

They are not bound to an exclusive contract per se ,but that still makes them exclusives

Who can blame them when you see other stores refusing actual good games on their storefront because MUH CURATED STORE , I'm looking at you gog and epic

>steam exclusive
>that isn’t a valve game

The hatred of EGS has always been about their 'exclusivity' practices. They may get bullied for other shit in passing, but PC gamers are rabidly against that exclusive shit on PC. We're not like console gamers that have already been conditioned to just take it up the ass, going as far as to praise a console for having the most exclusives.

>inb4 someone replies with the same dumb-shit response implying Steam has exclusives because they can't grasp what it means to be an exclusive

I find that hard to believe when she's incredibly ugly.

it's not but gotta chill for chinks

They had a few when the store first launched 15 years ago. But Steam has publicly denounced the practice of using exclusives long before Epic showed up. Their policy is very clear on this.

>Full control over supply
>No close substitutes
>Price maker
>Firm is itself an industry
hahaha, no
>Barriers to entry
holy shit no

people immediately criticized the game, what are you talking about? in fact the people who actually praised the game to high heaven were always a vocal minority. from the get-go most people were saying that while aspects of the game are impressive the experience overall was very flawed if not an outright letdown. personally I think it's not a bad game, but it is one of rockstar's worst and easily less fun than RDR1. I would be infinitely more excited about 1 coming to PC.

Boomerbrain on the case.

The thing is "exclusivity" is not the same as it is in the console market or streaming sevices. Downloading and installing the EGS only takes a few minutes. It's not like you have to spend money getting a service or console you don't want for one game.

Really all this is just PCfags complaining about a minor inconvenience. And fuck off, Steam has had unofficial exclusivity for years due to their role as the market leader. I've never used Steam personally because I thought it was a great service. I always used because I had to. I'd buy most of my games on GoG if I could.

They probably have exclusivity deal with microsoft. I wonder how much Gabe paid to them for Halo?

Man Steam is such a crazy monopoly. I can't believe all of the triple AAA titles on PC only release there. Oh wait.

I can't believe three of the biggest PC titles this past decade released there. Oh wait.
Minecraft? No.
LoL? No.
Fortnite? No.



>games are more expensive on Epic
>the Epic launcher is objectively shit, with a terrible library UI
>hurr the exclusivity doesn't mean anything
Go fuck yourself

>The thing is "exclusivity" is not the same as it is in the console market or streaming sevices. Downloading and installing the EGS only takes a few minutes. It's not like you have to spend money getting a service or console you don't want for one game.
It's even worse than console exclusivity. With a console exclusive, you still have the disc. With a digitally bought PC exclusive, you are from the moment of purchase on tied to that store and the whims of the owners. While not perfect in any way, Steam has an excellent track record. Epic is full of anti-consumer practices, putting the publishers above the customers. It's perfectly reasonable to avoid this like the plague.

>games are more expensive on Epic
Not true
>the Epic launcher is objectively shit, with a terrible library UI
>hurr the exclusivity doesn't mean anything
The point is it's a minor issue that PC fags are acting like it's the end of the world over.

Ultimately it comes down to consumer loyalty, people like steam and don't want to use what they see as an inferior product, but the point stands that the EGS isn't making it so if you bought a PC you can't play the games you want like console exclusivity does.

>Not true
Maybe not for you, but it is for me


unironically this
I don't think of these shills and retards realize what walmart does when they pop in a little town with little competition. they fucking triangulate and build multiple walmarts all over at a loss to systematically choke the rest of the native competition then when everyone else but the most established are dead, they close down all the other walmarts until one is left to reign over the location.

look me in the fucking eye and god damn tell me this isn't what epic is doing right now with it's exclusives? gog is getting hit by it as well with over a dozen games already not releasing there because of the egs which is also bad for the buyers because that means bye bye to drm-free games.

>more networth than gabe
>most popular game on pc/consoles
>most popular game engine
>people genuinely want them to become the new market leader for pc gaming
hearty kek

>be someone not from America
>have to pay more
>have to pay transaction fees
smoke a dick

Why settle for an inferior product? Buying exclusives from an inferior launcher means that you are okay with having inferior launcher, and soon inferiority would be the norm. I prefer that games be purchase on any platform and that each platform could give me different benefits on top of that game. Then the platforms can continue to improve their services and possibly even prices to give an edge out of their competitors, giving us more benefits in the long run.

Since when does Valve set the prices, are you retarded?

meant for

Learn to read sarcasm gamer.

I know sarcasm is hard to communicate through text but c'mon man

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I don't think it works the same way for digital products. Overhead costs are not the same and Valve and GoG are much larger than a mom and pop store, they can suffer massive cutbacks and survive.
Furthermore, they are services, not stores. You do not own the games you purchase there, you cannot simply leave them behind and keep the games, users must stay on the service.

>you cannot simply leave them behind and keep the games
Excuse you? How can you not do that with GOG?

The only thing China deserves is a nuclear Holocaust

Looking for some youtube video about a Japanese story where two guys can get tons of money just for pressing a button, but the catch is they're stuck in a sort of purgatory for an extraordinary amount of time, but they won't remember once the time is done so it will be like nothing happened at all when they pressed the button.

Anyone remember the name or have a link?

>They are not bound to an exclusive contract per se ,but that still makes them exclusives
No it does not

My bad, I meant to refer to Steam in that paragraph, GoG just came along somehow.
Still though, unless users upload the games on a private cloud they will be using GoG to get the games on a new computer or reinstallations.

I'm from australia and Games on EGS seem to be the same as Steam and GoG.

I agree that if you think EGS is shit, than you have every right not to buy for them, vote with your wallet and send a message to devs. I'm just sick of the huge backlash to what's a minor issue imo and I think comparing it to console exclusivity is laughable. I think Steam is fine, GoG is better and EGS is worse than either. But it's functional and not unusable garbage like U Play, Origin and GFWL, so I don't mind using it for the odd game I need too. Used it for the Outer Wilds and will probably use it for the Outer Worlds. Other than that, there's nothing I actually want on it.

Personally I think Steam was garbage for years, but I was forced to use it and am still forced to use it over GoG, which is my preferred platform.

I was being hyperbolic but you're actually right. in the same way epic supporters say "it's just another launcher" that sort of logic applies to everyone else even steam. if these are all just another launcher then that means none of these are actually competing with each other let alone eating up their userbases, it just means they're sharing customer bases. and that right there is the big miss all of the MUH COMPETITION people are missing.

Steam has and never will compete with epic. because who cares if one of their users installs the EGS? that nigga is still in the market. what steam has been competing with since are two simple things:

a person installing the EGS or any other storefront is still in the ecosystem
a pirate or new emerging market tapped is a completely new set of wallets inserted into the ecosystem

Steam wants to keep expanding the PC game market. and hilariously enough, that benefits all their competition as well

If you ain't you fucked, Israel has also "normal" prices despise being no where near anglosphere.

>I'm from australia and Games on EGS seem to be the same as Steam and GoG.
But that's wrong. Every single game that is on all the stores is more expensive on EGS. Some of them only by a few dollars, but that still means they're more expensive

The biggest reason for the huge backlash was that they are throwing money around to games that were already coming out to better platforms instead of fixing and upgrading their platforms. They even got a few games from GOG, and that sets a precedent for other unusable garbage launchers to pop out and claim exclusivity when you could be using better launchers instead.

RDR2 was a masterpiece you brainlet, it actually improved on the original

Jesus christ this makes me so fucking sad

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Do you have a source? for that pic

>10 months later and still no announcement
i'm starting to doubt PC release anons

here's that word again

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>exclusives are good
one one good exclusive game other than godhand

>wtf where are all he wojacks

>"people" swarm
oh they're helping her
>they take the kid away

you're supposed to make chinks look bad not give me an erection

>having either steam or egs installed

dilate trannies

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I'll pirate it if that happens

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I'll laugh all the way to the torrent.

>accidents happen everywhere it's ok
>runs away
>nobody stops to help him

>that bulge
>that man everything

I'll just not care because I'm boycotting 2K anyways.

>he thinks free market economies exist when the endgame and inevitability of every capitalist timeline is monopolies of megacorporations who sabotage, blackball and even murder competition
>doesn't realize the only way competition exists on a large business level is through government interference
>doesn't realize that "free market capitalism" always ends up with the governments of the world giving gigantic tax breaks and subsidies to businesses that would be doing worse or outright collapse on their own because of their greedy practices

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How the fuck does competition exist through government interference when the government literally enforces anti-competitive laws like copyright and trademark?
Shit makes no sense.

don't try to argue with statists, they're braindead drones

>steam monopoly bad
>ebin monopoly good

Why 2k?

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not everyone lives under a mud shack and can afford their games

Governments used to break up monopolies
Post-reagan this doesn't happen anymore outside of harder demsoc ranting
In my state of Wisconsin, for example, we had a pretty decent "free market" when it came to gas stations. There was almost always three or four gas stations in every small town, locally-owned and independent. And dozens and dozens in cities.
A company called Standard Oil came in and started buying up every single one of these. When a person refused to sell, they'd set up gas stations around them that'd undercut their prices. They'd be willing to lose some pocket change in the short-run to force the individual business owner to sell so they'd obtain a monopoly in the area. And if that still didn't work they'd firebomb some gas stations.
The US government at a state and federal level saw this happening all across the country and broke up standard oil along with some other massive corps like that. Neoliberalism killed any attempt at having a government that actually regulates/intervenes on the behalf of citizens anymore though
Now it's entirely corporate shills

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>a minute apart almost exactly
go to somalia lolbert

Shit company, greedy as fuck, worst microtransactions. Make EA look like angels. Also fucked me over by replacing my Borderlands 2 pre-order with a Russian version (that one is cheaper and originally only allowed multiplayer with other Russians). Catch is, I had to pay 60 EUR for it. They allowed multiplayer with non-Russians in the end after massive backlash, but I'm not gonna forgive them for that.

Also not gonna forgive them for going after GTAV modding tools. RDR2 is a micro-transaction laden shitshow anyway, same shit as GTAV.

Silence, bottom

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meant for and

friendly reminder Microsoft spent 150 million dollars just to make sure GTA IV released on Xbox 360 on the same date as PS3
what makes you think Rockstar can be bought with Epics cheap indie price?

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>Ease of use
>Ability to reinstall easily anytime
>Continued patch support
>Associated features like Steam family sharing or streaming
>Online connectivity
>Peace of mind regarding bugs sometimes introduced by pirated versions
>Easy access to steam workshop without needing manual workarounds
>Can always re-download at max speed instead of either storing every game you own locally or relying on still-working magnets to have reliable speed
And more

The thing that these stupid exclusivity deals don't account for is piracy
I can't wait for it to hurt them with a really big game exclusivity deal that no one buys and tons of people pirate

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Dark souls series, steam exclusive

>checking out some benchmarks
>they use some apparently new games that I've never heard of
>they're all EGS exclusive
I still don't remember the names of those games, except for World War Z but that's because it's not an original name.

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Yeah? Too bad that they only do that when it's convenient - and this has not changed through history. Even your own example is a stupid one. Wow, Standard oil was offering oil for too cheap. Oh no. We can't have cheap oil, that's too much.
Rest of the time governments spend enforcing regulation and laws that facilitate harmful monopolies. Monopolies that aren't selling you their products for too cheap, but rather monopolies that are charging you out the arse because they are the only players in the game. Like the healthcare industry. Or because it's literally illegal to compete with them, like the ISPs. Good luck getting the grants to lay your own fiber and compete with them lel. Might be lucky and get one in 20 years.

>cuck exclusive is good

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No point.
If you want to support a dev, it's better to buy on console. PC is fantastic for pirating games though.

>also on 360/ps3/ps4/xbox
also steam didn't pay them to do that

ConsoleChads, WW@

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arguing on pc threads

It's a bit tough to bypass a country wide rangeban and the lack of google services, but keep screeching about chinks all day for all I care.

Without government interference you end up with slave labor, massive overpolution, overdelopment, destruction of public property, damage to ecosystesm not limited and including your air and drinking water, the crushing of independent and small businesses, the destruction of world economies and lest we not forget the outright murder of union reps, workers, politicians and independents
"Free market" capitalism then grows to encapsulate the government, bending it towards socialism for the rich, safety nets for individuals worth more than 100million dollars only
As I said before, the US government PRIOR to Reagan and his neolib policies did actually sorta do its job of protecting the working class, which INCLUDES small business owners
Now it exists solely for big business, who is so terrified of actual competition/free market that they railroad bills through that make it impossible to compete
Hell, again, in my state, there's a government mandated limit on the number of coops and nonprofits that can exist at any time because they represent a danger to larger businesses in the same field
And don't get me started on the south

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the fuck is wrong with these "people"?

Oh yeah, because we never had slavery with a government in charge and interfering. Ever heard of Fugitive Slave Laws? Mercenaries were compensated by law enforcement for catching fugitive slaves. I wonder if law enforcement might be a government organ, eh? Maybe?
Sure sounds like free market capitalism without government intervention though. I mean being compensated through taxation is the epitome of free market and lack of government interference.

Only if the method is riding into town, having a shoot-out, then riding out all the while carefully following guidelines in order to not fail the quest.

I just want to see him smile again

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I'll just buy it on social club