Post worst games in a franchise, I'll start

Post worst games in a franchise, I'll start

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based and redpilled

Let me help

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Dark Souls 2

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I'm still mad.

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What the FUCK where they thinking when they made this game? And this was supposed to be frank going back to his roots?

Nu-males .... nu-males

I actually really like MGS4. I play through it once a year.

I'd say 4 has advantages over Peace Walker. Notably the boss fights. I like both of them though and they're fairly different and hard to compare.

Eh its too much movie compared to gameplay for me, to each their own though

Take the black pill, Dead Rising 2 was watered down shit


yeah that might be slightly worse... that, this and 13 are so terrible it's hard to say which is truly worst.

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Imo 12 is leagues better than 13

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XIII and XV are easily the worst.

>forced coop in single player because woke Americans accused Japanese developers of racism.

Still mad.

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>3 is better than NV
Idk about this one

miles better
3 has an actual story

Too bad 76 exists or people might actually take this bait.

NV is an actually fun rpg

>VIII and XV are easily the worst


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VIII is far from good too. But I'd rather play it than XIII.

>look goys you should buy our game, it's very fantasy, much final, it has a native african with bunny ears and it's totally not a star wars clone! go buy our game or the african bunnies will die.

Funny how they made her white for the cover art.

add 8 on there, and you are 100% correct

8 is objectively one of the best in the series.

are you actually trying to imply that Fallout 3 is fun, while New Vegas is not, when they are fundamentally the same game

12, 13, and 15 made me completely stop caring about the series. Its obvious SE has no idea what made FF great.

>when they are fundamentally the same game
apart from having a different story, characters, setting, gameplay, etc

>we were all best friends growing up, but we just forgot lol
no, the games story was horrendous, the draw system was trash. the card game was fun, and the graphics were phenomenal for the time. also, everything ultimacia was dumb
5,6 or tactics are the only acceptable best in series answers

By which metric precisely?

you're baiting

> t. I don't understand the story
> t. the combat system was too difficult for me

It unironically has the best and most fun combat system in the game. One thing that makes it fun is how extremely flexible it is, the way you tweak your stats, and how you can trasmute objects into weapons etc. Moaning about the battle system in 8 is 100% NPC behavior.

> most fun combat system in the game.

Disgusting game

Gameplay is easily exploited but I don't hate it. I replayed this game again for the first time since 10 years and its writing and pacing are honestly piss poor.

That's not Fallout 4 (or 76)

At least 4 had a story, no matter how stupid it was.

lol good bait

This is not a plus. 4 would be a much better game if it had no story whatsoever, so that it had no means of raping the series like it ended up doing.


nah 3 was a boring piece of shit

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not by a long shot

The pluses of 4 are decent boss fights, auto-camo so no menus, tons of fanservice, ray vs rex, a few fun gimmicks, mgo2 and the final boss.
The drawbacks are the long cutscenes and handling of certain story elements.
Overall I say the flaws keep it not as good as the original trilogy but better than PW, GZ and TPP.

Idk about it being better than tpp though, the gameplay is so much better mgs4

Nah its because /pol/ is infecting other boards

TPP has its own strengths and weaknesses. The gameplay isn't all one equal quality either. The controls and handling are excellent and the companion system with horse/dog/bot/woman makes things interesting but then you have level design and empty world, repetitive missions, weak boss fights and that whole waiting for development research.
Every game has strengths and weaknesses so it is just a matter of which strengths please you vs which weaknesses bother you the most.

How many brain cells are functioning in your head currently? Because I don’t think most of them are.

it felt like an amateur indie studio tried to make an elderscrolls game

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I think 4's story is complete and utter fucking dogshit but the gameplay, AI, and level design are a gigantic step over 3. 3 is a terrible stealth game.

>Not P4

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BotW is a 6/10 which makes it far better than Twilight Princess, Skyward Sword, and Phantom Hourglass
and hell let's not forget the CDI games

more like MGS V

vanilla XII is such a pile of garbage. Zodiac Age had the 4x speed multiplayer which made the game less of a chore at least.
Also as much as I dislike XII, I think the whole XIII series is worse, and hell I think XV is worse too even though I enjoyed that somewhat.
All of those I'd at least give credit as being video games, Final Fantasy II (Japan) is so close to being unplayable that it barely qualifies, shit was released clearly near an alpha state.

p4 at least made the dungeon-crawling slightly less boring, let you turn off the shitty ai gimmick and wasn't a snoozefest for half the game.

Shut the hell up you stupid fuckass

There's no way you can honestly think 5 is worse than 6. 6 has awful controls, worse visuals, an incredible lack of responsiveness in the shooting, horrid bosses, QTE overload, everything about 6 is bad.
5 at least had RE4's great combat, great graphics, and a few really good bosses.

True, it was only a snoozefest for the entirety of the game

>not wanting to punch Africans so hard that their heads explode
Wew lad

If you honestly believe this game is not far better than Code Veronica, 0, and 6 you are just plain retarded.

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Oh god what is this? Assault Horizon?

trap link = best game

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