First time playing Demons Souls

>haha demon's souls graphics looks bad
I'm playing it for the first time in 4k and honestly surprised by how nice it can look. At times its drop dead gorgeous. The ps3 version really muddies the visuals and undermines what beauty the game does have. We don't need a remaster, just a 4k port with online and some UI fixes and glitch fixes.

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Demons Souls, is still the best Souls game.

The game was developed because the developers had fun and didn't have to meet fan expectations.

I've been saying Demons Souls had the best lighting for years and Dark Shitters always said I was shitposting.

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What you playing it on? Is there a PS4 version?

i'm playing a muled file on ps3 with everything in the game. shit look so nice i wanted to take a phone pic lol

>the developers had fun

Attached: ds1-3.jpg (1280x720, 142K)

Demon's Souls was an incredible experience

I loved the soundtrack, the atmosphear, the fact that the lore and the history of the game was huge but not so clear
before the
>X is the Dark Souls of X games!1!

I had such a great time
and it came out 10 years ago fuck me I'm so old

>fuck me I'm so old

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what the fuck is wrong with you

He's from reddit

Yeah it looks better than it gets credit for. Too bad the gameplay and world design of all these games is such shallow boring shit that the pretty graphics don't save it.

Honestly I don't know why any game in this series gets shit for bad graphics. Apart from a few blatantly lazy areas like the bridge to Sen's fortress I always thought the games were very on par with graphical quality for the time. I mean even something like Blighttown, of course it ran at 15fps on a 360, the geometry there was fucking insane.

That isn't the worst boss in the series by far.

Wow you got to play a video game 10 years later congratulations

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Bro you are actually so fucking weird.

This guy can eat a dick.

Attached: ds7[1].jpg (1280x720, 104K)

Have you ever wanted to fit in people? That's him.

Yes i was really impressed and i thought that the atmosphere, maybe because of the lighting, is way better than dark souls.

PC masterrace

Demon's Souls was basically considered a failed project, which was part of the reason Miyazaki was able to snag the director position for it. Sony was bankrolling it, but didn't pay any attention to its development and didn't have a particularly strict release schedule for it. As a result, Miyazaki and the team did whatever they wanted, secure in the knowledge that if they fucked up, the executives had been expecting a fuck up the whole time.

It's such a quirky game as a result, since it functionally had no filter, no executives breathing over their shoulders, and nothing sheared off for marketability, and everything got to be completed at their team's pace.

Yeah the lighting works. The brown colors and the blueish-green hues work make a pleasing contrast. Fallout 3 came out the same year and looks exponentially worse, both by comparison and for the time. MGS4 had way higher poly and production values but is so visually dull.

Attached: aGunxAm.jpg (3840x2160, 1.65M)

But he can't hear one.

Emulation finally got gud.

I remember the bloom being a lot worse, it only seems really bad when you meet the old one.

yeah bro a missing archstone was because of no executives breathing down necks

Yes. Having a lax release schedule doesn't mean no release schedule whatsoever. Miyazaki always starts off ambitious and has to trim bits off.

He's blind, not deaf.

kek ya reddit and ya seethe

keep posting screenshots

welp the music is playing in my head
I honestly don't know whether this is the best souls game, but it's the one I love the most

>Hub soundtrack

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