What can I expect from this game? Is it any good or is it just filled with classic anime tropes and is a Yea Forums meme?
What can I expect from this game...
it has some anime tropes and the dialogue isn't great, but the gameplay itself is decent. However, it has a really slow start and really is a case of "it gets good 20 hours in", so if that puts you off then skip it.
Do you have a good video/guide on the combat system? I got like 8 hours in and still haven't figured it out. Probably going to restart, since I haven't played in months, but want to do it with the combat system in mind so I'm not just mindlessly whacking at enemies all day
Best JRPG from the past 10 years, easily
Its pretty simple combat.
Takes a little getting used to in order to reliably start piling on the damage.
it was a slog at best and torturous at worst. could not recommend this to anyone looking for a good jrpg. this is for people who dont care if the game sucks as long as they can collect waifus.
In the beginning you're gonna think
>This is kinda shit, the story is just waifu omg Kawaii, at least the gameplay is somewhat decent
But at around chapter 4 you're going to see there's more going on with the story and the gameplay starts getting more engaging as mechanics are added on
And by the end you're gonna be like
>This was fucking amazing, has great gameplay and a fantastic story
Best JRPG this gen
What I've noticed is
>do an attack
>two/three possible follow-up elements are displayed
>follow up with these until you get a big combo move
Is that it? My problem is that my party lacks all the elements needed to pull off the big combo move, do certain elements always lead into other ones?
I just hit chapter 5, should i bench tora for morag or is morag the better tank?
>Is it any good or is it just filled with classic anime tropes
Yes and yes
>Is it any good or is it just filled with classic anime tropes
someone pls?
Certain elements do lead to certain combos
And those combos can trigger bonus affects
After doing combos it put orbs around the enemy which you pop using the respective opposite element enough when you do the team attack, definitely learn the orb stuff because you're gonna need it
Tora is the better tank if you take the time to upgrade Poppy and play Tiger Tiger. Otherwise Morag will be.
Morag can be the better thank right there, but Tora can become and absolute beat if you have the right Poppi build.
Use whatever you want here, it's not that much of a difference for a normal playthrough
>do certain elements always lead into other ones?
Yes, the first stage element will alway lead to a specific tree for that element.
Morag is a dodging god with the right setup, I used Tora though
Just pic releated
Both are great tanks, Morag is a better tank by default and early on, especially if you gear her for agility and take advantage of her being a dodge/evasion tank.
Tora is better as an HP tank, but is less effective than Morag unless you do lots of grinding and some endgame quests for some powerful poppi builds- which will make him the single most broken thing in the game- he will not only be a much better tank than Morag if you go down that route, but he will allso be your best DPS at the same time, and will be more than capable of soloing everything in the game. This is all post game build stuff however. For the main story, Morag is better in almost all scenarios.
Put 140 hours into it. Definitely one of the best jrpgs this generation.
As it was said, it takes until the end of chapter 3 for the battle system to open up, bot oh boy if it wasn't fun. I loved it.