Come back to lol after years to play with some friends

>come back to lol after years to play with some friends
>every hero that was fun was ""reworked""
wtf did they do to mordekaiser

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or poppy, evelynn

stop being so toxic you bigot

It's all about MUH E-SPORTS

I don't even play this garbage but Panth's rework looks actually good.
Shame they killed off a lot of other characters before they got it right on him.

morde is 10x better now
panth is going to be nuts
>what the fuck bros they ruined him!!!!!
>why is X hero reworked wtf rito!!!!

dont you retards got arams to play?

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I dont get it why would they ruin old heroes which will still never get picked instead of making new ones with preferred kit

Man, fuck you, really.
>Riot rework some characther barely used
>more fun to play, looks better
Same as Dominion: no one plays it, but it dissapears and faggots like you starts crying.

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How long were you away to think the Morde rework wasn't a massive improvement? The real old Morde was dead for quite a while now.

Panth's rework looks good because they barely changed him
Only problem is that they showed us his face

I kind of dislike the new voice but whatever, I can mod the old voice files in anyways.

Nu-Morde is leagues better than old morde you fucking moron. You're not unique for playing a shitty character, you're just a retard

2011 I think

but poppy and eve still play the same after rework

nu-Yea Forums everyone.

>muh nostalgia
Fuck off, wanker. Pantheon, Mordekaiser and many of the now reworked characters were dog shit.

>Your friends still play LoL

Time to find some new friends, user.

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There are a plenty of fun champions still, newer or older ones, and most of the reworks are fine or good. We don't talk about Akali though.
I can't wait until Fiddlesticks gets reworked into something fun desu

They should improve old champions, rework them, instead they change everything and give it the somewhat same theme and the same name, at least in some cases, warwick was a great rework, galio is not the same champion at all, it goes up and down, but overall, fuck riot

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the biggest issue with LoL is that every new champion has some bullshit mobility or crowd control. Couple this with the retardedly large damage every champion does now, games are decided by just whoever gets caught by a cc ability or jumped on by an assassin from across the lane and instantly raped.
I think they need to reduce damage across the board by like 10% or so, and calm the fuck down on dashes and blinks

>morde is 10x better now
You really think nu-morde is better than dragon morde? It's a galio tier rework.

I haven't played in years but they need to get rid of a ton of slows too, those make dashes and blinks a lot better than they should be.

They don't balance the game around bronzies


Arent bronzies the reason why Shaco was nerfed into oblivion and is still worthless

They actually do. They do this retarded thing where they try to balance around all elos.

ap eve wasnt the only build before retard. infact, that was porbably her worst build despite it being on the rec items page. AD bruiser was her best build

I did the same thing and was pleasantly surprised to find how each hero seemed more unique than I remember.

The game is still unbearably boring though.

poppy was an assassin she's a tank now

I miss pre-rework Fiora and Poppy so much

I hope they never rework Annie
Simple, satisfying, and fills a useful niche
Also I win with her

why would anyone care about someones opionion who hasnt played in a year and has no plans to play more. They lost you then so if they change a character that people arent playing its a net win

thats how i felt about urgot

Splashing someone with your green nut and locking on to them with like 30 Qs was pretty enjoyable, I miss it

If they change Lux I'll never touch this piece of shit game again.

I really dislike Riot penchant for flashy champions and abilities
What happened to simple, yet rewarding, silly builds

Talking about stuff like AD Sona or full AP Karma, or Evelynn as a mage

Both were absolute garbage, Poppy especially who was literally the worst champ in the game unless your opponent was an actual retard

That shit doesn't sit well with the ADD Koreans who drink Speed all day while living inside of an internet cafe.

I remember having a blast playing pre reworkd soraka + urgot bot lane in like 2013, infinite mana infinite fun

The reworks aren't the problem.
The new champs with 5 passives, a dash, and cancer mechanic are the problem.

Back when I played this game in 2013, what mattered was that the champ was fun or not, not that it was good

Their reworkmania and appetite for "change for the sake of change" will likely kill her
Same for Kennen
Though they will never change champs that are actually not so fun to play, like Teemo, who has only 2 real abilities

What is Rito's endgame there
Silly fun should be kept, not every champ needs to be picked at the ebin LCS

Poppy was unplayable garbage unless the enemy team were actual 50IQ retards, getting ganked over and over into irrelevance because you literally have zero laning ability isn't fun. Old Poppy was also ugly as sin.

You have absolute NO IDEA what you're talking about and it's hilarious

>playing league solo
>getting ganked in the first place
>not enjoying OS-ing retards if played right
Old Poppy was fun if you played her right. That's the only thing that matters.

I play Poppy top to like Diamond building trinity force + either gunblade or botrk, she had a bad early game but it was manageable, but she had the best late out of all champions bar a fed nasus and not only was she the best duelist, she was the best at 2v1 because of her ultimate. I seriously doubt you got out of silver since your perception on a champion is so wrong just based on nobody playing her

Make him 10x cooler

stop being a contrarian it's embarassing

>being this much of a revisionist
Maybe you could get fed as Poppy in your 500 ELO games or against beginner bots, but even a literal six-year-old could punish Poppy's nonexistent laning, or even just have their jungler gank top for free kills before 6.
Any competent team is going to win a glorified 4v5 match before your Poppy reaches an endgame build.

confrontational fags who have no idea what they're talking about but still defend whatever they believe in with all their might are the funniest and saddest people on the internet at the same time

Fun > your silly buzzwords

teemo is the most fun champion in the game. i get the biggest rush in the world frustrating melee top laners with bullshit invis and poison

Yeah it's tons of fun, but he objectively falls short quite quickly as he can't fill any role in the highly specialised meta riot choose to push forwards

they forget that stat sticks arent a horrible thing to have, and that point and click isnt the end of the world. just let champs have a job and do it, not everything needs to be theatrics

>adc has 10 kills
>enemy assassin that is 1/5 instantly blinks on them and they die in 2 seconds
fun game here

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You are literally dead wrong about both

>check out my 50 kills as Poppy in this bronze game

The only thing I dislike about new Morde is his shield being moved to W instead of his passive, rest is great.

It doesn't matter if they're more optimal, they could've just been totally new heroes. People can enjoy things that aren't top tier. You fags (gamer, for the second poster) live in your weird little bubble where you think everyone likes what you like exclusively. What a cringy ass outlook on life.

Old Poppy could one shot your ad carries with a trinity blade

Most of the reworks seem fine. Replacing Vic's voice on non-reworked characters is the most retarded thing they've done. I haven't played in years but I still miss old GP.

Yea Forums would just shit on this game 5 years ago so idk what you're smoking bud

they made him actually viable

No shit, 3/5ths of their team is dedicated towards killing the adc, so position properly retard. If you're still getting killed by LB flash double distortion Q-E, you either trade flashes, or pre-emptively buy a phantom dancer.

Oh wow, they word-filtered cvm brain already. Literally two days of relevance and some s0i'd out mod gets angry about it.

mobility is fucking this game. for every 30 champs there 1 that shuts down mobility

shit is gay as fuck. inb4 his 10 second cd dash is up again. inb4 he also has flash. inb4

The Morde rework was purely because they didn't want to deal with the buggy shit in his kit anymore. Old Morde wasn't exactly the most complicated hero but the new one isn't any better.


Puke and Yuumi creator is a silver
What a surprise that these champions are so broken

First fuck you for making me defend them, but mods are likely less mad than you about the latest buzzword, it's just dunking on retards that use it seriously like onions backthen

How did that not get word-filtered? Or incel, have sex, etc? Were janny cvm brain mods getting that mad over being called out on how often they jerk off?

It's a real thing. Don't be a cvm brain, dude. It actually does hurt you and your quality of life.

Old morde was always shit and I remember the days when brazilians instalocked him mid huehuehuehuehuehue

His Q sucked because having an attack steroid on a squishy champ with no mobility in a game where almost every champion has some sort of slow or escape was a terrible idea
His W was trash because you needed someone to be within 3 feet of you for it to work
His E had a horrible jank hitbox that would easily miss people right next to you
His ult was his only redeeming trait and funny enough they didn't include it in his rework.

Based mods dunking on incels.

Even based is still in. Do mods realize how obviously this outs them as cvmbrains?

The only things that really need filters are
>have sex

It's weird that everyone who played league on Yea Forums just happens to play every character that's been rework and no one else.

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>tfw bankplank was the most fun I had in forever
Never was the same

Because they are organic words and not a term that got forced by your incel discord server for an entire day to the point where you couldn't see a single thread without that made up term.
Lose weight, get hair transplants, close your mouth, get contacts, sell your Switch, have sex.

What the fuck is an organic word, retard? Incel and based are two terms NEVER used by discord trannies, why the hell would I be one of them? God damn, you are retarded.

People need to have in mind that LoL isn't only about what you find fun to play as, but also what people find fun to play against

I loved old Xerath but I can understand he was a pain in the ass to play against, I also understand that old Urgot while not broken and often considered useless was also a pain in the ass to play against.

Also is not about "Just make a new champ with the kit you want" because some people like the theme of certain champs but feels like they're really outdated in the game and barely playable versus certain characters, I would kill for an Azir rework because I love his design

Or maybe, hear me out on this, it's a shitty forced meme and filtering it is easy because it's not every day vocalage.
If the mods really cared about what people possibly getting offended they would've refiltered nigger a while ago

Did I make this post earlier and forget about it? I just came back and everything is fucked. At least Olaf and Draven are still fun.

This. Every fucking time.

That's a good attempt, but your argument died with "incel"'s continued existence.

Can I make the enemy fed ADC my pet and penta the whole team by myself? No? Then it's fucking trash. Get out of here.

Yeah it's almost as if it's an old game that had a way smaller cast at the time and most of the things that got reworked are fairly old.

And I even agreed that some of them have changed the identity of the character too much, but it's really disingenuous to act like you mained all of them.

Neither was tranny or dilate until /pol/ decided they needed something new to hate on but now look where we are.

nuNunu is fun

I don't buy it at all man, it's literally every thread the OP and everyone in it only played those specific characters.

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Tranny was a very common word before /pol/ made it popular. Dilate is an actual, literal word. Where are you going with this? Incel isn't every day vocalage; it wasn't even a thing until Yea Forums forced it, yet there's no filter for it. Your argument is dead. Stop pushing it.

I think the worst change Riot made to a character was Trundle, in terms of gameplay they changed nothing so in that part it wasn't needed and they completely forgot about his original purpose and lore just because they wanted to have him tied to something and not just be his own thing so they made him a Lissandra lackey and a generic Disney villain, that is the change I hate the most

/pol/ aren't the only people that hate trannies, normal people do too.

Which is why those words aren't getting filtered and ejaculatehead is you concaved skull mongoloid. They're nipping it in the bud now before gets added to the shit pile.

Quit League altogether when they took my main from this...

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i had 500k mastery on urgot pre rework and 50k on poppy pre rework (mastery had only just come out so it was a lot)

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I 100% ban his annoying ass this.

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Looks like the entire argument went over your head, and you forgot your own argument in the process. Let me refresh you. You said:
>Or maybe, hear me out on this, it's a shitty forced meme and filtering it is easy because it's not every day vocalage.

That's incorrect. Incel is the exact same thing as cvmbrain, in that sense, yet it's not filtered and has been used MUCH more. You have no argument. It's been defeated. Stop, retard.

Just popping in to say Lee Sin's new voice and lines fucking suck.
>old Lee Sin
>quiet, meditative, wise
>new Lee Sin
>le ebin monk guy gonna fuck you up man don't mess with me XD
Old LoL lore was much better. Now it feels like Gearbox wrote it.

I'm not doubting someone didn't play them pre-rework. I played poppy myself pre-rework. But all of them and everytime for everyone in the thread. Sorry but I just don't buy it. It's just an easy way to start a LoL-hate thread.

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>deleting Dominion
It was left in for years, was not costing them anything further to develop, not causing anybody any problems. "Not enough people play this, so now NO ONE can play this. Ever."
In what way does that make any fucking sense?

Incel has been a term since 1993, cvmbrain has been around for less than a week. Fuck off with trying to argue why your flavor of the month terminology shouldn't be filtered.

>Incel has been a term since 1993

Jesus. So this is your mind on the cvmbrain lifestyle. Nice. How the fuck did you think this was going to hold any water?

I also played old Urgot a lot and I understand people missing his old kit, I do too, but I think new Urgot is overall better, the new ult is more fun than his old ult, his W is actually more useful than just to slow people and the Q was the sacrifice that had to be made which is a shame, but people really hated that part of Urgot

I don't think it's asking too much to not want to deal with /pol/ shitposting a new term into existence, especially considering they self identify with a brain damaged frog.

All you actual faggots here think adc Morde was the original. Go fuck yourselves, dragon ult is when the real Morde died.

That is the worst part of Riot, they remove stuff simply because is not popular in the same way they're removing Twisted Treeline, I get them not working on these game modes because no one plays them and they already tried, but some people even if they're just a few still plays them or likes something about them, Riot is just like "We tried but people didn't play so we're just removing it forever"

>dumb opinion
>frog poster
Checks out

Try playing them; they're fun

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>Now it feels like Gearbox wrote it.
Funny you should say that...

I'm just surprised you got so backed into a corner logically that you tried to say the term "incel" has been "common vocalage" since 1993. Be honest, you just googled the term and panic quoted from Wikipedia, didn't you? Be extra honest, too; you weren't even born in 1993, were you?

I was born in 87 and have heard the term used a couple times before people decided to start vomiting it in every day discussion. But yeah I panick wiki'd and considering you called me out on it I'm sure you did the same.

Also I never said it was common vocalage

Why do you lie on the internet? While anonymous? Whatever, it doesn't matter now. I'm glad we've both figured out mods are angry cvmbrains together.

*in 93

I mean, it was used on /r9k/ a little bit before it blew up, but most of them just called each other robots or autists.

Did they backpedal on the Teemo rework?
Literally nobody asked for it

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>generic execute is more fun than the switcharoo picks
fuck you

Mordekaiser is badass but some of his abilities are recycled
>Q is just typical cone damage but with his second rework's singular targeting bonus (can't remember if his original kit had bonus damage on singular targets)
>W is Tahm Kench shield but the healing is activated instead of passive and you get it by dealing damage instead of receiving it
>E is darius pull but with longer range and has delay, even comes with bonus penetration but for magic resistance
>his R is likely taken from Legion Commander for Dota 2 plus the bonus for killing someone, except that they aren't forced to fight each other and they can't be damaged (can't remember if Legion Commander had an aghanim scepter ability that made her and her target immune to outside damage while fighting)

>pick teemo
>enemy top laner locks in a melee who has no counter play to him at all

every fucking time. feels good

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it was the ol bait button. you acted scared at your tower, slapped on a big old W and ulted em into it followed by 900000 acid hunters

Ahri chan!

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his new ult is just teehee go in and kill. it's fucking boring

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