Knight > Origins = Asylum > City

> Knight > Origins = Asylum > City
Don't @ Me.

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Titan Joker was kino.

Watched all the cutscenes of these games. I give the movie 5/10

Knight > Asylum > City > Origins

Origins is alright and it probably has the best story and acting of the series but it's a broke dick imitation of Rocksteady's titles when it comes to gameplay, design and polish

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Origins is severely Underrated. Christmas Eve Aesthetic was Comfy Kino.

Doesn't do the game justice. All four games range from a solid 7/10 to a 9/10 IMO


replayed asylum recently, it's much more boring than I remember, city is clearly superior. maybe I played it too much back in the day

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Asylum has the best atmosphere, City has the best boss fights, and Knight has the best core gameplay.
I played an hour of Origins and got turned off by how low-budget it felt. That might sound petty but the Arkham trilogy is carried by its strong presentation values.

City > Knight = Asylum >>> Origins

Everyone who thinks otherwise is a contrarian.


Exactly. Anyone who ranks Origins anything but last automatically has their opinion discarded.

I've been replaying Asylum too and I feel exactly the same way. City just adds so many more options for combat and stealth, it feels like I'm just doing the same thing over and over for every enemy encounter in Asylum. Playing Asylum just makes me want to hurry up and finish so I can get to City.

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@'s you tee-hee

>city is the worst
stop this meme

I like Batman's voice in these

I honestly agree. Knight is the best one to go back and play over again.

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>Batman forever
>Batsuit has nipples
>Batgirl's are covered
For what purpose

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I've been playing through the series and have been demotivated to continue because I heard Origins was just a worse City and I didn't particularly like City to begin with. Hearing it might be considered underrated is a little more encouraging.

> "City has the best boss fights."
Besides Mr Freeze, Nah. Origins has the Top Tier Bosses

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If you haven't picked up Origins. Do it. The Boss fights are dope. The story is great. Granted there are some minor bugs and a lack of polish the other Arkham games have, but that's a small price to pay.


wb games montreal DLC in knight > *


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Arkham predictions?
>Arkham Army
>Batman has completely lost it due to the Joker serum
>You play as Robin and Nightwing to take down Batman

> Batman: Beyond Arkham