Was he right?

Was he right?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Yes, R*'s mission design was outdated when GTAIII released.


No. The lego abomination he made was trash compaired to the custom lego designed by someone with an IQ over 80.

Yes. The camp system is plain stupid

A bunch of people at work were playing gta 5 and they were playing a mission where you literally mop the floor. They were playing a game called grand theft auto and they were mopping the fucking floor. There was even an objective marker and instructions on screen dictating "MOP THE FLOOR". I hadn't seen the game in years and they asked me if I ever played it. I told them I did but I didn't care for it and they acted offended and asked why and I told them to look at the screen and tell me how they were enjoying mopping the floor. They all looked at the screen and then stopped asking why. Then later they went online and asked if i just played online and i said i did until the shark cards made it unplayable unless you bought a bunch of them and they defended it while also admitting they didn't find the game very fun online but still dropped at least 100 USD on shark cards just to be competitive. Then they went back to mopping the floor.

Long story short if you enjoy rockstar games you're actually retarded and deserve to mop the floor in your fucking video game.

yes, red dead 2's missions suck and its open world gameplay sucks

if the story doesn't hook you this might be the most unremarkable rockstar game ever made

medium > not dead yet

>recently came out as transgender
I gotta admit, it's pretty brave.

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Saintlike>Not Dead Yet>Medium

Moby Dick> Literally every other song he's put out

Not dead yet is his worst track unless you're a berserk fanboy. Ya'll homos have no taste. South Dakota represent based on beat alone.

Why can't you just state your own opinions instead of parroting what someone else said?

RDR2 is the prime example of how gameplay takes a back seat to the story. Too bad I don't give a shit about this games story so it means nothing to me.


rockstar has literally never made a good video game

and those people, were Albert Enstein!

Why can't you be straight? No need for pointless questions.

South Dakota > Saintlike > Moby Dick > Medium > Not Dead Yet

Jakey is not all that talented with music unless you like that whole DJ hip hop genre and even then it's shit.

>not uniroincally enjoying internetcore

fuck off, normo

Can he please just make a normal video? I don't give a fuck about his non-existent music career.


people had the same opinion before he shared his
he just talked about it more indepth

Vid when? I need my daily dose of this cute and wholesome Midwestern boy.

Yes but he is a brainlet. I don't like when normies talk about video games. They are unsophisticated and have no in-depth knowledge of what they are talking about.

A tranny meth head.

>I don't like when normies talk about video games. They are unsophisticated and have no in-depth knowledge of what they are talking about
People also like Dunkey for some reason. Even has the Midwestern retard thing too.

he's borderline r9k

Pretty good video when my biggest complaint is his completely pointless sidetrack to white knight for Anthony Burch.

8/10 Good gamer lad

>DJ hip hop
The hell that even mean. Articulate fucker. Don't just slap dipshit genrefications on things because you can't express yourself.

I have been watching Gus Johnson as of late and I really need to know. Is Eddy Burback a Jew? He never states his ethnicity and it's making me angry that there was a Jew in their little friend group.

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My bad. I don't know much about this shitty nig nog genre.

There are games where everything is WACKY AND FUN XDDD and they're called saints row and they suck ass pls kill urself

/r9k/ is full of annoying failed normies and trannies. So you would be correct in both accounts. This dude is not one of us. He was so "bad ass" he cucked his best friend and was some alcoholic meth head obsessed with nig nog music.

Your lack of interest to express your actual thoughts is disappointing although considering where we are it's excusable.

go back to mopping

IIRC the mission on GTA that involves mopping the floor is part of a stake-out for a robbery. What else do you expect them to do? Walk to the clerk and say "Hello, I am video game robbery man, here to rob you! Please show me the easiest access points to this building for my companions and the whereabouts of your vault, thank you!"

Pick your favourite game. I bet you any fucking money it has some boring/menial task as well. Most games do. That's pretty much what games are, you dingus.

How come Jakey seems to have nostalgia for things that should be well beyond his time? Despite his appearance he is only a kid born in gen Z. Jakey is a literal Zoomer.

wow you really mopped the floor with him

Honestly, the best mission in RDR2 is when you need to steal the oil wagon for a train heist. Just because they let you figure out how to get one yourself. I wish they spent more time blending the open world mechanics with the mission design. You don't ever have to hide bodies because they just despawn once you start a mission

Will Gus Johnson save the white race?

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he's like 24

Hate to agree with some youtuber
But he pretty much was right on cockstar's mission design

Gen Y aka Millennials are born between 1980-1994. Gen Z aka Zoomers are 1995 and above. If you are 24 or younger, you are a zoomer.

Millennials are 1996 and older, dummy. If you remember 9/11 you're a millennial.

This comment reads like you found Yea Forums a year ago and think it's a close-knit secret club.

You should be smart enough to know time born has little to do with your environment bearing the brunt of raising you. Or you don't because you're an idiot.

that's like the most bong surname I've ever seen

24 IS zoomer, you dip. When anons on this site make fun of young people, they are talking about you.

underrated post

>How come Jakey seems to have nostalgia for things that should be well beyond his time?
Do you think that when you're born you just ignore the existence of everything that came out beforehand and only experience what came after?

Their original surname was probably something long, complicated, and Jewish before they immigrated here.

What a fucking bigoted moron you are

I dunno, could be. Doesn't really matter regardless, I guess. Seems like a decent guy.

>Do you think that when you're born you just ignore the existence of everything that came out beforehand and only experience what came after?
This is basically the mindset of every young person 24 or younger. They are dipshits that have bad taste in everything, loves Fortnite/Minecraft, and reject everything that appears even slightly dated.

Hi Burback. Begone from this website. Your kind is not allowed.

I've never met anyone who thought like this that wasn't 8 years-old.

Yikes and Jewpilled.

Hey minecraft is a good game nigger.
T. 36 year old

how is that any different from what you do which is hate everything new

Obviously yes.


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Absolutely. Every single argument he makes in his video is 100% valid. I think he was too soft on the story and characters, but all of the gameplay elements he pointed out were all clear, obvious, inarguable problems.
RDR2 was the first game I preorded in like a decade and I was beyond disappointed. I'm done with open world games.

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Saw him recording the video for Not Dead Yet on my way home from work.
Surprisingly the fans that went to see him seemed to be not that autistic and mostly adults (save for a kid or two)

You can mop a floor in Hitman and Mafia 2, because it's a part of a mission and because you gotta blend in. Same shit in GTA V. Use your brain user.

He looks like that girl with the swollen head who memed her boyfriend into killing himself.

He's a LITTLE bit of a basic bitch but I'm fine with anything that redpills more of these barely sentient sheep who slurp up anything Rockstar shits out and calls it solid gold.

>he posts something asking for video ideas
>message him one
>he tells me it's a good idea but to make it myself since I seem to care a lot about it
I felt a little hurt and I don't know why desu am I autistic?

I was gonna go and see Jakey but my social anxiety kicked in and decided against it. Kind of glad though. They all seem nice but they all looked too much on the spectrum.

The camps were a massive wasted potential.
Compare that to the Normandy in Mass Effect 2 where upgrades and doing mission your crew gives you actually matters.

He's either just being polite or being a good dude that's encouraging you. I wouldn't take it negatively.

Understandable however if everyone was on the spectrum you wouldn't have felt that out of place. Good company and all that. You only get one life user. Do things even if they scare you.

Okay faggot, I still love their games.

yes, all of it

>"I'm just like my friends"
>album title is Dead Friends

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Doesn't he compare a gta 3 mission to rdr2

San Andrea's exists.

Considering the fuck all to do in South Dakota I wouldn't be surprised if that was really the case.

No, he's a pretentious onions boy

The Not Dead Yet video is cringe as fuck. His "dance" moves make him look like a farmer's market Jeff Hardy wanna be. I won't judge the music but I'll say it isn't for me.

>no Cafeteria

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p e a c e k e e p e r

If I was born in the midwest, I would become a meth head and kill myself too.

Yes, Rockstar needs to stop being faggots about their missions and failing the player for the slightest detour from the intended path.

Jakey does meth?

>His "dance" moves make him look like a farmer's market Jeff Hardy wanna be
That's supposed to be the point really.

And then everyone clapped

Let me guess, you live on the coast

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Used to. He had a friend/drug dealer that gave him meth and alcohol whenever he needed it. His friend killed himself.

No. Him and his cronies are genuinely unfunny.

he looks kinda polish, like mike "the nigger grave digger" solaska

Source on this?

It's pretty genius of you look at it encouragingly.
Get people excited for their best idea. Then be like "what's stopping you from doing it yourself, faggot."

You should judge the music as it's just sampling the Guts theme from Berserk (great manga btw) and the dance is based off of a meme video of techno goths dancing under a bridge.

Eat shit. I was born in 2001 and some of my favorite games are OoT, Doom, and MGS. Hell I fucking grew up with the N64 until I got a GC in 2006.

Just because a lot of people do something, doesn't make it less cringy. Bronies for example.

State enforced homosexuality

Here you go. He also did a music video based on said events. It's called Medium.


stop posing as a fucking 90s kid

He's making fun of those technogoth people who dance under bridges and stuff.

What? His opinions are as valid as anyone else’s

>what's stopping you from doing it yourself, faggot
Well you see user, I don't have confidence in myself to make anything entertaining and haven't done anything productive with my time in a long while.


Jakey is not the mean spirited or satire type. He genuinely loves that shit. That dance is almost referenced in every video including some of the collabs he did with Gus Johnson.


Jakey is based af
Make it urself

>dude i had an n64 in 2005 im a 90s kid
these fags are the worst
just accept the era you were born in and enjoy what you want from it, don't let bitter millennial faggots make you feel obligated to suck up to their bullshit ideas

What's that supposed to mean?
I played OoT on my n64 when I was a lad, beat Doom numerous times and got involved with the mod community, and just recently beat MGS.
People aren't delegated to consuming media that was made within their lifetime.

Then start. No one got anything done by talking about ideas.

It was probably the wrong word then.

>I was born in the wrong generation
You are still a zoomer no matter what. Embrace it.


I didn't say I'm a 90s kid, I'm saying I consumed media that was before my time, refuting the point of the post.

>disliking someone for being an ex addict
Jesus Christ Yea Forums I’d full of shitty people

Yea Forums literally DUDE WEEDS if you mention any drug
why do you expect different from sheltered balding white people with no friends / social circles

Shit this reads like someone that just found Yea Forums like a month ago and dove right into WE AR ANONIMYS WE WUZ LEGION-tier retardation. Neck yourself my dude or try reddit.

That’s nuts.
I never cared about his music, I wish he still made videos about games and shit.

>memes are ideology

Who said he stopped?

Shut the fuck up newfag

What are some video games with powerful crossovers, Yea Forums?

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>memes are a valid substitution for discussion or a front for me not having anything substantial to say
just don't post, retard

I fucking love rdr2 but he's 100% right

he's also the best video game youtuber at the moment, just wish he'd make more content

moby dick is a legitimately great song
all his stuff is good except his most recent one

Yes, but the story was what made the game compelling, R* have had dogshit missions forever, I don't understand why this is the one that surprised people.

I wanted to see the video he was making in the snow that he posted snippets to.
It was a cool aesthetic and I want to ape it for my own stuff. Would it be sketchy to buy a ski mask in August after 2 mass shootings?

What does Jakey smell like? What does Oney smell like?

>that time his fanbase had a meltdown over a hug

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what was the point of the video
why was he in goth boy makeup

This is your brain on /pol/

cybergoth dance party parody.

>he doesn't know about the cybergoths


anyone else have a crush on jakey? not sure if I want to him be my friend or fuck my asshole

Yes, but the discord zoomies overestimate how bad the problem he's talking about is

Was he right?

That shit was funny. Watching all these retards having their brains melt just by associating with Jon. Are they gonna hate Jakey because he's friends with Chris Ray gun too?

please don't try to derail a nice thread

Hi Eddy!

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Paranoia, another symptom of this terrible disorder.
Truly tragic.

based jakey never responded to their outrage, which is the best thing you can do.

*ahem* Etika Sticky

>look ma I posted the red sign again :^)

100% correct. Game is trash.

How to meet and hang out with jon jakey and oney? I make shit on the internet all the time. Hell I met Jon at magfest a few times when he used to go also the rubberninja Ross guy.

>Then start. No one got anything done by talking about ideas.
I know it sounds autistic but I think if I make it and it's shit i'll just feel like I wasted my time and ruined my ideas.

>channel name alludes to the host being naked
what are some clickbait kinos?

>that qt leather guy at the end of not dead yet

>How to meet and hang out with jon jakey and oney?
Exist in California.

>one of us
God, you're pathetic.

It's is only somewhat delivered.

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Jakey is always fucking right. He's too good

Think about it this way. Whatever you put out is adding to the world. Even the shittiest stuff is better than no stuff.
It takes practice. Just focus on making stuff. No one is born making amazing videos. Hell, even the guy we're talking about made some pretty cringey stuff.

Imagine trying to make a place where you shed your identity part of your identity.


Saintlike > MobyDick > Not Dead Yet > South Dakota > Cafeteria > Medium

I like them all except the "fuckin yo bitch" one desu

Wish someone told me that before I gave up on art.

All of his videos are good. He's kind of like brutalmoose where almost anything he tries just works

Moby Dick > Saintlike > South Dakota > Medium > Cafeteria > Not Dead Yet

do you know the subtext behind it? that may or may not affect your enjoyment of that song

is he also gay like Moose

Source on cucking his friend?

What kind of place is this for a party?

I'm a 96er, and I have nothing to do with these kids.

He's not a normie, he's just cool

Jakey probably smells like Hurricaines and rosemary. Oney probably smells like wet dog.
Stamper smells like depression and heroin



He has older siblings and cousins that he lived with as a kid, they showed him cool shit

everywhere is the place to party

Just keep on going. Any progress is good progress.

I forgot his family are ex Mormons. It explains why he has like seven brothers and sisters despite being white.

I'm pretty sure a bunch of his friends died in a car crash or something

fucking lmao

>Jakeys music getting popular
>Based Shooter will never get well known

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Why yes I do think Oney and Jakey are the only acceptable and likeable e-celebs how could you tell?

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Neither of those is fitzthistlewits.

Based Shooter/NXP fan. He's never going to get popular though, and that's a good thing.

Vice City, San Andreas, GTA IV, Bully, RDR

Saintlike > Moby Dick > Not dead yet > Medium > South Dakota > Candy > Cafeteria

Jakey music fans are fucking delusional. He makes the most middle of the road, generic, Midwest whiteboy music but literally every time someone has to say "but do you know the subtext??"
Wow he fucked his friends gf. Very cool subtext. The song is still suuuper uninteresting

do non whites normally have giant families?

Yeah, at least where I live. Every Spanish or African person has 2 or 3 brothers. Mormons have like 15 kids each.

he could be bi, but that wouldnt change how much i like jakey

>They are unsophisticated and have no in-depth knowledge of what they are talking about.
His video showed more knowledge and depth than the retards on here.

Mormons are typically either White or Polynesians though. In my experience no polynesians every fucked me over and are mostly pretty cool guys.
t. Utahn.

Interesting, thanks

I live in southern Idaho, so yeah. I meant white mormons.

Yes, it should be obvious even to the casuals

Fucking based retard!!!!

He single handedly killed RDR2.

Yes, and his songs are bangin. Saintlike is a 10/10 and he needs more recognition for his older songs


That is just a straight up untruth

Yes, we do need that when playing videogames
Mopping the floor is stimulation
its just boring, shitty stimulation, and its stimulation that im being forced to do when id rather do anything else

cry harder lmao, you know you can do that heist an entirely different way too and the game goes out of its way beforehand to tell you you'll be mopping the floor with this way, and that the whole point of this run is to not do the bang bang shooty you so desperately seem to crave, right?

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You just sound like an autistic sped who can't go a few minutes without doing something he's enthralled in

Unironically, yes. By far one of his best works in terms of analysis.

why did he stop making rap reviews?

>Think about it this way. Whatever you put out is adding to the world. Even the shittiest stuff is better than no stuff.
Not him but I disagree with this idea. There are for sure things that would have been better off not made, or made better.

Is Nakey transitioning? Is he a fag? His last music video makes me worried about his mental health

That's the sign of a nice dude. You're a fucking autismo.

Yeah he was and it fuckin sucks that he was.

I respect that he can admit a game he likes has flaws, even after he hyped to shit out of himself up for it

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>disabling the mini map prompts npc's to give you directions
As lame as it was that this wasn't a feature, did Rockstar ever officially state it was a thing to begin with?

This is a great way to put it. Thankfully the story is one of the most compelling stories in ALL of media, not just video games.

Partially, yes. I love Rockstar games but even with their cinematic approach they could have still made their missions in some areas more open, but they chose not to. What baffles me though is that Jakey was such a big Rockstar fan, making several videos about them, and he expected their new game to radically change the formula from the first Redemption? RDR2 brought a lot of innovation in many areas and doesn't get nearly as much recognition as it deserves. Instead it only gets criticism that focuses mainly on restricted mission design while people ignore other things that should be praised. I agree with a lot of things in his video but when he said that he essentially "played the same game before" while referring to RDR1, I just couldn't take that seriously. Since then everyone parrots the same thing and exaggerates the game's flaws.

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It's weird, it DOES happen in the game but it's completely regardless of whether the map is on or not, and it only happens DURING the traveling part of every mission. "Take a left up here" in the middle of a conversation kinda shit.

what innovation was there?

>one of us
You poor poor soul

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what's the retarded obession with boomer und zoomer?