Anyone else feel like the force powers in Star Wars games could be done WAY better?

Anyone else feel like the force powers in Star Wars games could be done WAY better?
>mfw every game: push, mind control, lightning...

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I think a lot of the problem with the expanded universe in games and in the new Disney movies is that they give the force users way too much power. Read the Thrawn trilogy. Luke is pretty powerful but he still has trouble with things. He isn't omniscient and doubts himself often. The force more or less just amplifies your human abilities and gives you a few abilities like what you mention. Bringing down a star destroyer, etc, is stupid. Jedi aren't gods, they were killed off by stormtroopers, remember.

Blame the prequels for codifying the Force. Good guys use Force Push and Jedi Mind Trick, bad guys use Force Lightning and Force Choke.
Say what you want about The Last Jedi but it at least introduced new concepts like astral projection. It's a shame that the games haven't had the opportunity to take advantage of it because

arent force sensitive people essentially prescient? I thought that was how they could deflect shots etc. Would be cool if games explored that more somehow

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Yea they are, I don't know why this is not explored more with slo mo

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Most of the games don't have combat suited to really utilize slow-mo in this way.

I blame the Order for saying that's the only way good Force users can use their powers. You're vilified if you go against their teachings, so it's not like Jedis really know anything else.

Why's she so much cuter than that cokehead slag that played Rey in the movies?

I like that new RLM prediction video saying the new movie will go full timetravel. the more fucked up the disney shit gets the better spectacle I say.


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there is a severe lack of alien "research" hentai in the world.

She's got used by Weinstein way too much

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Because she was hired 100% for looks because she doesn't have to act.

I've only played Rogue Squadron.
What are some essential stah wahs games? I'm already planning on playing KOTOR.

>theme park reys literally have to stay in character with thousands of people interacting with them trying to break their character
>can’t act
Explain this nonsense

KOTOR 1 & 2
Jedi Knight
Jedi Knight Academy
Republic Commando
Empire At War

Because she's not making this face throughout that webm.

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what's the real story with this video?

It could work great in a turn based game, with creative uses of the force onf the environment.

It's her actual audition tape

She is making this expression :3

Because the force would be too strong otherwise.

If Anakin/Vader were the strongest users, they would have never lost and would have singlehandedly taken over the universe. Vader in the comics was OP as fuck. And Anakin is supposed to be stronger than Vader.

There would be no use for lightabers. Just dropping Vader onto the battlefield would be enough for the enemy to surrender.

The force is too strong and should have never been created. Or, at the very least, they should have made it so that even when you are super in tune with the force, you can do little more than throw an object or heighten your senses.


Because Rey is supposed to be challenging traditional standards of beauty or some shit (be ugly), that's why they went super woke by pairing an ugly nigger with an ugly fat chink instead of just normal woke by pairing an ugly nigger with an attractive white woman and instead opting to pair an ugly white woman with a big nosed jew.


I wish she'd whisper in my ear ;_;

Thanks for introducing quest markers.

that's how it was in the original trilogy. Al force users were pretty much buddhist monks who spent their life training for very modest psychokinetic feats.
With time it became more and more vulgarized and the force users were younger and younger.
It started with anakin in the prequel who was younger than any other jedi, then the baby jedis in episode 3.
Videogames accelerated the degeneracy.
Now you have that stupid videogame with a retarded teenager literally owning a whole army of stormtroopers while craking stupid jokes and videogame memes.

like most AAA actresses, diddley is a child of aristocracy.
Aristocracy still rules the west, it's just hidden nowadays.

Every time you see a new young actor or actress getting a big break in a big money movie, you can be sure she's not just anybody.

How is daisy aristocratic?

what did she say to the little boy?

'Want mommy to rub your PP, little man?'

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i still'd tap her

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Has a girl ever been this close to your haha