What's your favourite LEGO game?
Mine is Lego StarWars the complete saga.

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Whichever was the one that had both Star Wars trilogies. Everything after that just lacked creativity, and it showed because the characters actually spoke.

I had the Lego Batman game on Wii.
There was a glitch that let you duplicate characters so I had lots of fun with that.

This. The characters speaking just feels wrong.

Lego star wars 2 was my favourite but recently I enjoyed marvel superheros 2, voices were a mistake

Do you 100% these games?

That was Complete Saga
Thankfully, TT Games have said they're thinking about mumbles being an option for the next game.

Only Complete Saga, I don't remember getting 100% on anything else

Lego Rock Band

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LEGO Universe was the shit
I really really hope Darkflame Universe actually get somewhere with their revival project.

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LEGO Batman 2
Don't care about the characters being voiced starting with that game, provided it's their regular VAs in other media or original voices and not the shit where they reuse clips from the movies
Nope, something bad always happens when I try to, so I usually just do the main story and nothing else these days

I really hope the skywalker saga is going to be as good as the complete saga. But idk if they add voices it can't be nearly as good..


>tfw all those cool figures from these games that will never get released irl

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Lego Star Wars: The Video Game

It had SOUL

Can't wait for the Skywalker Saga.

I think the only one I ever actually 100%ed was Pirates of the Caribbean.

>nuStar Wars anything
Pick one

I loved that secret level in Lego Indiana Jones though.

What do you guys think was the worst LEGO game? For me, it has to be Indiana Jones 2. God damn, I was disappointed by that game and its pathetic excuse for levels.

>Making a subscription based Lego game for kids
I loved playing Universe, but that was such a retarded business strategy

Hobbit. Was missing content from third movie. Not to mention that the Hobbit was disappointing in general.

Complete Saga and Lego Island 2
>mfw we'll never have a game again that is set in various real-life Lego themes

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I love LEGO games and played a bunch of them, here are my hot opinions

how is lego worlds

Complete Saga was definitely the peak I feel. I tried Indiana Jones and Batman after but I just didn't get the same level of enjoyment, but that's probably just me.

Really looking forward to the Skywalker Saga though, everything I'm hearing sounds fantastic.

>Lego Racers
Good shit, memorable soundtrack and good use of original characters.
>Lego Soccer
EVERYBODY IS HERE version of Lego, make sure to turn off items to make it more fun.
>Lego Star Wars Complete Saga
The definitive licensed game. Has a fuckhuge cast of diverse characters and whoopin six chapters to choose from. Plenty of content to keep you busy and sane character unlocks
>Lego Harry Potter
Pretty good game, has a good balance between its unique mechanics and returning ones like item collection. The overworld is fucking huge and you can get easily lost. Free Play is a bitch because you need to wait until much later to have all the required characters
>Lego Batman
Average, has some good roster picks
>Lego Batman 2
Tried to go for an open world but getting all the golden bricks was really awful due to a lackluster map and radar systems. Beyond that it was your standard "batfag who never picked up a superman book in his life" story. Mediocre cast that doesn't take advantage of the cool character specific powers
>Lego Batman 3
Cyborg and Robin were annoying as shit, the cast is a huge step up from Lego Batman 2 and it actually explored unique powers. The space exploration postgame was the right way to do open world and I am fucking pissed that they saved it for the very end
>Lego Pirates
Took some liberties here and there but it is a solid game. My biggest complaint is how Black Beard is the only character with red brick access and he is only unlocked at the very end.


No voice acting >>>>>>>>>>> Voice Acting

I don't know what the fuck were they thinking by ditching the quirky body language cutscenes.

I have 100% all of them so far. My next games will be Harry Potter 5-7, Lord of the Rings and (finally) Indiana Jones which I kept procrastinating for even though it is one of the oldest.

TT: Lego Marvel Super Heroes
TT Fusion: Lego City Undercover
I've heard good things about the actual content in Lego Dimensions, but I ain't touching that until someone hacks it to not require the toys.
The Skywalker Saga looks promising

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So far it was Lego Batman 2. The Wii version just didn't worked well and had loading screens for separate parts of the overworld. Even with the radar, finding some of the blocks was bullshit because of how imprecise the map was (compare it to something like Bully and it is like night and day). The cast was pretty underwhelming and I was disappointed to see characters like Green Lantern and Scarecrow being wasted potential. Not being able to skip cut scenes immediately also sucked.